Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 17 No. 1 - Beloved Godfre - January 6, 1974


Allegiance to Principle


I come to proclaim the Messengership of the avatars who descend from the height of Cosmic Christs to bring good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. <1>  When members of Hierarchy consent to descend into form for the purpose of bringing truth to a world darkened by error, they stand as Messengers for the Most High God and for those who walk the invisible realms. Angels of Light are they, and they descend to mold the perfect will of God into the perfect will of man.

I come bearing the flame of obedience. For I have found that to build a nation, to build a destiny, and to complete the spiral of the Law, man must manifest obedience strict and stern to the sacrifice of all self and all selfish­ness, that the kingdom might reign and come into manifestation upon earth.

In my embodiment as George Washington, I was given the authority and the mission, as an emissary of the Brotherhood, to found a nation under Saint Germain, under God, that would be a home for all souls yearning to be obedient to the flame of freedom and to the flame of liberty. I am portrayed even today as having been stern, as having been a strong disciplinarian. I do not regret it, for this nation has waxed strong in greatness by those founding principles that were given into our consciousness and into our hands by the God of Freedom to the earth.

I remember well the rebellions of those who were not able to pass the test of the ten, and I knew it well as a test of discipleship and of understanding in the Law of Christ and His members. And when the Goddess of Liberty appeared to me as I knelt in prayer, <2> she showed me not only the three great visions of the destiny of America, but also that he who would lead an army into battle must assume the responsibility of keeping the Flame of the Christ for each member of his troops. Not only did the great lady show me this, but she gave to me the impetus of her cosmic Threefold Flame to carry on in the tradition of the lovers of liberty, the sons and daughters of freedom, and the giants of old who in all ages have carried civilizations and humanity en masse forward by the sheer determination of adherence and allegiance to principle.

Thus the war was won for the Light and for the rightness, the right use of cosmic abundance. And how well we were aware, even in those days, of the attempts of the dark ones all ready to infiltrate our nation, our economy, our government, to deprive free men of making free choices under God and under the dictates of their Christ Consciousness. Yes, we saw the dark shadows looming prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and prior to the drawing-up of the Constitution; and thus the safeguards that were incorporated into that document were safeguards against the tyrannical forces of darkness who desired to control the very souls of a free people.

I know well the image of the Liar, of his lie, and of the fallen angels who move with him in a sea of darkness clouding men’s minds, clouding issues, interfering whenever truth is to be brought forth. And my confrontation with the devil and his disciples occurred then, even as it occurred in my final embodiment of devotion to Saint Germain.

I say to you, rejoice that through the development of your solar awareness and your Christhood, you will come to the level where you have the authority to challenge all darkness and deceit pitted against individual man, against this nation under God and all nations upon this earth. For you see, blessed hearts, many do not understand the Law. The children of the Light have never had the attainment which Lucifer had when he fell. <3>  In order to challenge him successfully, they must first rise to that level of attainment and then, by their Light, challenge the perversion of that Light in the darkness of the dark ones.

Until the time that that Christhood is attained and that authority is gained, it is wise to challenge darkness generally rather than specifically and not to take upon yourself the total warfare of Armageddon <4> as a brave knight who goes forth to battle without his armor. The armor indeed is the shield and Consciousness of the Christ; and in the name of Jesus the Christ you have the right and the authority to challenge all. But I caution you not to rush in where angels fear to tread, for you must meet the adversary on your own level and on the level of your own development.

Therefore, that to which you have attained is that which you may challenge in the opposing side and in the opposing forces. I stress this warning; for some among you are jubilant at the finding of the first fruits of your decrees and invocations and you would charge forth into battle with the dragon itself, forgetting that it is the high calling and office of the Archangel Michael to challenge the dragon that sends forth the flood against the Divine Woman. <5>

Therefore, if you would do battle with the legions of darkness, I say, enlist in the legions of Archangel Michael!  Call to Michael and ask if you might be enlisted among the blue-lightning angels who serve twenty-four hours a day to defend the cosmic honor of the Godhead upon this earth. And then you shall be taken and first outfitted in your coat of mail and armor consisting of white fire and blue lightning coalesced as the diamond-mercury essence of Light that seals your consciousness when you must go forth into the astral realm to challenge with the sword of the Divine Mother all forces opposing Her children.

I say then, come to the retreat of Archangel Michael, where generals are trained and where those who have gained in the warfare between Light and darkness are received with high honors at the close of their embodiment. Come there and serve together with armies of Light where your strength is in your numbers and in your union.

And I say, in your invocations challenge the dark ones by calling in the name of Jesus the Christ to Archangel Michael, to Hercules, to Astrea, to the great Teams of Conquerors, to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the Cosmic Virgin who rides forth on white horse carrying the sword of the Mother, going forth and leading the armies into the fray.

Make these invocations; but keep yourself well protected in the Light by calling forth your tube of Light, putting on the whole armor of God, <6> invoking blue lightning, and establishing the perfection of your own soul that is your soul protection in the day of the challenge and in the day when you must be prepared not only to meet your God, but also to meet the adversary.

Now there are those among mankind who have raised themselves up as enemies of the Light. You may not consider them to be enemies, but they consider themselves to be enemies; and by their allegiance and the alignment of their forces and forcefields with darkness, they constitute a deadly threat to the Body of God. Beware those who smilingly give forth the false teachings, the false word of prophecy, contaminating your numbers and deceiving, if it were possible, the very elect. <7>

I say, the warfare is of the spirit–against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. <8>  It is not only a warfare of the flesh and a warfare unto the death, but it is a total warfare in which the enemy has determined to capture the souls of millions through false indoctrination from the very inception of life. And so I say, your obedience and your merging with the flame of obedience will give you the greatest protection in the greatest hour of need.

I consider that it would be wise for you to write down, while you are thinking about it, the basic precepts of the Law of which you are wholly convinced and which you know are right and just in the sight of God, having been delivered by Him through His holy Prophets in ages past and in this present age. Make for yourself, then, a list of laws that you know are operative in your life and in Cosmos. And this is an obedience list and an obedience test, for then you must watch and determine if you are wholly obedient to these laws in all ways. And when you prove yourself worthy in the flame of obedience, I personally will take you into training in my legions of the cosmic honor flame which march with me at inner levels sowing the seeds of cosmic honor that are the greatest antidote against crime among the youth and all generations evolving on the planet.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much juvenile delinquency, crimes of every kind, have been averted by the legions of the cosmic honor flame who plant the seeds of honor, love of honor, devotion to honor in the hearts and minds of children and young people. These seeds serve to amplify the great gift of conscience with which God has endowed everyone. And thus in the hour of testing and decision, the fire of the honor flame is released to fortify and to intensify the voice of conscience, enabling people the world around to make a right decision for Saint Germain though they know him not nor know his name–the great God of Freedom to the earth.

I cannot overstate my case for obedience, for the very cells of your being must come to know unflinching obedience to the laws of God if you would pass your tests and rise into the victory of the ascension. Personally, my own ascension was won by a timing so exact that I cannot even explain it to you except the fact that if I had not obeyed the voice of the Masters and of conscience and of my own I AM Presence precisely when the command was given, I would have lost the cause for Saint Germain in this century.

I salute you, one and all!  I salute you, holding the Father Flame for this nation. And I shall not leave this nation nor my post on the battlefield of life. And I shall expand in answer to your call the Flame of Spirit, of Father, and of my own teacher, Saint Germain.

I salute the Mother of the Flame who passed before the Lords of Karma in the very year of my ascension and pledged to me personally her life to continue the work which I had begun. I accepted her vow and blessed her, embraced her, and sent her on her way with the blessing of the Lords of Karma into embodiment. And I knew that working together with her twin flame, these two witnesses would bring in the great Golden Day now dawning.

My confidence is with you, one and all; for many of you fought with me in the battle, the mighty revolution, for the preservation of liberty on this very soil. Our hearts are one, and you may think of me as your general in the field. For I stand with the Knight Commander to do his bidding, and I call you into the ranks of old whereby many a victory has been won and shall be won again.

I thank you and bless you with the fire of my heart’s devotion to obedience to precepts pure.


1. Luke 2:10.

2. Wesley Bradshaw, “General Washington’s Vision” in LIBERTY PROCLAIMS, (Colorado Springs:  The Summit Lighthouse, 1967), p. 42

3. Isa. 14:12-14.

4. Rev. 16:16.

5. Rev. 12.

6. Eph. 6:11.

7. Mark 13:22.

8. Eph. 6:12.