Vol. 8 No. 50 - Zarathustra - December 12, 1965
A Fiery Action of the Expanded Christ Consciousness
Most Blessed Devotees of the Mighty Threefold Flame of Life,
I come to you this holy season bearing glad tidings from the hierarchy. The Brotherhood in white, the Great White Brotherhood, has long recognized the aspirations of those who would be both good and holy in emulation of the strength of the Father. The deterrent factors in life have often held in check the noble aspirations that flow from the fountain of God’s flame within the hearts of men. Ambitions of a spiritual nature have remained unfulfilled. Wishful thinking has permeated the body politic of the religions of the planet, and the few have expressed the yearnings of the Spirit which should be forthcoming from the many.
It is the will of your beloved Jesus and the will of your beloved Saint Germain, it is the will of beloved Mother Mary, of the angelic hosts, of your beloved El Morya, Djwal Kul, and all who have to do with the release of the sacred fire to mankind to intensify in this coming year of crisis a fiery action of the expanded Christ consciousness for all.
It is not enough to leave mankind to bask (so to speak) in the flame of self-effort, but we must somehow manage to convey more of the fire of heaven through to the individual’s consciousness so that inspiration will come forth as a well within the fount of individual identity. To that end we provide herewith a prayer, charged with our radiance, and for the purpose of accomplishment in God’s name:
O mighty threefold flame of life, Under bond of brotherhood Communication’s strands of love, That draws me near the throne of grace Christ, raise me to self-mastery, I AM, I AM, I AM I AM, I AM, I AM Saint Germain and Jesus dear, Until they all unite in love
I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full power. I AM this done right now with full power. This is the full manifestation of the law of Love that raises me to my eternal victory, now and forever!
Precious ones, use this prayer three times each day without fail, if you will; for the hierarchy has determined to charge into it a great God-release of assistance to all who will so do with sincerity.
Lovingly I AM, in the service of the living Christ,
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