Vol. 17 No. 47 - Beloved Djwal Kul - November 24, 1974
13 The Raising-Up of the Energies of the Mother
From the fount of the Mother arise the energies of the Trinity—of Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit—sacred Mater-realization of the law, the Logos, and the life.
In the four petals of the base-of-the-spine chakra <1>is the opportunity for the mastery of self in Matter, for taking dominion over earth, air, fire, and water. The base of the spine is the very foundation of life in form. It is the square of the base of the pyramid that is built line upon line by the wise master builders who have learned to focus the threefold flame not only in the center of the pyramid, but also in the center of every stone that is laid according to the chief cornerstone, the Christ consciousness without which no other stone is laid that is laid.
The four petals of the Mother are for the anchoring in Matter-form of the action of the squaring of the fires of the heart chakra whereby the circle of infinity becomes the cube of God Self-awareness in time and space. The four petals form the base of the figure-eight pattern—even the flow of the caduceus <2>—that crosses in the heart chakra and reaches its culmination in the crown of life.
These four petals symbolize twin flames mastering the energies of life “as above, so below”—plus and minus in Alpha, plus and minus in Omega. Whether in Spirit or in Mater, in the flame of the Divine Mother twin flames converge for the union of the energies of life that are for the emancipation of the Christ consciousness in all. White light bursts forth as a thousand suns signal across the skies the fohatic emanations of the eternal Logos.
In the base of the spine, |
When the Holy Ghost came upon the virgin consciousness of Mary as she exemplified the Mother ray [Ma-ray] and the power of the Highest overshadowed her, there was the converging in her womb of the energies of Alpha and Omega for the fulfillment of the promise of the coming of Messias. <3> By her devotion to the Mother ray and to the immaculate concept of the soul of Christ, Mary had magnetized in her four lower bodies and in her chakras an intense concentration of the polarity of Omega.
The awareness of God as Mother was so real within the consciousness of Mary and her identification of self in and as the Mother flame was so complete that in the true understanding of the self as God, she became in the plane of Mater God’s own awareness of Self as Mother. Hence the salutation of Gabriel, “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” <4>
Among the generations of the womb manifestation, Mary excelled and was highly favored with grace—the grace of Spirit, of Alpha. But this favoring was the fulfillment of the law; for that portion of the Cosmic Virgin which she had garnered in Matter was the magnetization factor whereby the Holy Ghost and the seed of the Most High God converged in her womb for the immaculate conception of Jesus, the Christed One.
The Magnificat of Mary recorded in the first chapter of the Book of Luke<5> is the praise of this daughter of Israel whose soul (anchored in the seat-of-the-soul chakra) magnifies the law of the Lord, the Word of the Lord, and the seed of the Holy Ghost. And the rejoicing of her spirit is the buoyant energy of the I AM Presence flowing through her being and throughout all of her centers—the light of her God and her Saviour.
In the Magnificat, Mary utters forth her praise of the I AM Presence, who has regarded the “low estate of his handmaiden.” This blessed one realized that but for the Spirit of the I AM THAT I AM, the energies of the Mother in the base of the spine would remain quiescent. But with the moving of that Spirit in her being, she recognized the fountain of life springing forth—with all generations, all cyclings of energies from the chakras, affirming the blessedness of the rising flow of the Mother flame.
Mary, a true daughter of Israel, sanctifies the name of God “I AM THAT I AM” and affirms that name as the vision of his great mercy and strength, of his judgments, and of the scattering of the proud who have misused the energies of God in the imaginations of their hearts.
She acknowledges the exaltation of the energies of life and the putting-down of the mighty from their seats—from their positions of worldly power gained by the positioning of the ego in the seats of the chakras where Christ ought to be enthroned. In the true Spirit of prophecy, she foretells the time when those who anchor in life and in life’s sacred centers the dark energies of the ego and the energy veil with which it surrounds itself will be utterly cast down.
And in those who hunger for the truth and righteousness of the law, she foresees the filling of the aura and of the centers with goodly virtue. But those whose auras and chakras are already filled with the miasma of mechanization are sent empty away—devoid of the Holy Spirit. And so Mary, by her acceptance of the covenant that the I AM Presence had made with Abraham and with the seed of the Christ that he bore, became the instrument of the culmination of the Christ consciousness in the sons and daughters of Israel.
When you give the salutation to the Mother ray in the recitation of the Hail Mary, you are giving praise to the energies of the Mother locked within the flame in the hidden chamber of the heart and sealed in the base-of-the-spine chakra. In this gentle yet powerful salutation, you are day by day drawing the energies of the white-fire core and the base of the spine—yes, even the serpentine fires of the Goddess Kundalini—up the spinal altar for the nourishment and the wholeness of life in all of its centers.
And so, you see, down through the centuries, the precious rosary given by the saints as an offering to the holy Mother has been the means whereby the ascended masters have introduced into Western culture an aspect of the science practiced by the yogis of the Himalayas in the raising of the Kundalini and the purification of consciousness thereby. The personification of the Mother in Mary in the West, and the adoration of that Mother image by all who acknowledge her Son as the Christed One, is the means, altogether safe, whereby the soul might experience the reunion with the Father-Mother God in the tabernacle of being.
This ritual can be actualized in this very life here on earth without forcing the chakras and without disturbing the delicate balance of karmic cycles. On a parallel with this experience is the transmutation by the fires of the Holy Spirit of the energy layers of the electronic belt, which is comprised of the records, held in the subconscious strata of the mind, of individual causation and the memory of the soul’s previous incarnations since the descent into Matter.
The New-Age Rosary, <6>with scriptural meditations on the life of Jesus and Mary combined with affirmations and adorations of the Spirit, provides the seeker after the divine union with a masterful yet moderate method of communion for the raising-up of the energies of the Mother through the chakras to that union in the crown which is the attainment of the God consciousness, the Buddhic light, in the petals (virtues) of the thousand-petaled lotus.
To all who are enamored with the Mother flame, I say: The Lord hath need of thee. For to saturate the planes of fire, air, water, and earth with the devotion of the Mother ray—this is the goal of life on earth.
To raise up a culture and a civilization that is saturated with light, light’s dimension, and light’s intention to be the fullness of God as “thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” <7>—this indeed is the true destiny of the soul. The more mankind come to the feet of the Divine Mother with praise and with glory, the more they will magnetize the light of Father and Son for the converging of the fires of the Holy Spirit in all.
The world is often devoid of the Spirit of the Christ Mass and of the true Spirit of the law, because they have forsaken the true image of the Mother and erected in her place the great whore and the lusts of Babylon the Great. <8>These idols continually drain the chakras and the aura of mankind of that light which flows from the I AM Presence, the light of the Christ “which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” <9> What a pity that mankind who are the recipients of that wondrous light of the star of his appearing “consume it,” as James said, “upon their lusts.” <10>
In order for mankind to expand layer upon layer, sphere within sphere, the light of the aura, the old momentums of the carnal mind must be broken and the energies of the Mother raised step by step, initiation by initiation, up the spinal ladder through each of the chakras until the rippling of life in the ecstasy of communion is experienced in the resurrection of being and the transfiguration from mortality to immortality.
Those who truly acknowledge the Father acknowledge the Son. Those who truly acknowledge the Son acknowledge the Mother. It is the light of the Son, the living joy of the Son manifest in the threefold flame, that magnetizes the energies of the Mother from the base of the spine to the heart.
And therefore, those who have developed a more-than-ordinary expanse of the Christ consciousness do magnetize the flame of the Mother, which, when drawn up through being and consciousness, does ultimately merge with the light of the Father in the crown. When this occurs, the Holy Ghost fills the tabernacle of being with a peculiar witness of the wholeness of God.
The ascending triangle of white fire (the energy of Omega in the base chakra) that converges with the descending triangle of yellow fire (the energy of Alpha in the crown) in the crown and in the heart is the fusion of the energies of the Father-Mother God in the Star of David, the star of every man’s victory, and the promise of the Messiah. All who strive for this union and practice the ritual of daily offering their energies upon the altar of the heart will increase the aura to its maximum potential, until the aura itself, focusing the Great Central Sun magnet, draws forth the living, breathing essence of the Holy Spirit, and man and woman walk the earth filled with the Presence of our God.
This is the goal of life for you. To achieve it you must follow the meditations and exercises recommended by the ascended masters, including those given in this series. But above all, you must become love, all love, that you might fulfill the law of your being and thereby transcend the law of time and space.
I am fitting you for the goal of the alchemical marriage, and I shall give you an exercise for the marriage of the soul to the Spirit of God in my final release in this series.
I am and I remain in the center of the star of your being.
When you have the mastery of the base chakra, you attain the omnipresent consciousness of Mother Mary. And it is the white fire of the Mother that gives you the power to be everywhere on earth simultaneously. Self-mastery of the base-of-the-spine chakra is the secret of the bilocation and levitation of the saints. In the East, its fire is known as the Kundalini.–ECP
“These four petals symbolize twin flames mastering the energies of life ‘as above, so below’—plus and minus in Alpha, plus and minus in Omega. Whether in Spirit or in Mater, in the flame of the Divine Mother twin flames converge for the union of the energies of life that are for the emancipation of the Christ consciousness in all. White light bursts forth as a thousand suns signal across the skies the fohatic emanations of the eternal Logos.”–Djwal Kul
The Magnificat of Mary My soul doth magnify the Lord |
5. Luke 1:28.
6. See p. 323, ch. 7 n. 2.
7. Matt. 6:10; Luke 11:2.
8. Rev. 17, 18.
9. John 1:9.
10. James 4:3.
[Taken from book version, The Human Aura]
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