Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 17 No. 3 - Beloved Ray-O-Light - January 20, 1974


O Fearlessness, How I Love Thee !

The sheath of fire descends into your midst and around each one of you!  For I desire to seal you in fearlessness flame and in the emerald ray of truth that envelops this white fire that originates in the very heart of God’s love for His creation. I AM the consciousness of the fearlessness flame!  And I AM the Ray-O-Light that is the power to dispel the shadows of the night, the denizens of the deep, and the false fears that are the foes on the pathway of truth!

Fearlessness!  What freedom!  What joy to be fearless in the face of one’s own human consciousness!  For that is the enemy. And the enemy is within–not without. For you can slay any foe, down any dragon, if you have first conquered the dragon of self and the Luciferian seeds that have been smuggled into the consciousness of the children of God because they have known not their God nor called upon His name day and night, as is the requirement for the protection of the All-Seeing Eye of God and the Virgin Consciousness within that eye.

First of all, you have to know your enemy before you can either fear him or be fearless before him; and therefore to some of you, the idea of being fearless before a state of consciousness to which you have grown accustomed may seem at first an overstatement. But I say, precious hearts, that greatly to be feared is the carnal mind with its innuendos.

Do you laugh that Ray-O-Light should speak thus and say greatly to be feared?  When I say that, I mean you should stand in awe–not as in awe of the Deity, but with a certain reverence that is the knowledge of the enemy and its power. And thereby you have an equation within consciousness, a knowledge of what forces must be summoned to put down that enemy. For if you do not value within the scale of relativity the prowess of the enemy, how can you then determine his defeat and his ultimate downfall by the power of the flame?

Therefore, once you have realistically assessed your opponent, then I say, don the armor of fearlessness flame and go forth to challenge by the ultimate power of the Sacred Fire that consciousness, that substance, that veil. And I say, be determined, be fearless, and know that you cannot toy with the carnal mind; else it will come forth breathing fire to devour the budding consciousness.

I know, for I stand by to watch as the initiates of the Brotherhood seek to pass the tests of the Brotherhood; and I know how those who have the slightest sympathy or empathy for their own human creation do fall in the wee hours of the night and in the hours of the morning when the tests come and they are not alert. They are not alert because they have not properly assessed what is expected of them and who the opponent is.

I have desired to give you a portion of myself and a portion of fearlessness flame for the period of twenty-four hours, that you might be saturated with this consciousness to gain mastery under the Lord Jesus the Christ–mastery and dominion over the emotional body and the emotional substance. You say smugly, I have no fear!  But suddenly let the heavens be opened and the Son of God stand forth, and watch how mankind are seized with fear!  And what do they fear?  They fear the consequences of their own darkness. Let there be a general panic, mass danger, and see how the entities of fear grip the consciousness unto the trembling so that mankind cannot hold the Flame.

I say to you that fear is a commodity that hides in the shadow of the subconscious so that men in their daily walk do not know that they are possessed with all sorts of fears–fears of human opinion. What will this one say?  What will that one say?  What will this one do?  What will that one do if–if I take a stand for the Light, if I am forthright in the manifestation of truth?  Fear of public opinion is one of the greatest fears that holds mankind in bondage to the mass consciousness. So you did not understand that that was fear!  So you thought that your slavery to the customs and the modes of the time was not based on fear–fear of public ridicule!

I say to you, be forewarned, precious hearts, that you need to purge your consciousness of every type of this gray substance that hinders the sparkling of the jewels of God’s Mind within the very brain and seat of consciousness. Let that gray substance be dissolved. Feel then the tremendous power of fearlessness flame and see that those who possess it are totally without compromise when it comes to cosmic honor, when it comes to taking a stand for the Light. These will not compromise the human consciousness, and they will not compromise their actions for that consciousness!

How beautiful are the ones who have this flame and who have stood with Saint Germain down through the ages; for these are the ones who can be depended upon when the time comes and they are thirsty midst the battle. They will not lay down their swords to lap up the waters; <1> but they will hold the sword, for they are ever ready in the sheath of fire to stand and, having stood all, to stand fast and to keep the Flame of Life for vast multitudes yet unborn to the Light and its quickening power.

I tell you, precious hearts, there is a need for you to be emboldened this night by the action of fearlessness flame, to purge your subconscious of all types and gradations of that gray, astral substance that has hindered your progress for so long. For fear is an aspect of doubt, as doubt is an aspect of fear; and both are aspects of the death consciousness. Therefore I say to you, use the sword of fearlessness flame to challenge the last enemy <2> which shall be overcome in the Light of the Christ!

The sealing of the hand and the forehead in the fearlessness flame is the action that predestines the soul to preparatory initiations that are required for the onward spiral of victory. And therefore my angels do seal your right hand and your forehead with truth, and that truth shall have a twofold action. It shall make you free; and it shall also require of you a higher standard, so that you will no longer tolerate mental dishonesty whereby you dodge and roll with concepts until by the logic of the serpentine force you draw those conclusions that are not of the Christ, but are of the carnal mind.

Ray-O-Light demands absolute integrity in Lightbearers!  To have integrity you must be honest, totally honest with yourself. Deceit is the very depth of the ego consciousness, and the man who is mentally deceitful can never be trusted or entrusted with the wealth of cosmic abundance. And thus we cannot deposit it into the hands and use of individuals who espouse not that cosmic integrity and honor that is the requirement of the Law. We cannot place within their hands and use the abundance and the flow of our supply.

When I speak, I send forth fire into the mind, that you might have exposed within you this night those areas, gray areas, where you have tolerated that which is intolerable to Almighty God. I say, who will set the standard for government if it be not the Ascended Master student?  Who will raise the standard of honor in the world if it is not those among you?  And therefore I cannot fail, as my heart’s love goes out to you to raise you up, to point out the fact that integrity and honor must be the byword and the watchword of those who would be emblazoned with our authority and our protection. In addition to honor within the mind, there must be honor in the hand of action, that all deeds that you perform in service are rendered in honor according to law, according to cosmic law and the laws of this earth as these conform to divine standard.

How glorious is the fire that we have brought to you this night in the threefold action of the fiery destiny!  And in each dictation you have felt the steely-white Light that impresses itself upon the soul and then demands the allness of the soul in conformity with absolute God-purity. This is bliss, this is love. And the disciplining of the disciples is the greatest love of Cosmos, for thereby they swiftly walk the Homeward way and enter the consciousness of the ascension and the New Day.

I am raying forth my Light as a beacon of hope upon your pathway, that you shall indeed follow into a new era of the appearance of the Feminine Ray within your consciousness. And I charge my angels, who are here in our midst, to send forth the beacon of the consciousness of fearlessness that shall guide you all the way to the appointed place that is indeed prepared for each one of you to give service, and more service, and more service. For the place is that place which is consecrated to those who love not their lives unto the death, <3> to those who weary not in welldoing <4> and in a labor of love for their fellowman.

You have called; you have desired to serve. I go before you to light the way!  But I say, when you offer your service, be prepared to give your all; for Hierarchy is frankly not interested in those who give only a portion of themselves. It is allness that becomes oneness, and oneness is the criterion of protection. Unless you manifest the oneness of the Flame, you are vulnerable; and we will not have an individual consciousness that is vulnerable because of an absence of surrender in the midst of our endeavor. The price is too high to pay-the jeopardy of the entire group for one or two who have not totally surrendered.

Therefore think upon my words; and at least surrender unto me, as your advocate and guardian this night, the total conglomerate of your fear substance. This I gladly take, for it is my authority and the authority of my flame. I gladly take it from you:  I place it on the altar, and I let the ray consume it by the action of the Holy Spirit.

And then I return to you fearlessness, fearlessness!  O fearlessness, how I love thee, how I love thee, how I love thee!  For thou art the protector of the emerging Christ Consciousness. Unto thee is my life!  And I give that life unto you all. As the Body of Christ was and is broken for you, <5> so I give you my consciousness. Eat and drink ye all of it.

I thank you.


1. Judges 7:4-7.

2. 1 Cor. 15:26.

3. Rev. 12:11.

4. Gal. 6:9; Thess. 3:13.

5. 1 Cor. 11:24.