Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 4  No.  30  -  The Great Divine Director  -  July 28, 1961


The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom


From out the inner spheres and orbs behind the blazing visible and invisible suns I AM come!  Dazzling the consciousness of even many of the Ascended Masters, I step down my radiance for you blessed souls upon this planet so that you may receive and retain some greater measure of the infinite heartbeat of God and its meaning to your present-day existence!

Well was it spoken, “It does not yet appear what we shall be, but when he shall appear we shall see him as he is for we shall be like him”!  Mankind have constancy speculated upon the return of Christ to the earth—they have wondered at the manner of his appearing.  The shepherds of old rejoiced, as did Simeon who, full of the spirit of God and of Light, rejoiced when first beholding the infant Christ. <1>

I AM justice, wisdom, love, power and victory in perfect balance!  A balanced action of the Law can only result by the committing of one’s keeping to the Ascended Masters’ care and an abiding in constant oneness with each one’s own God Presence, the I AM, which is the flaming covenant of life that beats each heart!

The Great White Brotherhood is no outer world organization, but is in reality the spiritual fountainhead whose various branches and endeavors spreading throughout human affairs are presided over by Ascended Master dignitaries of the Spirit and those humble initiates of great power (yet wearing physical forms) who together compose one body to function as moved by the spirit of the living God who is in truth all ways a dazzling Light.

The journey into the country of Light—into the city of light—is wonderful experience!  You must realize I AM speaking of a condition when you “escape” from the body during the night time hours of sleep and sense, then, no impediment of the flesh or thought processes.  You are then able to tune into the vibratory actions of the Light itself and to move without restriction through  the exhilarating spiritual atmosphere of the planet which is literally flooded with the Holy Spirit or Comforter and thus is so glorious as to be considered “heaven” itself.  In reality it is but a focus of our action upon earth similar to that of Shamballa and other retreats of the Great White Lodge.

The enjoying of these blessings is not one which perhaps you will find it easy to casually discuss with mankind in general—but that should not matter, seeing that we observe the rising of the solar fires within your consciousness—for in the final analysis we are the ones passing on your advancement.  Study, then, to show thyself approved unto God who is wiser than mere human opinion—yet we recommend respect for authority providing it is not in conflict with the higher law of the Light itself.  As Pilate was told by Jesus, “Thou hast no power except it were given thee from God.”

Let the wise then learn that in unity there is strength and because the Brotherhood has for so long successfully set free countless initiates into the victory of their ascension and other overcoming of limitation—would it not be ever so wise, blessed ones, to reverence the Great White Brotherhood and its visible and invisible representatives with enough respect to attract to you our attention—without which you will find difficult the task of successfully passing those cosmic initiations whereby you shall obtain your eternal victory?

Brothers of the Diamond Heart are dedicated to the required hardness of the spirit which while in no way self-effacing or masochistic, is transmutive in action and eventually, then, when a full permeation of a lifestream’s consciousness occurs, occasions the manifestation of the Sacred Fire wherein Christ consciousness as a living flame so pulsates within the four lower bodies as to automatically produce attunement with heaven’s heart!  These Brothers, then, by reason of attunement, had success in so living as our representative among mankind that their perspective in the beginning of its development may seem almost renunciate in action.  Later, as they attain more God-control, they will be able to function in many capacities and will feel no need to renounce, but rather the need to direct (as I do)—the eternal radiance in its endless cyclic outpourings of beauty and love.  This is the entering of the ‘faithful servant’—whose diligence in a few things has made him ready to be a ruler over many things—in the joy of his Lord—his own Mighty I AM Presence!

To this palace of light we welcome all who sensing its value desire to come!  To our high standard and excelled estate we call the faithful of all nations!  Come out from among the discordant, the unbelieving, the wayward and the deceitful—and be ye even as I am a director of God’s great light rays!  The Cosmic Light within you is all enfolding.  It awaits the manifestation of your God invoked dominion—done in the fullness of cosmic wisdom, yet manifesting to mankind as the benefit of heaven bestowed upon all who are ready to receive it, and charging all others with the blessing the Divine One has bestowed upon you (which shall increase as the light of service in your heart expands) until filling all the earth, its cosmic victory radiance shall so unite each member of the Great White Brotherhood with one another that never again shall they be unable to sense the abiding presence of our protection and our love given to help, given to heal, given to encourage and received to exalt God!

I AM the Initiator of the Faithful

The Great Divine Director


This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s will, of which all the ascended host are members.


1. Luke 2:25-35.