Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 16 No. 37 - Cyclopea - September 16, 1973




“The Crescendo of Truth–An Exposure in This Age”
by Cyclopea
given at the Motherhouse, Santa Barbara, California, August 12, 1973
Part I


You have called and I have answered. I AM the All-Seeing Eye of God that revolves as a mighty beacon of green fire infiring and infusing this generation with the love of Truth, the love of Reality. And that love, based on total selflessness, is the victory of the All-Seeing Eye in this nation. And by that power and by the wisdom and the love of God’s Eye, a mighty people shall behold their God and shall worship Him as of old. For the Almighty, He is Lord of heaven and earth. The Lord God omnipotent reigneth!

So let the angels declare His glory this day in heaven and on earth!  For I am come in answer to the calls of the children of Light for the exposure of the lie in government, in the economy, in society, and within the human heart. I am come to intensify the action of Truth, to dispel error. Therefore that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops. <1>

It is by no means a coincidence that the exposure of the cycles of human karma is taking place in the highest levels of government. All the way down to the individual family unit in society, mankind are becoming intolerant of the lie; for they know that without Truth as the divine standard, civilization has no foundation and there is no place where the Christ Consciousness can be precipitated.

This then is the power of the spoken Word. And when you call to the power of Cyclopea and Virginia for the release of the All-Seeing Eye of God, when you claim your identity as one–one with every other servant of God upon earth, one with every servant of God in Hierarchy in heaven–then there is a power that flows from the Elohim. And I predict that it will reach such a crescendo, such a momentum of Light, that there will be an exposure in this age of the worshipers of Satan, of the followers of Lucifer, of the Illuminati and their dark councils, of all nefarious practices practiced against the children of God.

Based on the momentum that you have generated in the giving of your invocations to the All-Seeing Eye, I predict that the rising momentum of Light that will shatter the darkness will come after the New Year if you continue and intensify, magnify and multiply your calls. For now there is among the student body a movement for exposure, a movement for Light, a movement for vision. And above all, disciples of the Ascended Masters desire to see God as He is. And they will have no compromise; they will brook no interference!  And this is the delight of the Elohim this day–that there has arisen among you a group of devotees fearless in the flame of divine vision!

I say then, be relentless!  Pursue Truth in all of Her glory!  Pursue Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, and Mighty Vesta!  For now is the time to increase your calls. There comes a time when students give forth their energies when there is a priming of the pump as you might say, and then there comes a time for acceleration, and then the mighty release. And thus there is a great swelling, and you find that the dream of man in God and God’s dream for man takes off. Breaking the hold of the gravitational pull, it becomes airborne; it is released in the Mind of Christ. And there it is–an unrelenting pattern gathering more of itself, more of its kind.


1. Luke 12:3.