Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 6  No. 31  -  The Goddess of Purity  -  August 2, 1963


O, Holy Purity, what Freedom is held within Thy Essence! Unfortunately, some men actually regret the purity of their past expression to almost the same degree that others lament any impurity that has occurred within their consciousness. What contrasts and inconstancies abide within transient human consciousness!

Let us take a clear look at Purity: Is not Purity Freedom from pollution, just as darkness is but an absence of Light? What is it that creates shadow or impurity? Dear Hearts, two causes acting simultaneously are responsible for the creation of all impurity. These causes are ignorance and the misqualification of energy. Surely, if ignorance did not exist and the fulness of Divine Illumination abode in each one’s consciousness, mankind would not keep on misqualifying energy, for the knowledge of the Greater Law would secure their lifestreams against the inroads of all known imperfection.

Banish ignorance, then, and you have extinguished the villain in the piece. The question which always arises is that of traditional misconceptions. The words of the Scripture declare that, “. . . the whole world lieth in wickedness.” (I John 5:19) It is but a wickedness of Ignorance, Dear Ones. When millions deny Truth, many men are afraid to affirm It; for it takes great courage to defy human tradition, long established in human thought and feeling. Yet it is these very burdens of misconception that are responsible for so much human discord, and their continuance has remained to hold sway for many generations.

Likewise, fear has kept mankind bound for so long that I almost marvel that any at all have ever escaped the old encrusted human forms to become God-like. The fact that in every generation some have done so should serve as encouragement to all who seek for their own Freedom and for the Liberation of the planet.

Let us take the factor of re-embodiment. Beloved Ones, millions of people have declared that because of early training and traditions observed during the formative years, they could not accept it as a doctrine; yet in Buddhist countries it is an accepted fact from youngest years. It is no more difficult for them to accept the idea of many lives than it is for the people of the West to accept the idea of “one life” which lives for a time, only to be forever extinguished, while a future eternity looms before men as either eternal hope or despair. God could never cast Himself in the role of a “destroyer” or blight men’s happiness simply because of men’s errors or misconceptions. Whether individuals have a memory of past lives or not, the fact remains true that all circumstance is governed by the Universal Law of Karma acting in succeeding lives, whose breaking dawn always brings a new hope for a more perfect appearing of Divine Happiness on the altar of individuality.

Precious Ones, the Image of God is an Image of Absolute Purity and as this Purity manifests in the Christ Intelligence of your own God-Plan, it expresses naught but the fulness of Perfection. It must follow, then, that only Happiness, Victory, and God-Success will result from the outpicturing of this divinely-imaged Plan. What God has envisioned is what man should envision! With the Beauty of such pure beholding the fiat, “THE PURE IN HEART SHALL SEE GOD,” BECOMES A REALITY IN INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION. Truly this Man was the Son of God, truly this Man is expressing God to the Universe, even as the Sun shineth in The Purity of His Strength. Ought else is sorrow and but a reflection of the Real in the imperfect mirror of mortality.

“Come, then, let us reason together,” sayeth the Lord. Is not Purity the Greatest of Gifts, and ought not men to pursue Her as men ought to pursue Holy Wisdom, until the Divine Theo-Sophia is enthroned together with Divine Purity in the manifest Image of Overcoming Victory? This is the true Wisdom of the ages for all. It is right action in becoming God-Like!

Your Ascension in the Light relates to your manifestation of the greater percentage of Life’s Ascending Perfection, so that the Lord may lovingly say by Cosmic Law: “Come up higher!” Shun not Purity, then, nor lament Its attainment or seeming unattainable heights. Purity lives where God dwells, and is no further away than the Flame within your Heart. We prepare a people for a great role: the Freeing of a Mighty Nation, and the extending of Christ Radiance among all the mankind of Earth.

In God’s Holy Name “I AM”



This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ DarJeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which ALL the Ascended Host are Members.



In the Name of the Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God, “I AM” in me, my very own Beloved Holy Christ Self, Beloved Serapis Bey, Beloved Goddess of Purity, Beloved Queen of Light, Beloved Goddess of Light, Beloved Pallas Athena and Beloved Mighty Astrea, I decree:

Beloved Serapis, O, Master of Love
Flood us with Purity from above;
Goddess of Purity, let Thy Flame
BLAZE thru us in God’s own Name!


PURIFY my mind and keep it Free
PURIFY my feelings and let all see
Wondrous effects of God-control
Directing my life to its goal
PURIFY my body from all dis-ease
PURIFY my memory and record please!

All that “I AM” and hope to be
Is given by Love’s own Hand to me
ASCEND it now and cut all Free
In Perfect Purity like Thee to be!

And in full Faith, I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever-expanding, and world-enfolding, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and Free! Beloved “I AM” (3x)