Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 29 - Beloved Lanello - July 18, 1976

Lanello’s Mother’s Day Address May 9, 1976
The Welcoming of the Mother into the Temple of Your Heart

Part I

I AM in the heart of Mother in the day of the Mother’s appearing, in the day of the Mother’s confirmation of the wholeness of thy being. I AM where you are, everywhere in the consciousness of God. Let those who love me be where I AM; for I cannot come where you are, “for your thoughts are not my thoughts, saith the Lord.”1

I cannot be where you have the unresolved manifestation of wanting to be that which you are not and of shunning your fiery destiny which you are. I cannot be where you exalt the lesser manifestations of self. I AM everywhere where you are in the consciousness of God—God as wholeness—and therefore I appear to you this day in my being androgynous, so that you might see the manifestation of Father-Mother God as the robe of purity, of righteousness, lined with the flame of the springtime that is the resurrection of love within you.

This love is truly the love of self, yet it is an unselfed love. This love is truly the love of the wholeness of being. It is a self-love and yet it includes all lesser manifestations of self. For the highest awareness of God within you must include the birds of the air, the flowers of springtime, elemental life, and all of the children of God in their bounding joy, leaping in the meadows and in the forests, rejoicing in the wave and in the sunlight.

I AM the consecration of the love of self as the delineation of the fires of self. How can the fires of self burn unless you tend them?  In tending the fires of self, you tend the fires on the altar of every being of God in cosmos. We see the faces of avatars and saints. We see the gathering of the masters of East and West. They come to bring floral offerings to the Buddha and the Mother. They come to salute the light within each heart where the heart has been made the threshing floor, where the fire has been allowed to flow through the being to reconsecrate the temple to the Holy of Holies.

Do you remember in your travels abroad in South America, in Europe, and sometimes in the Far East, now and then you would come upon a church, a temple, or a mosque that was untended?  How sad!  How downcast you were as you went through these churches to see that the poor who had not the money to clean, to decorate, to keep the temple—how their impoverished consciousness would allow them to spend what pennies they had upon the desires of this world, upon the outer temple that is subject to corruption, upon the self that is as the grass that will pass away as surely as the day and the night.

You have seen how all forms of evil have invaded even the polished temples of your own United States; and whereas there is an outer cleanliness, there is an inner corruption. And therefore the invasion of the temples consecrated with hands is a mark, is an object lesson that mankind have also failed to consecrate the temple made without hands—the sacred sanctuary of being where the flame of love is intended to burn upon the altar.

We who are of the ascended host walk through the sanctuary of man and woman and every living child and every soul. And we find many sanctuaries unkept, unclean, desecrated by the idolatry of self, the vampirism of psychic egos attempting to live off of other psychic egos. We peek in the door of these sanctuaries and we withdraw, for we are not welcome. We are in the time and space of the Buddha and the Mother, and yet we are not in the place that remains unconsecrated to love.

Therefore know, as I said, that I AM everywhere where you are, and yet you are not always where I AM. I abide in the Real Self; and if you have not acknowledged the Real Self, you have not begun the walk in my footsteps. I also cherish my own footsteps; for these steps are here and now in the very experiences and the life that you live on this very soil, in these very rooms.

One and all, you have walked where I have walked, where the walls have heard my voice as a physical voice. You have been where akasha shows the overcoming of the Christ within—within the one you call Lanello and within the one you call Mother. But is not our self a common self, a common denominator of your own God consciousness?  Is not our victory your own?  And if our victory be not your own, then is our victory in vain; then is our victory a selfish victory. For how can we be victorious except in the laying down of our life that you might overcome?

Hear then the resounding of my footsteps in these halls!  Hear the reechoing as the walls put forth the soundless sound of my voice echoing from long hours and years of service in the flame!  Hear these footsteps as your own!  Hear that voice as your own!  And know that my longing, the longing of my soul, is that we might be one in the flame, in the heart of the flame flower of the springtime that is born of our love.

Know that I AM the Keeper of the Flame of this temple. This is the Temple of the Resurrection Spiral. This is the retreat that God gave to us that we might go to the very within of our being to prove the law of self-mastery. Our retreat, both in the physical and the etheric octaves, is given to you that you might experience the oneness of love, the wholeness of love, that you might see the grand procession of life, of pilgrims marching in their robes whitened by self-sacrifice, each pilgrim carrying a candle.

See them come through the open door of our unity!  See them coming through the open door of the retreat!  See them marching through the open door of our heart!  See them stepping into eternity as they enter the sanctuary of Mother and of Father. These are the twin flames that form the thought form of the heart. And the heart is a winged song!  It is a bird that soars. It is the joy of union that spirals to the heart of the Great Central Sun.

See then these pilgrims as they come from north and south and east and west. And as you see the candles burning in this endless procession of those who have whitened their robes unto the fires of eternity, see that the candles that burn, the candles that glow, are the candles that are lit and burning within your very own temple, your very own chakras. Each chakra is a pilgrim. Each chakra is an open portal of unity.

And your own soul makes the trek through planes of God’s consciousness. Spiraling through vortices of self-awareness line upon line, sphere upon sphere, your soul, the pilgrim bringing the light of God-unity, contacts the light of the chakra. And as the flame meets the flame, the twain are one. This indeed is the march of the angels, the archangels, the Elohim. This is the bridal march as the soul proceeds—each union the foundation of the subsequent union, each flow of fire, each leaping of the flame into the flame for a greater flame, each losing of the self, each extinguishing of the self the kindling of the birth of the Greater Self.

Let the pilgrim continue the way of that pilgrim!  Let each one come to the knowledge and the wisdom and the understanding of the love of self. Let us draw together with the fire of the right hand the circle of that oneness. Will you take your hand and inscribe upon akasha before you the great circle of your life?  Go over it again and again so that in your very fingertips you might feel this great oneness, this great wholeness, this movement of love becoming love, this movement of wholeness. And feel, as you trace the circle, how life becomes life in each of the increments of being.

There is no beginning and no ending to the circle of fire that is your identity in God; and yet in your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, you can indeed define the energies of solar hierarchies. You can sense the light of Alpha and Omega becoming the great fire of our oneness as point by point the dots which make the circle of our oneness move as in transition through the law of trans­cendence—each dot a unit of cosmic consciousness, each dot necessary for the experiencing of the pilgrim that the pilgrim might put on and become the next dot, the next point of the law, the next flame.

O souls of God, O my soul within you, be runners in the race of life!  This is no time to tarry in the way of self-preservation, for the lesser self is but the moth that is bound to be consumed in the fire. And therefore let the fire enfire the soul with immortality before the wings are singed or the wax is melted. The soul must fly; but in order to fly, the wings must be set. It cannot leap before it has tested the wings.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 no. 30.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, May 9, 1976, at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. Isa. 55:8.

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