Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 11 - Beloved Kuthumi - August 16, 1958

The Love of Wisdom

Beloved of the Light,

Tonight I should like to bring you a gift of my impartation of divine love not only in worded expression but also by radiation. This includes the wisdom that divine love has imparted to me, which I am sure will give you much more God-illumination than you have had in the past. And I so decree that this shall be!

Quite naturally, your own beloved I AM Presence (your individualized God Source) is wholly pure and perfect as it first came forth from the Father-Mother God. And yet the great purity and perfection of the Presence is constantly being expanded and amplified, for the Presence has continued to blaze forth the light through and beyond all aeons of time and timelessness. That Presence knows the reality of divine love and the fullness of its expression!

There is much talk among people today, particularly those in religious circles, about the expression of divine love. And there is also much misunderstanding concerning such expression!

The ascended masters’ definition of divine love is personal and impersonal friendship and individual and universal kindness. Divine love is not only sweet words and gentle manners, but divine love is helpful action when and where it is needed most. It is never a negative quality, that of not doing that which is right; it is a most positive quality, expressing itself actively in practical everyday living.

Divine love expresses itself in many ways, one of the greatest of those being, as we have said, in practical service, although it is also true that sometimes divine love expresses itself in just patient waiting. Its perfect expression depends upon its willingness to fill the particular need of the moment.

This evening let us consider for a little while the love of wisdom. You express love for this God-virtue by applying its teachings in your own world and in helping others to apply it in their worlds. Thus by your example and by your explanation does wisdom and the love of wisdom prosper.

Truly, knowledge unused passes from the mind. And such negligence of and indifference toward a God-gift becomes a great karmic debt to the individual who was the recipient thereof. Like a child demanding more food while there still remains much on his plate uneaten, so are the masses of mankind ever calling for more and more knowledge (education, as they call it) while so much of what they now possess is put either to no good use or to no use at all.

Some of the distressing conditions that plague people today are the result of this lack of appreciation and wise use of what they have already received. I assure you that the atmosphere of the planet itself is quite full of so much constructive knowledge and informative data that, if mankind would put it to practical use, it would transform this physical appearance world into a place of such beauty, peace and perfection that it would be scarcely recognized by those who inhabit the earth at this time. If they could go to sleep one night and awaken the next morning with all of these possible changes having been made manifest to their physical sight, they would not only be amazed but truly delighted!

For some time I have served as the chohan (lord) of the second ray and equally so with my brother the beloved El Morya in the cooperative service that is given to mankind by the Great White Brotherhood, as we endeavor to bring God-peace and the understanding of Christ’s brotherhood to all people the world around.

And in joint service with beloved Jesus, as our lifestreams now serve together as World Teachers under the office of the Cosmic Christ, I am planning a gigantic outpouring of divine wisdom to all earth’s evolutions. This illumination will be sustained and expanded by us until it will eventually saturate the planet itself, its atmosphere and all its evolutions with illumination’s golden flame, compelling all to know the Truth. And as the permanent golden age expands according to the will of God and man, it will compel all to become Truth also!

Because of the limited consciousness of the masses of mankind, our endeavors to assist them have not always been understood. Of course, in our unlimited consciousness and power of inner sight and hearing, we see that so much of mankind’s attention, which is the outpouring of his own life to everything and everyone upon whom that attention is fixed, is caught and held by the various manifestations of form that he sees about him, most of which have become (in this workaday world) shadows and misconcepts of real truth.

While truth is light itself and light is God in action, truth is the only reality there is; moreover, it is everywhere present. However, because mankind has the God-given gift of free will, he has the power and authority in this octave to qualify life (light) with that which he desires to manifest, either light or shadow.

The shadows of human misunderstanding and distorted ideas about the Godhead and his will for his creation have been allowed to accumulate for so long on this dear earth that they have formed a density of shadow around the light, in some cases so heavy as to have become solidified! Thus, by mankind’s constant revolving of what either he or those about him think and believe to be true, shadow and error are intensified and they have been for many ages. Thus the accumulations are gross, and his senses wax gross.

You see, mankind gather information from appearances, from the press, and from their acceptance of the prevailing opinions of the mass mind. Feeding on each other, these then become the sources of error and erroneous information and the disseminators of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of God’s laws of truth. So, right while they are in the presence of Truth (all Christly good), mankind, in their forgetfulness of their Source and their reason for being, continue to scatter the seeds of error so that many times they grow side by side with Truth and Christly good. The wise man or woman will mentally sort the wheat from the chaff.

Sons and daughters of the light, it has been truly written that the wisdom of God often appears foolish to unascended beings.1 But if they will consciously accept, understand and use the true wisdom of God as we reveal it to them, they will find it to be the wisdom of love that has practical application in all that they do.

Always remember that the original plan of perfection, which the Father-Mother God created out of the white-fire Being for each lifestream, remains at inner levels of consciousness as an eternal blueprint of that glory whence each lifestream originally came and to which the soul must one day return, fulfilling the divine law of the circle.

All must eventually return to the Source. Since divine perfection is the only law that is operative in the realms above the human, there can be no change in the perfection of the I AM Presence of each one but only the continuous amplification of such perfection.

While I served as chohan of the second ray, it was my great privilege and opportunity to take under my tutelage “beginners” on the Path both here in the outer world and at inner levels in my retreat (at night while their physical bodies slept). I gave my loving assistance to all who would receive it, that they might gain a clearer and quicker understanding of truth. I have always been and I always will be most ready and willing to be a God-friend to all servants of the light, and I shall give all the help the Great Law will allow me to give to any and all who desire it from me, not only beginners on the Path but also advanced students.

Of course, it is good to desire more knowledge and wisdom, which accrue from the right use (i.e., the righteousness) of both knowledge and wisdom. For knowledge and wisdom are much required by mankind in every avenue of life’s expression on earth today. Thus, the present desire for higher education by more of the people, the search for and determination to have more knowledge concerning this world and its affairs is good. For wisdom is one of the principal virtues of our God, who is light. As mankind seek it, so do they find it. And this is godlike indeed, to desire to have and to expand more light. For the light of wisdom eventuates in en-light-en-ment!

However, there is always the imperative need for balance in all of mankind’s activities and particularly in his search for the things of the Spirit. For this dear earth and her evolutions are now entering an era in which more and more of God’s perfection can be expressed, even in outer manifestation, through every channel and walk of life, if they choose to take the opportunity at hand.

You see, everything that is done by the Father and his divine messengers is always perfectly done, because it is expressed in the perfect balance of love, wisdom and power, the qualities of the holy Trinity, which are the nature of the immortal threefold flame of eternal truth anchored within each beating heart.

Now with the coming to mankind of the transcendent gift of the knowledge of their own individualized I AM Presence, there has also come a tremendous safeguard in all their application of its laws to their daily living. For when they shall call to their own beloved I AM Presence for any assistance whatsoever, that Presence will compel perfect balance to manifest in the answers to their calls.

So, in all your applications (calls, prayers or decrees) be sure always to call first to your own I AM Presence. For this will bring you and allow you to hold an ever increasing God-balance in your body, mind and feelings, and in your world and affairs.


I am sure that the students of the ascended masters understand very clearly that never could there possibly be any thought or feeling of criticism or blame from us toward any child of God, no matter how many mistakes he may have made or how misguided he may have been or still is.

We see so well how the shadows of past miscreation, misunderstanding and mistake of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed many times completely encase the consciousness of an individual within an actual hard shell of misqualified substance, shutting off his outer consciousness from a great deal of the light from his Source and the inflow into his world and affairs of the good gifts his Creator wants him to have.

Yet, so powerful is the pure light of divine love that can be sent at will from the threefold flame in the heart that the weakest prayer or call or decree directed earnestly to God from the heart, as the individual sincerely believes in him, releases a tiny ray of light, but nevertheless a ray that not only can but does actually pierce right through this hard shell of human creation, although the diameter of this ray may be no wider than that of a needle. This tiny beam of light instantly penetrates the hardest solidification of human effluvia and does reach the heart of the Father himself.

Every call is answered instantaneously. For the Law and the great Lawgiver state: “Call unto me and I will answer you!” “Ask and ye shall receive.”2 For the light of God cannot fail! His answer returns instantaneously to the one making the call. It returns in a mighty outpouring, considerably amplified in volume of light and love in comparison to the tiny ray sent forth. It is qualified with whatever is required to answer the prayer, call or decree in keeping with God’s will.

From this you can get some idea of the loving generosity of the Father and his intense interest in the welfare of all of his children. To emulate this God-virtue in oneself, of loving concern for the welfare of God’s children on earth, is to become more and more a fulfillment of beloved Jesus’ decree, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”3

However, the more assurance and confidence one has in the actual living Presence of the heavenly Father, in the call that compels the answer and in the divine messengers of love who but live to do his will, and the more absolute that one’s faith is in the unfailing answer to his call—the greater will be the shaft of light that goes forth from the heart and mind of that one.

So, as the shaft of light widens as the call goes forth for assistance, so does there return to the student a correspondingly greater release of God’s light and power of accomplishment to answer his calls and supply all his needs.

Therefore, in sending forth your prayers, calls or decrees to heaven’s throne, it is wise for you to first still the outer self before entering into this God-connection. Realize before you make the call that it cannot fail to be answered and that it will be answered in God’s own wisdom and God’s own way. In the great joy that such a realization brings and in the joyous feeling of acceptance of whatever God’s answer will be, there is created the means through which the answer to your call may quickly come into your world.

All of us who have attained to the ascended master estate love to give of ourselves and to serve all life, wherever we are given opportunity so to do. For it is only in giving of ourselves that our light and love may expand in our realms as well as in yours here. You see, it is the law of life that only by giving of oneself can one’s good expand.

Therefore, if you would be like us, you must develop this same outlook of loving to set life free and you must have the same desire to be of personal-impersonal service to life. To be able to do this you must become strong as an individual. You must become strong in, by and for the light, knowing that your strength cometh from the LORD, your mighty I AM Presence. You need to be able to think things through and stand on your own two feet and make your own decisions based on a solid and unerring and unwavering contact with your Holy Christ Self. Never lean upon another’s personality and their humanly qualified thoughts, feelings, words and suggestions. Thus will you develop your own strengths and powers from within so that you may be a firm staff of kindly and generous support to others when you are asked to do so.

It would be wise for all of you who desire to become like us to consider the importance of consciously placing your hand in the hand of your own God Presence each morning, asking your I AM Presence with deliberation not to let go of your hand while the attention of your outer self may be caught and held upon some necessary service you are giving to life here below.

Perhaps some who read these words will think us to be fanciful indeed in our talk to you today. They may consider such a practice of placing your hand in the hand of your Presence quite impractical. I assure you it will not be so if with earnest childlike simplicity and sincerity, regardless of your age or station in life, you will daily ask your I AM Presence to hold your hand throughout the day.

If you do this, you may be amazed to notice that during the day the I AM Presence will cause you to think of God perhaps for just a fleeting moment, causing you to turn your attention to the glorious God Self. At that moment, through your attention turned to God, you give your Presence the opportunity, even though briefly, to flood your world with another ray of light and perfection containing within it all the good your world requires.

Just try it and see for yourself how this works! “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”4 Your constancy expressed in this practice will prove the truth of my words to you today.

Since in the ascended state we are one with the consciousness of the perfection of your own beloved I AM Presence, we too hold out our hands to you, offering you all the full-gathered momentums of the specialized God-virtues of truth and wisdom developed by us all through the ages during which we too had earthly embodiment. We have now become the fullness of these virtues expressed, and we do hope that you will also choose to ask one or more of us to take your hand as you actually extend it to us.

By such a connection of consciousness between us made possible by your turning your attention to us rhythmically day after day, you allow us to give you our feelings of loving brotherhood expressed to all life. Thus are you more quickly able to emulate our way of life in your relationships with one another.

The ascended masters are real friends to all! O beloved ones, try to realize how very real we are, just what we have become, and the tremendous assistance we can be to you even though we may be invisible as yet to the eyes of unascended mankind. Fortunate indeed are you whose light has been protected, sustained and even expanded by the love of some great being who has gone before you into the realms of light.

Most of those lifestreams who have accepted and desired to serve the activities of the Great White Brotherhood that have been brought forth within the last twenty-five years have been in close association with many divine avatars here on earth in past embodiments, for instance the beloved Jesus and Gautama Buddha.

Therefore, the light within your own heart knows the reality of our Presence. Even though you may not yet be able to hear or see us at will with your own inner sight and hearing, you feel our radiation, which is the proof of our Presence to you. For a gift must have a giver!

However, there are those among mankind who have not been so fortunate as you, many who would like to be able to feel the assurance you do and yet can neither see, hear nor feel the radiation of our light and love as we would so love to have them do. Some have never even heard of our presence in the universe, and others, having heard, cannot believe it. This inability to accept our reality is caused, of course, by the density of human effluvia about them. And it is this very density that we would so love mankind to allow us to help them dissolve.

Those of the students on the Path who have been fortunate enough to have accepted our assistance all through the years need no assurance of our reality. For they have felt, experienced and enjoyed the actual physical manifestations of calls answered by their I AM Presence and by us—manifestations of protection, guidance, healing and the supply of much good that has come to them from the order of the Brothers of the Golden Robe of Christ-illumination, of which I am a humble member.

As I came to you tonight, I invited twelve of the Brothers of the Golden Robe to come with me, and they are here. So may every gracious reader of my words accept the radiation into their worlds right now of our feelings of adoration to God and gratitude for the use of his life. This radiation of our love and light shall completely saturate your entire beings and worlds if you will consciously accept it and allow it so to do.

Just stop here a moment and, closing your eyes, visualize the dazzling, sparkling golden flame of illumination flooding from us into the chalice of your own heart, expanding out into your worlds like a blazing golden sun for at least nine feet on every side. Then without tension try to feel your four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional and physical) absorb that wisdom, peace and love.

Tonight we are also calling for the violet transmuting flame to be blazed in, through and around your four lower bodies while we are speaking to you, and we decree that that merciful blessing be expanded to include not only all mankind but the nature kingdom as well. It is the desire of all who are assisting in the purification of this dear earth—and most certainly it is my personal desire, too—to see all nature outpicturing the perfection of God’s divine plan held for her within the original God-design for every living creature and growing thing here.

When this outpicturing does come about in the not too distant future, it will be apparent to all that God’s light and love are glistening on every tree and plant as nature’s gift to life, and that his joy and happiness are expressing through the trilling of every birdsong and filling the atmosphere everywhere with the perfume of the flowers, which is God’s sacred breath.

Many of you know that as Saint Francis of Assisi I endeavored with all the power of my being to emulate the life and teachings of our beloved Jesus, whom I loved with all my heart. Naturally, my constant adoration to him drew from that blessed one tremendous releases of his light and love, which mounted in momentum even about my physical form.

So great did his radiation about me become that sometimes as I would be pouring out a heartfelt blessing to all nature, particularly to the fowls of the air, sometimes the birds that I was blessing would fly above me in the formation of a cross, symbolical of Jesus’ blessing to all life.

As a matter of truth, the cross was never intended by God to be considered as a negative expression of the Christ life but as a symbol of the perfect man as he came here in the beginning, with arms outstretched in blessing to life everywhere.

In this case, the physical form would be the perpendicular shaft, the ray of light from God’s heart. The crossbar would be the outstretched arms raised shoulder high, releasing the blessings of the sun of each one’s own being from the heart, which focus is at the center of the crossing of the two shafts of light. Many of the orthodox churches use crosses that have a circle around the place of crossing of the upright and horizontal bars. The cross should really be a form of blazing light flooding forth its blessings to all.

Beloved ones who love the light and who desire to serve it to fulfill your own divine plan as well as helping others to do the same, let us have nothing to do with the “disease of delay,” as beloved Morya calls procrastination! Take full advantage daily of the opportunities offered you by us now. And one day when the fullness of the manifestations you do desire are apparent to you, even to your physical sight, you will be grateful that you began and then continued when you did.

Remember the five foolish virgins,5 who when they had opportunity to do so did not buy the oil for their lamps. They planned to do it some other time, some time later. Then when the bridegroom came they had no oil in their lamps to illumine their way to the wedding feast. The five foolish virgins represent the vacillating and procrastinating five human senses of the outer consciousness, which are often lethargic and would just rather “let things ride” as they are than bestir themselves to prepare for the days ahead.

Dear hearts, your Holy Christ Self, the anchorage of your God Presence I AM, is focused within your very own beating hearts. No one but yourself can give authority to that Christ Presence to express through you in full possession of your world. For you have the God-gift of free will, which is always paramount in your world, which we always respect and obey.

As we have said so often, we can help you and we want to help you by the radiation into your worlds of the actual substance of our light and love and our feelings of light’s perfection. However, to receive our blessing you must first have a desire to be like us and consciously accept our help. Then you must make daily conscious use of the violet transmuting flame to remove the causes and cores of those shadows of human creation that seem to separate you from us and our perfection, replacing them by the perfection that you once knew and had with the Father in the beginning of your individualization before you first took embodiment here. Then, when you call to us for help, even to expand this violet fire, we answer instantly.

If you can serve with harmonious cooperation with others of like interest (of course, there is power in numbers as well as encouragement and loving assistance one to the other), such cooperative endeavor moves each individual in that group forward much more quickly to complete victory. When such cooperative activity is manifest, it also allows those of us of the ascended host to release more assistance to each one in the group as well as to the entire group collectively.

Why is this so? Because the energies of more people calling or singing to us at one time makes a greater demand upon our energies than a single call coming up to us. Do you see? Therefore, we are able to give more to the many, and each individual is the recipient of more light in this way.

Remember always that the golden flame of illumination,God-wisdom, is never far away! It is ever present in every cell of your being as well as being focused within the golden plume of the immortal threefold flame of eternal Truth within your beating heart.

We would also call your attention to the presence and loving assistance of the angelic host, which are ever available to you. For the angels are always around those who live as harmoniously as possible. Feelings of harmony, divine love, and beauty of environment, these all magnetize the loving presence of the angels; for they live always and only in God peace.

So tonight as I bid you a fond good evening, I am flooding into your world and those of all who shall read my words in the future the full power of the God-illumination contained within my words to you, this to be eternally sustained and all powerfully active for your blessing, ever expanding those blessings to all you contact until you stand with us in our octave of light ascended and free! Remember, God always answers every call!

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuthumi was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, August 16, 1958.

1. I Cor. 1:17-31; 2:9-14.

2. Job 13:22; 14:15; Ps. 91:15; Jer. 33:3.

3. Matt. 5:48.

4. John 13:17.

5. Matt. 25:1-13.

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