Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 6  No. 22  -  The Great Divine Director  -  May 31, 1963


The wisdom of Saint Germain and El Morya has been conducted into the forcefield of our students through the recent contributions of these beloved brothers in white through the Pearls of Wisdom. I am desirous of adding some comments:

The advent of new concepts is always thrilling to the mind, yet the heart loves the familiarity of old and faithful ideas and forms.  I am aware of the need for both stability in form and progress in technical-spiritual advancements, and I think the chelas recognize that the invaluable services of the Pearls of Wisdom are in their direct instruction and release of truth to those who may or may not be familiar with its many aspects.

Some of these need to be reminded of the law and spurred onward by our almost daily “hello,” while others are mastering principles of illumination entirely new to them.  Some have but a vague familiarity with the ascended hosts, having no knowledge beyond the well-known religious figures of beloved Jesus, Lord Gautama, Mother Mary, Muhammad, Zoroaster and a few others among the saints.

Beloved El Morya’s recent contribution concerning divine flames was really inspired by my own request to him.  I am certain that those of you who have found a more vital contact with these divine flames will realize that all such flames are never uncomfortable and do not consume the blessed lifestream using them.  Their prime function is to transmit the qualities of the Godhead which they embody.  And it is the appropriation of these qualities which is of such great benefit to the advancing disciple.

The capacity of a lifestream to retain a charge as the result of his use of these flames can be explored by many with successful results.  For example, a charge of the healing flame stored in the four lower bodies of an individual makes it possible for that one in an hour of need to release the accumulated charge into the world of another with most beneficial results.  This charge can also be released into the chela’s own world to produce marvelous results because of the care of preparedness.

Heavenly treasures are deposited where they are immediately available to your blessed use, but you must make the necessary preparation and contribution of energy in order to have the benefit of that energy when you need it.

It is perhaps an adroit observation but one sometimes ignored that in most terrestrial matters individuals recognize the need to invest time and attention in order to achieve desired results, but all too often people feel that spiritual progress should come into manifestation automatically.

Actually, such progress does occur far more frequently than most people are conscious of, but lack of evaluation prevents the student from giving gratitude where it is due and receiving the fullness of the law of love in action.  Thus the fullness of the blessing is not retained because its presence is ignored.

Sometimes we hear the students musing during their decree periods and they ask themselves, “I wonder if the Great Divine Director really heard me.” I can pardon this lack of faith, but the burning question is, can you afford to ignore how many more mountains you would move if you had the whole mustard seed? Many do not realize that faith can be developed through practice.  Although it be the gift of God, it remains for men and women to appropriate that gift which lies so benignly in their own hands.

The invocation and use of the flames referred to in recent instruction is a means of storing up charges of spiritual qualities, but these are also the means whereby the aspirant may transmute and erase certain deeply ingrained records of human creation which are resident within the mortal frame.  The spiritual blueprint or cosmic diagram of life can always express to a greater degree where the human creation of the ages is burned up by transmuting fire.

Some of the Christian writers of the dark ages laid great stress upon the use of fire by God as a punishment.  This doctrine, remaining today in some religious sects as a threat of impending doom through fire and brimstone, has involved many sincere people in a vibratory action of great fear.  In more modern circles the pendulum has swung toward an apathetic and somewhat liberal view of Christian morality.  Let me tell you, beloved ones, that the middle way will bring the law into focus most clearly and thereby the benefits God intends all to share will not be denied to you.

You do not wish to harbor your undesirable conditions, do you?  Then use these most practical flames of divine purpose upon your precious four lower bodies and reap their benefits now and throughout eternity as you win your ascension thereby.  It has been said that salvation is the gift of God, not works, lest any man should boast. Dear hearts, the gift of God must be appreciated and used.

Men, in their too often apathetic and inconstant state of vacillation between mere pleasure seeking and degrees of religious fervor, do not obtain a norm of expression which would indicate to themselves just what their goals in life are. During the days of the Civil War in America, Harriet Beecher Stowe in her book Uncle Tom’s Cabin portrayed the character of the little girl, Topsy, who declared that she was not born but just “growed.” Unfortunately too many people today supposedly in a far more illumined state, have no better sense of direction concerning their aims and that for which they should ask. Well, let them one and all call forth illumination’s golden flame and use it faithfully every day! As the Higher Mental Body or Holy Christ Self releases to the consciousness of the chela more of its direction to the facile pathway cleared by illumination’s flame, each one will rejoice in his adoration of this flame.

Remember these flames are the vibratory action and living presence of God in manifestation in your world.  While God is a consuming fire, (Heb. 12:29) remember that his purpose is to crown you with the most elegant expression of cosmic victory that has ever manifested anywhere and which can never be consumed.  I defy anyone to prove to the contrary.  I think by his grace I have been given a more than ordinary view of the divine purpose and, I tell you, it is more magnificent than poet or artist has ever conceived in his most illustrious moments.

Pray to continue in wisdom’s ray.  Pray to continue in wisdom’s way.  It is more than worth all your courage and devotion.

I am holding your immaculate design in my heart.

The Great Divine Director