Vol. 14 No. 26 - Kuthumi - June 27, 1971
The Human Aura
The Strengthening of the Aura
The thrust for a purpose envisioned by Master El Morya should be brought to bear not only upon the activities of the Brotherhood mutually coordinated on earth and in heaven, but also upon the life of each and every student.
One of the first exercises I wish therefore to give to the students for the strengthening of the aura involves a threefold action. The student begins by visualizing the threefold flame expanding from within the secret chamber of his heart. <1> He then seals himself and his consciousness in a globe of white fire, and when he is set he proceeds to recite the following words with utter humility and devotion:
I AM Light, glowing Light, |
As you visualize the cosmic white-fire radiance around yourself, do not be concerned with the errors in your thought that through the years may have intruded themselves upon your consciousness. Do not allow yourself to concentrate upon any negative quality or condition. Do not let your attention rest upon your supposed imperfections.
Instead, see what the light can do for you. See how even your physical form can change, how a strengthening of the bonds of your health can occur in body, mind, and spirit. Try this exercise, simple though it may seem, and know that many ascended beings will be performing it with you.
So many times adults fear to be thought childlike. <2> They would rather appear to be worldly-wise and sophisticated—if they only knew that they are running from deep-seated fears and insecurities which they have buried beneath the clamor of social doings. Surely with all they know about the physical universe, their environment, and the patterns of the mind, they must be able to reveal how great they really are!
But, dear hearts, what a shock some men and women are in for when they shall come face to face with the blazing truth of reality and realize that so much of what they have learned must be unlearned and that what they have thought to be their own greatness must be sacrificed upon the altar of the true greatness of the Christ Self. Then, perhaps, they will compare that which they do not yet know with that which they do know, and they will see how very lacking in luster they are in the eyes of the cosmic hierarchy.
It is not needful to impress the masters with any quality you may have. Heaven already knows exactly what you are above and below. Heaven already knows that you were made in God’s image and likeness.
If you return to that image in a simple, sweet, and childlike manner, I can promise you that heaven will not allow you an overabundance of time in which to function in the domain of the child, but it will elevate you into the consciousness of a mature son or daughter of God.
While you maintain the attitude of the child, you will be able to do something for yourself that will be both valuable and valid. You will be able to loose the ties that bind you to your egocentricities, until at last the little bird of the soul shall flit into the heavens and behold the glory of the eternal sun.
We in our Brotherhood of the Golden Robe are devoted to the freeing of those who are yet enmeshed in the vain aspects of the human consciousness. That they may develop spiritually, free at last to express the purposes of life as God intends them to do, is our prayer.
Many think it would be “so nice” if God would speak the word and, suddenly, as with the rushing of a mighty wind, all could speak the heavenly language. <3> Men forget the karmic patterns that others have carelessly woven and even the patterns that they themselves have woven. They forget that these are the self-made prison walls that keep them from discovering the delights of heaven and from becoming gods among men. They do not understand that this planet is a schoolroom and that in these latter days many have permitted their consciousness to grow dark even while knowledge seems increased across the land.
The knowledge that is important is the knowledge whereby man becomes first the master of his own consciousness and then the master of his world. Whereas in a relative sense one man may attain greater mastery than another in the manipulation of energy within a finite circle, this in no way guarantees that the big frog in the little pond will be able to navigate in the circle of the infinite.
We are concerned with the measure of a man’s advancement according to the divine precepts of the Brotherhood, which have been established under the guidance of the eternal Father from the beginning. We are interested not in generation, but in regeneration.
Now, I am well aware that for some of our readers it is even a new idea that their thoughts can impinge upon others or that the thoughts of others can influence their own moods and manner of life. Nevertheless, it is so. The wise will therefore seek scientific methods of dealing with the problems of auric influences and thought penetration.
If everyone knew how to use the tube of light and the violet consuming flame and believed in this method of self-transformation, I am certain that the world would be a different place. The dissemination of such practical knowledge is invaluable when it is applied by those who receive it. Hence I urge those disciples who have been calling for more light to be alert to properly use that which we shall release as they practice the aforementioned exercise.
So many misalignments in the human aura, so many nodules of dark and shadowed substance continually spew out their pollutants into the mainstream of man’s energy, sapping his strength and weakening the entire manifestation of his life, that there is a great need for the flushing-out of darkness by a bubbling action of the light. Naturally, I am concerned that we first clear up these centers of shadow—the shadow of misqualification that is within man—before we energize the consciousness of our students.
This problem sometimes presents a moot point. For those who pray often, who decree much, who love much, who involve themselves with the whole repertoire of the mantras of our Brotherhood seldom realize that as they gain in the power aspect of God, or even the love aspect of God, they also need the holy wisdom that shall direct their proper use of their forte of energy.
To misuse energy, to send out enormous power into the world like billowing storm clouds, is not the fulfillment of the divine intent. Energy should be directed as the perfect day coming from heaven into the lives of all it contacts. Let radiant blue skies and golden drops of sunlight pour through the foliage of man’s consciousness, increasing the green, the beauty, and the color of the day of perfection in all men’s thoughts.
May I chasten some by pointing out that sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly you are using the energy of God to further your own moods and feelings in the world of form. Try God’s way, the way of perfection. <4>
For just as the Christ consciousness is the mediator between God and man, so man can become a joint mediator with Christ. And inasmuch as he does what he wills with the energy God gives him, he controls, in a relative sense in the world of form, a portion of the divine energy for the entire planet. When he realizes this, the whole foundation of his life can be altered if he wills it so. This thought is injected as a direct quote from a conversation I had with beloved Morya, and I trust that the students will take it to heart.
What a wonderful opportunity lies before you as a gift from God as you correctly use his energy. Why, you can literally mold yourself and the whole world in the divine image! The potential for goodness lying within man is wondrous indeed. And as he learns how to properly extend and guard his auric emanations, he will realize more and more of that potential.
We shall do our part to make known the wondrous kingdom of heaven to as many as we possibly can. Will you help us to reach out in God’s name, as his hands and feet, to lovingly become more and more the manifestations of the grace of God?
The auric cloud glows, the auric cloud grows. The beauty of the kingdom of heaven solidifies in man as he gains a greater understanding of his own real nature.
I remain serenely in the light of purpose.
2. Matt. 18:3, 4; 19:14; Mark 10:14, 15.
4. Acts 2:1-4.
[Taken from the book version The Human Aura]
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