Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 21 No. 9 - Elohim of Peace - February 26, 1978



Holding the Balance Against Cataclysm


Thy dwelling is the golden victorious light. Love is thy light. Love is thy victory.

I AM the Elohim of Peace. I come forth with the rod of the law that is the rod of sacred fire. And I take that rod of fire and I draw a circle on the ground around this city and I mark the circle that is the chakra of the soul of mankind. I mark the place of the threefold fountain of love, wisdom, and power. <1>  I mark the place where freedom’s flame is released for the victory of life in the souls of all mankind. And there is a replica of the New Jerusalem that is placed over the City of the Angels where the angels come and go at the four sides of the temple of being and at the twelve gates <2> of the city, passing in and out as electrodes of the energies of God, flowing as the Alpha to Omega of spirals of light–reinforcing Father, Mother, oneness of the Christic light.

I AM the cross of sacred fire that marks the place of the victory of love within you. And let each of the chakras be now the place of the crucifixion where the Christ is born through the dying of the lesser self unto the glory of the Greater Self. I come in the flame of victory, the victory of the risen Christ. I come to anchor light, for light must be reinforced.

Page by page, the Book of Life is turned. Line by line, the matrix of victory must be reinforced. Week by week, by the power of the spoken Word, hierarchy releases energies necessary for the sustainment of the balance of the planet and the people.

As the resurrection flame blazes forth from the great causal body of Jesus the Christ, so mankind not able to receive it experience a personal cataclysm of sickness, disease, death, decay, crisis, and all manner of loss. This is the fire that tries every man’s work. <3>  And therefore in the hour when the initiation of the resurrec­tion is due, take care and see to it that you have passed the initiation of the crucifixion. For when these fires come and when they come into the four lower bodies, there is a burning away of selfhood; and if you have identified with that selfhood which is the lesser self, then you must suffer loss–a loss of identity.

Chosen of the sacred fire, choose to be fire, choose to merge with the flame, the flame of the Mother this day. For in merging with the white-fire core of your own being, you are hid with Christ in God. <4>  And then nothing shall be taken from you, but all shall be added unto you in the hour when the Father calls thee unto the AUM, the sacred Home, the lotus place of light that is the crown of fulfillment of the twelve starry bodies <5> of God’s own Self-awareness.

I AM Peace in the Elohim. I breathe forth ribbons of peace, flowing across the cosmos, anchoring light, steadying the Cosmic Egg, steadying the egg of the aura, sealing you in the action of white-fire core, of purple and of gold. So in the fusion of Alpha and Omega in the twin flames of Peace, hold the balance of the age, O children of the light. Children of the light, walk in the light. Know in the life triumphant is the victory. Look neither to the right nor to the left, but up into the face of God. Behold salvation. Anchor light and be light.

So now the Great Central Sun magnet–as a branding iron, as a great disc of fire–comes down upon the city of Los Angeles. In a radius of fifty miles from the center of the city, marked by the place where the roses bloom, so by the white-fire core of the spiraling of the center, so there is marked the place of the freedom of the soul.

Now I release dispensations of light for the purging of this city of all darkness, of all activities of the night which belie the true image of the Christ in the seat of the soul, for the purification of the egg, the immaculate conception of the cosmic egg of the Divine Mother, for the purging of the seed of Alpha and all bearers of the sacred egg and the sacred seed. So the light goes forth!  And let all who have identified with the darkness tremble this day, for they shall be bound and there shall be a weeping and gnashing of teeth. <6>  So let them choose now the action of fire.  Let them be consumed thereby. And behold, and lo, standing forth in the center of the fiery furnace, the risen Christ as the true identity of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. <7>

I AM the Elohim of Peace!  I demand a response from the atoms of selfhood!  I demand response!  I cause alignment. I AM the Spirit of the Great Central Sun magnet. I AM the fusion of love.

As the magnet descends, it marks the heart chalice of each one who is committed unto the flame by the action of the name of God, I AM THAT I AM. And let the chosen people come forth in the victory of the six-pointed star. Let the true house of all that

Is-real stand forth to claim the identity of Abraham and of the true seed of Alpha’s sons.

So, then, let the sealing of the heart in the six-pointed star be for the image of the appearing of the Promised One, the culmination of that seed that is Christ the Lord, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. So let that face and that image be now upon the hearts of those who will take the garment that they wear and use it to wipe the face of brother and of sister travailing in the carrying of the cross. And let them find thereby, inasmuch as they have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, that they have done it unto Him <8> and that the image of the Christ is impressed upon the garment and upon the heart.

So this is the dispensation of the Lord Christ this day, and this is the dispensation of the Four and Twenty Elders:  that the pattern of the soul of Jesus as that soul was crying out in the Garden of Gethsemane in prayer, <9> holding the balance for mankind, so the image and the pattern of that soul in the hour of the cruci­fixion is now sealed as an electronic forcefield in the seat-of-the-soul chakra, in the heart, the fiery heart at the etheric plane of the city of Los Angeles. And it is sealed this day in all who have prepared the heart chakra and the seat-of-the-soul chakra as the dwelling place of the Most High God. Take care, then, that there is room enough in the inn of being to receive the Christ, to receive each little one in the hour of overcoming, in the hour of victory.

So let thy soul, O Lord Jesus, now become one with these souls who have pledged that inner vow to walk all the way on the Via Dolorosa, walking all the way in joy–the joy of overcoming, the bliss of the transforming action of the violet flame and the light that overcometh, the light that consumes and carries the burden of the world. You are then sealed by an arc of light in the heart of the Elohim of Peace.  And all who will take that arc and make of it the Ark of the Covenant will walk the earth with that sacred-fire thread, evermore one with the Elohim, evermore drawing the energies of the Elohim. So this is holding the balance against cataclysm.

There can be no cataclysm as long as you are one in God, as long as mankind pledge to serve and work beneath his rod. There can be no cataclysm where there is love and the joy of victory. There can be no rumbling in the hills, there can be no crying out and dying–except it be the dying of the lesser self–where Christ is born, where the image of Christ is raised up. I say, then, let that image of the Christ impressed, then, upon the handkerchief of Veronica be the focal point for the victory of life within you. And let the electrodes of the overcomers now take precedence and be the majority of flaming light upon Terra.

I release energies of the Great Central Sun!  And there is a rolling of the tides of cosmic light, rolling across the planetary body. And it is the image of the face of the Lord Jesus that is the salvation of mankind. And the Christ Self of each one merges with that image, for there is one Christ and one Lord and one Presence of the Logos in ye all. And therefore ye are one as the body, the mind, the heart, and soul. Be not then separated by schism, by division, but be fused in love. Look to the right and look to the left and now see the Christ in brother, in self, in sister.

Determine by all that is holy, by all that is sacred, by all that is the God-reality within you that you shall now enter the heart of the enemy–those who have raised themselves up as the enemy of righteousness. Be fearless to enter that heart and to proclaim the action of the fire of the law!  Merge, then, with the Christ in all who consider themselves separated from the body of God and stand in the center of that flame and declare the name of God:  I AM THAT I AM!  So as the early Christians were fearless unto the death before the lions in Rome, so I say, fear not to enter and to proclaim your oneness with the Christ of every heart. So then all separation will be swallowed up in the fire of immor­tality. I AM thy God-desire to be free!

I am now acknowledging the presence of angels of the Great Central Sun magnet standing on the periphery of the forcefield that radiates from the center of the city fifty miles in all direc­tions. So these angels stand around the center, bowing before the light that is in your heart. I say, then, bow before the light that is in their hearts and you will find the fusion with angels of living fire who have stood this day before the altar of the Most High God. In this release of the spoken Word find, then, the oneness of the merging of heaven and earth!  Find the flame of victory!  Find the origin of the spiral that shall be the victory of your ascension!  Find the core of your own soul!  Listen to your soul crying out from within you:  Oh, be free, be free, be free!

Let the soul rise to the level of the Christ by the action of the image of the Lord!  Let the soul rise and commune with the Christ Self in the heart!   Let the soul become the Christ!  And let the soul that has become the Christed One be the charioteer commanding the four lower bodies <10> to be still this day and know the action of the Lord <11> and of the Law and of the One. This, for some, will be a final opportunity to face the light and conquer. And this, for others, will be an initial opportunity to claim the light. So all who are on the ladder of initiation come to the place, as has been said, where the “Y” can become the “V” of victory.

I proclaim the victory of the Christ!  I anchor now electrodes beneath the Central Sun magnet, holding this city in fire again for a time and a time and half a time <12> so that those who would be the law may prove the law.

Students of the sacred fire, I speak to you who have given your all to the disciplines of the Mother. I say, anchor in the City of the Angels the light of the risen Christ and stand in this city with the courage of Saint Francis, with the courage of the disciples, and cast the net of your consciousness, of your determination, of your good works on the right side <13> and draw in, for you have not yet contacted those souls who are ready for the influx of this light.

And so we come to anchor a forcefield and we speak to in­dividuals, for the proclaiming of the law is always for the in­dividual. We speak to souls living in this area of the fifty-mile radius of this city, we speak to those who have the knowledge of the law:  Be free to proclaim the law, to give forth your energies in invocations and decrees, to come out from among them <14> to proclaim the life triumphant and you will see what miracles can yet be wrought for the victory of the love of light in this age. Now then because some few have chosen to enter in, dispensations are given again for the many until the many become the few and the few once again magnetize the many as the widening spirals of the golden ratio swallow up the planet in the measure of the ascension of love.

O precious hearts, now as the angels form and reform the patterns of the figure eight, weaving spirals in and through this territory that the Lord God has set aside this day for a victory, so they drop from their garments a rose, a tangible rose with a stem, for each one that you may carry now and reach out to receive–as it falls into your hand–a gift of angels. I tell you it is a tangible rose, and you must come into the consciousness of fear­lessness where there is neither doubt nor fear of the action of precipitation, where the alchemy of the descent of the rose of God becomes so real to you that you accept it here and now. And behold, the rose is tangible, and you take it to your heart and anchor it there as a talisman of the unfoldment of the love of the law.

Believe only, I say, in the power of the spoken Word and watch how the Lord God himself will move heaven and earth to draw you into alignment so that you draw into the net even more, more than you can even bring into the folds of consciousness. And then  watch how the Lord sends emissaries of angels to take care of the catch of souls whom the Divine Mother this day consecrates for the victory.

She stands forth now, arrayed in light–‘Ma-ray’–coming forth with angels, brothers and sisters of the Holy Order of Dominion on high. They come forth for a purpose:  to gather souls, discarnates who have collected over the city. And thus, the Divine Mother stretches forth her hands for the gathering of souls into the net of light whose time has come for fulfillment in other planes in the mansions of the Father. <15>  So these are drawn into the net of the Mother, and they are drawn into the etheric cities and temples of light. And her net sweeps across this area, clearing the way, then, for souls embodied to be free to pursue the divine calling, to be

free to make contact with the light and with octaves of light. So ministering angels of the Elohim stand forth to polarize a city for the triumph of Eastertide.

This is the release and the thrust of Alpha. We shall return at the conclusion of this week for the fulfillment of the preparation of this city as the preparation of the body of the Lord, as the anointing of that body with the oil of spikenard. <16>  So we prepare that this city might receive the greatest influx of light–from the Great Central Sun, from the hierarchies of heaven–that can be afforded in this hour, the greatest light that has been anchored here since the time of Lemuria when all sang praise and hosanna to the Mother flame.

Watch and pray, I say. Watch and pray for the cycle of these seven days that ye enter not into temptation, <17> that ye return to this place–your cups filled with light, your lamps burning bright, <18> your chakras charged with the energies we have given. For the energies we have given are a magnet, miniature suns to magnetize the corresponding action of flow which shall be unto you who keep the harmony of the law for the fulfillment of the spiral in our return.

We are grateful, O God, for thy presence in these holy ones. Our gratitude, our joy for the service of unascended members of the Great White Brotherhood–angels embodied, sons and daughters of God who fearlessly come to salute the light of the Mother. We are grateful, O God. And we bow before the light of these who have taken their vows of service, selflessness in the sacred labor. This is the way of the Prince of Pace. This is the way of the Elohim of Peace. And this is the way of the holding of balance. Be balance and know, then, the glory of the law of overcoming victory. Be the fullness of love.

Now I take you, one and all who will come fearlessly, into the chamber of the heart of an Elohim. Come unto me. <19>  Come into my heart. Project your soul. Enter now into my heart where the flame burns bright and tarry in my heart. I am fearless to receive these precious ones, O God. Now feel yourself flow ad tarry here in the chamber where I AM God’s awareness of peace and love, mini­stration and service. Now you are fired in the coolness of that service. Now you may return to your own heart’s altar and dedicate there the flame of an Elohim that is yours to claim in the name of the I AM WHO I AM. Be God, O God!  Be God, each and every one!

AUM. AUM. AUM. [Chanted.]  Peace in Aloha.

Note:  The above dictation by the Elohim of Peace was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Los Angeles, California, on March 9, 1975 (1:15-1:43 p.m. PDT).

1. Threefold Flame Fountain of Illumination centered in the etheric plane above the Rose Garden in Exposition Park, Los Angeles, established on September 21, 1963, by the Great Silent Watcher and the Cosmic Being Victory.

2. Rev. 21:12.

3. 1 Cor. 3:13.

4. Col. 3:3.

5. Rev. 12:1.

6. Matt. 8:12.

7. Dan. 3:11-30.

8. Matt. 25:40.

9. Matt. 26:36-39; Mark 14:32-36.

10.. Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita.

11.. Pss. 46:10.

12. Rev. 12:14.

13. John 21:5-11.

14. 2 Cor. 6:17.

15. John 14:2.

16. John 12:3.

17. Mark 14:38.

18. Matt. 25:1-13.

19. Matt. 11:28.