Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 9  No. 4  -  Beloved Mighty Victory  -  January 23, 1966


I AM the golden victorious light, the full-orbed flame of illumination from the heart of God that refuses to accept any concept of limitation concerning my eternal reason for being, here and now made manifest in the chalice of the present hour!

I AM the radiation of that victory which sweeps across the face of the earth, removing barriers by the power of faith that will not be denied its immortal birthright!

I AM the flame of illumination that sweeps all continents, awakening peoples of every walk of life from the lethargy and sleep of the ages to a vital, breathing awareness of the wisdom that transcends dogma, sense consciousness, and personality functions—threading the eye of the needle with the thread of light-determination whose sewings upon the garments of the Lord of Creation produce elevation, consummation, radiation, purification, and freedom for every man, woman, and child upon this planet!

O world, awake!
Your dusty selves now shake;
Purify and rectify,
New ways of thought to make!

The dignity of man has long been sold cheaply and, midst spirals of scientific achievement, the involved aspects of civilization have stymied the evolvement of his consciousness.  Victory is at hand!  The wages of sin is the death of right aspiration, motivation, and exaltation.

Who shall give destructive instruments unto a child?  Yet an infant humanity, having recognized variations in its own stature, ability, and consciousness, has ignored the need for personal integrity concerning those acts which it has committed in secret.

Modern detection devices now coming into manifestation and use upon the planet Earth make it almost impossible for individuals to talk, communicate, or even think without detection by some prying surveillance of their fellowmen.  These new modes of scientific listening devices now posing legal problems for the courts of the world are hailed as invaders of the privacy of mankind, yet they are but simple, mechanical, form-externalized methods of employing in the physical octave the all-seeing omniscience and omnipresence of God, now seized as right by the hand of man.  Fulfillment has been made, then, of the biblical prophecy concerning that which is done in secret; for it shall be shouted from the housetops!  The increasing use of such electronic devices will afford mankind less and less privacy, and as the governments of the world seek to employ them in their own interest and for the protection of freedom, so the enemies of freedom will also use the same devices on their own behalf.

When men are boxed in from beneath, to the right, to the left, before, and behind, there is only one way to go, and that is up or remain boxed in below.  Man’s free will has not been interfered with by God, for he has generously given unto the hand of man the right to both progress and self-direction.  But mankind’s misappropriation of energy, his misuse of power, and his greed-motivated acts have denied to him his victory.

Now cometh salvation and strength and the glory of God into manifestation, as the hearts of men, failing them for fear, seek to consult with one another and with heavenly emissaries concerning the reality of God.  The waning interest in organized religion reported from some sources is but indicative of mortal weariness with platitudes, palliation, and human dogma.  The victory of God declares that the soul hunger of man, the yearning, gnawing, burning search within his heart for reality shall, when men more fully recognize this need for fulfillment, bring the many upon the planet to a breathing awareness of the need to seek for a reality beyond dogma, form, creed, or exclusive organization.

The Great White Brotherhood is now ready to release the greatest knowledge to the planet that has ever been given in any past age for the advancement of all mankind.  We but wait for the true devotees of spiritual law to honorably uphold hands, hearts, and heads of virtue as chalices of purity, free from motivated calumny and unbridled by overly cautious mortal restraint in the great cosmic search for the manifest yet hidden wonders of universal love.

I AM come, then, to charge the Earth with my flame of God-victory, a victory such as never before has manifested upon Earth!  I am determined, as are all the great ones, that though the Earth may reel from the recoil of its own karma, the remnants of the righteous, who keep faith with their God Presence, entertaining concepts of victory for all, and acting to hinder no man, but only to unify the bands of the elect, shall find themselves about God’s business twenty-four hours a day, waking or sleeping.  The consciousness of soaring victory shall be theirs; like unto the Father, they shall not fail!  They are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  They are the brothers of illumination.

For the full manifestation of cosmic illumination and golden-age victory,