Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 16 No. 43 - Cyclopea - October 28, 1973




“The Crescendo of Truth–An Exposure in This Age”
by Cyclopea
given at the Motherhouse, Santa Barbara, California, August 12, 1973
Part IV


Each hour you are making choices. The hours grow shorter and shorter as the hour of the judgment of the elect comes to the fore. In the final hours of mankind’s crystallization of the Consciousness of the Christ, there is choice–the choice that must be made hourly, momentarily, daily, weekly, and monthly. The hour is come, then, when the true worshipers must worship the Son of God in Spirit and in Truth. <1>

I AM Cyclopea!  I blaze forth the Light of the All-Seeing Eye of God into every church and every assembly of religious devotees this day and every Sunday for the balance of this year!  I plant my electrodes of Truth in the altars of the world for the redemption of the children of God and the exposure of the liars who preach from the pulpits of the world a false dogma, a false doctrine, indoctrinating the minds and souls and hearts of the people against the Christ and against the laws of God!  So let the power of Truth go forth to expose the lie of the Illuminati and the Satanists and all Communism within the churches of the world!

I send forth the aid of Truth to those of the Christian Church who are behind the iron and bamboo curtains!  Let the Christians who follow the walk of the Christ receive the succor of Truth this day!  Let them be raised and uplifted by the power of the mighty avatars as we release our Light to those who are walking the earth in physical, tangible bodies to preach to the Christians and to the Lightbearers and Keepers of the Flame throughout the world.

Let Truth be anchored in form by the power of the Hierarchies of the Sun!  Let the four and twenty elders release the power of the Elohim and Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays, which shall intensify this hour the action of Truth from the heart of Cyclopea and Virginia. I AM the power of Truth. I press the power of Truth into the four lower bodies of a planet, into the elementals, into the sylphs of the air, the undines, the fiery salamanders, and the gnomes. I press the consciousness of Truth from the very Heart of Alpha and Omega into the waters, into the fire of the rock, and into the heart of man!

I say, let it be a chemicalization!  Let Truth disturb the consciousness!  Let there be that chemistry, that bitterness, that causes mankind to be turned upside down and inside out and restored to the presence of his right mind, his right consciousness in Christ!  I say, let Truth prevail!  Let Light prevail!  Let Truth be anchored this day!  Let the chips fall where they may!

I come and I AM Truth!  And my legions are here!  My legions are here and they gather for the crystal white fire Light!  They gather for the crystal white fire Light to be expanded within your hearts!  Stand to receive their blessing!  Stand to pledge your energies to the increase of Truth–Truth as the condensation of purity, as the precipitation of purity within the physical octave!  This is the Light!  This is the grace!  This is the salvation of our God!  Espouse Truth and be free!

I thank you, and I bless you, and I hold you within the hollow of my hand forever and forever.


1. John 4:23.