Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 17 No. 11 - Beloved K‑17 - March 17, 1974


Agents for the Cosmic Christ
Part I


When you call me K-17, do not think that you are addressing a number or a numberless being; for I AM and I have a God-identity and I AM in the service of Saint Germain. And I use the code name K-17, but that is not my real name; for that is the name that is given to me in my office as the head of the Cosmic Secret Service.

Indeed my legions have worked to gather you together here under one roof, and they have determined not to leave you. For my legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic Consciousness in mankind. Thus they work with honest hearts, honest souls, law-enforcement agencies, and all in embodiment who espouse honor and who defend the Consciousness of the Christ and the Law of the Father.

My legions are determined to rescue that number of ten thousand who ought to be solidly bound together in this organization for the fruition of the teachings, the true teachings of the Christ. Therefore, my legions shall accompany each one of you who invites them to do so on a search, a scanning of this nation–north, south, east, and west–for all who should be drawn in by the very magnet of your heart and your heart’s tie to the Great Central Sun Magnet, to this cause, to this service.

When my legions work with you, do not be surprised if they attempt to enlist you and to convince you that it is quite the thing to be among the legions of K-17 and that there are many opportunities for advancement in such employment. For they are most zealous in the cause of ferreting out the dark ones; and there is a certain enjoyment, a certain reward that these angels, working with Ascended Beings and some among you who have already joined forces with them at etheric levels while your bodies sleep, hold dear. You know, precious hearts, there is something of the sleuth in all mankind!  Who doesn’t enjoy the detective story or the triumph, in small ways and great, of Good over evil?  And so to participate in the capture of a criminal at large, to bring him before the judgment of the high court–this is a certain excitement!

Now, we do have in our legions computers recording all types of information on all types of people; for we must be ready, as we serve with the Keeper of the Scrolls, to provide any Ascended Hierarch at any time with almost what you would call a dossier on a lifestream to determine his aptitude for a specific job which Hierarchy would like to bestow upon him. And so the gathering of information is the gathering of records, records of the Causal Body, records of the electronic belt. Some of you have seen the perversion of this information-gathering in police-state tactics that have occurred in this century. These are definite and deliberate perversions by the false hierarchy of my legions, who work only to expound upon and to expand the Christ-teachings for all.

Thus I say that we do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of Hierarchy persons and conditions, organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are a threat to the advancement of the Light upon the planet. You know that God is omniscient, but God’s omniscience is manifest through His awareness of Himself in man. God uses your hands and feet; He also uses your eyes. And thus it is not out of order for those in embodiment to call to the attention of Hierarchy conditions that are in the making and on the drawing boards which require the seal of white fire–the ring-pass-not.

I desire also to acquaint you with the fact that in your service with the legions of K-17, you may don the cloak of invisibility. The cloak of invisibility is a forcefield that can actually render you invisible as you walk in dangerous passages and along the highways in the service of the Brotherhood. But I ask you to remember when you desire to be seen and to make the contact with souls of Light, to request of your Christ Self that the cloak of invisibility be removed.

Our own Messengers had an experience over which we have chuckled a number of times. As they walked together to a hotel in Colorado Springs, they donned the cloak of invisibility so as to remain aloof from the large crowds of people that were gathered there. They entered the restaurant, sat down, and waited to be served.  And they waited; and they signaled the waiters, who ran by madly, not even noticing them at all. After about an hour of this, it suddenly occurred to them that they were wearing the cloak of invisibility. Quickly removing the cloak, they found that the maître d’ saw that they had not been served and quickly came to their service.

And so this is one experience which you must realize might also happen to you. And then just when you are thinking that you are a lighthouse brimming with Light and that surely all children of the Light should recognize you and see you and come and ask you, “What is that Light you are carrying and how can I follow that Light?”  just remember that you will not be seen at all if you are wearing the cloak.

But also remember that even without the cloak, mankind do not always recognize the Light. They do not understand the sparkle of the eye, the purity and the love, the devotion which we behold upon your countenances. And therefore it is absolutely necessary that you give the first word of greeting, that you salute those that we may send into your presence and not wait for them to remark about how wonderful you look and where you must be coming from, from a place of such great Light.

It is often a tragic thing that students will mingle among crowds in department stores, in public transportation, and seated right next to them, by an act of incalculable effort on our part, is another student of Light whom we desire should make contact, through the student, with the Ascended Hierarchy.  And then we find that our student decides to read a book, not to talk, to “go into the Silence,” to meditate. And thus the opportunity is lost; and our legions must look again to see how they will draw that individual who has no contact with Hierarchy whatsoever once again into the presence of one of our students, hoping against hope that he will open his mouth and speak, perhaps to say, “How are you today?  Do you believe in reembodiment?”

There are some among you who fear not what you say, and sometimes you put the Ascended Masters in a most embarrassing situation by your remarks. Others of you have developed a policy of saying nothing, like the little monkeys with their “Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil,” and I might add, “Think no evil.”  And thus we have the two types of chelas to contend with.

I would like to say that when in embodiment, there came a time on the Path when I came to the conclusion that I no longer cared what anyone thought of what I said or did as long as I spoke the truth. And thus I have noticed in recent years that some of you have become more bold. You have feared not to be called crackpot or “kook” or any other name for the sake of the Light. And I say, that is a wise decision; for you never know where you might be that you might extend the cup of knowledge of Hierarchy to one who has been searching not for one, but for many embodiments.

And so, precious hearts, I came to the conclusion that mankind would speak ill of me, would gossip about me, would revile me whether I was silent or whether I was outspoken. And thus I chose the path of outspokenness when I was guided to speak. And sometimes I spoke when not guided, desiring rather to make a mistake of extra effort than to have on my record a sin of omission.