Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 31 - The Divine Mother - August 1, 1976

“Mother Has Said It Is Not Real!”

I come as the white flame of your desiring to be more of Life, to be aware of Life beyond this sphere. And when, by contact of desiring, you reach the bounds of the habitation of the Lord God, then he himself will propel your consciousness into the heart of the Divine Mother, who lives and moves in this plane, throughout this stratum of awareness, that you might define purpose, principle, precept, and power.

The reign of the universal Mother is inaugurated this year as the crown of life was placed on the head of one who bears the flame of Mother here on Terra.1 Of course, precious ones, as Jesus the Christ inaugurated the era of the divine sonship whereby all mankind might become sons of God, daughters of God, so the purpose of the coming of the Mother flame into the Western Hemisphere is that ultimately each man and each woman might revere the body temple as Mother herself that provides the place, the temple, where Father might be worshiped.

To hallow Mater and each cell of life as the opportunity to raise the feminine ray and expand that identity—this is our purpose; this is our coming. For you see, America is that place prepared, that wilderness where the Divine Woman should appear and bring forth the Divine Manchild.2 The time must come, then, that her people, a mighty people united in the flame of the Son, should rise to the awareness of the origin of the Son; for without the Mother there can be no Son. And so you see, Mother is just another aspect of the Godhead, of the I AM Presence, of the God consciousness.

What is the awareness of Mother? It is first of all the tenderness and the nearness of God whereby you perceive that you are loved in a vast universe and that you are not alone. The sense of aloneness is always dispelled by the Mother’s footstep, the tender touch, the caress of the soul. The coming of the Mother proclaims the day of the return to the eternal Home, the Bourn of God. When you think of Mother, you think of Home; and without Mother there is no Home. Children of the light upon this continent and all people who walk here are yearning for Home, true Home. And some are wandering on the hillsides, desiring not to tether their consciousness to any place until they have found Mother, until they have found that Home.

The coming of the Mother is the coming of wisdom and wisdom’s rod, which is the discipline of fire—that fire which cuts off the right hand if it offends her, which plucks out the right eye if it offends her.3 The Mother will not tolerate disobedience in her children; for she knows that in a state of disobedience, they are outside of the consciousness of God and will remain outside of that consciousness until they return to his law. Therefore, the Mother gives Wisdom’s understanding of the law that all might come to the law through love and love through understanding.

The Mother is the crystal clarity that defines the Trinity, that portrays the Mother of Christ, the daughter of God, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, the sister of every pilgrim on the Path. The Mother is the listening ear that hears the thoughts, the trials, the worries of her children, that comforts all in the release of the Holy Spirit.

I come as from out of the Great Deep, from the shores of reality. And I behold how the waters of life flow freely as the essence of the Mother, as that energy in motion that is the abundance of God. I AM the fullness of Omega, of every form that proclaims the unity of Mother, and of all who have ever overcome through the flame of Mother. I AM the fire in the feminine ray.

I AM the activating principle of that chakra at the base of the spine that shall release in good time the fountain of purity, lilylike, gracing the temple of man. And the pure crystal fountain of that water that is in the temple complementing the focus of fire is the Mother in all of her movement, all of her joy and playfulness, playing hide-and-seek with her children as the drops of water flow to and fro. So the delight of a mother’s eye is the love of her children and each footstep, each smile, each way that is won, whether by pain and suffering or by perseverance of the law.

You have heard it said that the Mother is maya. May I explain that you must be certain to understand the terminology before you accept concepts so profound. There are some who see maya as Mater. There are others who understand maya as illusion. Let us understand, then, that God sends forth the Mother into the plane of Mater as Mother, as Mater, to create that time-space continuum which is the forcefield whereby the Mother may teach her children.

At times in that veil of illusion, mankind are beset with gross densities and terrifying horrors. Shall we attribute all of this to the Mother? Only in the sense that mankind learn how to come to grips with reality by first learning how to come to grips with unreality. We cannot say that despair and despondency is Mother, but that Mother allows these conditions as a means whereby those who rebel against the will of the Father might return to him.

The dissolving of illusion is within the Mother’s hand. But you must call! Call to Mother to dispel the doubt and the fear that the specters of the night portray and the horror and the shrieking of the astral realm. For you see, until you have made the call, the Mother does not know for sure that you actually realize that all of this is unreal. And so if you desire to have the curtain —the veil that is illusion— parted, call to the Divine Mother! Then you will see what the reality of maya is—not illusion, but Mother flame in all transcendent, crystal glow-ray, joy expressing, expanding life! And all of the prisms of the atom and of the cells and the molecules are for the refraction of the light of the Mother.

In this understanding, you will see how Mater is freed from those densities and perversions and errors. You will see before your eyes how your world, your body temple, becomes translucent, how the earth takes on pastel hues, and how the Garden of God returns. And that pristine paradise that is the return of the Mother flame to the center of the all-seeing eye can be the realization of Father-Mother God one in Spirit and in Mater, where there is no longer any necessity for illusion that man might have the freedom to learn free will.

Therefore, remember always that you have heard from the heart of the Divine Mother that all that appears is not real, that all that appears is a scenario for the evolution of the soul, and that at the moment you have awareness, enlightenment, all of that will dissolve, for it is law. And when it is dissolved, you will find standing before you the image of the Real Self, the Christed One; and you shall say: “O Mother, there am I! I see myself in the mirror of life as I really am! Behold, I AM the Son of God! Behold, I AM God incarnate!”

“Now we see through a glass, darkly.”4 That is the vision through illusion. But then when you behold face to face, you see the image of God; and having seen that image, you must become that image. And then you find that the cradle of unreality has had its purpose—the testing of the mettle, the testing of the soul. Therefore I say, take courage! For it is a joyous challenge to face each specter, to slay that specter with the sword, the sword of the Cosmic Virgin.

I say then, take that sword as the gift from my hand this day which I place within your heart, each one. And realize that at any hour of the day or night when illusion moves across the face of reality as the clouds that hide the sun, you can draw that sword and say, “Mother has said it is not real!” And instantly the atoms that have coalesced as cloud and darkness will dissolve and you will stand once again face to face with reality.

Remember, children of my heart, that all of the demons and the fallen ones and the forces of decay and dissolution—all fear the footstep of the Mother. And when they hear the words “Mother has said it is not real!” they tremble and they recede into that native nothingness out of which they have fabricated a false identity to taunt the children of God. So you see, all that is God is real; all that is not of God is unreal.

I AM the God within you that identifies the real from the unreal, and I AM the sword within you that cleaves asunder the real from the unreal. I AM the eternal oneness of the resurrection flame raising you to the permanent identity in God in the permanent atom of being.

My love is with you as a golden-pink sphere until the hour of your victory in love.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Divine Mother was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, March 31, 1974 at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California

1. On January 1, 1974, the Goddess of Liberty placed the crown of the Divine Mother for the year 1974 upon the head of the Mother of the Flame.

2. Rev. 12:5-6.

3. Matt. 5:29-30.

4. 1 Cor. 13:12.

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