Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 20 No. 35 - Saint Germain - August 28, 1977


A Small Boy in Transylvania

Part 2


You are blessed with an unparalleled opportunity. In the name of the Goddess of Justice, my twin flame, I call to you, then, who have an opportunity to know the names of the angels, the archangels, their archeiai, the Elohim, and the ascended masters, so that you are able, by knowing our names, to invoke us individually–are given an opportunity that is so wonderful from the human standpoint that I think you almost ought to be doing handsprings!  Now I hope that you will not try it.

Beloved ones, this is a glorious day, for it symbolizes to the hearts of all patriots and progressive men and women an achievement of a historical nature for this great nation, America. This achievement that made America strong must beat still in the hearts of some of its people–of many of its people!  But it is not enough to beat in their hearts, it must beat in their action. That which they believe and those things which they hold dear must be stood for, and that with both feet.

Ladies and gentlemen, the early patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes and sacred honor–pledged it in the name of God. Mankind today feel that it is an imposition if they are asked to attend a patriotic meeting or a religious gathering. They feel that they have many other things to do that are more important. Well, I do not say, Let them feel so, I say, Pray for them. May their own divinity illumine them swiftly, for they are missing a great opportunity.

You know, beloved ones, when you reach our octave, there is one wonderful thing that I wish to tell you of. And that is, you suddenly realize that all men may be created equal, but they do not long remain so. They make their own opportunities and they shine their own angelic wings. They put the halos–if you wish to use the word–around their own head and they keep them polished. And they do it with a little elbow grease!

Well, you may think it strange that I, as a great ascended being, choose to use these terms; but ladies and gentlemen, I do them somewhat in a humorous vein in order that you may realize that although the subject is very serious, the possibilities need not remain so, for the Goddess of Opportunity is standing near in the atmosphere. You know, beloved ones, Portia is both the Goddess of Justice and the Goddess of Opportunity, and therefore, you can mend the flaws.

You can mend the flaws! Did my voice resemble the words I spake in Independence Hall, “Sign that document!”  I ask you?  Shatter, then, the human concepts. Shatter, then, the miserable miasma that keeps you bound to mortal consciousness and enjoy the sunlight and the trees and nature and man. Enjoy them all!  And enjoy your Presence. Learn to do it now, not tomorrow. For it may be too late for this embodiment, and other souls awaiting birth may be given your opportunity. They may crowd in, for I expect today that a dispensation will be released for which we have called, that those who are not making reasonable use of their opportunities be taken from the screen of life as swiftly as possible so that those who have long stood at the portals of birth awaiting opportunity may have their place. Now mankind who do not hear my words today and know not of it will not have the opportunity which you have. They will not be warned. They will not know. And yet that Great Law and dispensation will act in their worlds the same as it acts in yours!  And so in the holy name of eternal freedom, by the power of light and the power of Almighty God, beloved ones, accept this marvelous opportunity which heaven itself has offered you!  Accept it in all the divine dignity of your being! 

Why, beloved ones, the creation of a palace, a castle, a crown, a sword, the creation of anything–the precipitation of it instantly is nothing for an ascended being. We are not thrilled by precipitation. We are thrilled by perfectionment, because perfectionment means that someone used the opportunity that life gave them to win their eternal freedom or to enhance that gift which was already given to them. It means that the talents which Almighty God invested them with were not covered by a napkin of a smothering consciousness, but were open to the sunlight and the air and the water and the skies and the shining orbs of the heavens, open to the angelic host–not interested in psychic phenomena, but interested in the production of a divine drama of which God is the author.

In the name of Mother Liberty, the Mother of Exiles, I call to the homeless and tempest-tossed of the world:  Stand before the door of your own Almighty God Presence and hold high the torch that life has given to you, the mighty threefold flame of your own divine identity, that God design whose perfectionment and wonder is worn by the Boy Scouts of America, and they know it not–that is, few do.

Therefore, beloved ones, if you would know the beauty of forest and field and stream, if you would know the beauty of your lifestream, that mighty electronic essence that pours forth from your own Mighty I AM Presence, then exalt that Presence to its proper station and place in your life. Do not pay attention to minor details, although your Presence will. It will direct you but, beloved ones, turn your attention first to your Presence and observe how those details, through the great discriminating Christ-intelligence, help you to attain and to win your eternal freedom, as it did us.

Oh, you know, beloved ones, I love divine dignity, and the dignity of God is in your Presence. It’s the courtesy of the courts of heaven. It does not permit you to be ungracious to one another, but it shows you that heaven is full of grace. And if heaven is full of grace and earth is going to resemble it, it must be full of grace too. Do you see, beloved ones?  Well, then, if you do see, how about starting out today to winning your eternal freedom?

Some of you may feel that my exhortations are a bit too forthright, because you may say to me, “Well, I’ve tried for many years and I think I’m doing a wonderful job.”  Well, I am glad that you do, because I think that many of you are too. But, beloved ones, I think you can do better. And if you do better, you just might make your ascension before you know it.

Well, beloved ones, that might get you out of your trouble, but what about the mankind who are left?  You know, one is taken and another is left. Well, you love them as much as I do, I am sure, and therefore you want to help them win their eternal freedom and have a consciousness like the small boy in Transylvania that loves nature and loves God and loves man.

Well, then, how about being a carpenter like the carpenter of Nazareth?  I guided his hands in framing his first works of art. How about placing your hands in mine today that I may guide your hands?  You know what I am going to do with your hands, beloved ones, if you place them in my hand?  Well, I am going straight to the heart of your Presence and I am going  to say:  “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of this precious lifestream, oh, enfold them in all the power that you have, because they are a trustworthy soul. They’ve placed their hands in mine and they know that I am going to place their hands in yours. They believe in you and they believe that you created the universe to be a universe of beauty and glory. But they believe that the tri-unity of God and man has to be striven for, accepted, adored, and sustained by their attention. Take them then and exalt them into all the fullness of that which thou art.

“O thou Mighty I AM Presence, thou wondrous one whose supreme and supernal intelligence invades all places but is not always recognized:  Come thou now and take thy dominion over the kingdoms of this world!  Guide the hearts of this great nation and its people and bless them with the fullness of life that shall ring the liberty bell for the world and proclaim freedom throughout the earth!”

I thank you and bid you welcome to your eternal freedom in the heart of your Presence. Thank you and good afternoon.


This dictation by Saint Germain was dictated to the Messenger Mark L. Prophet in Washington, D.C. on July 4, 1962

SAINT GERMAIN. The Violet Flame. Continuing the discourse from The Chela and the Path, <1>  El Morya said of Saint Germain: “I am here to tell you that the dispensation could never have been granted for chelas to invoke this flame outside the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood had it not been for the fact that Saint Germain offered upon the altar of humanity the collateral of his own personal momentum of the energies of freedom garnered within his soul for thousands of years. For you see, when the Lords of Karma granted the dispensation through the intercession of this anointed one, they were fully aware that, given free will and given mankind’s propensity to misuse that free will, it was altogether possible that certain numbers among mankind would misuse these sacred energies as they had done in the past in the days of ancient Lemuria and Atlantis. Were this to occur, someone would have to make up the difference. Saint Germain understood this principle of cosmic law only too well. For the sake of the few and eventually the many who would make resplendent use of the violet flame, he was willing to forego and to sacrifice that portion of his momentum that would be misused and to chalk up that misuse as a necessary expenditure in the laboratory of mankind’s consciousness. He was thereby in effect underwriting the experiments not only of the alchemists of the sacred fire with whom he had personally worked through the centuries, but also of the populace who would both use and misuse the alchemical fires ere coming into the enlightenment of the Christ mind and that centeredhess in the Christ flame which is necessary for the responsible use of the violet flame. Now you who are living in the advancing decades of the century are the beneficiaries of this legacy of Saint Germain bought with a price–the overwhelming love of the Master Saint Germain, whose love for you even before you took embodiment was such that he was willing to lay down a portion of his life that you might live in the fullness of your individual God Serf-awareness. Furthermore, you owe a debt of gratitude to the early devotees who did in fact call forth the flame with intense purity and devotion to the cause of mankind’s freedom and therefore made possible the second phase of the dispensation whereby you and countless others have been given the knowledge of the violet flame in recent years, Wherever you are. as you read my words you can begin to experience the marvelous action of the violet fire coursing through your veins, penetrating the layers of the physical temple–the bloodstream. the nervous system, the brain–pressing through the chakras, swirling through the etheric body, passing over the pages of the written record of your incarnations on earth. Line by line, letter by letter, the flame–intelligent, luminous, directed by the mind of God–sets free the energies, electron by electron, of all past misuses of the sacred fire. And thus not one jot or tittle of the law of karma shall pass until all be fulfilled in the freedom of the violet fire.”

1. El Morya, The Chela and the Path (Colorado Springs: The Summit Lighthouse, 1976). pp. 45-46.