Vol. 5 No. 36 - Beloved Zarathustra - September 7, 1962
Formidable though the dissenting forces may appear, the inherent Power of Unity originally bestowed upon all Life on Earth is far greater. To this Unity let all aspire by casting out every fear! The education of men to this truth requires unfoldment in individual character. For the factor of matriculation governing the acquiring of knowledge can be compared to a tiny stream which seeps gently between the grains of sand on the stream bed: Part is absorbed and retained while minute trickles pass onward to feed the subterranean streams of consciousness. Yet the very slowness of the process unduly perpetuates human hardships for as long as men remain satisfied with a few “drops” of Reality, they delay the manifestation of the fullness of God’s glory within them and within civilization.
The Law governing Compensation and Justice from a cosmic standpoint has been little understood in either the Occident or the Orient; thus the reactionary forces which mold and shape the Earth’s present synthetic society have continued their attempt to cloud the real issues and poison the minds of men with fear. Like herds of ostriches men fear to gaze directly at the miracle of the Sun of Truth. For this reason, as a group, men do not seem to recognize the role they play in weaving the strands of their own destiny!
Re-embodiment is understood in part and denied by those whose dogma denies it, and whose senses reel at the infinite possibilities inherent within its concepts. Yet, again and again people meet those they have known in the past with whom they have debts and credits which remain to be balanced according to Divine Justice and in these encounters there is a mutual realization of some old familiarity. Sometimes feuds are reopened based on a vengeance which was not satisfied. These blessed people do not see that they are “beating their heads against a stone wall,” for Justice never permits anyone to harm another with impunity! Let the Law of pure Love wipe out all such matters and set the Earth free from the shame of perpetual discord! Serve the Ancient of Days and emulate the wiser Love of the Elder Who maketh all happiness to glow anew in the renewing of ancient covenants of Love and Truth and in erasing that which never should have been.
Shed outworn concepts which perpetuate inharmony. Take delight in bathing in the Fires of Purification and of Spiritual Regeneration, and thus wash out and transmute every stain. I think of a purifying stream where the soul, weary of the world, can come to enter the mighty Tide of Freedom forever. If all would enter this stream it would soon overflow its banks and become a Healing Fountain to the Earth! With their senses absorbed in the drama of the mundane men unfortunately sit in the seat of the scornful, watching the world go by. These like to think their own allotted span goes on forever, without any need to apply to Life for purification, illumination and transformation. Schools teaching the worldly sciences are honored by mankind, yet the knowledge they teach serves them for but a portion of their days. Far too many schools teaching the higher Laws of Life are unappreciated.
Beloved Ones, it is high time that the sincere students take these matters seriously. If you truly want to magnify God, become activated by the Fiery Principle which will rouse you to give your time, energy and devotion to these sacred causes. They have set Us free and will one day do the same for all on Earth if you will only demand action and then follow through to the victory of the Law of the Flame.
From the standpoint of comfortability alone, dear ladies and gentlemen, your mind and feeling worlds will be happier when the harmonies of heaven are operating within you because you consciously invoked and commanded that they do so! Although the Holy Christ Flame in every heart is kept perfectly balanced in Love, Wisdom and Power, this Flame can be invited to expand its influence into the mind, feelings and affairs of everyone who will make the call and then abide in full faith that the right results will be forthcoming. The answer does not come through the vacillating human will; it is a tangible intelligent Flame operating in cosmic frequencies and visible to those whose spiritual sensitivities are awakened. The charge of that Flame can easily enter into every cell of the body and deposit the perfect amount of prana which it needs to counterbalance all disease! This Flame can be called into action in the mind to heal conditions of inharmony and discord and promote greater realization of the equanimity of the Christ within!
My purpose in directing these words to students of the Sacred Fire is to prepare each one for the wonderful steps now being taken to expand the Light in all who will recognize that regardless of either advancement or lack of progress, God - the Pillar of Flaming action can instantaneously supply man’s every need, placing everyone who desires to serve in the vanguard of Truth that they may be instruments in freeing the world from all that binds. Such servants with the Christ Universal constitute a true spiritual Peace Corp to bring tranquility to a troubled world, and elevate civilization toward the zenith of its maturity which can make all war and inharmony cease, through obedient action to the loving voice of the Eternal Flame as it speaks to every heart: BE FREE, BE FREE, BE FREE !
I abide in the Heart of the Sacred Flame within,
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