Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 4  No. 3  -  Beloved Djwal Kul - January 20, 1961


The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom


Now hope is amplified and great assistance given the hosts of Light presently serving to help in raising or evolving mankind whenever the mass delusions and illusions of earthy thought are shown up in clearer perspective by the revealing light of understanding itself.  Of course, human relations are the most serious problem men face today.  As long as people seek to fix blame upon one another for their ills and do not consider that perhaps they themselves may have some responsibility in the matter if life is not wholly to their liking, they will often remain unjust, unfair and unhappy.

As an ascended being whose memory of life upon earth is still very vivid, I feel that without question the so-called sacred writings are ever so important if they are correctly understood.  The words of Jesus suggesting that he (Jesus) came to set men against their father, mother, sister, brother, etc. (Matt. 10:34-35), in order to be his disciple bears much consideration, for it has been fully established by other scriptures that God wants people to love one another—and yet in this scripture it appears not to be true.  The real meaning is simply that no human relationship was intended to be a yoke which would interfere with one’s own relationship with their very own God Presence I AM!  The implication is clear that no matter how precious these relationships may be, they are at best only transitory by comparison with one’s closeness to their own individualized God Presence.

We have known any number of cases where people vow to serve a “cause” or unite with an endeavor because some friend or loved one in whom they had great confidence would do so.  Later, if the sponsoring one would forsake the spiritual path, they would follow the human rather than the Light and find it easy to rationalize the whole matter.  It is always a mistake to let anyone or anything interfere with one’s personal progress in the eternal Light.  The scriptures say that friendship with the world is enmity with God—and this is always true when the “world” usurps the divine authority.  However, when friendship with God or any one of his creatures either ascended or unascended results in an extension of divine grace and love into the world enhancing and hallowing all outer relationships, thereby imparting to them a quality of spiritual permanence, then the dependability of heaven is charged into them.  Such associations are no longer subject to mere human whims, moods or the fickle tendencies men so often express.

Human propensities have often caused intense and bitter heartache when someone is apparently forsaken by one whom they loved dearly (often as the result of simple misunderstanding or the equally foolish gossip which is based on such misunderstanding).  Reflection on this will show that if friendship be genuine it is not so easily sundered.  Those who lean upon their own God Presence will not wish to be swayed by human concepts or whisperings.  You see, real divine friendship always produces universal stability in all it touches—especially once it is recognized by both parties as such!

In the golden age which mankind are presently entering, the golden rule shall come into absolute universal use; then recourse to the courts of law shall be relied on less and less to find real justice, for first in thought, then followed by word and deed, people shall inwardly wish and outwardly do only good to one another.

I cannot help but stress the beauty of divine friendship!  By divine friendship I do not mean a studied aloofness or indifference to one’s fellowmen simply because divine heights are reached.  On the contrary we advocate a natural warmth which is always generated by cosmic fires ...  yet, divine summitry must be consistently practiced.  By this I mean precisely that all unascended beings are yet (until ascended) combinations of both light and shadow in the world of form; they usually combine elements of the high road and of the low, but it is to the best elements one must give recognition!  If friendship becomes a mere yoke fashioned to link the personality of one lifestream to another piecemeal, it may tie both the good and so-called bad manifestations together in one package—resulting in a state of spiritual lukewarmness.

When a real divine summitry is called into action, the “yoke” unites the chela first to their own God Presence I AM in an attitude of happy surrender whereby that chela is willing to go through the door to eternal life alone if need be, and keep such God-determination in action as to ignore the doubts, unbelief and mockery of the whole world, right while still holding an immaculate concept for all men by keeping the faith in his (or her) own summit as the basis for every other association!  This would tend to discount forever those elements which lead men astray from peace, light and love and would give preeminence where it is due. Exalting the divine elements in one and all, it would always create and sustain that true love which is true harmlessness, which forever denies power to destructive human qualities and cuts all men and women consciously free from every banal influence—while expanding their souls to magnify the Lord, thus correctly interpreting in the daily stream of existence Jesus’ admonishment to forsake all earthly relationships and follow him by upholding the good in one another!

Of course the spoilers must be left to walk their sorrowful way alone until they can, through the hammer blows of returning karma, perceive that God is ever just.  The true chela cannot fail to advance spiritually by dispelling all false illusions about human friendships, which unfortunately are often only the result of mutual self-seekings, and see clearly that friendship which has value to light and truth always exalts the soul.  Such who are aware of this will also be aware of the joy of God, whose eternal spirit of undying happiness and bliss travels from East to West, from a measured inner unfoldment of the soul into the conscious outer side of existence where it abides to inspire men with the need to set aright the foundation of friendship with God, upon which he (God) has declared “I will build my temple!”

Friendship with God and truth does not or cannot weaken so-called true human friendship or relationships, whether parental or otherwise.  It only serves to enhance, to elevate, to ennoble every phase of man’s existence.  Your own God Presence is not in reality impersonal to you.  How could it be? for it is the sole eternal reality of life which will walk beside you and in you through every valley of shadowed illusion unto your eternal freedom, which will cause you to lose all fear of evil, which will anoint the Christ spirit within your being with the sacred oil of the Holy Spirit, whose rod of power and staff of divine strength will comfort you in the face of every evil-appearing illusion, giving you always both right and constant eternal directions on the path to your own mastery upon every avenue of the endless treasure of many days, leading to the everlasting!

Toward eternal clarity of God’s laws I AM

your Brother in Illumination’s  Flame -

Djwal Kul

(the Ascended Master)

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s will, of which all the ascended host are members.