Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 4  No. 24  -  Beloved Kuan Yin - June 16, 1961


The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom


Precious ones of heaven’s family upon earth—hope in almost any situation is a dazzling ray of Light piercing the sometimes monotonous or leaden human gloom.  It is often the forerunner of the eternal mercy of God which is just around the corner, waiting to release those caught in seemingly intolerable human states.  Mercy, which also means “thanks”—merci (French)—is indeed the gratitude of God for the “open door” of mankind’s receptivity, which thus prepares the way for the Deity to bless mankind—and also the earth itself—with the more abundant fruit of the divine plan personally bestowed, with every possible goodness which will eventually eliminate from human consciousness, and then mortal affairs, all limitation and every unhappy experience!  Because the pressures of divine desire want this brought about immediately, there is a continual radiation through space of a many-faceted action of the eternal law, which is trying valiantly to harmonize all of the many laws which operate in human affairs.  Dear ones, in our octave there is never wasteful opposition to the law.  You see, it is resistance, blessed ones, combined with misused free will which brings the manifest appearance of so much chaos and confusion upon earth as often seems the bane of mortal existence!

Almost everyone understands some phase of the divine law’s operation, but very few among mankind understand all of the many complex interactions which are possible.  As a member of the Great Karmic Board I AM addressing you concerning the “quality of mercy which is not strained” but which blesses life with divine mercy as a gentle rain!  Thus I joyously give my blessing to you, for it is my wish to bring you the wisest measure of assistance possible so as to comfort each reader by mercy and truth—and then amplify and expand that blessing of mercy and comfort out into the world of form where it is so sorely needed, so as to cover the earth with mercy’s kindly radiance!

You see, an inflexible law of the universe operating without mercy would be ever so destructive, and divine law is only constructive!  Mercy is ever a divine quality and should always be brought into action in all your personal affairs—taking care, of course, not to let it draw you down into a state of mere “human sympathy” where discord gains control, but rather, by consciously directing the currents of God’s will and the radiance of the divine Light into and around each and every situation, you will be causative in providing the divine compassionate answer to the call of all human hearts!  All will then be well, as the Light does its perfect work.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the creation and establishment of the Great Karmic Board was itself an act of divine mercy which the world to the present day little notes or understands.  Were the great law to function without our ministrations it would be “impersonal” indeed—so much so that many aspirants who are ever so sincere could well have been denied entrance to a higher way (even when they desired it) simply because of the oppressive weight of their own past karma.  Thus it is God’s will that this Board exercise its powers as his own to bless and direct the just course of events and the affairs of mankind upon earth—because we are well trained and qualified to so serve the divine hierarchy and plan of God.

I wish to explain what may seem simple to some and difficult of comprehension (at first) to others.  You see, God—the Mighty  I AM Presence of all life, has no knowledge whatsoever of that which men and women call evil, of that which is vibrating at a rate less than heaven’s own light.  How, then, do you reconcile this, blessed ones, with the God who “knows” of even the sparrow’s fall?

I shall try to convey this truth to you, assuring you that the simple trusting mind of a little child will perhaps best grasp the idea—if it has adult comprehension.  When creation stood complete—as recorded in Genesis of your bible—it is written that God saw the creation he had made and that it was good.  Later, it is recorded that he witnessed the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah prior to their destruction by fire and saw the deeds of the people that they were evil. Again, in another place, you may read, “My eyes are too pure to behold iniquity!”  The now contradictory answer, then, is simply found (as it is in fact) in dividing the stream of consciousness which flows from the “throne” (the seat of eternal conscious authority and direction) of God into a series of descending levels and then to realize that there is a point in the vibratory action of life below which the Deity does not descend (and yet, in which human consciousness almost wholly functions).

Inasmuch as all life is God—being composed of the energies of his electrons, etc.—human densities retain the intelligence to operate below that point lowest in divine levels, which in the material realm is called “human consciousness.”  The Holy Christ Self of each man, however, is the mediator, vested with the authority to rise into the divine level and then again to descend and contact the human level of consciousness.

Long ago the planet earth—by playing host to the laggards from other planets—and evolutions took on many of their retardant qualities, and does now vibrate at a much slower rate than was originally intended.  Now, because the wholly impartial action of the law would actually have defeated the very purposes of the Godhead, the Great White Brotherhood, as an act of cosmic mercy, secured the necessary dispensations from the Supreme One so as to endow, sustain and invest our seven-member Board with the absolute responsibility and authority for the administering of divine justice to the entire planet earth.  In these days of peril, in view of many individual and planetary complex human conditions, and so as to avoid any real miscarriage of justice and secure the protection of the great mercy of God, I was chosen to sit on this Board as representative of mercy.

I AM well aware—as are the other members of the Board—of the great criticisms which are often leveled at all of us by those who do not realize what they are doing (and perhaps do not even know we exist), saying, “O, there is no justice anywhere!”  You see, we have been acting for a long time as a buffer between the fire of divine perfection and the shame of human discord, often taking the brunt of untold misdirected human energy—yet we ourselves are simply delighted whenever We can blunt the pain and hurt of earth and then lead a lifestream, a city, a nation or an entire continent and world toward the highest way of Life.

Blessed ones, some among mankind actually criticize the Father himself when they observe various destructive forces in action—or see the temporary prosperity of the “wicked” and note the difficulty many so-called good individuals encounter at times.  We, however, who see every lifestream as a God Flame and read from the akashic records (the true spiritual records of the happenings of every separate life) the cause of every condition, have no difficulty in subsequently evaluating the causes of each seeming success or failure.  But, blessed ones, neither human success nor failure are permanent!

Life intends that all shall eventually rise to respond to its call!  The law of the “cycles” of life must be heeded in the onward march of the spirit or else men are left behind in the current spiritual evolutions and fall back to move with another lifewave—thus further delaying their own good from manifesting!

I have mentioned the Great Karmic Board by way of introduction, because I AM considered a more popular member thereof (as many call for mercy) and in China I AM also quite revered by the multitudes to the present day.  However, blessed ones, the purpose of the current series of Pearls is to shed greater light on the many marvelous functions of the Great White Brotherhood and inasmuch as the Great Karmic Board is one of the most protective services of the Brotherhood and actually a real Divine advocate and friend for all, I am delighted to have had this little talk with you, although I have left a great deal unspoken.

You will understand that through our service the purity and heights of heaven remain in a state of “all is well,” whereas men on earth are assured that the wisdom of Solomon—which is really the wisdom of God—is ever present to make those right decisions which in the long run present the best hopes to every life and in whose hands all shall find mercy, comfort and a steadfast enfoldment, with increasing victory, increasing compassion, increasing understanding and a life forever more abundantly happy!

In the interest of Greater Understanding,
I AM, in mercy’s name

(The Goddess of Mercy)


This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s will, of which all the ascended host are members.