Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 20 No. 1 - Beloved Nada - January 2, 1977


The Joy of Selfless Service


I come to give you the vision of the all-seeing eye which you have invoked–the power, the propensity, and the immensity of that eye as it descends into the forcefield of the human consciousness, revealing that consciousness for what it is. And therefore, the specters of mankind’s own selfishness are revealed this day as the dweller on the threshold of consciousness, just below the level of conscious awareness.

At that point where the subconscious is becoming the conscious, there is that self, that not-self, that adornment of the carnal mind, that configuration of the carnal mind with its spirals, its forcefields, its anti-Mater. All that resists and is against the Mother is now revealed as that moment and that point of selfishness which resists the coming into the One.

And therefore, there is also revealed those who are climbing the rocks, the jagged rocks, who are bleeding because of the intensity of their pursuit and because of the briars and the brambles and the precipices and all of the dangers. And they are the striving ones who care not for self, for body, for this life. They seek not to save this life but to lose it in Christ.

Know then, O children of the sun, that mankind will have a chemical reaction to that light of the all-seeing eye which exposes that selfishness that resists the entering in. And when it is exposed, it must be slain. And when the form and the consciousness of the outer self is slain, then behold!  By penetration through and through, the all-seeing eye of God reveals the Real You, the Real Self, the Image Divine.

This, then, is the course of revelation–that the lie must be perceived and overthrown ere the truth can appear; for mankind is a chalice of consciousness into which the new light of the ages descends. That light must purge consciousness of all self-awareness outside of God. And therefore, coming into the center of the flame–the unfed flame that is upon the altar in every focus where as­cended-master students meet to invoke the light–into that flame comes the world momentum of selfishness this day.

Take heed that you do not side in with the lesser self. Take heed that your sympathy is not with the fallen ones whose time is short indeed. Take heed that you see beyond, that you understand that now is the time to accelerate your invocations to the violet flame and to the blessed Elohim Astrea for the encirclement of all that has built itself as a monument to the not-self.

Understand this formula of selflessness:  To know when you have become selfless is to not be aware of the choice of selflessness. By this I mean that the natural course of your life is always the preferring of the love of God, the service of that God incarnate. To be aware of self, its pleasures, its privileges, its preferences, and then to make a choice to forgo that self is a step on the path of selflessness which must indeed be taken.

There is a time for commitment, a time when you draw the line against the nagging and the gnawing of the lesser self for this or that candy or sweet or treat or anything that serves to adorn that lesser self. And once these choices have been made, as they have been made by the saints of all ages who deprived themselves, who slept on beds of spikes, on hard, wood floors, who allowed themselves to be deprived of all worldly things because they were pursuing the victory in the test of the ten, this also is the way of the overcomers, and this is the way of the cycling of the flame into the center.

But once you have reached that center, you are no longer aware of choosing between the Self–the Real Self–and the not-self. For you have become that living Self and all preferences to be that Self, to be immersed in that Self, to be the hands, the heart, the head of the Lord wherever you are needed, wherever it is required, filling in for God, supplying every need and therefore supplying each aspect of the Christ which someone may lack fulfillment in for the mastery of the threefold flame. Your preference is then in supplying the tenderness and compassion, perceiving the need because your sensitivity to God has been refined not only by the all-seeing eye, but by the exercise of the secret rays, letting those rays flow through you and fearing not the pain of the crucifixion, but altogether transforming that pain into the bliss of communion.

Find joy in service, then, and find mastery at that point where you cease to set aside time and space for the lesser self, finding your renewal in service, finding your strength, your regeneration in communion with the Great God Self. So let it be as a testimony of the oneness of the devotees of light this day that one and all resist the sympathy of the Luciferians–the self-pity, the self-justification, the self-preference.

Let those who would be ministers of the true Church come into that identity of the Christ this day. Let them forsake all else and let them find in the bliss of God the replacement for all those pleasures which the not-self requires to be sustained. Therefore, you see, to take away the pleasures is to take away the life of the not-self, to deprive it of that energy for self-per­petuation, self-preservation.

Mankind recognize self-preservation as a legitimate goal. Yet did he not say, “He who seeks to save his life shall lose it; he who loses his life for my sake shall find it again”? <1>  I say, try the Law, prove the Law, test the Spirit of the living Christ within you!  Prove God this day!  Prove that the joy of God can fulfill every need, human and divine. Find that joy in selfless service. Find that communion with one another through communion with the Holy Spirit and the Mother and the God and Christ within.

We would see the children of the light, the sons and daughters of God rally by this preference. We would warn of the infiltration of selfishness in the body of God and in the true Church. These are the cracks that come between you and your God; this is the erosion of the cosmic cube. Beware, then, lest the temptation of the fallen ones beset the light of the chosen ones. Choose, then, to elect this day the law and the light and the joy of abandon in God, and see how God will fulfill in you every joy, every comfort, every need.

See how the sphere of being expands as you leave behind those indulgences which the world has proclaimed that all mankind have need of. Let those who are pursuing the path of fire forsake them. For the hierarchy has need this day of those who will abandon the old landmarks of the human consciousness, those who will walk with Enoch and Elijah, with Buddha and Christ and Moses, those who will walk that fiery way and let the fire be the drippings of love from their sandals and let their feet leave the imprint of God-mastery, of the Piscean conqueror.

And let that image of the youth gazing into the pool, beholding there the image of the lesser self and being consumed in the love of the lesser self, be not that which intrudes upon the path of the wayfarers of the Spirit. <2> For you see, that love of the lesser self is the indulgence of the lesser self, indulgence in the retrospection of former times and former years and old patterns and thoughts and feelings, a wallowing in human emotion. Even the dislike of the self, even the hatred of one’s self or another’s self is the idolatry which consumes this very soul.

Do you not understand that those who read of that legend and say “That is not my folly!  That is not my fall; for I am not in love with the lesser self,”–these have overlooked that the indulgences of the lesser self, whatever these may be, are taking up the precious energies of the soul, taking up that precious energy and therefore milking the image of God of its perfect light.

Idolatry and the idolatrous generation marks the earth in this hour. This is the truth that is exposed; this is the lie that is exposed. Now let the conquerors who would move forward in the flame of the Holy Spirit be willing to draw the sword of the Divine Mother and slay that image of the lesser self that the true God might appear as the cloven tongues of fire. <3>

I say, prepare this day for the influx of the Holy Ghost, for Pentecost, and for the celebration of the ascension of the Lord Christ!  For I tell you, to infuse and be infused with light, you must abandon this day, consciously and conscientiously, another round, another aspect of the lesser self, preferring one another in love. I say, commune in love and merge with that fire of purity that will make you whole.

I release that fire!  I release that love!  And I chastise you by the action of love this day for your failure to commit yourself wholly unto the God flame within. I, Nada, release the fire of chastisement and I say, Let this body of communicants be purged this day of all selfishness!  Let them come into the One, and let them be a testimony and a witness!  For the Lord God himself sends forth the energy of the power of fire; and when it comes upon mankind in their selfishness, it comes and then is transformed by that selfishness into an action of condemnation.

This, then, is the condemnation of the Lord. It is the rebuke of white fire; and when resisted by mankind, they themselves enter into spirals of self-condemnation. Therefore, be rid of that this day!  Abandon these modes of the defenses and mechanisms of the ego. Come in love, in simplicity, and in innocence. Come into the fire of the One and let us see how we will raise the tent of the Lord in the wilderness that all mankind might come and worship the Spirit, the Holy One of Israel, within that tent.

So let it be the commemoration again of the coming into the tabernacle of God when mankind converge at Shasta at this Fourth of July. Let it be because some have let go of personal preferences. Let it be because some have been willing to be purged, that by the purging of the body of God, an electrode, a magnet of fire of the Central Sun can be melted into the One– an amalgamation of your very souls committed to the one fire.

So let the Central Sun magnet of your consecration be the drawing power of God-victory for all mankind. We would raise up the Spirit of the living God among you. We would draw mankind into this nucleus. Therefore, let the purging be this day!  And let the fires of the Holy Spirit and the flame of Truth reveal to you those sordid aspects of selfishness which must go into the flame.

I have spoken and I have declared this day that for the Christ to be in you, a minister of the true Church, you must not fail to be that example in the innermost recesses of being. For one day, that which you have done in secret will be shouted from the housetops, <4> and all mankind will proclaim the victory of the saints and the descent of the fallen ones into the second death. <5>  So they will know and they will behold the choices you have made and they will be fortified for the victory by your choices. And they will then also choose the way between the spirals of defeat and the spirals of victory.

Choose therefore this day to serve the Law of Love and watch how mankind choose also to serve that law. Mankind can be influenced; mankind can yet be drawn into the flame!  But the flame must be hot, white fire, brilliant, burning, sustained at all hours of the day and night.

Be then a magnet for God!  Be a drawing energy and a holy rod!  Be that honor flame of pure love and devotion, and merge with the Mother and the Holy Spirit. Become that oneness, fulfill your calling; and when you do so, mankind, too, will fulfill their calling.

I have come in the Spirit of living Truth that is the law of the comfort flame. I AM Nada of the sixth ray.


The above dictation by Nada was dictated to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California, on April 27, 1975.

1. Matt. 16:25.

2. See the legend of Narcissus in Greek mythology.

3. Acts 2:3.

4. Luke 12:3.

5. Rev. 21:8.