Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 16 No. 22 - Beloved Mighty Cosmos - June 3, 1973


The Secret Rays Are Released to the Earth from the Heart of Alpha and Omega


From out the white fire core of Being I project the secret rays. And I AM the Consciousness of the secret rays within you.

Have you thought about the fact that there is a Consciousness and awareness of God within the core of Being that is the Threefold Flame and within the white fire that is the heart of every atom of man’s being?  So then, I AM that Consciousness; and you are that Consciousness if you choose to ensoul the white fire.

I caution you not to leap into the Flame without the realization that all that is human, all that is less than divine within you, must be consumed when you make that leap. I think of how mankind gingerly approach the waters of the sea, and they put in one toe and quickly withdraw it because it is too cold. Well, you might do the same because it is too hot. But the heat is only generated by the friction of your own consciousness in the Flame.

Therefore, first divest thyself of the awareness of thyself as a being apart from God, apart from His preeminence; and then consider the allness that is man as the manifestation of God. Realize that that allness can only be the consuming fire. And there–there you stand. Take one step and enter the Flame, for that is how close the Flame is. That is how near divine perfection is. And that is how unreal the vanity of vanities is. <1>  Only one step, and you step out of imperfection into perfection.

Now some of you have grappled with the human consciousness as though it were real, as though it were a beast of prey or a mighty foe; and you perspire and you toil and you beat as one that beateth the air. <2>  May I suggest that you cease the struggle and the sense of struggle and that you come into the communion of the Christ Consciousness and of the saints that simply utters the word and the fire that is a consuming fire is released from the white fire core; and all that is unlike it is consumed.

There is a process, a human process, of unraveling the skeins of the mind and undoing the knots, one by one, laboriously. And then there is the process of casting the entire mess of knots and bondage into the Flame without examining, without clinging to the realities of the lesser self.

This day you have an opportunity to prove by the power of the victory of the Feminine Ray as it has been outpictured here at this point in time and space to begin a new cycle of victorious overcoming. This is a cosmic moment in the history of the planet earth.

And so I have come forth to release at the behest of the Lords of Karma an extraordinary assistance through the momentum of the secret rays that descend now from the Heart of Alpha and Omega, from the hearts of the mighty Elohim and their heavenly consorts who send forth the aspect of the Masculine, the aspect of the Feminine of the secret rays. And they are spiraling into manifestation through the etheric, the mental, the emotional, and into the physical plane of the planet earth.

Even this very hour the chemicalization begins of the contact of mankind’s outer consciousness with the white fire core of Being. And many shall be charred and many shall be burned, for they have not the fiery white garment of the Hebrew boys who were cast into the fiery furnace <3>to set the archetypal pattern of the overcoming of the human consciousness by the trial by fire. <4>

Indeed our God is a consuming fire. <5>  By the thrust of fire and the victorious manifestation of the Sacred Fire within you and within all devotees, the dominion of the water element is secured. Take it, then, as the mighty torch of the Hierarchies of the Sun, and realize that all comfort, all overcoming must be wrought through fire.

We have need of focuses of fire, of fire that burns with absolute adoration and love of the Father and of the Mother of creation and of these Flames tangibly expressed. Those who then are ready for the trial by fire shall be given it this day, and those who desire to be made ready shall be given the opportunity to make themselves ready. The victorious passing of the test of fire by some among you will reinsure the focus of the eternal victory of the planet earth at the hour when the entire planetary body must also face the trial by fire. And that hour is coming and now is; and in that hour “there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” <6>

The Christ Consciousness is the victor; and it is the hour of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness permeating the earth. And mankind taste the bitterness even as they taste the sweetness of the Word, the power of the Logos, that comes forth. Now this is the meaning of the secret rays:  they are a haven of escape, a haven to which the children of God escape because they are ready to stand in the Fire, and because they are ready to stand in the Fire, the Fire becomes dearest friend and protector.

And while they stand in the Flame, those who are without the Flame find that they and their works must be consumed. And while that chemicalization and that alchemy proceed, those who are conscious of the Self as the center of the white fire core are untouched, and not even the smell of smoke <7>is found upon their garments when they emerge victorious.

The secret rays are a haven for the blessed. Let all retreat to the secret rays and to the Consciousness that I AM. For I AM Cosmos and I ensoul the Cosmos with the power of the secret rays. And there is nowhere within this Giant Egg that you can go that you will not find my Self-awareness of the cosmic secret rays that come forth from the Heart of Almighty God. And thou shalt find me in the rock and in the water, in the spring of Life, in the heart of man, in the heart of a flower, in the clouds above, and in the stratosphere, and in all solar awarenesses; for I AM Cosmos, and I AM the precipitation of the Masculine and Feminine Rays of Alpha and Omega.

Therefore align your consciousness with my own and be secure, and find favor in the Holy Spirit which is thy just portion of the Law. This is indeed the birthday of the Consciousness of the Queen of Heaven that has become the Queen of Earth. Rejoice and be glad that in physical manifestation the Mother Flame reigns triumphant!

And unto you is given this day a mighty scepter that you might reach out for it and claim it. And it shall be given into your hand when there is that certain adjustment in your four lower bodies whereby you may use that scepter in the name of the Divine Mother to go forth and claim the radiance of the sun of Her Being and the flowering of Her Consciousness. But if the touching of the scepter is premature, then it shall serve as the coil to be thy undoing.

Let then the scepter rest high in the atmosphere and take the training and be prepared for the trial by fire. And know that when you emerge victorious from the fiery furnace, the scepter will be waiting as the divine authority of the Christ Consciousness who declared in the beginning and in the hour of triumph “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth,” <8>and to whomsoever I will I give it. So then is the scepter of the divine authority that to which you can aspire and become.

So then the power of Mighty Cosmos is victorious “as above, so below” this day. And the cycles of God-vision are released from the heart of the earth, from the heart of the four beings of the elements; and the planetary adjustments begin. For the Lord God requires this day that the four lower bodies of the planet earth come into alignment and that the Consciousness of Cosmos be made manifest north, south, east, and west for the rectifying of the poles and of the axis in physical manifestation. So the spiral is released and so the manifestation shall be made plain at the hour and in the time of the Lord’s appointing.

These are days when a cycle of thirty-six shall bring to mankind the fulfillment of the destiny of the Golden Age. The cycle of years then that are preparatory to the manifestation of the Golden Age must manifest triumphantly in some among earth’s evolutions. Count then this hour as the beginning of your own cycle of the thirty-six, the victorious power of the three times three in the blue, in the yellow, and in the pink, as the Cosmic Christ Consciousness that descends from the Pleiades, from the heart of Lanello and every saint and Ascended Being of all ages. For to you, children of the Sun, who have vowed the vow of the Eternal One, is given the opportunity of the victory of the thirty-six for the manifestation of the great Golden Age.

The spiral goes forth. It is released as a mighty coil from the Heart of Alpha and Omega. Let all then ride the spiral by the ultimate power of victory and God-reality unto the perfection of the manifestation of the Cosmic Virgin upon the planet earth, Terra–Terra in the Heart of God dedicated to the flowering of the beauty of God and the dream of the Mother for all ages.

So let it appear. So let the Mother of Quadrants go forth to conquer north, south, east, and west. And let all come under the dominion of the Divine Woman and Her Seed. For the Light of Cosmos shall not fail!  The Light of Cosmos shall not fail!  The Light of Cosmos shall not fail!  And the victory is nigh, even at the very door.


By special request of the Darjeeling Council, this dictation of Mighty Cosmos, given at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral on April 8, 1973, is published as this week’s Pearl of Wisdom. This dictation is also available on the Ascended Master Tape Recording MT 7305, The Summit Lighthouse.

1. Eccles. 1:2.

2. I Cor. 9:26.

3. Dan. 3:19-25.

4. I Cor. 3:13.

5. Heb. 12:29.

6. Matt. 24:51.

7. Dan. 3:27.

8. Matt. 28:18.