Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 6 No. 29 - Goddess of Light, Beloved Amerissis - July 19, 1963

The struggle between Light and shadow is ever one of BECOMING! O, Dear Hearts, how wondrous is the process of passing through Initiation, when the Victory of success is perceived blooming upon the stalk of fulfillment. In order to move forward in Light’s achievement you must always lay aside the sense of past failure. You must master the method of objectifying the Great Realities of Life and of minimizing the process of habitual response to mass stimuli which pull your precious energies downward.

As you think upon the Great Energy of Light that is in you, in your physical body, in your mind, and in your whole Being, consider the manner in which you are blessed by Light’s Service. Bear in mind that without the Blessing of Light, Life would be almost devoid of meaning. This Mighty Blessing of Light is one of which most people are not conscious unless they are deprived of it for a while.

I AM simply grateful to be One of Those chosen by the Godhead to amplify Light in the consciousness of mankind and I remain unmoved by their seeming failure to respond to Light’s stimulus. Still, I know so well that acknowledgment always produces intensification and awareness, whereby the Blessings to which attention is given are more glorious, more tangible, and of far greater value to the disciple. Dear Children of God, glorify Him more often for His wondrous Fiat of Universal Love which surged forth into the spoken Word, “Let there be LIGHT!”—truly LIGHT IS THE LIGHT which lighteth every man who cometh into the world—truly, “I AM” THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

The needs of each student of the Light will always be met by the Light, of that you may be certain. However, it is always necessary for each disciple to appropriate each release from Our octave by maintaining an attitude of expectancy, acceptance and gratitude, Would it not be ever so wise for each precious follower of Truth to maintain a conscious acceptance of all the Energy and Divine Grace released from his own Mighty God Self? Think, too, of the Mighty Blessings The Great White Brotherhood has bestowed upon all Life!

As you observe the mad rush of people to and fro upon the Earth and consider the dissipation of their energies, do you not wonder that any permanent or constructive action is ever accomplished? You can easily prove how difficult it is for Us to reach humanity the moment you attempt to contact them with this Light, for the Energy required to penetrate the density of human thought and feeling is tremendous. After all, the human reflexes are “conditioned” to respond to outer stimuli and they are quite puzzled when the Mighty Power of Spiritual Light begins to descend in answer to your calls. In fact, they just don’t know what to do about it.

Does this mean that you should not make the calls, because mankind, in their state of inertia, are disturbed by the ensuing “change” in vibratory rate which takes place in their worlds? Oh, ne’er in all Eternity! Rather, INTENSIFY your calls, for any disturbance shows that the Power of Light is beginning to act, and that is just when they require the magnet of your assistance to literally lift them out of the lethargy of centuries of wrong action or inaction.

So many people are hungering for something and they really do not know just what it is they are yearning for. It is a hunger for their own Divine Source and they are ashamed of what someone may think of their spiritual longings—actually ashamed to the point of denial of the Great Power of Life which beats their hearts—ashamed for the sake of some puny individual who himself will one day be brought to his very knees in the acknowledgment of Light’s Perfection. Beloved, the Golden Flame of Illumination can sweep into humanity and flood their consciousness with Understanding which will completely melt the hardness of their feelings and the accumulated stubbornness of their intellects until the Mighty Power of Spiritual Light can effect. It’s Blessing more completely within their worlds.

Now, there is an action of the Power of Light which is yet a mystery to many of the students and I would like to give some clarifying instruction on that subject. Many students have noticed that sometimes when they try the hardest they seem to encounter the greatest impediments and this tends to discourage their efforts. Conversely, they have noted that when no significant effort goes forth, great progress seems to be made. There are many Laws interacting here and I do not wish the students to become confused. You must work out for yourselves the complete understanding of this knowledge through individual experience, but I shall assist you with some pointers in the right direction.

First of all, NEVER, at any time, let up on your Blessed Guard or Protection. And further, do not cease to move forward into the Light no matter how much opposition you may contact. Remember, the Light of God never fails, and It must secure results, if you are faithful with your attention.

Beloved Ones, every great teacher and follower of Truth down through the ages has stood against the viciousness of human creation and has felt the lash of human misunderstanding. People are so earnest in what they believe to be right that they do not hesitate to rush forth and spew out the full venom of human bitterness at their fellow men when their concepts are challenged, no matter how small the matter may be in relation to the whole. But the first tenet of the Law of Life is that Divine Love alone should be released by everyone, and in this spirit only should differences be settled. Thus great souls have been snared by their identification with human weakness, self-righteousness, and emotional imbalance, and they have failed to pass great Initiations when they stood at the very portals of greater Service leading to ultimate Victory.

Remember, you are being tested for Mighty Cosmic Offices and the standards are naturally high. It is better to leave mankind tied to Earth’s evolutions than to prematurely raise them to the Octave where the Cosmic Ring-Pass-Not would again thrust them to the realm of outer darkness, simply because the ritual of preparedness was not accomplished, and, like the five foolish virgins, they lacked the oil for their Lamps of Spiritual Illumination.<1> Do not rebel, then, Beloved Ones who seek to find the Way back Home—when the Mighty Law tests your mettle in order to determine whether you are ready to take another step, rather rejoice, for great is your reward if you hold fast that which is good.

When you call forth greater Light and the Blessed Messengers of Heaven answer your call, there is a descent of great Energy and Light into your world. By contrast the charge of Light’s Energy is absent from those individuals who have, in place of Light’s Protection, either consciously or unconsciously subjected themselves to those self-destroying activities of human creation. Thus those who have not the Light will, either by personal contact or psychic projection, rush in to seize the Blessed Energies bestowed upon you, which is the very Treasure of Heaven. This “vampire” activity must be guarded against, by the true chelas and they must retain their full momentum of Divine Protection against such negative influences emanating from misguided humanity and its sinister creations.

Opposition may be impersonal, but when you carry the LIGHT, it is directed personally at you. Therefore, WATCH that you are not caught by the lure cast in your way; rather, abide in the House of Peace and Love, husbanding the precious fruits of Heaven and pressing them close to you, not as in a winepress of wrath, but as the cup of communion in honor of the New Covenant made with your own Mighty I AM Presence, the Ascended Masters, and the Spirit of Holy Light Itself. Expand your Light and by Its inherent Virtue, defeat all erroneous suggestions that would rob you of Light’s Blessing.

Victory and Overcoming belong to the faithful and strong who are dependent upon God alone for their peace of mind, and the balance of Life abides in the Light garnered by each individual lifestream. Those who follow and express that Light shall not walk in darkness, but shall have and be the Light of men. Wise is the follower of God who maintains his Spiritual Balance. Constancy is so needed, and the wisdom to guard the Flame of Life which you now have until such time that you shall have drawn to yourself the blessing of greater worthiness.

I know many have made mistakes, but I urge you not to be discouraged by them nor to permit the mass consciousness to deceive you into playing host to any feelings, thoughts, or acts not in keeping with the spiritual Grace of a Son of God. Let each right action on behalf of the Light serve to release the gravitational pull of fear and, by Mighty Tides of Light from God’s Own Heart, bear you to the region of Grace where Victory holds each manes Freedom in His Mighty Hand.

Vigilantly I AM yours , AMERISSIS

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will of which All the Ascended Host are members.

1. Matt. 25:3