Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 21 No. 26 - Peace and Aloha, Elohim of the Sixth Ray - June 25, 1978


Three Rings of Peace and a Two-Edged Sword


I AM Peace. Wherever man entertains the consciousness of peace, there am I in the flame of that consciousness. I AM Aloha. And I AM the salute of peace in the heart of the flame of Peace. Our release to you this night will be the intertwining of our energies, for we are one–as Peace, as Aloha. We greet you one and all in our flaming awareness of God’s consciousness, of power–energy from Alpha as the Christ energy of life. We are the awareness of peace in the fiery core of being, in the eye of the hurricane, in the heart of man and elemental life.

There is a chiming of the bells of peace and of freedom’s sweet release that ripples across the waters as energy in motion, energy at rest. Thus the waves of God’s consciousness move through the sea, forming the undulations of the Spirit that mankind might know how energy comes from the heart of God as they contemplate the sea. The sea as it washes upon the shores of life, foaming with creative consciousness, leaps upon the bosom of the Divine Mother as Holy Spirit’s energies descend through air and fire, water and earth for the fullness of our twin flames.

Peace is the original power of the Godhead. As we stand before you–having walked across the sacred waters of Mu to come to you here in this place in person so that as we stand before you we might raise our arms in concerted action to release a mighty tide of peace–do you find that hierarchy has staged well the appearance of Peace in this hour of mankind’s struggle and strife, of turmoil in East and West?  Do you understand that the karma of mankind is projected upon the screen of consciousness?  And therefore the shadows of karma do precede their manifestation, and we of hierarchy can predict with certainty–given certain phases and aspects of human consciousness with its human astrological perversions–what will occur at a certain time and place.

And thus before you have called, I have answered. <1> God supplies the answer to every human need before mankind is even aware of the need. At a certain point in our service we shall release the energy that shall reverse the tide of war, of the plots of war, the energies of war, and the sense of struggle. Given the chemistry of the human consciousness, we can also predict that some among mankind will violently resist the energy of peace which it is our office to deliver to the planetary body this night.

Those who resist the wave of peace will find that, by and by, their resistance will bring about their annihilation; for either mankind ride the crest of the wave of God’s energy and blend in harmony with heaven’s release, or else they must be consumed by that wave; for mankind cannot resist the energy of God indefinitely. Thus to the proud wave of humanity’s self-centered consciousness the Deity exclaims:  “Thus far and no farther!  Reverse the course of human destiny until man is found in conformity with his divinity!”

I AM, I AM the guardians of the flame of peace. In the oneness of our peace, in the oneness of the flow of our love do mankind pursue the flame of the Prince of Peace, of the Archangel and Archeia of peace–the legions of Uriel and Aurora, legions of peace-bearers. Our peace is peace with honor. Therefore, we do not hesitate to raise the sword of peace in defense of our peace. That sword is golden–golden liquid light shining in the sun of our Christ consciousness. It is a two-edged sword <2> that defends the consciousness of the Christ, that cleaves asunder the Real from the unreal.

Thus, as knight champions of old held the sword of peace, so we hold that sword in our right hand to deflect all that opposes peace with honor. The brilliance of this sword as it reflects the Christ light is so great that all before whom it is held must capitulate to the energies of peace. Thus we rotate the sword in an arc before you. As it passes before each one, it has the action of dissolving energies opposing the light of Christhood, and the arc of peace becomes the circle of fire that is the guardian action of flaming ones–identities from out the Great Central Sun, angels and cosmic beings who form a circle of peace 1,000 miles around this fiery core of peace which we have drawn with our sword.

And as we hold the flaming sword of peace in the center, 144,000 flaming ones of peace hold the sword to deflect all that is antipeace, antichrist. And as I speak, another ring forms 1,000 miles beyond the next ring to the center. These also stand holding the sword of peace. And as I AM THAT I AM in the center of the mandala of peace, cosmic beings form the third ring 1,000 miles beyond the last. Golden swords are these–electrodes for the Central Sun of being.

As we take our leave of you this night, the center of this focal point of peace–the fiery core that we have drawn–will be placed upon the equator directly in alignment with the Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru. And the entire formation of beings with their swords shall move from east to west to encircle the earth in this formation, in concentric rings of peace. This is a part of the action of the flame of Peace that is the culmination of the 2,000-year reign of the Prince of Peace.

We live for the day when war shall be no more, and thus the energies of prophecy shall be fulfilled, and peace shall reign triumphant. But it shall be a peace with honor. Therefore let the proclamation go forth that mankind shall either become one in our love, in our flaming presence of peace, else they shall not pass into the next cycle–the 2,000-year reign of Saint Germain and the flame of freedom. Can you imagine, precious hearts of light, what freedom would be if war were to continue, if hatreds and strife were to continue in the flame of freedom?  These energies would be explosive, self-annihilating–annihilating an entire planet and its people. “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks:  nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more,” <3> for we are one in peace.

The flame of peace is the power to overcome all that is unlike peace. The flame of peace is like unto the flame of love; to be enjoyed it must be shared–shared with man, with God, with Christ, with angels and elementals, with father, mother, son, and daughter. The oneness of love is the sharing of peace. The oneness of peace is the sharing of love.

We raise our arms for this mighty release of peace!  Will you be receptors and not reflectors–retaining your hands cupped within your hearts?  Precious ones, won’t you place your hands around your hearts.

Now as Peace and Aloha we raise our hands for this fiery release of the flame and the core of being. [Chant.]

It is finished. The cross of white fire, the insignia of the Church Universal and Triumphant of Gautama and Jesus, is sealed in the forehead of each member of that Church ordained of God from the beginning. Across the earth–north, south, east, and west–the fiery white cross marks the members of the body of God upon earth. And it shall be unto them the sign of white fire and the sealing of consciousness against the coming of Antichrist and against the mark of the beast. <4>

“Be still and know that I am God,” <5> that I AM God.

We thank you, and we bid you peace in the heart of Peace and Aloha.


This dictation by Peace and Aloha was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Santa Barbara, on October 11, 1973 (10:27-10:48 p.m. PDT), included in The Seven Elohim in the Power of the Spoken Word, A7636.

2. Isa. 65:24.

2. Pass. 149:6; Prov. 5:4; Heb. 4:12; Rev. 1:16.

3. Isa. 2:4.

4. Rev. 19:20.

5. Pss. 46:10.


APOLLO AND LUMINA (2) continuing the dictation given on December 29, 1974, the Elohim released “the fires of the secret rays for the alignment and the balance of the consciousness of every living soul throughout the Cosmic Egg.” In a mighty fiat, the solar Logos called forth the quickening of wisdom’s flame for the purging of this system of worlds “of their ignorance of the Law.” Then the Elohim called for the release of solar fires. “let the planet Terra now be bathed in the fires of illumination,” Apollo declared, “as the corona of the sun, as a ring of fire, encloses the earth plane”–pressing through the elements and the atoms of the physical earth. “Come now into the Logos, the inner reason of your inner being,” Apollo thundered. “Sit up tall, move into the forcefield of your I AM Presence, know your reality, and see how that forcefield, that body temple, is a point of contact in time and space. Look down upon yourself, look down and see yourself as the altar of God in Mater. Use that altar, project light from the heart of your Identity, the I AM THAT I AM. Project now that light as you stand in the center of the flaming Monad of your God consciousness.” Apollo explained that “for us you are a point of contact in a plane, in a dimension where by cosmic law we may not go, we may not intercede or interfere unless we are called upon. By your free will you have placed yourselves in our aura this night. For a moment you have become cells in the body consciousness of Apollo and Lumina. For a moment your souls have been quickened to the frequency of our dwelling place in the Most High God that is your own individuality, your own I AM Presence. Will you not make that moment the duration of this embodiment? Will you not ask and receive the calling to be a cell of the Elohim until the hour of your ascension?...If you ask and receive that calling then it is set, it is sealed, you have opened the inn of being to receive the Cosmic Christ consciousness of the Elohim. And then you will see how we will anchor the arc of golden-yellow fire and golden liquid light from our retreat into your form and consciousness in those moments of crisis when there is a critical balance that is required....You have but to give the word in your heart now, to speak the word and the invitation and to say: ‘In the name of my Christed reality, I am a chalice for the Elohim forevermore.’”  “The hour has come for mankind to receive that increment that is delivered only once in 10,000 years...” This was the initiation of the Seven Holy Kumaras announced by the Elohim Apollo on July 6, 1975. In consonance with the Christ Self of each one, the Solar Logoi implanted a rod of yellow-diamond light from the Central Sun “by cosmic edict–the stepping up of the mind of humanity.” By free-will choice, mankind may “employ the rod to enter a new era and a golden age,” Apollo said. “And the rod is sealed in the blue fire of our momentum for the protection of that energy .... Therefore, let the magnet in the crown be the increase of the awareness of God as Father, God as the masculine ray. For this is the awareness that will polarize the true feminine. Therefore, let the tyranny of the perverted masculine go down. Let it be consumed by Cosmic Christ illumination. From the heart of the Elohim, let all that has hindered the true expression of the Divine Mother be consumed.” In the same dictation, given at Mt. Shasta, Apollo demanded the exposure–through enlightened sons and daughters of God–of false teachers, hypocrisy, and mediocrity in education. “Go back to school!” he commanded, prompting students of the light to become qualified to convey the true teachings, to “crack the cement of that intellectual learning” and overthrow those supporting the Luciferian system. “We have not the authority to enter Terra unless bidden by yourselves,” he explained. “Yours is the flame which must do the work in this age.” “Why do you wait?” Apollo asked, encouraging students to turn over to him the requirement of funds needed for Montessori International. “I will see to it that the flow comes forth from God...” Having kept his promise by sponsoring the move of Montessori International to Pasadena, California, Apollo returned on October 7, 1977, “with a quickening of illumination. Let that illumination be for the softening of the mind so stereotyped, so programmed that you can scarcely enjoy the wondrous interchange whereby you are almost entertained twenty-four hours a day as you receive the impressions of the mind of God.” Apollo explained that “mankind have circumvented the mind of God by their rebellion against his light, his eternal Son incarnate.” He called for souls “willing to be gentle instruments of the wisdom of God”–not resisting each request made of the Great Law “but following as gentle flowers blowing in the breezes...” He came, then, with the Scroll of Life wherein was written many thousands of names– “those who have, in many thousands of years, passed the initiations of obedience to God’s laws” and therefore stood prepared to inherit a portion of the mind of God. “As you individually are counted among those who have not resisted the calling of God and of the messengers,” he said, “you will find the tingling, the quickening, the acceleration of wisdom in the chakras. This you will perceive at inner levels; and by and by without, you will find new ideas, inventions, creativity, but above all that great ingenious quality that rejoices to figure out how to make the will of God work regardless of the circumstances that have been contrived against it.” Dictations by Apollo: 12-29-74, 7-6-75, 10-7-77.

Retreat of the Elohim of the Second Ray The retreat of Apollo and Lumina is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. Here the Elohim of the Second Ray focus the energies of the crown chakra of the planet. There are three stories in the round dome of this etheric retreat built in a parabolic curve, the first floor being the largest and the second and third being progressively smaller. A spherical focus of the flames of Apollo and Lumina is in the center of each of these three levels. In the center of the first floor is a golden yellow ball resembling a whirling galaxy, its component star clusters whirling at such a high frequency that they appear to be at perfect rest. In the center of the second floor is an identical sphere of a brilliant sapphire blue. In the center of the upper room is another golden sphere like the one on the first floor. On each floor there is a spherical meditation room having as its focal point the spherical flame. Each of these rooms accommodates approximately a thousand angels serving under Apollo and Lumina. Their glorious golden-yellow auras and robes make those who behold them feel as if they are in the center of the Great Hub. Classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and archives form a radial pattern out from the center of the meditation room on each of the three floors. At the first level there is a circular hallway following the circumference of the building. On either side of the hall are three-dimensional exhibits showing the operation of the law of cycles throughout the earth. There are several thousand such displays atop square pillars about four feet high. When the Elohim responded to the great command to go forth and create the earth, they did so through the initiation of cycles. The many cycles which are the components of our world actually make up its individuality. The cycles of earth, air, fire, and water, of the mineral and plant kingdoms, of time and space-all are illustrated. These cycles are based on the law of the twelve illustrated in the twelve bands of the ‘causal body’ and the twelve signs of the zodiac, also known as the twelve hierarchies of the sun. Illustrated are the cycles of cosmic beings and their release of light to the planet, the cycles of civilizations, the cycles of photosynthesis and precipitation. The electronic forcefield within the square blocks allows these displays to be suspended in air and to have “live parts,” moving flames, spirals showing the endless complexities of our world and making them simple through illustrations. One could easily spend a hundred years studying these displays and being tutored by the great cosmic scientists who serve in this retreat. In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination’s flame are being released from this temple. The millions of angels who serve under Apollo and Lumina are ready to go forth to raise the consciousness of the entire earth to the level of the Christ in answer to the calls of the students. These, together with those angels serving at the retreats of Jophiel and Christine, Lord Lanto, the God and Goddess Meru, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Himalaya, Lord Maitreya, and the World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi should be called upon on behalf of the enlightenment of all mankind, for they are equal in every respect to the tremendous task at hand.

HEROS AND AMORA – Elohim of the third ray (the pink ray) of divine love, omnipresence, compassion, charity, and the desire to be God in action through the love of the Holy Spirit. Heros and Amora infuse earth, air, fire, and water with the cohesive power of the Holy Spirit, the Whole-I-Spirit, the integrating principle of life. By the power of their love, planets are held in their orbits and electrons continue on their appointed rounds. Heros could have been known to the ancient Greeks as Eros, to the Romans as Cupid–the personification of the cosmic force which brings harmony to chaos, coordinating the elements which constitute the universe. The mythology of the Greeks and Romans is most likely taken from their memory of an ancient encounter with the Elohim. Since that time, however, the gods and goddesses have assumed human characteristics in the minds of the people. Hence, mythological figures may or may not reflect the actuality of the Elohim. Out of the love of Elohim, the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet deliver the teaching of Heros and Amora in the full power of the spoken Word. “Love is more than a passion. Love is a flame of life and its continuity ..., “Heros said on July 4, 1971, in his first dictation given through the messengers. Heros came then, “mindful of the unsung heroes of the world,” sharing a glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of an Arabian shepherd boy, Bahjat, whose thoughts and songs of love were without words until another life when he became known as Kahlil Gibran. “Identify with love and all shall be perfected,” Heros admonished. “For love that triumphs over all invokes in the soul the memory of its ancient perfection .... “In the same dictation, Heros declared that the time has come for cosmic truths to inundate the earth.”... The Word needs but to be spoken!” he said. Therefore “by the strength of the Elohim,” Heros released a mighty fiat. “O heart chalices of mankind, open, open, open!...” On July 5, 1974, in Spokane, Washington, Heros and Amora flooded forth the intense fires of love, calling to mighty beings of light–including the angels of Virgo and Pelleur, angels of Jesus the Christ, angels of white*fire purity from the God Star–for the consuming of all dross, fear, death, doubt, and injustice, for the consuming of all pollution in the four quadrants of being, for the transforming and healing of Terra. Long, long ago after the Flood when “the whole earth was of one language,” it was Chamuel and Charity, Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray, who released the Lord’s judgment upon members of the house of Noah who built “a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven.” They said, “...Let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” Beholding what “the children of man” had built, the Lord said, “... Let us go down, and there confound their language....Therefore is the name called Babel.” (Gen. 11:1-9) In the dictation given in 1974, Heros and Amora called to Chamuel and Charity to “send forth the love ray for the confounding of the tongues of Babel.” The Elohim said, “Blaze forth the arc of love that will confuse their carnal-mindedness, that will confuse the fallen ones and the Liar and the lie and lay the snare that will ultimately be the downfall of the Luciferians. Roll back all darkness by the power of 1ove! Roll it back by the fire of Jove! Roll it back! Burn through and let all come to the presence of love and know that God is real for God is love. Behold, our God is the consuming fire of love that burns through and restores life and will and wholeness and wisdom... I send forth this love into Syria, into Damascus for the burning up of the ancient hatreds of the laggards. I send forth love into Israel...into America...behind the iron curtain. I draw all souls into the fire infolding itself in the heart of Love.” Heros called forth a mighty clearing action by the “white fires of love” and the ruby ray. “I say to all mankind, stop where you are! Stop! Listen! Behold! Change your minds!” Following Heros’ dictation, Amora responded in the gentleness of her Elohimic awareness of God as Mother. “... You can exact the law and the discipline simply by loving,” she instructed, ordaining those present as emissaries of Heros and Amora that over each gesture of their kindness the love of Elohim might flow. “The love that has been released in this service this day is for an entire generation,” she said. “If you cannot carry this love, if you cannot defend this love against all enemies, then I say I cannot promise when love will come again in such a torrent and such a release.” On April 13, 1975, Heros addressed those who have demanded a solution to the problems on Terra. “The resolving of these problems is love,” he declared. “The action of love is the action of the mightiest force in all of cosmos, the unleashing of the white-fire core of the atom...” Heros came from out the Great Central Sun “to reinforce spirals of love in Terra.” He said: “I anchor the momentum of our love in the center of the earth. And there goes forth this day from the fiery core of every atom, every particle of Matter, the energy of love–the energy to coalesce light and the energy that will confound the darkness and also draw out that darkness that mankind must make the choice....The action of love is reinforced by the Seven Holy Kumaras this day as mankind are the recipients of the action of the ruby ray. In past ages, the release of this energy has brought about cataclysm, debacle, plagues and all manner of disturbance, and the confounding of tongues in the creation of the Tower of Babel. Let it be known, then, that love is for the alignment of electrons. Love is for harmony, and those who resist harmony find themselves in utter chaos when in the presence of divine love....So by the fulfilling of the law of love is action come this day for a staying of the hand of the wicked and of the hand of the unrighteous, for the clearing of the pathway of the flame of life, even of the flame of the Mother, and a preparing of the way as the causal body of John the Baptist is released to prepare mankind’s consciousness for the true teachings of the ascended masters.” Heros encouraged all who espouse truth to “invoke the light of the sacred fire and know that that sacred fire is sufficient as the action of the baptism of the Holy Spirit to baptize an entire planetary body and her evolutions, to bring mankind into alignment with the law of love, and to cause the straightening of the axis-not only of the planet, but of the spines of mankind....” (To be continued.)