Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 16 No. 3 - Beloved Djwal Kul - January 21, 1973


“Comfort Ye My People!”

To All Who Strive:

“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people!  saith your God.” <1> Thus it is needful to extend comfort if one would receive it. The comfort of the freedom that is to be known in the vitalized Consciousness of Christ is the flowing water of Life which I will give freely to all. <2>

When men understand that the sunlight that glistens upon the waters of the mind is for the penetration by the fire of the sun’s illumination of human energies in motion, they will understand the potential of the Christ to control through spiritual measures all activities of the individual as well as those of nature in a masterful manner. The manifestation of God-control over human emotion in every situation will bring a wealth of God-realization marking progress in every endeavor of the Spirit of creation that abides throughout Life.

It is a travesty of the gift of Life that individuals feel the need to analyze it, as though through the process of analysis they would be able to determine its inherent usefulness. Let men realize the fact that faith inviolate and determined enables them to enter the great highway of spiritual recognition whereon they experience joyful purpose as one of the most meaningful gifts of Life. By practicing the simple ritual of daily accepting the joyful purpose manifesting divine intent through the very fiber of Life, individuals will find opening before them a mighty door which no man can shut. <3>

There are many innocent souls who by reason of their ignorance fail to apprehend the simple but beautiful intent of God that ought to be apparent to all as paramount in Life. We cannot bestow upon those who lack faith the gifts that we would. Nor can Life itself fail to withhold the bounties of joy from those who will to behold only struggle and sorrow.

Let me point out that the essential realities of struggle provide goads to soul-development if the individual will allow himself to see behind the chastening of Nature the great challenges of Life. When accepted, these challenges will build not only in the individual but in all Life a cellular magnetism that pulls divine Reality to the very surface of the composite manifestation that is man the individual and man the universal.

To the “least of these my brethren” Heaven has extended the same gift as it has to the greatest. Individual reactions to the opportunity of Life vary. While some leap at the opportunity to externalize new virtues every day, others fail to even see the wonder and the joyous patterns inherent within the gift of Life. When, acknowledging the Christ within themselves, they can say, “That which is done unto the least of my brethren is done unto Me,” <4>they will begin to know the meaning and application of the universal justice of the Law. And when bounties of Christed action, they will see that the magnificent flow of cosmic energy, as an endowment from the Tree of Life, <5>is stimulated by the action of God in man serving the God in man.

Meditative techniques and spiritual involvements that aerate and change the consciousness from one of density to one of universality (the thinning of the nebulous veil until shining shapes of things to come are perceived) will endow mankind with a greater vision of the cloud-capped realm that lends enchantment to their view of Life. The powers of the imagination, when stimulated to an awareness of divine creativity, can penetrate veils of perception, enabling man to see that which God has bestowed upon all Life as well as the treasures of individual talents encapsulating a cornucopia of vital loveliness to be revealed unto each one when he is ready.

That which is called art but fills young minds with horror, creating a vicious disenchantment with Life and a disenfranchisement of purpose, is not art at all and cannot help but stir a putrid brew that produces a stench rather than an aroma. The perfume of infinite loveliness, distilled by angel hands through the natural process of the flowers that bestow so much grace and happiness upon mankind, in its pure state inspires the heart and mind with creations of true beauty.

It is necessary, then, that the consciousness become aware of the delicate traces, the grand and lovely subtleties with which Nature has endowed all Life. We recognize the difficulty of those steeped in the arrogance of self-pity and a sense of separation from the universal identity of Christed man to ever perceive the graciousness of individual awakening to universal Reality. But if they will try to know Him as He is and to know themselves in Him, I can assure them that we have a system of initiation that has worked for thousands of years and assures the individual ultimate victory.

What a pity that men are not willing to try to meet the challenges of life and that they limit their consideration of the word of God to a certain number of days, giving the Deity what almost amounts to an ultimatum:  “Illumine me by Tuesday or I shall leave the faith!”  Beloved hearts of Light, if God has infinite patience with the development of man, ought not man to offer at least one life to the untrammeled loveliness of that universal God?  “Prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” <6>is the commandment and promise of God.

We are anxious to build greater and greater faith within you, for faith will work seeming miracles.

In deepest love,


Djwal Kul


Note: Djwal Kul is a Master of the illumination of Divine Love. He presides over his etheric retreat in Tibet. He was embodied as Caspar, one of the three wise men who honored Jesus at his birth.

1. Isa. 40:1.

2. Isa. 55:1; Rev. 22:17.

3. Rev. 3:8.

4. Matt. 25:40.

5. Gen. 2:9.

6. Mal. 3:10.