Vol. 17 No. 40 - Beloved Djwal Kul - October 6, 1974
6 The Spectrum of God’s Consciousness
As you advance in the knowledge of the law and make progress on the path of self-mastery, you come into the awareness of the love of the Father-Mother God that is fulfilled in the law which is proclaimed by the Son.
To love the law of God is to be aflame with the awareness of that law as it moves from the <1> Impersonal Impersonality of the Godhead to identification with the Impersonal Personality of the sons and daughters of God. For these, while retaining the impersonal aspects of the Creator, do modify, by the flame of the Christ, those energies of the law which become in Matter as in Spirit the manifest personality of the Divine One.
And so we acknowledge the preceptors of mankind as beings who remain impersonal by the very fact of the remoteness of the Spirit to the things of this world. Yet they come forth as divine personalities, ascended-masterteachers, as the shining ones who personify some facet of the jeweled splendor of his will, his mind, and his compassion.
Those who seek to depersonalize all aspects of being, who count themselves sophisticated in their rejection of the “personality” of our messengers, both ascended and unascended, must realize that God is both the formed and the unformed. He is the Spirit that cannot be contained in form and yet who dwells immortally in form as the intelligent, free-flowing sacred fire that burns upon the altar of the heart of every son and daughter of God.
I speak to you who take pride in refraining from idolatry and the “superstitions” of the idolatrous generation: Take care that in your categorical rejection of the personality of God in the saints and ascended beings of all ages, you do not raise up in its place the human personality of the lower self.
How often the intelligentsia, so-called, counting themselves to be above such childishness, have rejected the sacredness of the personality of God as it manifests above in the heavenly hosts and below in devotees, pilgrims, and disciples the world around. The elite who follow the cult of the serpent are the ones who worship the Moloch of human greed. Operating as they do outside the body of God, they are the electrodes of a mass entity that makes up the pseudo-personality of the Antichrist.
As you seek to master the science of expanding the forcefield of self-awareness that we call the human aura and that by practice can become the divine aura, let us set at naught the arguments of the ages concerning whether God as a Spirit is personal or impersonal. Again it is a question of frequencies, a question of levels of identification.
Man identifies with God through the centers called the chakras. Depending on where his consciousness is at the moment, he may see God as the Impersonal Impersonality—as the flaming Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, the Father Principle, the Supreme Lawgiver—or he may identify with the Impersonal Personality of the Logos that is the Word made flesh, <2>the Christ incarnate in sons and daughters of the One who embody aspects of the seven rays of the Only Begotten of God.
On the other hand, he may become enamored with the most Personal Personality of the Godhead which bespeaks the Mother image and the Mother flame, the dearest and most tender, the gentlest and most flowing aspect of God. Then, too, he may see God as the Holy Spirit, as cloven tongues of fiery Love <3>piercing the night and balancing the day star <4>right within the very heart and soul of man as the most Personal Impersonality of the Comforter.
Over the centuries of mankind’s Godward evolution, the followers of various religions have centered on one or more of these levels of identification with God. The Impersonal Impersonality of the God of Israel was seen in the religion of the patriarchs, the commandments of the law, and the descent of the kings and prophets as father figures to both the Arabs and the Jews.
The religion of the Christ has centered in the concept of the incarnation of the Word, and John the Baptist and Jesus illustrated the true nature of this Impersonal Personality of the Logos by their example and their ultimate sacrifice.
Whereas the religion of the Mother has appeared in and as the greatest cultures the world has ever known—for her flame precipitates science and invention, art and music, philosophy and mathematics—devotees of the World Mother address her according to the traditions of their lands—as Mary or one of the many feminine saints, as Kali or Durga, Vesta or Venus, Isis or Athena.
Finally, those who have attuned to the delicate Presence that moves in the rushing mighty wind of the Holy Spirit <5>are those who in all ages have known no other religion but love—love as action, love as contemplation, love as the consuming fire, <6>love as “I AM my brother’s keeper.” <7> These are the mystics and the priests of the sacred fire, Zoroastrians and the spiritual lineage of Melchizedek, <8>members of holy orders and communities of the Spirit. Theirs is the practical realization of the most Personal Impersonality of the Godhead.
There are many paths, but all lead to the one Source of life. All are necessary to the balanced manifestation of God in man. And seeing that mankind in their state of limitation could not resolve the four aspects into one, the Lord God did create these religions to satisfy the diversity of temperaments that make up the many faces of humanity.
From East to West, the body of God on earth has realized the spectrum of God’s consciousness, facet by facet, nation by nation. And who can say, observing the whole, who is right and who is wrong? It is not a question of rightness or wrongness, but one of wholeness and of the measure of a man.
These archetypes of God show forth at once his universality and his ever-present personality. Therefore, to know him as he is, mankind must realize that the four lower bodies are given for the realization of the God of very gods, <9>who allows a portion of the Infinite Self to be seen, to be heard, and even to be recognized—yes, dear ones, in finite form.
Not that we aver that man could ever contain the allness of God. But then, cannot God contain within himself the allness of man? And as man is contained therein, so can he not now become a portion of the Infinite Self?
To deny this truth is to limit the ability of God to express himself in his most cherished creation—male and female made after the Self Image of the Divine Us. <10> And therefore it is written that one day the soul that has overcome will merge with the Presence of the I AM to realize the allness of that Self.
And so then, as you begin to press the aura of God upon the aura of the world by your determination to be holy vessels of that Holy Spirit, know that that Spirit, through you, in you, can influence all of life. By defining the lines of force as these compel Spirit’s energies to flow in Mater, you can deliver to the age the mandate of God’s awareness of himself as the omnipotent Father-Mother, as the omniscient Logos, and as the omnipresent Spirit.
Have you had success in your meditation with the chohans of the rays? Have you entered into oneness with the Christ Self through the communion of the heart? Have those majestic impersonal personalities of ascended Christed ones endeared you to the very Person of God himself?
Dare you think of such a concept of the Person of God? Dare you think of meeting that Person, whether here on earth or in the flaming yod, sun center that all one day shall enter?
Do you understand that it is the nature of Antichrist, of that force which opposes the pure personalities of Christed ones, to deny the reality, yea, the necessity of the personification of the God flame?
And thus the Antichrist has convinced the worldly-wise of the nonexistence of both the personality of God and the personality of the devil. And thereby Antichrist continues in many quarters unchallenged in his work of tearing down the personality of Good while reinforcing the personality of evil, all the while placing upon it the mask of anonymity.
In a world where the lines of definition that mark the individuality of those who strive for the goal of perfection through the individualization of the Christ flame of the seven rays grow less and less, it is essential to proclaim the personality of the Christ as the identifying mark of all who are born of the Father-Mother God.
In a world where the mass consciousness is leveling mankind to a common denominator of the human personality, where the herd instinct and animal passions govern the monotonous manifestations of egos who are becoming automatons—whether to a totalitarian state, a godless economy, a religion of rote formulae, or a runaway science—in a world where the definition of man and woman made in the image and likeness of God is becoming blurred as though seen through the mists of maya, it is imperative that all who are alert and awake as watchmen on the wall of life challenge the Antichrist.
This should be done daily with the following fiat: “In the name of Jesus the Christ, I challenge the carnal mind, the Antichrist, and all satanic power in every man, woman, and child upon this planet!”
David gave the formula for beholding the Christ and holding the immaculate concept on behalf of the sons and daughters of God when he said, “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” <11> The identifying mark of all who are born of God is the point of light, of sacred fire, that expands from the secret chamber of the heart through the rings of self-awareness that comprise the aura. This point of light pulsates in the forcefield of the aura as a unique identity recognizable to God and man both in heaven and on earth.
Those who seek to deny this personality or to circumvent it as they steal the energies of the Spirit in the sin against the Holy Ghost <12>have the mark of the beast. <13> These are the idolaters in every age who reject the Christ, replace it with the lesser self, and proclaim that self as God.
We have initiated the cycle of your meditation with the chohans in order that you might put on and become the personality of the Christ as it is realized through the seven rays. And thus it is the work of each of the seven chohans to show you what your options are as you amplify the seven rays through the seven days of the week. These options are to be the most exact and exacting replica of the flame as Father, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit define the personality of the Christ in each devotee of the light.
By practicing this exercise, then, you will come to know the likeness of the Christ as it ought to manifest in your life in small ways and in big ways, in minutest detail and on a larger scale, as you expand here below the very specifications of the length and breadth and height and depth of the City Foursquare, <14>which is composed of the four elements (planes) of God’s being within your body temples fair.
And thus while the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing, <15>while the dragon sends forth the flood to devour the Manchild who is the personality of God that is realized through the Woman, <16>while forces and forcefields and interplanetary rays are being sent forth from the evil one to erase, if it were possible, the very energies of the elect, <17>I stand forth with the teaching that will enable you to exert the power of the very living Presence of God as that Presence in you becomes personal wisdom and personal love individualized for all.
The communications of the chohans given to your soul upon the island suspended in the glistening sea are specifically for the individual needs of devotees on the Path. Therefore I say, raise up your voice! Raise up your energies of the heart to the level of the sixteen-petaled chakra of the spoken Word!
And let the mastery of that chakra be in the communication of the ideations of God that have become the formulae of the Logos. Let the silence be broken as atoms and molecules coalesce through the fiats of the light to form within your own temple foursquare the sacred squaring of the hallowed Trinity!
You see, precious ones, the twelve petals of the heart that were for the balancing of the Trinity in each of the four lower bodies are transformed in the <18> throat chakra into the sixteen aspects of virtues flowing in the breath of the Holy Spirit. And behold, now there are four petals in each of the four lower bodies!
This tells you that the threefold flame in etheric, mental, emotional, and physical quadrants has become the fourfold action of the law. The triangle has become the square; and Spirit’s flame is now ensconced in Matter through the original decree of Alpha, “Let there be light!” and the response of Omega, “And there was light!” <19> And lo, the womb of creation, the Cosmic Egg, was the materialization of the God flame!
Learn, then, that by the action of your word, all that you garner in the hidden chamber of the heart—the wisdom and the love of the guru and the will of the law–is sent forth as the sword of the sacred Word to coalesce in Matter both the personality and the patterns of the Infinite One. How the demons attack the descent of the Word into form! What a blessing when the Word is made flesh!
Take care, then, that you refrain from misusing this sacred chakra that is the mouth of God. For is it not written that “every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment; for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”? <20>
When you speak the word in righteousness and love, the energy of the heart flows with God-control to bless other parts of life. When you speak unrighteousness and allow the demons to mouth their unutterable mutterings through you because you have confused the image of the Holy One with that of the unholy one, then you distort the pattern of the City Foursquare. You unbalance the energies of life, and the grid of the new dimensions that we seek to align with your aura is broken and there is a shattering of crystal patterns as the crystal-fire mist is dissipated in time and space.
Those who maintain the steady flow of the compassionate word, the gentle word, speaking the firmness of the law as it relates to the evolving soul consciousness, are those who overcome the accuser of the brethren by the blood of the Lamb (the essence of fire flowing from the heart chakra) and by the word of their testimony <21>(the release of that fire in the flowing water of the Word).
As you then go forth to speak the word of truth, know that by the confirming of the Word with signs following <22>you build the kingdom of God on earth while laying up for yourselves treasure in heaven. <23> And the spiral of the aura expands with each affirmation of the law, each decree—each fiat of the Word.
As the pink is the glow of love that expands from the heart, so the blue is the ray of God’s will that amplifies each expression of the law, each word of praise, and is the authority for healing and science in this octave. And if in the depths of darkest night the tempter would tempt you to doubt the power of the spoken Word as it is released through the omnipotent personality of the Godhead, remember then the one who appeared to John the Beloved in the midst of the seven candlesticks:
“One like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire, and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword [sacred word]: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.” <24>
And know, then, that the Lord God himself is able to appear to the exalted consciousness of man and to proclaim to him directly by the power of the spoken Word: “Fear not; I AM the first and the last: I AM he that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I AM alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death.” <25>
This, my beloved, is the Impersonal Impersonality, the Impersonal Personality, the Personal Personality, and the Personal Impersonality which you can and shall become right within your forcefield, right within your aura, through the mastery of the power of the spoken Word.
I am forever in the center of the flame.
“Using the tremendous outgoing energy of being, men have diligently imagined and imaged forth the nature of God, while only the few have apprehended the truth that God is consciousness, and as consciousness he is life, intelligence, will, and love manifest in a rich variety of dimensions and attributes.
“Now I tell you, God is a benign Impersonal Personality, a Personal Impersonality, a Personal Personality, and an Impersonal Impersonality comprising the manifold consciousness of being. He gives and gives of his creative Self to the creatures he has made in the hope that they will apprehend his purposes and emulate his consciousness to the fullness with which he has endowed them.”-Saint Germain
2. John 1:14.
3. Acts 2:3.
4. Pet. 1:19.
5. Acts 2:2.
6. Deut. 4:24; 9:3; Heb. 12:29.
7. Gen. 4:9.
8. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-10; 6:20; 7.
9. Deut. 10:17; Ps. 136:2; Dan. 2:47.
11.. Ps. 37:37.
12. Matt. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:28, 29; Luke 12:10.
13. Rev. 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:19, 20; 20:4.
The throat chakra is the center of the blue flame and the inner blueprint of the will of God. It is the key to the shortening of the days for the elect that Jesus Christ said would occur (Mark 13:20). The shortening of the ‘days’, or cycles of karma, occurs through the correct use of the spoken Word.
When we speak the name of God “I AM” and follow it with affirmations of light, we begin the transmutation process. Anything and everything that proceeds from the throat chakra coalesces in form, for good or for ill, by the action of the power of the spoken Word. Its scientific use is the Truth that shall make you free when you apply it diligently every day.–ECP
[Taken from book version, The Human Aura]
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