Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 3  No. 21  -  Great Divine Director  -  May 20, 1960


The Beloved Great Divine Director—

May I convey to you now today—first—my love?  The confusions of mind which so many dear hearts feel from time to time when face to face with the seeming sharp differences of the appearance world is well understood by me.  So often, fear plays a villainous role in blocking the full acknowledgment of truth by some individuals.

Naturally, most believers are ever so sincere in wanting to do the will of God, as best they understand it.  It is a little difficult for them, however, to accept ideas which are in conflict with long-established principles which they have been told are so from early childhood.  Much of mankind’s so-called religious truths are purely theoretical, yet these are so often referred to as absolute—being simply based on tradition received from parents and handed down therefrom, remaining unproven from personal experience in the life of either parent or child!

Another fact which stops mankind from accepting much of the deeper laws of life is the question of popularity!  It is presently so often considered unpopular to accept the deeper laws of life, which are considered strange, not yet being accepted by the masses.  This was so in the early days of the Christian dispensation when it was extremely unpopular to be a Christian. Today Christianity is quite popular, but the seeker who is not satisfied with every explanation of orthodox authority is often ostracized almost as in the old days, and the deepest seekers are sometimes accused of being followers of the powers of darkness (and given other equally unpleasant labels).

These, of course, mean nothing to the true seeker who is determined to hold his or her attunement with their own Mighty I AM Presence—for such a chela will only call most lovingly to the Holy Christ Self of the dear one who misunderstands, asking for their God-illumination and the transmutation of all shadow from their worlds, sending out love in place of all resentment of their conduct (the word resentment simply means re-sent-ment—or returning the same quality sent out). Now, this is what you must do, determining to hold your tube of light intact, using the cleansing power of the violet fire to purify the world of your accusers or those who oppose the higher light, not knowing its source—or authenticity—as well as your own world.  Thus does light overcome shadow.

Many of the truly great truths which are declared in the mighty law of the I AM Presence as it is written on the golden leaves in the magnificent records located in the record room in the Grand Teton retreat in Wyoming, have never been universally accepted—as is intended—for some of the foregoing reasons.  So few realize that only the truth which is applied in a very practical way in the affairs of daily thinking and living is really assimilated and taken up as a credit by your own causal body for safekeeping as the treasures of heaven!

True it is that there is always a great deal of unused knowledge of the Great Law which wise men study and ponder (not so much to be thought wise as to be ready to offer life assistance at any time when the great need arises).  Now, beloved ones, is this not a most loving and practical explanation, wholly free of the more selfish motives that originally prompt so many dear souls to begin their personal search for truth?

I want to stress again that perfect love—as the early Christian teachers declared—does cast out fear, and it is this acceptance of perfect love for one’s own God Presence I AM that enables individuals to find their freedom by accepting truth and giving it the required obedience!

The Great Karmic Board has long recognized the problems in reaching mankind and communicating with them in accordance with cosmic law.  You see, dear ones, even if God is on the other end of the telephone line, unless you accept that, you might hang up and break the connection.  True it is that the Father would probably try again to call you, but unless at some time there is recognition by you the line and instrument serve no worthy purpose to your lifestream.

This has posed quite a problem for us because we are somewhat limited to find proper instruments in this world—and then further limited too in securing universal acceptance of those we do find.  So many feel the need to determine at once as to whether a channel is true—often before they have yet developed sufficiently themselves; others search for flaws and sooner or later usually find one—or at least they think so, not knowing that the Great Law never contradicts even if it seems to do so.  Often, instead of remaining neutral, individuals gossip or talk with other lifestreams, depending on opinion or mood, rather than calling for assistance from their own God Presence I AM.

Sometimes a little patience and sometimes a great deal of faith will assist in determining for each lifestream just what truth is—wisely remembering as Jesus so lovingly declared, “A city set on a hill cannot be hid”!

The Summit light is set on a hill of God-illumination and it cannot long remain hid from truly illumined mankind; neither can it fail to fulfill its destiny of illumining those lovers of God-freedom who have determined to let nothing interfere with the business of their eternal Father.

Of course, our chelas have a role to play, too, in spreading the Great Light as well as calling forth their own victory in that Light!  Almost every religion started out nobly to help mankind establish a closer communion with their own God-self.  However, when the segregated faiths of the world began to vie with one another, entering into strife, the thread of their God-communion was lost in the noise and din.  Many blessed individuals have survived after a fashion because their hearts were pure and apparently they had no place else to go—but the God-intended plan lay mainly unused while at least one thousand maps were drawn to show men how to find the way to the Holy City above!

Human personalities often noisily intruded their sincere but mistaken opinions of persons, places, conditions, and things holy, while the seeker, ever more confused, often returned to the original training of early childhood—and somewhat ostrich-like place their wounded heart and head of feelings in the sand rather than face the almost incomprehensible confusion which seemed to burst around them.  Some fled to the comparative emptiness of agnosticism—where our dear Hilarion assists to free such ones—while the comparatively few solitary climbers pursued the high road that leads to victory!  Now, for the Ascended Masters, who equally love all—this is regrettable.  Surely we would see heaven’s best glory the lot of all God’s children.  Surely we who have won our ascension would enjoy nothing quite so much as universal acceptance of light’s glory and its accompanying freedom for all!  We long to serve not only the cosmic “few”—but the many of life’s children.

We have long awaited deliverance for and on behalf of mankind.  We have keenly wished for a central outer focus on which we could rely.  (Knowing as Saint Germain has told you that the human ungoverned is worse than a wild animal in the jungle, this has seemed quite difficult to bring about in your world—much as we would have liked to do so.) Considering the many foregoing thoughts which embrace many aspects of life, we want you to see as clearly as possible, dear hearts, that we have considered every angle of solution to the correction of every discord in the appearance world and every inharmony among the many manifestations of the One Truth.

Now at last we can by cosmic law reveal two grants which are both new and which herald to the mankind of earth the mounting pressure of love from the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta (The God Parents of this solar system).  As you may know, long ago this dear planet Earth and her lovely people offered to be host to lifestreams from other planets and systems of worlds who were considered laggards because they misused their free will, determining to resist the tides of cosmic evolution.  These laggards refused to keep pace (or keep up) with the spiritual advancement of their own planet and its people in accordance with the God-design provided for their world.  They preferred to function in the field of separate, self- and personal control of their own energy; preferred also credit and honor for accomplishments, and domination over others rather than obey the universal law of love by praising the common source of the good of all.

The Cosmic Councils having the responsibility of securing acceptance of these lifestreams by the councils of earth and the solar system were convinced that the lovely state of Eden would serve to inspire these laggards and help create in them a desire to take up their development where they had left off.  (Many of these came from worlds of advanced and exquisite design and were therefore very fair to look upon outwardly.) The early Sons of God—who enjoyed the God-liberty of the golden age then manifesting, chose to take the fairest of these laggards as members of their own family in order to propagate the external “fairness” which they desired at that time to imitate, thereby introducing shadow and pain to the otherwise God-pure strain of early mankind.  Thus, in part, is the “fall of man” from his original Edenic estate recorded!

As you know, by cosmic law no one can act vicariously for another in complete expiation of their mistakes, for all must meet the fruit of their own sowing as either blessing or curse.  (This is part of the meaning of God’s word to Adam in first Genesis—“cursed be the ground for thy sake”—meaning “the natural world has imposed upon it a curse by reason of your mistake.”)  Only by the violet fire of freedom’s love and forgiveness can mankind’s individual or collective mistakes be transmuted by him to set life free.  The cup from which Jesus drank contained the purple liquid violet fire—symbolizing the rite of purification that the Prince of the World (the ruler of pomp of the outer world) had nothing to find in him inasmuch as he had already been set free from possessive attraction long since by the use of the sacred fire of eternal God-freedom.

All avatars and Christs have universally proclaimed to men the way, using their life energy to declare that each man was given life through the Light of his own Holy Christ Self and must follow its way of purity, living by the Law of his inner being.  Only in this century, however, have mankind in the outer world been given the marvelous law of the tube of light and violet fire.  Now, how shall men escape their self-created bondage unless they avail themselves of these great implements of opportunity?

Right now today in May 1960—because of the world confusion, both religious and secular; because of the surge of incoming lifestreams and the impending threats of war among mankind—the Karmic Board has renewed its long search for a means within the Great Law whereby the law of freewill would not be altered—yet the masses of mankind could attain some measure of liberation from human thralldom and eventual complete freedom from the influence of the laggards (all the while still assisting them—the laggards—to their freedom as was originally intended.  These are like a child who will not drink the purple nectar of the grape even if it is needed for its well being!)

In view of all the foregoing, I joyfully tell you that sometime ago a kind, earnest, unascended physician, with intense inner love and foresight, petitioned the Great Karmic Board concerning the responsibilities of those worlds from whence the laggards originally came.  He believed they should presently retain some responsibility and accountability for the laggards and that earth and earth’s people should not bear it all.  Now there were many angles to this dear one’s petition, though the cosmic law does not permit me to tell all at this instant.  (I hope someday we can.)  Beloved Hilarion, however, was so pleased with this petition that he championed it while it moved like a bill before your Congress through almost a maze of cosmic councils.

After much inner-level consultation and appeals, our lovely Lord Helios and his blessed consort, the lovely Lady Vesta, have at last given us not one but two cosmic decrees in answer to this original petition born from one of earth’s own hearts!  These decrees ought to have such intense and far-reaching effect as to bid fair to give earth her freedom more quickly than any can even dream of!

It has been thought best to let beloved Helios himself describe the first decree. And while I was honored with the privilege of announcing the second decree, I am lovingly awarding that honor to your beloved Morya.  Therefore, next week [laughter] we are promised—for the first time in the Pearls—a letter from Helios, the God of our System of Worlds, followed by a magnificent revealment from dear Morya of the second grant of the solar, cosmic, galactic and universal hierarchies!

O, thou Light most excellent!  Thou great mirror of the eternal plan which reflects no shadow but only dazzling Light, enfold all who read these words in the flame of love from their own God Presence, let nothing human interfere!  Thou wondrous I AM speaking from the heart of the sacred fire, blaze thou the diamond determination in those who read to call upon the eternal anchor of their own silver cord of Ascended Master light substance to draw forth such perfection as has never before manifested in their outer worlds of expression!  Truly I AM the Light of all the worlds!

Peace be unto you my children.

The Great Divine Director.