Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 29 - Beloved Saint Germain - December 19, 1958

Communion with Jesus Christ
and the Three Wise Men

The Sealing of the Chelas in Saint Germain’s
Purple Fiery Heart

Most lovingly do I greet your dear spirits as they meet with mine in the turning of your attention (which is your life) to my words herein. With my own I bring you the loving greetings of all the ascended ones who are serving with us in the freeing of your dear earth today. These greetings are not just words but take the form of an actual release of our life essence into your individual worlds. They are the vital fires of our divine love and the gathered momentums of some specialized God-virtue of perfection that enabled us to achieve our personal ascension in the light.

As one of those so privileged to have been a part of that first Christmas,1 I turn my thoughts, as that season returns each year, to the old, old and yet ever-new pageant of that God-event: the birth of the Christ Child.

The true Christmas story, however, is far more than a mere pageant. It always brings a vibrant, ever-living exaltation of spirit to any and all who will humbly and gratefully take a few moments to fix their attention upon the realization of its symbology. For the Christmas story must one day take place for every one of the presently unascended children of light of earth.

Christmas, and each succeeding celebration of the Christ Mass, is the conscious release of the Christ nature of and through the supplicant into visible, tangible expression within the heart. Allowing the Christ Self to radiate its full power of masterful divine love through the outer form and consciousness (personality), the soul, one with that Christ Self, lifts and raises all it contacts. Thus is the Word, the I AM THAT I AM, become flesh, and thus it does dwell among us!2

It is particularly important that you allow this Christ-release, which is most powerfully accessible at winter solstice, to be made manifest in your lives, beloved chelas; even as it is fundamental that by the continuous daily use of the violet transmuting flame you keep on keeping on in the purifying of your worlds until that Holy Christ Self (abiding within the immortal threefold flame of Truth within your beating heart) stands forth visible and tangible to all who look upon you. Then shall you be known by your works, as was the beloved Jesus, and not by words alone.3 Then shall your outer self become a divine magnet to draw into our light those whom you can so mightily assist.

The three wise men, all of whom are now ascended—Melchior, beloved Morya; Balthazar, beloved Kuthumi; and Caspar, beloved Djwal Kul, better known perhaps as “the Tibetan”—were those illumined lifestreams who followed the still, small voice within, the promptings of their inner Christ Presence. This divine wisdom drew them, each one, from their comfortable and accustomed abodes in various parts of the Orient to embark upon a solitary journey through dangerous and bandit-infested mountain passes and lonely desert wastes until they converged at the same place at the same (right) time.

They came not only to pay loving homage to beloved Jesus, who was to become the King of kings—that is, the key to the incarnation of the Word who is God—of the Piscean age but also to give certain necessary spiritual radiations which were to bless the Holy Family at that and a later time.

Although the wise men brought their costly as well as symbolical physical gifts, far more important were their gifts of subtle and unseen radiations, which they, as masterful instruments, delivered from God on high to our newborn son—the radiations of the holy Trinity and of faith, hope and charity. In addition they bestowed upon him the full-gathered momentums of the good of their own causal bodies, which they then freely offered to the Christ, Jesus (i.e., the Holy Christ Self of Jesus), that he might later use in his magnificent ministry to all life.

The enigmatical star of the East was a focus of the light of beloved Jesus’ own I AM Presence, which manifested at his birth as a star made visible to the sight of those on earth. It acknowledged the coming of Jesus’ lifestream into physical embodiment, thus allowing his tremendously illumined consciousness to blaze its light into the hearts and minds and souls of all the evolutions of this world. As that light increased ever more powerfully throughout his early years and then expanded with Christic intensity through his glorious ministry, it permanently raised not only mankind and the elemental life evolving here but even the atomic substance of the planet itself into a better and more en‑light‑ened way of life.

It is an axiom of cosmic law that one becomes that upon which his attention is fixed. Knowing this, let our conscious chelas be willing to give a little time each day, especially during the Christmas season, to the contemplation not only of the coming of Jesus’ lifestream into the world but also to the coming of those selfless, faith-filled and willingly obedient sponsors of the Christ Child in him and all sons of God, the Magi.

In so doing, let our chelas in such union of thought and feeling, their eyes fixed one-pointedly upon the star of their own beloved I AM Presence, actually merge their consciousness with that of the ascended Jesus Christ and the three wise men now ascended. This communion with the saints will do much to hasten the eternal victory of each one who is willing to enter their wise dominion of consciousness applied to daily affairs.

Today I am calling to our beloved Holy Amethyst, twin flame of beloved Zadkiel, archangel of the violet fire, to flood your entire beings and worlds now and all ways with her feeling of that forgiving, healing love which is the very nature of the violet fire itself, which she truly embodies. Moreover, today my own beloved Portia, Goddess of Justice, and I seal each one of you within a beautiful and sizeable focus of our purple fiery heart, the thoughtform and symbol of our heart chakras, which we often use when assisting our chelas.

You may abide in this purifying, protective focus of the auric emanations of our masterful love until the victory of your ascension is complete. Living therein, you will experience more and more divine justice in your worlds, enhanced by your daily violet-flame decrees transmuting the karma of all injustice, and you will enjoy complete freedom from the unjust, hence unnecessary, distresses of the human consciousness. Thus shall your way be made easier, happier and much more God-successful in all you undertake.

Stop right here and, just for a moment, try to feel the reality of these gifts which we have given you today and which are yours for all eternity. For they shall surely tangibly manifest for you whenever your outer self will fully accept them. These gifts are as real as life itself and far more precious than any things of this world you might receive. Besides, as you claim them, our gifts, which are of the eternal Spirit, shall remain with you forever to expand and expand and expand!

Consciously call forth, acknowledge, affirm and acclaim this purple fiery heart and visualize it around yourself as well as around all whom you think of or contact. Abide there in our comforting violet flame of Cosmic Christ peace and that complete trust and rest which comes with the realization of the omnipresence of divine love watching over you and yours every hour, not only at Christmas but all through the years to come.

I AM your ever-present and unfailing friend of the ages—
The Ascended Master Saint Germain

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, father of Jesus.

2. John 1:14.

3. James 2:14-26.

Beloved and Gracious Reader:

At this dear season of the year
  We’re grateful for your presence here,
Helping us expand on earth
  The light in all, as their Christ-birth.

And as we give to all the others
  (Friends, associates, parents, brothers)
Let’s not forget our gift to give
  To Him—who showed us how to live!

Our gratitude to Him is shown
  By his God-truth which we’ve made known
To all the rest of the sons of men
  That living so, they shall be free again!

A very Merry Christmas to you all—from our staff!

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