Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 11  No. 31  -  Godfre  -  August 4, 1968

My Faith Is in the Heart of America and in Its Immortal Dream


To Men and Women of the Hour!

The immanence of the kingdom of heaven is now and always has been within the aura of every soul.  The great God flame, the mighty I AM Presence, was given to man when he first sprang forth from the heart of God.  There is no need for men to placate God.  He is not a tyrannical being, but one who bestows the highest graces upon his creation which he framed, not in ignorance, but out of the wisdom of his heart.

America, too, was born as a dream of God—a confraternity of equality, a “land of hope and glory” where every man and woman could enjoy the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity.  At a time in history when this land—loved of old by poet and bard, nourished by statesmen and soldier, watched over by God and his angels, and upheld by many sons and daughters of liberty unknown and unsung—stands in her greatest hour of peril, we summon by the power of Almighty God understanding for the American people.

America is not a land of bondage.  Here the sweet air of freedom is yet breathed.  Regardless of restrictions and impositions of government, the bane of what may seem to be unjust taxation and a host of excesses, this land is still the cradle of liberty and the cup of light to the family of nations.  The greatest commodities America can export to the world are her statesmanship, her diplomacy, and her nourishment of the principles that gave her birth.

When the footsteps of stealth and darkness and the plots of assassination walk in the land, the memories of yesteryear and of patriots’ hearts now stilled linger in the memory of men.  “Of thee I sing....” “In God we trust”—sacred words, adulterated now in human consciousness even as the coins of the realm have been adulterated by impurities.  The society of America enters now a period of distrust and dissolution.

The very expansiveness of the land makes it impossible to have the community of hearts that once existed.  Today, those who control the economy can buy the media—television, radio, newspapers, and books—and put themselves over in the eyes of their peers by propaganda methods.  In olden days it was not so, for we lived in the hearts of our countrymen because their hearts lived in us.  We fought together, we bled together, we dwelled together in a great hope which we sought to convey to generations yet to come.

When I attended the little church at Alexandria, Virginia, as I rode there by carriage or sometimes as a solitary figure on horseback, it was with a great feeling that welled up within my soul of the destiny of the land that should be.  It is, perhaps, difficult for men who are yet unascended to realize the passions of my heart now as I see this land of which I was once commander in chief broken by the blight of foreign interference in American affairs, her image tarnished abroad, the hopes of her youth for the principles we have loved and cherished dimmed, and all mankind involved in a fierce battle with invisible forces of treachery and hypocrisy.

I commend to the people of America the meaning of the word integrity. For when as a Mason I sat in the lodge at Alexandria, it was to see the dream—the immortal dream of the eternal Father of the ages—outpictured on the blue field of honor as men, differing from one another as one star differeth from another in glory, <1> sought to excel in service and in love for God and country.

Neither the arrow that flieth by day nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness has in all these years succeeded in bringing this nation to her knees. <2>  And I pray that they never will.  Yet that illustrious figure, that man of sorrows who held the nation together during the dark hours of the Civil War—President Abraham Lincoln—did solemnly warn that if this nation should ever be destroyed, it would be from within. <3>

I therefore urge the people of America—not because, as an ascended being, I favor this nation above other nations, but because I favor her destiny as the servant of all nations—I urge every son and daughter of America in whom breathes the soul of liberty to rally to the cause of responsible citizenship, responsible service, and responsible love to make this nation under God a sovereign nation whose glory shall never die.

America was intended by God to be a saviour nation to the world, and the annals of the Great White Brotherhood reveal the plan.  America was intended to bring forth the Manchild that should rule the nations with a rod of iron. <4>  This means that America, in essence, was intended to bring forth the dream of the Christ image for every man not by way of a decadent Christianity but through a universal Christ-I-AM-ity.

When the souls of men draw together in the understanding that God is our saviour, that Christ the beloved Son is the certificate of each man’s immortal inheritance and that he was given to every man to assist him in building his character and expanding his light, then and only then will America be united under God.  Freed from the banalities and oppressions of Calvinistic hells and in the realization of the law of rebirth (as it was proclaimed by Saint Francis in the public squares and was once so integral a part of Catholic doctrine), men will understand the unity of their hearts and the Law of the Circle.  They will know that whatsoever they do of betrayal in their lives—whether it be treachery to God, to country, or to self—will surely return to them full circle.  They will know also by the great blessings of divine truth that all that they do that is good and of benefit to their fellowmen will return to them individually as well as collectively in a greater and freer society where the miracle of Christ-perfection can live upon earth.

The ancient pyramids of Atlantis reveal the destiny of America.  She was intended to rise stone by stone—lively stones all—as a living temple of monumental achievement pointing the way to the stars. <5>  Let us, then, in hope renewed in the white purity of this nation’s flag envision the day when the bloodbath is o’er, when war shall cease and the stripes of red shall be changed to the gold of spiritual innocence and virtue—when holy wisdom will dictate the way of peace and prosperity for all who dwell upon the planetary body.

We cannot hallow this ground, we cannot consecrate this land in any finer manner than to bestow upon it our love and our appreciation for all that it has meant to those who have lived here.  Long ago, the red man called it home.  Today it is the home of many people from many lands and it is the bastion of liberty and freedom for the world.  With all of its faults, America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. <6>

My faith is in the heart of America, and I stand ready with every ascended master to see to it that this land of liberty shall not perish from the earth.  That this may be so in this time will require the diligence of all who love liberty and freedom.

There is no time for idle drift or partisan dreams.
There is no time for common rift—
Let all men mend their seams—
For in the craft of unity,
The olive branch so green,
Beside the dove of peace is seen
An eagle heard to scream,
“Eternal vigilance is the price for liberty!” <7>

I urge every son and daughter of liberty in whom burns the spirit of cosmic evolution to understand that not by senseless revolution but by progressive evolution can the world be moved forward.  To this let us ever be dedicated, that America go not down into the dark night of mankind’s violence but pass ever upward by its own inner transcendence into the light of hope for a brilliant tomorrow.

In the name of your own beloved mighty I AM God Presence and the great hosts of ascended masters, I invoke the spirit of renewed faith in the heart of America and in its immortal dream.  I invoke the spirit of Christ-comprehension that will spread this dream into the hearts of laity and clergy alike who will see that the flame of the mystery schools of old is neither degrading nor satanic but that it is the all-enfolding luminosity of the dream of the ages for peace, prosperity, and freedom to all.

Life is often not what it seems.  The traditions handed down to men must be reexamined, thread by thread, and their values reassessed.  Yet that which is of worth must be preserved.  If men will die for freedom, then they can also live for it.  And today,

We need men and women to live for it
To recapture the dream,
To see the gleam from afar
Of the Holy Grail, like a star
Of mystic brilliance, speaking
To the shepherds within your midst
Saying, “Behold, He is born.”

The highest form of worship is imitation and, in the imitation of Christ and in the fulfillment of the purposes of life, America will glow and expand as never before.  The spiritual wings of the great eagle <8> shall cover this land and the children of this world—of the kingdoms of this world—shall become the children of the kingdoms of our Lord. <9>

Obediently, I AM


1. 1 Cor. 15:41.

2. Pss. 91:5-6.

3. “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln,” Walt Disney.

4. Rev. 12:5.

5. 1 Pet. 2:5.

6. Francis Scott Key, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” st. 1.

7. Thomas Jefferson

8. Rev. 12:14.

9. Rev. 11:15.