Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 4  No. 5  -  Beloved Lady Master Nada  -  February 3, 1961

The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom


Far beyond the ken of “primitive” mind lies even a basic understanding of the material sciences of the West.  Hence, very ordinary aspects of life to many of these seem miracles, while in the so-called “materialistic” West even miracles seem most ordinary!  O God, give Love’s balance to the earth! Abundant and economical sources of power have already removed so much of that drudgery from life which in former times consumed most of each day in the very art of existence.  With the changing times a materially superior standard of life is possible for many who would otherwise be denied many comforts and blessings.

Yet to this day the charm and appeal of a rustic scene set in a garden or farm remains ever so pleasing to the nostalgic sense of both men and women.  Oxen in yoke plowing an ancient furrow give way to more familiar settings of today’s mechanical progress spelled out in strong, sometimes harsh and raucous “words” of steel or iron, and the miracles of electronics.  In a material sense changes sweep from “West” to “East” in reverse of the ancient “currents of the Spirit” which have for so long flowed out of the mystic East toward the Western culture.

Now, in the very face of progress, life-expectancy rises so that men and women look forward hopefully to longer and more useful periods of embodiments, endowed with more abundant health and that “keenness” of the Spirit which adds relish and zest to mankind’s daily experiences.  Yet an ever-present danger is the propensity to vegetate, to lose sight of spiritual goals as tangible and real purposes—to permit by complacency and indifference a rise in crime and sorrow which comes into special prominence when either youth or age are neglected.  Those too young to “know,” and those no longer able to summon their full vitality look for protection to that segment of society who are crowned with the vital God-maturity of the age!  Those who do have true spiritual understanding of responsibility then see each day as an opportunity to respond to all who need assistance.  Such are divinely guided to find their pleasure and happiness in service and cooperation with the forces of Light!  I know how great is this need!

I AM certain that “true” love is neither self-seeking, self-serving nor even self-effacing, but acts instead so as to harness the light and power of the oversoul in a great spiritual project to unite and draw together the very fabric, sinews and nerves of the whole world to that state of harmonious action where the problems of the many become the problems of each one.  Then, as more and more understand the need to live above the finite self to the glory of the infinite Self, the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God is suddenly wondrously predominantly all over the world!

No really wise person would ever think of automobiles, television, airplanes or modern conveniences as a means of entering the kingdom of God.  Yet, I am also equally certain that an illumined person touched by God’s love will know that all these things are the gifts of God from the eternal presence of life itself, which, in the present high state of mankind’s scientific advancement, ought to be regarded as simply a diluted foretaste of glory divine!  Electricity symbolizes the speed which the Ascended Masters use hourly in precipitating their wants and needs—but the great illusion that all material things are carnal, earthy, ungodly or “worldly” in an evil or negative sense must be dissipated by God-understanding.

Beloved ones, “The earth is the Lord’s and the ‘fullness’ thereof,” hence there are no real “gods” of iron!  Men need not abuse the “world of natural progress”—they should be grateful for it daily and share it with one another as they would their spiritual bread, which also came down from heaven!  It is never wrong to properly enjoy the abundant fruit of life and love; it is a mistake to be immersed in material things to the hurt or neglect of the soul.  So-called material “energy” is, of course, spiritual in origin and it is amplified by the power of love the world around for the specific purpose in this golden age of giving men and women more time to make spiritual progress, so they can more quickly enter an era of expanding culture, music, sculpture and drama wherein the radiant eternal glory and beauty of life as known on so many other stars and systems of worlds can become a reality here and now for the multitudes whom we love so much in God’s name “I AM”!

You can understand, blessed ones, that almost all men and women easily and naturally become interested and hopeful when higher standards of scientific or political progress are discussed to enhance the cause of “Freedom”—for it is but the natural expression of universal emancipation wherein “the least of these my brethren” are able to enjoy the blessings of God in a larger measure!  Likewise it is a doorway to greater planetary freedom as the floodtide of life sweeps all on earth toward greater peace, prosperity and enlightenment!  As one of your popular poets once said, “All your strength is in your union, all your danger is in discord”!

The Great White Brotherhood therefore issues through me today as an absolute fiat that we of the Universal Brotherhood have determined by the holy Light of God that does not, cannot fail, to see all the downtrodden areas of the earth blessed with the real abundance of the great Ascended Masters as a natural and spiritual outpouring!  In real union, hemispheral solidarity will fuse to become worldwide oneness!  The free society can only remain free as it accepts its responsibility to attain a divine mutuality which in both the Father’s name and love extends its hands willingly to one another all over the world as God’s hands.  This age is and must become one of magna-struction—a great universal constructivism wherein all men are united against all that which is not love and together hold high the banner of all that is genuine cooperative love reaching between heaven and earth!  As the ascended ones daily serve, so may all do who are presently unascended.  This, too, is the will of God, and it is also his love!

Remember “I AM” the practicality of God made manifest which gives to all that needs both love and substance as the Father’s hands in action—all ways!

Yours in Christ Consciousness,


(The Ascended Lady Master--Chohan of the Sixth Ray)


This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s will, of which all the ascended host are members.