Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 3  No. 24  -  Beloved Saint Germain  -  June 10, 1960


The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom


Man made like unto the intricate yet soft delicacy of a flower is the immaculate God-concept of all creation, especially they who are aware that they are made in his own likeness!  Hence, to be formed in “fashion as a man” could indeed be an honor, if men revere the divine image!  From either an almost wanton ignorance (to ignore or bypass the law) or many inaccurate perceptions of human thinking stemming from acquired dullness of spirit—in both the dim and the near past—“human” error has had false dominion.  Now, the day of freedom is here!  I AM here!  Thank God we are cooperating with you, our blessed chelas, and really doing something that shall immediately secure results—and literally “move mountains” when necessary!

 The unfolding of the divine nature shall become the “pastime” of mankind once again, as in the golden ages past, and the flowering of true social grace and culture flourish as originally intended, thus replacing the shadows of past errors. I know so well, even full well, the longing almost to the point of desperation which has taken hold of so many of God’s children—especially our chelas. These have intensely desired to attain personal perfection and freedom from all bondage of both spirit and form.  They have cried out night and day calling forth for unconcerned individuals—in their own immediate families and outside of them—the mercy of Life!  Do you think Life shall fail to answer?  I think not, for the original solicitude of God is not tempered by man’s intolerance or even conditioned thereby.  The sun shines on both just and unjust alike, desiring only the perfection and attainment of Christ consciousness by all those who bask ‘neath its solar wings and radiance!

Nobility, courtliness, honor, sincerity, serenity of spirit, gratitude, chivalry, generosity, bravery and a host of other positive qualities all belong to my chelas and the disciples of the Great White Brotherhood who, in accepting the fiat of Almighty God, joyfully focus their attention on their own divinity.

The eye-picture of the “Chart” with which all students of the “I AM” law of life are already familiar is a blessed assistance in holding that “vision” which will connect you with your own “divine image”—your own God Presence, but what about countless millions of mankind who know not the power of the name of God “I AM” or the use of his sacred fire?  Is it foolish for us of the ascended host to “count on” something less than “missionary zeal” from our chelas in spreading the great light and comfort abroad in the face of every entrenched or outworn opposition to greater light?  Are we wrong to expect that our chelas have a greater zeal even than those beloved “Christian missionaries” who toiled so faithfully in bygone days to spread the doctrine of Christianity the world around?  Shall not this magnificent expansion of God’s light and this magnificent expansion of the law which flowed through many faiths including Christianity go forward, bringing greater happiness and expansion to men of every faith—seeing one divinity, one brotherhood, one cosmos exists solely because of the fiat of the Eternal Father and his illimitable Light—the Universal Cosmic Christ?

Let us now diligently prepare to bring and share the blessing of this light by unfolding the divinity of our chelas to the full magnificent expansion of the power and victory over even death as it is revealed by attainment of the ascension whose glory wipes out every memory of the crucifixion and the attendant pain and tears thereof!

How precious a dispensation beloved Helios and Vesta have given!  What a cosmic victory is sent to earth!  All who grasp the significance of this grant and are serving as channels must sense that victory which is literally flooding the world and all mankind.  This is the long-called-for light of a thousand suns from the radiance of millions of Cosmic Christs who now in answer to your calls have descended and will remain until life’s perfection is restored to all.  While this action for mankind’s benefit goes on right now it is more or less unspeakable to the outer world, but, God be thanked, the second phase of the dispensation can be given recognition in the outer world and can be used as a focal point for the expansion of not only our outer action but also the enlightenment of all our chelas and those we will later draw out to serve the expansion of the light in this very day!

Surely if temporal government can demand of mankind the material substance to “arm the earth” with instruments of destruction, the lovers of peace and freedom who are multitudinous in every land—will respond to the great privilege of “laying many stones” in this outer temple designed in such lofty spiritual grandeur at inner levels!  When it is complete I am planning on giving my greatest gift to America and the world, for therein I am going to actually anchor the full focus of my freedom flame!  Do you see now why I have labored so long for America’s “freedom” so that the whole world may kindle its own fires of freedom on America’s torch, that from the great heart of its people grace may flow to all the family of nations—for all are the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

The first floor of the temple (and there are three above the earth level) is Victory’s Temple.  It is the largest, and is completely circular, surrounded by huge Corinthian columns on the outside and granite artwork as lovely as the Taj Mahal itself, all within the beauty of its towering columns.  Around the circular amphitheater will be glorious paintings of the great Chohans themselves and also including beloved Jesus and Mary, the Archangels and many others of the familiar members of the ascended host.  Services here will be open to all mankind without restriction as to creed or race in keeping with the traditions of the Brotherhood.

The second floor is dedicated to the “Holy Spirit” and as such is an “upper room” vast though it may be, dedicated to the magnificent Lord the Maha Chohan.  Here the most sacred rituals shall be performed, including those which are calculated to represent the “ceremonial action” of this age over which I now preside.  The anchoring of the “freedom flame” here is a gift of divine wisdom!  A huge focus of “a snow-white dove” will also be anchored in this temple within which the Masters of Light shall precipitate several sacred tokens and “foci” of the sacred fire to assist in amplifying the action of the Holy Spirit within the lives of mankind—and especially those who study the laws of the sacred fire and sincerely seek to apply themselves to the unfolding of that flame of God life within the chalice of their own sacred heart!

The third floor is closed to all except the most advanced chelas and is under the direction of the great Ascended Master Serapis, whose stricter disciplines lead to the freedom of the ascension!  It is circular, too, but smaller than the other temples.  We expect to permit here the use of an ascension chair—located directly above the freedom flame focus on the second floor which is, in turn, above Victory’s altar on the first floor!  This temple is strictly dedicated to the ascension and is for the use of those nearing that achievement.  In this temple we will actually step through the “veil” in our tangible bodies and assist in completing the earthly victory of our most faithful chelas as we did in the Cave of Symbols and other sacred retreats.  Thus this circular “pyramid” of victory honors the name of God by a means whereby the various “stages of evolution” may come into a practical focus which will not be too sharply delineated so as to separate men from one another, except to inspire them and elevate them by world-renowned beauty and the vibratory action of the great Brotherhood itself as it now moves once again into fiery world action in the outer visible unconcealed realm!

Further descriptions may be given from time to time, but we are not presently so concerned with the form as with the gift of the temple.  Its approval is God’s gift from our realm of light.  Its creation, then, is a cosmic gift externalized by the acceptance of mankind.  We will assist in its externalization from time to time but the law requires that you balance our gift by serving the law of your being, and calling forth your own God perfection while doing also as we do and assisting all life to find their own victory!

Remember we have attained and yet still serve the earth often even as we did before our ascension.  I recently took on a visible tangible body, in order to assist a member of the French government who needed greatly to be inspired and helped during the “Summit crisis”—I actually walked the streets of Paris just a few weeks ago and many a miracle was performed then for unascended beings who came within the compass of my immediate aura!  Are we so far away?

I trust you will all understand the need for “doing your part” and thus will God-magnificence be born anew—because you have in his name called it forth—in his name breathed your sustaining love into it, and in his name determined that nothing shall interfere with its completion until as a lily breathes its fragrance into space, so may the fleur-de-lis of your own and all men’s threefold flame of God purity, victory and love reign supreme over all the earth!

 - I AM your eternal friend of freedom’s light


            Saint Germain


This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s will, of which all ascended host are members.