Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 3  No. 20  -  Great Divine Director  -  May 13, 1960


The Beloved Great Divine Director—

Excellence in all one does denotes a candidate for the ascension.  Let no one dwell upon mortal imperfection as though it were the rule of the day.  Do not the heavens declare the glory of God while the earth alone remains a blessed but sorrowful star?  The cries for deliverance heard around the planetary body with increasing clamor have assumed all the proportion of a cosmic travail, and I think the Universal Mother awaits with intense expectation the maturing of those individuals who long ago entered the kingdom and became as little children, accepting then simplicity and humility, knowing full well that heaven’s everlasting dominion over all things human would one day be their lot!

So many of you know that it was my great divine privilege to be the teacher of beloved Morya as well as precious Saint Germain.  I am the original founder of the House of Rakoczy, often referred to as the Master “R”, but in the annals of my own memory two of my most precious experiences connected with unascended mankind were the raising of these two dear sons to their God-free estate.  Now their love is nigh incomparable, and you, O mankind, are privileged indeed to receive that love and their endeavors on your behalf!

What is it that makes the difference between an ascended being and one still functioning in a sphere of limitation?  Men say the same God created both.  Yes, and I say He, the Creator, perceived an equal good in all his creation.  The unfortunate point is that individuals do not see this good in themselves but perceive instead the aborted image of human creation (their own and others’ misuse of energy and creative authority), thus beholding life as evil (as through a [e] veil) instead of seeing the ever-present reality which God is!  When Jesus long ago declared that men love darkness rather than light—because their deeds were evil—he referred to this point.  Dear Jesus with many others has been so woefully misinterpreted and misunderstood both as to mission and message that this statement is no exception.

Now, most men do not actually love evil—rather, they love the veiling (e-veil) more than they love the unveiling power of light because they sense within themselves the call of light to divine obedience and know they have disobediently lived in the shadow of human creation!  The right action there required, then, is that men determine to love the light more than all else.  With the process reversed, it becomes, then, no longer a matter of doing, but becomes automatic for those who love the source of their life—”light,” knowing that two masters (light and darkness) cannot be served, they choose light, and it becomes then but a matter of time before the law of their being moves into action to give them their ascension in the light to which they belong and from whence they originally came.  This is the law fulfilled—do you see?

With a view to assisting every lover of both good and light—I must respond by cosmic law to the many requests from individuals to visit the retreat of beloved Morya at Darjeeling and sit at beloved Morya’s feet.  (This has been intensified since the release of the letter masthead incorporating a glimpse of this retreat by The Summit Lighthouse.) I joyfully announce that I have secured a grant from the Karmic Board of which I am a member to hold “open house” at beloved Morya’s retreat during the balance of May and the month of June for the purpose of increasing the number of lifestreams who will dedicate themselves to revering the will of God, as the expression of all that is benign and kindly to earth’s unfolding evolutions.  Perhaps it is not necessary that I state that certain standards must be met by those aspiring to this privilege.  Yet, absolute sincerity of motive, faith in God’s eternal goodness, humility toward obedience, confidence in God’s universal impartiality for all men including the downtrodden and misunderstood (whether the result of their karma or not), and a selfless desire to serve light are reasonable requirements which the faithful should not have too much difficulty in meeting.

Call to mind that we do not ask for your self-righteousness or self-created perfection, only acceptance by you of the purity of your own Mighty “I AM” Presence which is able to harmonize every being when called upon by the great law to do so!

The Law requires that in addition to meeting the standards for the journey (made while your physical body sleeps) you must consciously ask that you may receive this blessing.

I think it well that you call to your own God Presence first, then write a letter to Beloved Morya and send it to the Summit Lighthouse in Washington in preference to burning it.  I have examined this activity carefully at inner levels and my present confidence is your assurance providing you always first ask your own God Presence for its approval, which guarantees eternal accuracy in the face of earth’s changing situations.  You see, the return current is stronger where the actual physical letter is written and forwarded by you to our beloved Messenger.  Then the tie of our sending is united with the receiving pole and a more direct measure of contact is maintained, do you see?

While on this subject let me here and now express my Ascended Master Light to you, O mankind privileged to receive these communications.  Only the few among mankind have been willing, as have these blessed hearts (who utilize their physical and spiritual energies which make possible the release of the Pearls of Wisdom each week) to offer a service free from commercialization (which is similar to an action of service rendered by my own lifestream to mankind ages ago before my ascension)—and that sometimes without one word from some of the dear ones receiving these ministrations of love.  Remember, that in this Summit Lighthouse activity these blessed souls have never asked you for a dime, leaning instead directly on their own Mighty I AM Presence to sustain them as well as the activity.

However, inasmuch as we of the ascended host see fit to release a minimum of four letters each month through the Darjeeling Council, and take our energy and time to assist with hastening the day of mankind’s victory wherein the wonders of the golden age of enlightenment will manifest, enlisting but your willing efforts therein, I feel it but a reasonable request (for your own benefit) that you write at least one letter a month to beloved Morya and the Darjeeling Council expressing at least your gratitude and thanks for the privilege of receiving their hallowed offering!  I do thank all of you who knowing the Law have already fulfilled its requirements so graciously—also all who intend to do so!

Precious children of the Light, if I sound a little fierce, consider in the blessed light of Eternal Wisdom— would you prefer to face the future result of your human indifference by knocking at the door and then just waiting while the cosmic law (unless abated by the Goddess of Mercy) silently watched the sand of unexpressed gratitude run out, before responding to you?

What some do not seem to apprehend (at least to the point of acting thereon) is that receiving our direct word is a privilege which the Great Law is under no compulsion to continue on either an individual or collective basis—for it is a conditional dispensation.  Now, if you do not believe me you ought not in any case to tempt the Law by trifling with our words by misqualifying in your human consciousness that which we send out in such faith for the assistance of all mankind!  I AM sure most of you do believe me—would it not be well then to give the little obedience we require to assist you on your way to your eternal freedom?  As the little servant girl said to Naaman (captain of the armies of the Syrian king), “it is a small thing the Master asks of you.  Why not obey him and see?”  Truly, it should not be necessary for me to give this type of instruction, but it is at present, and I must respond to the need.  So many remain for so long babes in a spiritual sense but seem so grown up in a material way.  I have determined, however, not to let the factor that laggards carelessly straggle along the path slow down those devotees of light who long for the real advancement at the Summit which will positively bring them to their own ascension....just as surely as the truth stands that David Lloyd, Cardinal Bonzano and many others have positively been so elevated in your present era.

We are planning on using this activity—because of the depth of its sincerity and the God-penetration involved—as a springboard for the most advanced teachings of the new age, and this is no idle human statement.  The planet earth is teeming with life, many crying for the Light which you have before you.  Not too long shall we tarry in releasing This instruction to those who do not show enough determination and sincerity to the Light to express their gratitude to beloved Morya and others of the Ascended Host without whom this endeavor would not be possible.  How can we build a Brotherhood to be our hands and feet unless the cohesive force of Divine Love shall cause them to plunge together into the ocean of God’s love, and love for one another— knowing that he who watches the sparrow’s fall, searching the intent of every heart shall reward them openly right now today for every service freely rendered the Great Law of Love!

The Council has deferred to me and therefore next week I shall continue with more vital information to all who love the Light.  The earth has too long submitted to the indignity of man’s inhumanity to man and we who serve at cosmic levels do expand, too, you know!  We have at last received from Helios and Vesta a dispensation unparalleled in planetary history, of which I hope to tell you soon.

I AM God Progress made manifest. 

The Great Divine Director.