Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 16 No. 26 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 1, 1973


O Man, Receive These Fires and Be Free!


I am come because you have called, and the call compels the answer everywhere in Cosmos. I come bearing the glad tidings of the fires of purity–fires regenerate.

O man, receive these fires and be free!

Have you not heard the trumpets of Luxor, the angel choirs singing the victory, the triumphal march–the march of your triumph?  For that is the song of the ascension flame, and that is the march of candidates marching from the four quadrants to the flame. <1>  They march in time and space. They march across Cosmos. They march to the place where time and space are no more and death is swallowed up in victory. <2>

I have chosen to come to the physical Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral at the occasion of the glorious Eastertide when the resurrection flame is released from all of the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood to inundate the earth in the fires of rejuvenation, of rebirth and eternal youth.

I have come, and brothers robed in white who have passed through the flame and are newly ascended have come with me; and they stand in the formation of a giant cube within these walls to radiate from the four directions of the compass the feeling of the ascension, the glory of the ascension. And among them standing tall, facing the Mother of the Flame, is the newly ascended Lanello, who now radiates his joy and great happiness to you who stand to become ere long officially candidates of the ascension flame.

It is my desire that you should understand that a great victory has taken place in the ascension of our Messenger. You can comprehend that victory only by rising to the level of Christ-awareness, of God-be-ness within you; for only God within man can perceive God within man.

And so by the power of the stepping-up action of your chakras, I give to you my gift of the solar awareness of the victory not of one Messenger, but of two Messengers. For the Mother who tarries has also the gift of the ascension flame, to hold that flame as a mighty torch to the age, to beckon the sons and daughters of Serapis homeward into the flame at Luxor. And so the victory is twain–heaven on earth and earth in heaven as twin flames focus the Alpha-to-Omega in the planes of Spirit and Mater.

Have you thought, blessed hearts, that there is nowhere that you can go and not receive the comfort of the Mother and the comfort of the Father?  Whether here or in the next octave, wherever you are and wherever you go, you will have the comfort of the Messengers. Those who tarry and those who go on–both are received in the arms of their love. And so [there is] great rejoicing in heaven and great rejoicing upon earth that there is a mighty flow of ascension’s currents that shall never cease between these souls who have given their allness to that flame.

I, Serapis, then, make this pronouncement to you this day:  that it shall be in the order of the Mother of the Flame to recommend candidates for the Ascension Temple. And when this is done by her according to the direction of the Cosmic Christ and the Lords of Karma and the Christ Self of the disciple, it means that these Messengers shall stand behind that soul and that lifestream until he is prepared fully for that glorious reunion of the soul with the Spirit over the spiral of ascension’s victory.

It also means that upon her recommendation and the acceptance of the twin flames–their acceptance of that candidate–they are willing, if that candidate fails, to take on the karma of the individual. And it also means that I, Serapis, will back and honor their advocacy. And I also shall stand to prepare the souls named for the hour of supreme reunion. And there shall go forth a special guard of Seraphim at night to escort those so named to our temple at Luxor to receive the inner training in the Law.

This then is in keeping with the law of Hierarchy whereby ascended and unascended Masters may sponsor chelas and thereby shorten the days of travail for the elect <3> by backing their chelas with the full-gathered momentum of victory.

Victory then is the cry of Love!  Victory is the call of the hour!  And I, Serapis, have come to make the ascension as a goal more tangible than your very existence itself. I give to you to drink, to quaff, substance of ascension’s flame that you might taste the glory of victory and never forget that taste, that you might pursue it unto the end against all odds, against all adversaries of the carnal mind posing as everything else but the carnal mind.

I say then, God-mastery is the requirement, and God-obedience. You must have dominion over death in order to inherit immortal Life. You must transmute the planetary death consciousness. Death that has come out of Egypt as the perversion of the ascension spiral in the great pyramid must be consumed now–ahead of time, before you face death. Before death comes knocking at the door–that is the time to consume it in the flame of the ascension current.

Be Life!  Walk the earth in Life–in immortal Life!  And the crossing of the bar will come to you so gently it will seem as though it never occurred, for you will be translated as Enoch was translated; and I say to you, he who makes up his mind to be translated, to balance his karma, can do so in this age. For “Enoch walked with God:  and he was not, for God took him.” <4>

Would you not like to have it said of yourself “And John (or Ruth or Mary) walked with God and was not, for God took him (or her)”?  Would you not like to leave that mark as an infinite record of the victory of Life within you?  Then I say, make it your mark!  Make it your high calling!  And brook no interference, and you shall win!  You shall triumph!  For I, Serapis, plant my scepter this day in the right hand of the Mother–the scepter of the authority of the ascension current. And so this is preparatory for the hour of the ascension of the planetary body itself.

And I, Serapis, take the Cosmic Egg which she wears, and I place the focus of the ascension flame within the very heart of the crystal as the focus for the ascension of the entire Cosmic Egg. Can you contemplate that hour when the entire Cosmos is quickened in the ascension spiral?  I make a prophecy this day that you shall witness the ascension of the Cosmic Egg!  One day you shall witness the ascension of the entire warp and woof of time and space.

Think of that, blessed hearts, and set it squarely before you as the mark. For you must be given the vision. You must have the vision and the authority to claim that vision. And so it comes to you this day. Drink in the great draft of immortality and be reborn, for this is the hour of the rebirth!

I say and I proclaim it:  You are born again!  You are born again!  You are born again to inherit eternal Life!

The Ascended Beings who have comprised the four sides of the cube are rising now–rising up into the atmosphere–but they leave the pattern of the cube. And their energies now pass through the four quadrants of the earth; and in each quadrant they anchor the joy of victory, the great happiness which is the reward of obedience in the Flame.

I, Serapis, have called!  My call compels an answer!  Will you answer this day and pledge your life to the ascension flame?  If you will respond, then say, “O Serapis, I will!”  [Audience responds.]

The call compels the answer. Everywhere in Cosmos the call is heard, and the initiates have answered. So then, let the Seraphim go forth!  And let those who are sincere and earnest be ready to face the preparations of the trial by fire which must surely come before the final reunion in the Flame.

I, Serapis, have proclaimed it!  And I anoint you unto the day of your victory!


1. Matt. 24:31.

2. Isa. 25:8; 1 Cor. 15:54.

3. Matt. 24:22.

4. Gen. 5:24.