Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 15 No. 24 - Beloved Aloha - June 11, 1972


The Immortal Rendering of Peace


Blessed Are the Peacemakers!

Men cry peace when there is no peace <1> because their consciousness vibrates at a level which is both a betrayal and a mockery of their words by their spirit.

Here in the Pacific where a once great continent stretched forth through her verdure an opportunity to men for evolvement, here atop the remnants of what was once a high mountain, remains the last concentration of the beauty of Lemuria, called the Motherland of Mu. The effects of the ancient culture upon modern man speak of influences that stem from the far distant past beyond contemporary history. These show clearly to those who have eyes to see how environment is fashioned by the use of the soul just as environment also molds the shape of the soul personality of individualized man.

In this hour when humanity seek to understand peace, let them realize the price of true peace as well as the meaning thereof. Peace defined as a mere cessation of activity, as an absence of war or conflict, produces little more than a form of euphoria, a tranquillity bordering on sleep itself. Men and women ought to decipher the meaning of life and perceive the karmic web as an interwoven manifestation connecting the soul of each embodied individual with the web of the universe. Life’s opportunities, then, are not only to create and embody ideals, but also to resolve ancient involvements in the light of universal reason and justice.

It has been said that mankind do not favor justice. If this be true, it is because they do not understand it. Each effect has its cause, but heavenly mercy endureth forever. <2>  The achievement of balance by mankind is not without effort, a reasonable effort toward the promotion of a true and correct understanding of life.

Simply because mankind affirm a thing to be so does not make it so. Those who seek a scientific basis for all circumstances must likewise understand how the measure of those circumstances is prescribed by universal law. If universal law be heeded, it is a certainty that peace will eventually be produced among the entire family of nations and between the universe and the individual soul.

The strange statement attributed to Jesus Christ two thousand years ago “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:  I came not to send peace, but a sword” <3> has been greatly misunderstood. The sword is one of discrimination that enables men to properly evaluate the enmity of the serpentine mind with the Christ Mind. <4>  The intellect that depends upon questionable facts which afford stability to the surface mind often fails to take into account the quotient of the unknown together with the known.

The purposes of life are not vulgar, but expansive, requiring that man override those chaotic forces which are causative of surface appearances that create in the world of form disillusionment, boredom, and every other manifestation that is less than the perfection of Life. It is true that many men do not see behind the veil of historical appearances. From their contemporary viewing, they are not able to read the hieroglyphs of the ancient mysteries still in physical manifestation; they are not able to summon faith in cosmic possibilities, but choose instead to remain behind the veil of human ignorance and what they term a factual presentation.

As one who sees, may I say to men who see in part, as well as to those who are blind, that when the vast story of Cosmos is ultimately revealed, all will know it. But blessed are those who are able to summon peace within their soul, not in a spirit of complacency, but in a spirit of true peace. Blessed are those who let their consciousness rest in the certainty that Divine Providence has created from the beginning those elements of universal peace which will ultimately produce fruit after its kind. That people do not know true peace today is due to man’s failure to open the gates of his understanding and to decipher not only the ancient mysteries of the lost continents and lost civilizations, but also of the lost heritage that is inherent within each man.

To the end that they may create the divine corollary, I, Aloha, send forth the mighty vibration of peace both to the world and to the center of mankind’s souls. Our purpose is that the petals of their unfoldment might become charged with that cosmic discrimination which will enable them, one and all, to rise above karmic record–cause, effect, and memory–and speedily sunder those contacts, whether traditional or unorthodox, which are not founded in the transcendent search for Truth. For only the Truth can make you free, <5> and only the Truth can anchor within your souls those gracious reminiscences of your personal relationship with the divine Creator of all that lives.

Let His perfect love cast out every fear <6> from your being and hold constant in the embrace of your soul the certainty that His knowledge, which shall cover the earth and fill every man with the transcendent Light of the ages, is breaking forth today as the dawn of a new day for all. Each supporting expansion of this Light is a step forward in the development of man as envisioned by God. For only the divine vision will succeed; and with each acceptance of the divine vision by any element of creation, the whole Body of God, the whole garment of creation, is rendered a co-worker in the Light of God that never fails. Do you see how simple this is?

Beloved ones, each of you can if you will, through your own self-externalization of God-virtue, succeed in raising your own past, present, and future so that they are clearly visible upon the altar of Light where all things transcend themselves. Then the peace of God that remains will keep your minds and hearts valiant functionaries of His holy will and the manifestation of certainty that can never be denied.

I remain and I AM your servant and guardian of the immortal rendering of peace,



Note: Beloved Aloha is the Divine Complement of Peace, the Elohim of the Sixth Ray, whose retreat is over the Hawaiian Islands.

1. Jer. 6:14.

2. Pss. 136.

3. Matt. 10:34.

4. Rom. 8:7.

5. John 8:32.

6. I John 4:18.