Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 2  No. 2  -  Great Divine Director  -  January 16, 1959


Our beloved Great Divine Director speaks:

Deep in the heart of the African jungle, it is quite possible that a very beautiful diamond would be little valued by the natives there. Of course, since attraction to light is inherent within the life of all men, such lifestreams might admire its flashing brilliance, but to them it would be of small practical value n their everyday living. However, in the more “civilized” marts of the world, such a gem would be of tremendous interest, admiration and value, as well as being much sought after.

Now, so much more valuable than a mere diamond (which, after all, is but the condensation of certain elements of this world that there is really no good comparison) is the divine destiny of every man—that glorious ascension in the light! You see, in the case of the native in the jungle, he values a precious gem so little because of his ignorance concerning its worth. Just so, today, the masses of mankind live in the jungle of their own darkened consciousnesses—most of which are almost completely filled with their own discordant thought and feeling forms—these constantly being created by them through the qualified release of their own life which beats their hearts as it flows unceasingly from that glorious “I AM” Presence—the source of their very being. Therefore, to the average individual in embodiment here, encompassed about as he is by the solving of the so-called “problems” of daily living, the transcendent idea of his ultimate God-freedom from every “problem”—the ascension in the light—is of little more immediate value to him than(than twice in original) the diamond to the native in the jungle—simply because he does not yet accept its worth. Do you see?

Mankind en masse on this planet today know not from whence they came, why they are here or where they are going. Can you even imagine then, beloved chelas, how fortunate you are to have been told of the goal of the ascension, having been given our help to enable you to accept its possibility—keeping that possibility ever before you—as well as showing you the ways and means by which you may attain it? Then, too, at any moment you may have the loving, ready and willing assistance of those who have already attained, to help you also to achieve your personal victory!

I assure you that the ascension in the light is a goal so magnificent that such tremendously illumined lifestreams as the beloved Gautama, beloved Jesus—and, even before their time—the great Zarathustra and Enoch of old—could and did give all they were and had (heart, soul, mind and strength) to the pursuit and attainment of this goal, until they had made it their own. The ways and means they used to accomplish such a victory certainly are most worthy of the attention, close study and even emulation by the wisest men in embodiment on earth today!

When mankind suffer a damaging wound or desire counsel concerning the state of their physical health, do they not inquire of their friends as to the name of a reputable physician? Then, because of their confidence in such an one, they accept his diagnosis of the situation and suggestions as to how it can be remedied. Then, would it not be the part of wisdom and discretion too for every lifestream in embodiment here today (all of whom need such assistance—spiritual and otherwise) to be open-minded enough at least to consider the aspects of truth which we have presented to the world—so clearly explained and even reasonably logical to the outer mind? Mankind should be willing to consider and then accept these gifts—considering them from the heart (which, incidentally, will reveal truth to one if he will allow it do so), rather than from just the outer intellectual consciousness.

Remember always! Everything done by the ascended host has a definite purpose behind that activity and, somehow, there must be a balance made for the energies expended by them in any project—preferably, of course, from those blessed by them. Now, while we are so very grateful for your interest in our endeavors and that you are willing to become “cups” of our assistance to mankind by receiving our radiation each week as it pours to you through your reading of these “Pearls of Wisdom,” surely you must understand that, in return therefore (from your “side of the veil”) the law requires that you do your part. That “part” is to so live daily in this world of form as, shall we say, to become miniature foci of our light and love, endeavoring to make of your personal worlds miniature lighthouses to all men. This would expand the light and love of our Presence, right wherever you are! Such foci in the world of form are so much needed today, adding as it were to the quantity of our light released here. Then, as you progress in expanded consciousness and greater release of light’s powers, it would add to its quality also.

So, beloved ones, I know you see with me that those of mankind who have accepted the reality and assistance of the ascended host should not think, feel, say or do that which would be out of keeping with what the Great Ones represent. Our blessed chelas who are taking their initiations in the outer experience world today should endeavor constantly to bring their worlds into such divine order that our mastery shows forth through them—in their daily living—even as you would be required to do were you to be taking your training in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. We have answered your every call and have given you every assistance your worlds would accept. We know you do treasure these gifts from us and, in return, will endeavor to give us your conscious acceptance and use of our help, to the practical freeing of your own worlds and those of your fellow man—until you come “home” to us—“to go out no more”!

The time of the “unmasking” of truth is at hand! No longer shall the knowledge of its beneficent laws be held within the secret retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Centuries ago, in speaking prophetically of today, our beloved Jesus said: “That (wisdom) which is done (held) in secret shall be shouted from the housetops (in a later day!)” We are now in that day—when all mankind shall be compelled to know the truth of their own being and be made aware of their divine destiny—which is the attaining of the goal of their ascension in the light!

“O thou light of the ascension! Thou wondrous goal—the knowledge of which is now being offered to all and the possibility of its attainment by even the least in the kingdom of unascended mankind—today! Thou first and highest principle of the instruction released by the Great White Lodge! Let the day come quickly when neither man, woman nor child shall be in ignorance of thy transcendent service.”

I bless you with the fullness of my love!

The Great Divine Director


Note: Gracious Reader—“The Golden Rule” is really the wisdom of the law! So, musing in the radiance of a “Lighthouse Beam,” fuller wisdom says:


“To fill my world with God-success
This year—I can do nothing less
Than love, forgive and all ways bless—
And Bless and Bless and Bless—
Everyone, everything, everywhere!”