Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 21 No. 47 - Lord Shiva - November 19, 1978


The Touch of Shiva:  The Initiation of Love
Part 2


I caution you well, when you would come under the divine spell of Shiva be prepared to receive an energy that will challenge the very darkest darkness of the earth. And when you have aroused these sleeping serpents of little worth, then remember to speak in the very face of the rattling of the serpent:  “Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!”

Blessed ones, I can hardly wait to see you try!  I can hardly wait to see them cry!  You have been crying too long. You have allowed weeping entities and self-pity and the sense of aloneness and all sorts of conditions to trample upon the temple of being. This is a fiery coil. This is the highest emanation of chelas on the planetary body. And believe me, beloved ones, I do not say it lightly, I say it full of the light of cosmic awareness. For I have stumped in the midst of all sorts of gatherings of new-age children, and I pray the Lord God that they might receive the very touch and the Word of the Mother of the Flame to be drawn so quickly into the light of reality.

Precious hearts, I ask you to pray for all souls of light where they may be in psychic groups or with those who are taking them on a meandering path that could take a thousand years to arrive even to a place where you have arrived in a single weekend in this white-fire core of the ascended masters. Blessed ones, there are enough lightbearers upon the earth to save the earth in this very moment. But they have been socketed and pocketed into various corners and various gurus, and they fear then to leave those situations, and they do not come out therefore and seek the higher light.

Let them be cut free by the sword of Archangel Michael!  Let the Elohim come forth!  I stand in the energy of the Holy Spirit, and I bow before the Lord God and the Universal One, and I implore all of life and the Lords of Karma now to send forth the full-gathered momentum of Shiva into the midst of the people of light. Let them be stripped of all illusion, confusion, and self-awareness outside of God!  Let the false hierarchies be bound!  Let the impostors of twin flames and of the Holy Spirit be bound!  And let every son and daughter of God walk free and determined into the very Flame of Life.

This, then, is the moment for action!  Let us not then turn back to the ways of density and ignorance and slowness and the constant consideration and going over and over again through the human consciousness as though it were something of worth, something that could possibly be the instrument of eternal life or of reason or of the Logos or of finding God.

O beloved ones, shed that outer snakeskin!  Step into the light!  I will tell you this one truth:  you can be here and in the ascended masters’ octaves simultaneously if you will. Only your sense of limitation deprives you of that glory here and now. Lift up your hearts and your heads!  Lift up your light and energy!  and give yourself an opportunity to deny by the power of Shiva every human habit, every human longing after the indulgences of the senses.

Beloved ones, give yourself a cycle to rise to a plane of greater dominion. Make a God-determination. Think now of a very certain condition within your consciousness which you know absolutely must go. Think of that human consciousness. Think of that problem or habit that has gnawed at you and kept you from your eternal salvation. Now, beloved ones, I ask you, be a scientist of the new age and try this one experiment for the next forty-eight hours:  each time you face that momentum–that memory, that consciousness, that habit or that desire, whatever it is that you long to see put into the flame–each time it crosses the line of the mind, the desire body, or your big toe, each time it comes into the memory, speak into it with the full ferocity of your voice:  “Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!”

Why, beloved ones, it will even frighten the elementals about you!  It will frighten even the demons that have invaded your body temple!  Why, even your very cells and consciousness will feel the lightning of Shiva and they will surrender on contact–almost as though your policemen were standing right before them and ready for the capture, beloved ones–that fear that comes in the face of the one who is able to declare, “You have no power!  You are not real!  You do not have any opportunity anymore to stand within this temple!”

Beloved ones, some of you use so much energy and so much momentum of the ascended masters in so many decrees when you could but speak the Word and be done with those fallen ones and then let those decrees count for constructive projects of light, for invoking supply and the healing of the nations.

Beloved ones, the touch of Shiva is always the judgment. There is no other way that Shiva can come into your life. There is no other way that individuals may come in relationship to our messenger than in the role of chela. Beloved ones, there is only one work that we have assigned to her and that is the stripping of those who will it of their human consciousness that they might find themselves chelas of any and every ascended and unascended master fitting to dwell in the caves of the Himalayas or the etheric retreats or in the cities of the world where the light descends.

We are training a body of lightbearers not alone for this victory but for the victory of many worlds. And therefore do not expect that you will be able to tarry in this ring of fire if you are not serious in life for the absolute God consciousness of the ascended masters. If you are not determined to make your ascension, to set this earth free, and to rescue souls of light, then do not waste your time, do not waste the time and space of the Buddha and the Mother. Go elsewhere, for there are many gurus who will have you with your indulgences but not here.

For I stand where she stands, and you will have to look once, and twice, and again to determine who it is who is standing before you. Learn, then, that the greatest opportunity of your incarnations is at hand–to know that you may receive the direct word of your own initiators and that by this heart flame that yet beats to the tune of Shiva, there are many souls who will rise and be the example of yogis and of disciplined ones, of chelas, and of priests and priestesses.

Beloved ones, when you go before the world and they ask you “Who is your guru?”  you can say, “Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!” So, beloved ones, shout it to your twin flame!  For I guarantee by the cloven tongues of fire <1> within me this night that when you speak my name, I hurl from your heart that flame of love that will reach the heart of your twin flame. This is the secret of the contact, and this is the secret of the purging of your temple so that the gifts of Shiva–as the gifts of the Holy Spirit and more than those that are listed in your Christian Bible–may come to you.

And, beloved ones, will you not aspire to have the authority of Shiva to command elemental life–to command, then, the fiery salamanders and the sylphs and the undines and the gnomes?  Do you not know that they will only respect your command when you are in the full cosmic honor flame of Shiva, when you have the fullness of that love without compromise?  Beloved ones, if some of you would only aspire to that God-dominion and start being the master of your life and start showing it to those around you, you would see that elemental life would once again respect your flame and then you would realize that the key to the victory of the Coming Revolution is in the enlistment of elemental life.

Why, beloved ones, they may stay the hand of cataclysm, of plague, they will stay the hand of famine or they will unleash it upon those upon whom the Lord God has sent his judgment. But they require some who can speak with the authority of the Word, and those few who arrive at that attainment will be the ones who will be instrumental not only in the holding of the balance of cosmic forces but in the training of elemental life in the service unmistakable of the reformation of a planet and a people.

Beloved ones, see how helpless people are before the elementals. There is none upon earth who can defy the wind, the rain, the storm, the lightning, the thunder. Beloved ones, when there is snow that rises and rises, all is paralyzed. Simple little elementals in whom the proud do not believe, and yet they in their pride are confounded by the blessed beings of nature who are always the instruments of mankind’s karma. See, then, how ready these hosts of the Lord are to hold the harmony, to transfer the light, to buoy you up, to give you the joy and the release of the teaching.

Why, speak the Word of Shiva and discover how you will unlock the power of the speech, the power of the Holy Spirit to deliver through you those messages of the sacred fire that will galvanize thousands into the company of the ascended masters. Beloved ones, we cannot perform all of the work of the ascended hosts, the angels, Elohim, and elementals through one messenger. We must have many Shivas. When you are ready to stump, when you are ready to shout, when you really want the gift of the power of the Word to speak the truth that you have learned, remember the cry is Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!

And then have courage, beloved ones, then have courage and know that it is no longer of any consequence what the world thinks of you. For after all, they may laugh in derision but they have not the power of Shiva. You have it!  And he who laughs last laughs best, as they say. Well, as I stump along the way, you may note well that I am laughing the laughter of the Mother and her children, of their freedom and their joy.

Beloved ones, let the dissolution of worlds come. Let it come beloved ones. For if it comes sooner rather than late, you will be found in the likeness of God today–in the Lord, in his name, in his energy. And therefore my invitation to twin flames in love is now to jump with me into the flame. Jump into the flame!  Jump into the flame!  Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!

Blessed ones, you have taken the leap in spite of yourself. And so I will not jump inside of yourself, for you have jumped inside of me. Inside of me, then, know that God does flow. And I am coming now to touch you with the touch of Shiva, to transfer the energy of light. Let it be sealed now in the third eye. Let it be sealed. For you are my own, and you have limitless opportunity to be the fullness of my flame.

I counsel you well:  Watch, then, the substance that you take into your body; for the appetites of the physical body are the appetites of death, and when you take in impure substance you violate the code of the Holy Spirit and you shorten the days of your service. And therefore, let food that is alive and let the juices of food that is alive be a part of your daily ritual in the Holy Spirit. Let your bodies be cleansed, and be careful of all indulgences that will slow down the momentum of your flame, your atoms and electrons, and therefore deprive you of that energy thrust.

When you say “Shiva!”  you should be hurling fire into the midst of darkness, and the more you practice the more you will see how the great sacred fire breath will rise from unknown depths of being and give that very punch into the world that will shatter unreality. And then you will learn some of the mysteries of Shiva, the secrets of our abode. And one day you will find that when you hurl the energy of Shiva, you yourself will be the white-fire sphere that God hurls into the midst of darkness, and you will discover what it is to be that moving sacred fire, and you will see the swiftness of the light, and you will wonder whether you then are Shiva or the instrument of the sphere that now takes flight, and you will find the energy of the Spirit is power, principle, person, and is the omnipotence of God.

I bid you, then, come beneath my rod. For when you have passed certain initiations of Shiva, you will find yourself ushered into unknown retreats of cosmic beings where you have never entered before. This is an opportunity. Take it, beloved ones. Be willing to come under that fire, for all that you will ever lose is unreality.

Choose reality!  Live now in the Libra cycle as the evolution that will stand and face and conquer every morsel, every erg of energy in this twelve-month in Libra!  Let it be now that the scales of cosmic justice will be truly twin flames of sacred fire and that by this contact you will nevermore fall into those doldrums of despair.

A new year, a new energy, a new life I proclaim. This time I say:  Take it, run with it, be myself. For I give to you each one myself and I say, do not put it on the shelf but take it to your heart. Take that Shiva to your heart and know that this symbol and this energy is the reality of your own Self which long ago I discovered to be my Self and then I became Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!

Be sealed in the image. As I raise up now the image of the Lord Shiva as the Lord raised up the caduceus light in the wilderness, so know that the eye that beholds Shiva and rests upon Shiva is the eye that becomes Lord Shiva. I AM THAT I AM.


This dictation by Lord Shiva was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the Twin Flames in Love seminar in New York City on April 24, 1978 (12:25-12:56 a.m. EST).

1. Acts 2:3.