Elohim and Their Retreats: Hercules and Amazonia


HERCULES AND AMAZONIA–Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of power, perfection, the will of God, faith, and divine direction. Devotees of this ray desire to do the will of God through the power of the Father, the First Person of the Trinity.

When the fiat went forth “Let there be light:  and there was light” and God commanded the Matter creation to come forth out of Spirit, it was Hercules who summoned the mighty Elohim and the builders of form to precipitate the divine plan of the Solar Logoi.

Hercules’ great strength is drawn through his obedience in love to the will of God. The Elohim releases blue-lightning protection and his momentum of will/energy/action in answer to mankind’s calls for strength and direction. The auras of Hercules and Amazonia are charged with blue lightning and have an intense fiery pink lining.

Most likely, the memory of the god known to the Greeks as Heracles (Roman:  Hercules) was retained from an ancient encounter with the Elohim. Their mythology has descended from the elder days–probably from Atlantis. After thousands of years, however, the gods and goddesses assumed human characteristics in the minds of the people because of the degeneration of their soul faculties of inner sight and their tendency toward idolatry. Therefore, what is presently ascribed to the mythological Hercules does not necessarily reflect the actuality of the Elohim.

To the ancients, Hercules was a ‘hero’–one of their most illustrious ancestors, an intermediary between men and the gods. His name means “glory of the air.”  Hercules presided over all aspects of Hellenic education. In his aspect of athlete-hero, the Olympic Games were ascribed to him. It is said that at the command of the oracle of Delphi, Hercules spent twelve years under the orders of Eurystheus, who imposed upon him twelve arduous, seemingly impossible “labors.”  Students of the deeper mysteries understand that the story of Hercules’ labors illustrates the soul requirement on the path of initiation for self-mastery of the energies of the twelve solar hierarchies. The image of Hercules is seen in a constellation which appears among the stars as “the Mighty One” who wields a great club in his right hand while grasping a triple-headed serpent in the left–the power of his attainment (right hand) to slay the impostors of the Trinity in planetary conditions (left hand).

On December 16, 1962, Amazonia came from the Great Central Sun “to tell you of a few wonderful things”–the most important of which is your own God Self. “Without it, life would cease to be.”  Amazonia spoke of the ancient civilizations of South America and of “a giant race” of magnificent women who once dwelt there when Amazonia herself “manifested physically upon this planet.”  Stating the purpose of her coming, Amazonia said:  “The time has come when upon this planet there must manifest an understanding once again of The Culture of the Mother Race” (see p. 87).

“It must be understood that this is not a conflict between sexes, between masculinity and femininity, but it is the upsurge of the Mother principle” which is the “culture and virtue and loveliness which gives to a civilization an era of peace.”  Therefore, “we who are known as Amazons...desire to bring once again to the attention of the ladies of this planet on behalf of the ladies of heaven the powerful influences of a mother’s love.”

Amazonia explained that “the nature of God can be spoken of as being both masculine and feminine.”  Whereas Hercules embodies the power of God, this power is tempered by the feminine aspect “so that it is not a destructive force but it is a power of light and love wielded as blue lightning and manifesting the perfection of God.”  Thus “the masculine and the feminine are intended to be balancing forces.” Amazonia pointed out that the women of America who seek to imitate men in their pursuit of a “questionable new freedom” must understand this law of balance in order to realize the perfection of God.

Continuing the dictation, Amazonia said that the security of the nation must be strengthened. “It is the responsibility of men to guard from within the mighty sacred tenets of the faith which they bear in Almighty God, but it is their duty and responsibility from without to guard the security of their nation and the principles of cosmic freedom.”  The Great White Brotherhood longs to see an era of peace and plenty in South America, “to see the old temples raised anew.”  But Amazonia warned that “the power of freedom must be retained in the heart of America that the germinal seeds of light may be transmitted safely there in one mighty Pan-American union.”

Amazonia also pointed out that “insincere foreign powers” often attempt to plant the seeds of communism and atheism in economically unstable nations. Protection of the children of the light in South America, therefore, is required–protection from infiltration by “a creative error concept” within society as well as within certain individuals who act as “pawns upon the chessboard of world affairs,” moved by the same vicious forces which undermined the freedom of the ancient South American civilization.

These “rebellious spirits” are not the creation of God. And it was “by contagion,” the Elohim explained, that “they spread abroad the poisons of their thoughts and errors.”  Thus the Amazons “became depraved individuals using their giant strength to wage destructive warfare even against the opposite sex and degenerating into mere tribes.”  Amazonia then reminded us of many of the cataclysmic upheavals that have occurred throughout history in order “to call to your attention the dangers inherent in wrong thinking and wrong living and misjudging and misdirecting your energy.”

Therefore, the Elohim admonished mothers to teach their children “the power of creative thinking.”  Amazonia explained that the arts “are given to mankind by reason of the seven Spirits”–the Elohim. The ascended masters inspired the ancient Hellenic sculptures so that women who were with child would behold these statues during the period of gestation and “externalize in their thoughts bodies beautiful, souls noble, and a consciousness charged with an exalted state.”

Yet Greece declined and Rome fell as did Atlantis and Lemuria and “far too many continents,” the Elohim observed. Today, therefore, “receptivity must be retained to the ascended master octaves.”

In conclusion, Amazonia reemphasized the need to train children in creative art that is set apart from the “aberrations of the recent artistic cults” and that expresses the culture of the soul. Mothers must realize the power of the Creative Spirit “to express the light rays from his heart through their mind and consciousness and to make of their consciousness a prism of light that the light rays may pass through their consciousness and then blaze upon the screen of reality things that are eternally beautiful.”

The Elohim said that the work of the great masters of the ages is “but a passing shadow of that which shall be.”  The world but needs purification. “Its core is light, its exterior shall become light as mankind purify their consciousness.”  Therefore the Mother-of-the-World concept must come to the fore of consciousness that our youth might be trained for “avatarship.”  The inner mystery schools, such as those at Karnak and Gibraltar, must “enter into the mothers’ hearts.” For “this is the hour of your shining motherhood, the hour when the mothers of the world must unite in one beautiful expression of guarding the divinity of their sons and daughters of light.”

On January 26, 1964, Hercules drew close to mankind “in a transfiguring blue ray,” and Archangel Michael stood at his side. The Elohim came to invoke a resurgence of faith in the chosen people–those “who choose to dedicate their life to the unfoldment of the divine plan.”

Hercules is well aware of mankind’s doubt. “There are times that you think that you cannot conquer,” the Elohim observed. Hercules therefore sent forth “light rays from our heart” to consecrate all who will accept the cosmic perfection that will carry them into new dimensions of accomplishment. The Elohim emphasized that “the flame of Almighty God blazes upon the altar of your own individuality” and that “the power of light and the power of perfection is within you.”  Therefore, “when you lift your consciousness toward your own great God Presence, there is no power in heaven or earth that can deter you from manifesting that perfection....

”As you gaze out upon the world and all of the imperfection manifesting upon the screen of life, you may be reminded of the tasks given to the mythological Hercules of old to clean out the Augean stables,” the Elohim said. Nevertheless, “there is no task in the universe that is too great for your own mighty I AM Presence!”  But “until you are willing to acknowledge the perfection of your Presence,...you cannot, of course, manifest it.”  Once you have submitted to the perfection of God, however, “octave by octave, layer upon layer,” that light will be transferred from the etheric plane into physical dimensions. “This is the mystery of the kingdom of God–that God’s tabernacle is with men, and that he is the light that shines forth within every human heart.”

Hercules emphasized that “there is only one way to obtain that perfection quickly, and that is to place your attention upon your great God Source and recognize that this is more than a mere suggestion of an Elohim–it is the fiat of immortality which was given you with the first indrawing of your breath....

“The formless essence of God interpenetrates your flesh forms, your mind, and your consciousness even as water penetrates a sponge....Why, then, gaze ye out upon mortal imperfection?...Why permit yourself to dwell in the maelstrom of the hurricane?  Why not abide in the temple of central peace near unto the heart of God...?”

The Elohim pointed out that in the consciousness of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain is “a refuge of immortality,...a certain portion of the sacred Eucharist come down from heaven, from God, into manifestation in your own world.”  Yes, “one with God is a majority.”  And “so long as human imperfection manifests upon the screen of life there is a need for hierarchy, there is a need for the Great White Brotherhood to assemble together dedicated men and women who will tie themselves to our beautiful energies...that all that has been done in past ages for the light may be implemented and reinforced until the bonds of heaven are tied to every heart–a manifest golden cord of the golden age.”

On July 5, 1964, Hercules came in response to the invitation of the Darjeeling Council to remind us of the power of faith in God and to bring to humanity “some of the secrets of immortality.”

The Elohim spoke of the “illumined masters” who throughout history have actually raised the dead as an exposition of the power of faith. Yet some who witnessed such miracles were surrounded by doubt and soon began whispering “insidious messages” in an attempt to “destroy the very fact that the act had occurred.”  Hercules pointed out that “your lifestreams have witnessed most magnificent and miraculous acts which have been performed for you by your own Divine Presence from the beginning of your life until this present moment.”  The Elohim explained, however, “as man progresses in his understanding of the Creator and the Creator’s purposes, he is able to enlarge the powers of his perception and to draw forth from God a greater and wider stream of energy, a more concentrated momentum of faith, goodwill, and immortal purpose. Thus, man is able to do the so-called Herculean tasks which the great law requires...in this day and age.”

Hercules said that “the segments of the universe still living in what we might term primeval states and primitive states of consciousness are many.”  And yet, “in one sense, these areas of the universe are incubators in which are hatched divine ideas....

“It is necessary for a child to be taught. It is necessary for men to learn and to experience some vicissitudes in life that they may recognize and appreciate the perfect manifestation when it comes forth.”  The Elohim explained that “those who have passed into an octave that is ‘made a little lower than the angels,’ are able when they are once again ‘crowned with more glory,’ to really love the bounties of heaven and to esteem them with a greater power of devotion. By this power of devotion mankind, then, are able to summon the mighty energies of God to sweep into their being and to lift them up as inspiration and aspiration into higher octaves of divine consciousness.”  This is the “incentive” for the ascended masters “to proceed in a progressive manner into the unfoldment of their own Godhood....

“That is why I AM an Elohim,” Hercules said, “because I, too, have passed through the various initiations required to establish for me this particular and specific office which I hold in this system.”  Hercules explained that “in the initiatic process of cosmic initiations, the very ideals of that initiation are not revealed until a manifestation of God, a cosmic being or an ascended being, is ready for that specific initiation.”  Graduation in the peerage of heaven is by divine merit and will “harnessed into action,” Hercules said. But such is not the case upon earth.

“So many wish to excel without effort,” the Elohim observed. They desire attention and recognition without realizing that “this is the Divinity within them clamoring for recognition from their own outer self.”  By such self-seeking, the individual not only adds to the momentum of his own personal karma but to the spirit of “world discontent.” Hercules reported that “countless millions” tie into this discordant energy and become “drunken upon the dregs of others’ wrongdoing and therefore confused”–caught up in the “rat race” of human competition.

“They must learn to rise above the human level of solving their problems,” the Elohim counseled, “and seek to find in the realm of their God Self the full range of cosmic expression and dominion....When this is used and the human is left to one side, mankind will find that their problems simply disappear into thin air because their God Self is taking full command.”  But “when you refuse to learn according to the masterful divine plan, heaven has no choice but to leave you to suffer the upsets which you create and thereby learn through experience to channel your energies into the proper method of developing your spirituality rather than using the energy which God gives you to send forth discord into the universe.”  Hercules emphasized that “mankind must work as a team with the Creator” and “be a co-creator with God.”

Continuing the dictation, Hercules challenged those who “permit themselves to come under the direct intervention of the sinister force by reading those particular publications which are a direct manifestation of the psychic plane and the astral plane” and emphasized that the individualized I AM Presence “is able to fulfill all the requirements of their being and to meet every need without fail.”  Nevertheless, “you must be a magnificent being in order to attract the magnificence of your own Divine Self. And you can be by imitation of cosmic virtue.”  The Elohim thus shared with humanity “my faith in the Godhead and in your own mighty I AM Presence.”

Hercules then spoke in detail of the “sacrament” of the ascension, describing the process wherein the physical form of the initiate drops all appearance of age, the blood becomes a golden radiance, and the body no longer has weight “but only the wondrous power of light surging in never-ceasing currents of celestial power through the tabernacle of their being. Rising then into the air, they enter a complete divine reunion with the blissful state of their own mighty I AM Presence” in full recognition that “the light of God that has raised them will also raise those remaining behind....

“You see, blessed ones, if heaven had its way it would shower mankind with so much light that we would actually raise you into the victory of your ascension right now and long ago. But this would not serve to give you your freedom, but it would create a condition resembling a cosmic incinerator....For unless an individual is ready for their ascension, to contact the Godhead in that manner would but be to destroy them....For these foci of light must be anchored safely, sacred fire jewels placed in the body and consciousness and being of man as he is ready to receive them. Therefore, your readiness is the perpetual need.”

Hercules pointed out “if you would only let go of your fears and frustrations you would find that though you were given only a moment of life or ten thousand years, that that moment would be freedom.”  For you would know that “in committing yourselves to the care and keeping of your own Creator, you no longer had to worry about all of the things that you now worry about and are concerned about. You would recognize then that you would share in his responsibility but you would also share in his mighty shower of power....

“You must step forth from the chrysalis of the present hour and obtain your victory now,” Hercules said. “There is no other way.”

In the dictation of March 31, 1968, Hercules challenged mankind’s mistaken opinion that “all power is vested in the Deity and that He alone can decide the propitious moment when the curtain that opaques the beauty of divine conditions will be raised.”  According to the Elohim, “Not so.”

Hercules said that mankind must realize that “the power and the free will is vested in mankind,...yet unless the power be released they cannot expect to enjoy it.”  Hercules explained that “the power of the Christ is not released until men are ready to do the will of God and to insist that they shall no longer continue in the domain of unthinkingness and unfeelingness.”

Even “the tiniest elemental or builder of form is able in good faith to draw forth the divine idea from the mind of God and to create according to the universal life plan.”  And though nature has accepted the impositions of human thought and feeling and thus created thorn, thistle, and storm, “now is the day of salvation” as men come to understand that the light of God is within them and but awaits “the moment of their triggering by faith....For it has become what it is as a result of the misuse of divine energy, and the reclaiming by God of that energy of light will strip it of all power....And thus God does himself provide the means and full measure of mankind’s freedom and liberation here and now.”  The Elohim emphasized that mankind “can either use life today as a doorway to infinite precipitation of universal ideals or they can sweat and toil according to mortal ideas and pull themselves down into a sea of human tears and frustrations where they do not understand the meaning of life at all and less and less of life is given to them.”

Hercules then defined the “law of fulfillment” whereby “any individual upon this planet whom God has made and whom God loves can, through the acceptance of the perfection of the Universal within themselves, precipitate into manifestation the fullness of the universal hands of the healing Christ.”  The Elohim pointed out, however, that when someone says, “I am not ready” or “my limitations are many,” this action in and of itself “cuts him off from the perfection of the Presence.”  The sense of limitation causes man to resemble “a ball of mud,” Hercules said. And that is why the Elohim together with the ascended masters would create “the blue lightning flash of universal love that will split asunder that ball of mud and transmute that substance and liberate the God flame within you,...liberate a child, a baby, a rose....”

Speaking, then, of the creative potential of the soul that is quickened and “alive with the seed of God within,” Hercules explained that God “desired from the beginning not to withhold creativity from manifestation,” but he said:  “’It is not good to be alone, I will make many to enjoy creation with me.’ And thus was created, in the Elohim, the power to create. And thus was created creation. And thus when God saw this he said:  ‘I will give to all my seed that all may equally enjoy the flame of my power.’”

Hercules pointed out, however, that although all men were created equal, “they themselves had destroyed the equality of that creative moment for themselves” and in a state of “nihilism and distress” cry out, “Where am I?  Who am I?”  Mankind must strip themselves of “philosophical meandering,” the Elohim said, and come to understand “the link between the small finite microcosm and the infinite power of the Macrocosm.” Thus they “will see reality, not as fleeing away, but as approaching heartbeat by heartbeat, moment by moment, sustainment by sustainment, until at last a God is born.”

In an address given on February 9, 1969, Hercules asked us to close the door of consciousness to “those noisy, intruding concepts of mortality....Cast aside the idea that you will ever die. For you were created by Life and Life is God and God cannot die....

“Think not, then, of the day when you will leave or vacate this physical temple or transmute it and its energies into the radiance of the Christ in the glories of the ascension, but think instead of the complete flow of the tiny dewdrop into the sea....By separating yourself in consciousness then from the idea of temporal life, you are able more easily to enter into the flow of eternal life. And the flow of eternal life will bring the rapture of radiant joy....”

The Elohim emphasized that “God gave to man the fire of His heart...and the fire to sweep aside the darkness and to push back all things that were not of the light.”  Therefore “you cannot submit to those voices of the night that come into your consciousness from time to time and say you cannot.”  The “tongues of flame” from the mind of God “reach out and lick mortal substance,” Hercules said, kindling in each one’s mind “an awareness of the power of that mind to penetrate through substance and to seek in the invisible realm the glory of God that is everywhere....What does it matter, precious ones, concerning those paltry happenings that sometimes so distress you?  What does it matter?  Follow thou the Christ. Follow thou the light. Seek to penetrate the shrouds of darkness and human misery. They are not real.”

Hercules then explained that even if mankind were to create a utopian government, “What of rectification?  What of those who have died in all of the wars that man has created?...What of their dreams that remain unfulfilled?”  The Elohim pointed out that it is by the infinite mercy of God that the soul does reincarnate. “Would you...resume where you left off and then fulfill in one glorious, majestic life the whole purposes of Christ identity?”  Hercules asked. Then “remember him, the Ancient of Days,...remember the place where the Lord lay his head, remember the pillowing of his identity within thyself. And out of the great pulsations of the light, the cascading from the eternal fount, see the surge of the abundant life from within glowing and infusing you with a sense of triumph that will not be denied....The individual, strengthened immeasurably by his contact with light, is able to be illumined in mind and heart, to govern the emotional body, to govern all worlds whatsoever, and to enter into solemn communion with the angelic hosts.”

That is why the Elohim come to us. “We come to surround you with not only the voice of thunder but the still small voice speaking within heart and mind. We come to surround you with that flame that is the unquenchable flame...that you may lift high the torch of this reality and hold it always and ever upward in the face of all darkening condition....If you will enter into the divine consciousness this day, the flame of the Elohim will assist you in the transmutation...of those thoughts of human limitation, of those thoughts that keep you separate and apart from God.”  Hercules promised that that flame will replace human qualities “by the throb of cosmic identity, the great cosmic heartbeat of the Almighty which surges and surges and surges through your world to say, ‘I love you!  I love you!  I love you!”

In conclusion, Hercules vested all who accept his flame with the power that will transmute, elevate, perfect “your worlds” in order that “this world may speedily become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ....I see descending now the beautiful eye of God in the capstone of a perfect world,” the Elohim said–“a perfect creation.”

On July 20, 1969, Hercules came proclaiming “the victory of the eternal cycles–wheels within wheels...pinwheels of blue flame filled with the buoyant joy of the eternal Creator.”  The Elohim explained that “the paradise of Reality is being bestowed upon the consciousness as it moves through the progressive cadences of the flow of life.” Thus, “the love of God shows how consciousness can become a chalice to receive holy wisdom,” and “cosmos, then, through the strands of holy wisdom, can also rejoice in holy power.”  Because “you individually are sparks of the luminous, spiritual cosmic destiny of that flame that is the living God,...the power to transcend mortal limitation and even the karmic jar is within you.”  And “everywhere you go, everything you touch becomes the Self” because “the Lord God is one.”

Hercules said that “in every individual monad there is a gigantic spiritual map of all things created and sustained within.”  And therefore, “whensoever an individual by reason of their consciousness brings down discord or darkness upon any part of life,...at that precise instant, as though a pin were pricked upon that map at that exact spot, darkness ensues in the consciousness and the individual carries, then, in their cup of light points of darkness.”  Such is “the power of qualification within the domain of every individual.”

The Elohim emphasized that “God has not intended that man should become a slave to his own passions and his own fears and doubts” but as “beings of cosmic fire” they must call into action “the blue lightning of God’s love....Wherever you go, you must make the calls for victory, for achievement, for freedom, for light, and for power over all the darkness that men have created and that they continue to live in.”

Hercules said that we must also “obey the laws of God” and “welcome those laws because they are your own.  You made them in your Higher Self when the universe was created....You were one then with God, and you today remain in our consciousness one with God, one with your own mighty I AM Presence, one with the I AM Presence in the heart of the Great Central Sun, one with the I AM Presence of all life, one with every angelic being, with every archangel, with every Elohim, with every blade of grass or drop of water, or shining strand of substance or jewel of perfection–you are one with it all!”

In conclusion, Hercules declared that “the seven mighty Elohim shall blaze forth the dazzling jewels of perfection in this age to seal mankind seven times unto their perfection that the Christ in all may live victoriously....Let perfection live!  And let the power of perfection go on and on and on, and let men grasp perfection by the hand and say:  ‘Lead me over the course of beauty unto my victory!  I AM one with God. I shall not fail!  The light of God never fails, the light of God never fails, the light of God never fails, and your own beloved I AM Presence is that light!”

On June 28, 1970, Hercules spoke of The Staff of God, introducing himself as “one of the seven Spirits by which the great integral cosmic organization of heaven and earth was created and is sustained.”  The Elohim came “in response to the heart calls of humanity for a release from all...that causes them to experience the destruction of fear, confusion, and numbing pain.”

Hercules explained that “the power of God unto salvation is within the living seed atom from His heart, the beginning of the fiery, cosmic Personage–the immortal soul of every man.”  Therefore “it is up to each one to hold his hands cupped to his ears of hearing in the inward part that he may be able to hear the voice of God.”  And “when you are able to accept in your mind and consciousness that God is in you,...when you are able to accept the faith in Him that knows no dependence on outer conditions, then I tell you that the very vibratory spirit of cosmic action born in the forcefield of your being will express the majesty and fullness of the God flame. And then watch out, precious ones!  For that which gets in your way will be as that which gets before a speeding motor car.”

The power of faith “will move mountains of adversity,” the Elohim said, even “those activities that have kept the family of nations in bondage to hatred....In its place you will see, gently moving yet powerfully, the flame of Cosmic Christ accomplishment that bends the family of nations and the minds of men to the acceptance of the beauty and perfection of the Father’s plan....The faith in the invincible God-victorious power of the universe will itself be transmitted to the God flame burning within their hearts, and they will see in that central God flame the pulsing, identifying factors of the Great Central Sun that has created diurnal worlds turning in space without number. And I tell you that mankind will never before know such peace or such hope....”

Therefore Hercules transmitted “a certain portion of the mighty faith I have” in response to the inward cries of the voice of the souls of men. “I AM responding to world need,” the Elohim said, promising to overshadow the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral through the Freedom conference in this year of 1970. “I will keep my cape wrapped around those who are on this staff and I will see that they become the staff of God. I will be a fire within their souls and minds. I will be a radiance that greets the stranger within the gates....I will tremble the very stones in the vicinity and I will cause life to quake and shake and to recognize the glory of God in the stones that cry out and say:  ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, heaven and earth is full of thy joy!’”

At the Freedom Rally on July 2, 1971, Hercules returned with Amazonia and legions of blue lightning “determined to brook no interference with the will of God upon this planetary home” and announcing The Pact of Hercules and Arcturus. “The hour is come for the dividing of the way,” said the Elohim. “And the light of God that never fails shall determine whether man shall be immortal or no more.”

Hercules explained that “when the blue lightning descends, it is an armor of protection, a bulwark to those who have served their God. And to those who have not, it is instant and swift destruction....We have taken our swords of blue flame this night and we have shattered the density of human night. I say, it is done!  And I, Hercules of the Sun, have come to quicken in you all your divine plan, your mission, and your blueprint for life.”

Hercules emphasized that those who expect salvation must become the blue lightning of the will of God. “You must hear it crackle,” the Elohim said, “for you are living in a time of great density when there is a requirement to shatter and consume!  shatter and consume!  shatter and consume the astral muck and debris through which you must daily walk and breathe and move.”  Hercules therefore encouraged students of the light to call to his legions of blue flame who are indeed ready and will stand with us until the hour of victory.

Speaking of the pact made with the Elohim Arcturus, Hercules said:  “We have sworn before the altar of Almighty God eternal, eternal, and I say eternal hostility against every form of tyranny that besets the minds of men. Wherever the blue lightning is invoked, Arcturus has pledged to follow it with the violet flame; and wherever the violet flame is invoked, I have pledged to follow it with blue lightning. And so a braiding action of the first and the seventh rays of Alpha and Omega shall take place until the earth is truly the Lord’s and the fullness thereof!”

According to the Elohim, “there are millions and millions and millions of cosmic beings and hosts of light who are determined that this planet shall manifest the golden age and ascend victorious....Therefore I say unto you:  Invoke them!  Invoke them without ceasing!  For upon your invocation depends the salvation of this planet!”

On July 3, 1973, Hercules spoke to those “who have found in the past that you waxed hot with an idea...but you could not precipitate action.”  Brace Yourself to Carry the Earth! The Elohim said that the power of the first-ray masters Hercules, El Morya, and Archangel Michael will give to you “the very fire that is needed to raise your love, raise your ideas into the conscious effort of that action that is required to bring the earth into a golden age.”

The Elohim explained that “all of civilization is built upon the foundation of the power of God’s consciousness as that consciousness and power is ensouled by the seven mighty Elohim.”  And even as Hercules carried upon his shoulders that day the karmic weight of the earth, “you, too, can graduate through the Christ consciousness and through our teachings to the place where you can carry a considerable weight on behalf of mankind.”  The Elohim said that “the ability to carry the weight of a group or of a planet comes with practice and comes with determination.”

Hercules explained that hierarchy does not always grant your request to carry world karma because, under such a weight, “that is when the forces of darkness move in with discouragement, with fatigue, with all manner of lies; and then they try to tear the disciple, who has been overzealous in the cause, from the very pathway into which he would lead others unto the victory.”  Therefore Hercules emphasized “the need for you to study, to know the law, and to know it with such a great degree of accuracy that in moments of trial you are unflinching and unfailing” with no “second thoughts” about your dedication.

The initiates of Hercules are “men and women of action,” the Elohim declared. “Action is our byword!...And we are not starved for knowledge of the law, for we are the law in action!...Law equals action; action equals law!  That is the sum total of God’s being, and all other virtues can be found contained therein....Action!  Action!  Alpha currents in manifestation!” It was by dispensation from the Karmic Board that Hercules stood in our midst and gave an “infusion of action flame” because “time is short. Space is nigh being no more.”

Hercules said that the Elohim maintain a focus at the summit of every mountaintop on earth–“a divine lodestone, a magnet of light, the will of God itself that is a step-down point of action from the Great Central Sun magnet drawing mankind to the summit of being.”

Hierarchy admires those brave mountaineers of Mt. Everest, Mt. Whitney, and the high Alps. But, according to Hercules, they have even more admiration “for souls on the Path who are raising their energies to the summit of being.”  Therefore, “by the power of action,” Hercules drew “the third eye within you into alignment with the all-seeing eye of God of beloved Cyclopea,” causing a “burning action” in some who received his intense radiation.

Hercules then challenged those who doubted the existence of the Elohim and the office of the messenger because they were not sensitive to this action. “Call on the name of Hercules day and night to ascertain if I am present in the universe,” the Elohim thundered, “for that will give me the open door that I need to save masses of people upon this planetary home who otherwise will be inundated by the flood of their own returning karma.”

Hercules then explained that “in many cases, because of my office among the seven Elohim, I am the only representative of the Godhead who may stand between mankind and their returning karma. And therefore I say, wherever there is cataclysm or flood or fire or storm or drought, I ask you to call unto me that I may intercede with the great power that God has given me on behalf of elemental life.”

In conclusion, Hercules emphasized that “there is then a great deal which hierarchy can do for humanity in this hour of great need. But the only way that we can act is if you will call upon us. Therefore I say, is anything more important in this hour?”  For “each time you repeat the name of an ascended being, you amplify the flame in your heart by the momentum of that being.”

Legions of Hercules and Amazonia surrounded those who gathered at the Freedom 1973 conclave at the Land of Lanello. And “in the embrace of Hercules that I now impart, you will feel the dropping away of the heaviness of the earth and the coming into your being of the lightness and the brightness of heavenly octaves....If at any time on the Path you are beset with the heaviness of that weight, call to me and I will say to you, ‘My burden is light!’ And you shall say in the name of the Christ, ‘My burden is light!’ And thus when you learn to take on greater and greater burdens of mankind, you will learn to translate that burden into light.”

Hercules said that “heaven will never deprive you of the opportunity to earn your ascension. Therefore, believe not the false prophets who tell you that that ascension will come through the sacrifice of another....Beware of any man who will deprive you of your crucifixion!  For these are the tests that make the golden-age man and the golden-age woman.”

On March 16, 1975, Hercules came, Scaling the Mountain of Hierarchy (see p. 49).

The Elohim uncovered certain clues “to mankind’s attraction of solar energy both from the white-fire core of being and from the sun of this system.”  First, the pattern of the flow of energy seen as the seven mighty Elohim sweep across cosmos “as a parabolic curve.”  Second, the “compartmentalization” of infinity:

“You must not for one moment acknowledge time and space as a confinement, as a limitation, as separation,” Hercules said, “but only as God’s way of compartmentalizing eternity so that segments of his mind might be fulfilled and understood by souls yet having to put on other modes and garments and forcefields of light that will eventuate in their approximation with infinity.”

Therefore, “explore the spheres, endless spheres of God’s Self-realization,” said the Elohim. “And at any moment when time seems a barrier to unfoldment, make the sign of the cross where you are and declare, ‘Behold I AM in infinity and all things are in me, and of me, and I AM the Lord, the God of very gods. I AM the fulfillment of the spirals of eternity.’...To overcome space whenever you have a sense of separation from things or loved ones or from accomplishment, mark the arc of the heart. Span that space by an arc of love and see how, wherever you are, you can contact the heart of any child of God or any aspect of the creation. And by the arc of infinity and by the parabolic curve, space is not, time is transcended, and you are everywhere in the consciousness of God.”

With this exercise then “firmly trained within the soul,” Hercules takes us by the hand to scale the mountain of personal karma. “Either you regard the mountain as an insurmountable height, as a wall of separation in time and space, or you regard the mountain as a challenge to be climbed, to be conquered, to be won.”  And the secret is love. The Elohim warned that “it is possible to win, it is possible to fail. And the alchemical key is love.” Therefore we must pray for an understanding of love as “the distillation of the Holy Spirit” and give our hearts unto God saying, “O God, fill me with thy love. I surrender all lesser loves unto thy great heart. O God, wash me clean by thy love. O God, let that love as the desire to set life free be the impetus of power, will, victory, and the life abundant. O God, I AM free in thy love.”

In order that we might know love “as God willed love to be,” the spheres of the identity of Hercules and Amazonia merged “for the wholeness of the Father/Mother God.”  And as they converged, “so the twin flame of each one of you in the I AM Presence converges now for a moment with the flame in your heart that there might be ignited the spark of the divine union....And as you experience that love that is your just portion, that is your wholeness, now you discover the desiring of God to love all of life free.”

With the perspective of an Elohim, the mountain of personal karma becomes but an anthill. “Sweep it into the flame!”  Hercules commanded. “Be swift, souls of God!...Run to greet the mountain. And rejoice with the strength of the Elohim, the wisdom, the love to put that mountain into the fire day by day.  And thank the Lord God even for karma which keeps you in the planes of Mater on Terra, and thus you can be instruments of love to all life.”

Now scale a mountain, “not of karma but of light, of God-momentum that you build cycle by cycle.”  Hercules explained that “God has formed all things as talismans for sons and daughters of fire to outpicture a higher world, a higher life, a flame of Spirit....God has given all things into your hands to command life free.”

Hercules then placed his fire in each heart “as I touch you with a crystal of my own.”  And as the “taskmaster of taskmasters” who trained El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul, Hercules demanded “response, effort, and a will to win....If you would take on the Elohim as your Guru, come prepared to scale the heights....I thrust a challenge into the teeth of all who have called to be overcomers and to save a planet and a people.”

Hercules was with us “as tangible as an Elohim can be without becoming totally in the physical as actuality....Neither time nor space nor hopelessness nor darkness will separate my being this day from the chela who claims the Elohim as Guru.” That chela may experience dizziness, nausea, and uncomfortability because “the flow of electrons must find a new course if you would live, and dance, and love in the body of the Elohim.”

As Earth is reborn in the consciousness of Hercules and Amazonia, as there is “rumbling in the hills” and “the adjustment of the elements,” the Elohim says, “Watch and pray and be the focal point of balance.”

On July 3, 1976, Hercules announced an edict of Almighty God:  “The grids and forcefields of the mind of God are being lowered into this planetary body as The Antahkarana of Power.” It is the “focal point for the crystallization of will in earth as you have not seen will in aeons of lifetimes.”

Hercules said that the antahkarana will be “an obstacle course” for those unable to surrender to the will of God as “the very rebellion which they have projected forth upon the cosmos will return to manifest within their own microcosm.”  The “boomerang of karma” then causes insanity and all types of disease, the Elohim explained, as mankind find their own cells and atoms in rebellion and the “splitting of the four lower bodies.”

Standing in the presence of Hercules, “see how you can be that awareness, for a moment, of the Elohim. See how you can feel consciousness expand.” Hercules came “to shake you, to quicken you,...to spur you on.”  For the Elohim desires that we should preserve “the things that count.”  And what counts in life is knowing “that effort is worthy of grace, that consciousness is worthy of being in the Presence of God.”

Continuing the dictation, Hercules announced the opening of his retreat “to chelas of the will of God who have made their way to the Will of God Focus, who have given the calls to the blue ray consistently day by day. If you will undertake a novena of invocations to Hercules, then by cosmic law I am compelled to draw you into the fiery core of my devotions to that will.”  Hercules said that this is the key for any would-be chela: “Make it your life to give daily invocations, extensive invocations to that master.”  But “do not be surprised if that master will make you wait two years, three years, five years” before you hear the approbation of the Guru.

Legions of Hercules then gathered at the North and South Poles, along the equator and certain lines of longitude and latitude as the antahkarana was moved into place and sealed by the seven Elohim. “Now let the earth respond and come into conformity with the will of God in every aspect of life....This is the first step of the light revolution!”



 O Hercules, Thou Elohim

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved mighty Hercules and Amazonia, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water, and earth!  I decree:

1.         O Hercules, thou Elohim,

I AM a child of Love,

Come and seal my being

By might from heaven above.


Refrain:Like a bolt of lightning blue,

Power of God flashing through,

Take dominion o’er me now,

To thy light and love I bow.


Purify and guard my being

By thine eye of grace all-seeing,

Clothe me in thy power real,

Fill me now with holy zeal.

I AM come to do God’s will,

Give me grace now to fulfill

All the plan of heaven’s Son,

With thy light I AM now one.


2.         O Hercules, thy splendid shining

Shatter failure and opining,

Ope the way in love divining,

Seal each one in crystal lining.


3.         O Hercules, for strength I call,

Give me victory over all;

Let God triumph over me,

Raise thy scepter, set me free.


4.         O Hercules, beloved one,

Crown me with thy blazing sun;

Set thy hand upon my brow,

Raise me to perfection now.



And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free!  Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM!



On October 31, 1976, Hercules came “to send forth the ray of the government of God.”

“I come in the hour of treachery. I come in the hour of the compromise of the will of God. I come in the hour when mankind, unknowing, will go forth to elect individuals to the offices of this land....Yet they have not the understanding or the knowledge of the Lord” but are “wooed by the personality cult” and “promises that are not fulfilled.”  Therefore “there is no other way for salvation than by the direct intercession of His Spirit,” Hercules said, “by the very miracle of the Lord’s descent into the midst of this habitation.”

The Elohim then posed the question:  “Would you have that intercession, O people of God?...Fast, then,...make sacrifices....You must be a people marked by the ultimate sacrifice. For, I tell you, there are few across the land who are willing to lay down their life that the flame of liberty might continue to burn brightly.”  The Elohim urged the students to undergo a fast following their noon meal “as a sign that they are willing to sacrifice something as a token for purification, as a token for the welcome of the Holy Ghost.”

Hercules explained that “the fasting in the physical plane prepares the way for the fasting in the subconscious whereby those forces of darkness are ejected from the very house of the Lord....So let your sacrifice be for the victory of God on election day.” For “when the people are filled with God, then there is a compelling action of the Lord’s Spirit even in those who have been aligned with the forces of Antichrist; and in spite of themselves, they become the instruments en masse of the mighty swelling of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.

“So it will come but you must believe in the miracle presence of the Holy Spirit to overcome, not by entering into and dividing the arguments and the platforms of the candidates, but by overriding, by sweeping through, by transmuting and transforming until the consciousness of the leaders themselves is so in the presence of the light that they, in spite of themselves, unknowingly even, become his instruments for the judgment, for the overcoming, and for the reign of the Prince of Peace....

“This is hope and this is salvation,” Hercules declared. “And the Ancient of Days yet lives to rule on earth because sons and daughters of God will yet call upon the name of the Lord, and...by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony will they overcome all manifestations of the dragon in every avenue of life on earth.”

In conclusion, Hercules explained that the current disturbances in the elemental kingdom and the people on earth are but the sign of the alchemy of the end of the age and the coming of the light. “Let it come and fear it not,” the Elohim said. “Let go of your old ways, and let the Lord’s Spirit come unto you and see what miracles of healing love will be within your midst the sign of the Holy Ghost.”

On July 1, 1977, Hercules stood holding a crystal chalice of “infinite light” to arc the light from the Royal Teton Retreat to Keepers of the Flame gathered at the four-day retreat Only Love. The dictation is entitled Love, the Dynamo of Action.

“I come for a more than ordinary cleansing,” Hercules declared. “I come in response to Saint Germain whose mighty fervor for America burns this day in the love and the consummate love of a father and friend who sees the darkness that is coming over the land.”  Hercules said that “the American people in this hour are the least informed and have the greatest ignorance concerning the great betrayal that is being enacted in this very moment by the heads of state, by the government that is not representative of the people or of the Christ.”

At the same time, Saint Germain was addressing the Darjeeling Council and the Council of the Royal Teton as well as the God and Goddess Meru at a meeting held at the Royal Teton Retreat. “Children of the light, you do not realize how those who are the smiling ones in office are the very ones who are destroying this nation piece by piece, day by day,” Hercules said. And “I can tell you that our hearts think of nothing else except the freedom of the lightbearers on earth and the destiny of this lifewave.”

Therefore the Elohim came “with a multifaceted purpose.”  First, “to energize you with the mighty power of the Elohim which I have brought in this chalice of light”; and second, to be a representative of “many ascended beings who are charging you with the edification of your soul and mind and heart and the necessary action that will stop this betrayal and the downward trend of all parts of life.”

Hercules emphasized that only “the veritable manifestation of Almighty God himself incarnate in ye all will suffice to deter these fallen ones who are marching across the earth at an incredible speed.”  Therefore the Elohim said, we must make the prayer of the Mother our own:  “’O God, unless you come into manifestation on earth now all will be lost. Therefore, come into my temple, come into my soul. Live in me and walk the earth through me. Almighty God, come. I will make any sacrifice that is necessary to be the instrument of the Lord God in this age.’”

Hercules said that “the great equation then that must be balanced is the mass ignorance of the people.”  And therefore “it is most important that the frequency of the Great White Brotherhood and of the teachings permeate this City Foursquare and this New Jerusalem” through the voice of the messenger, “the vibration of the voice of the Son of God,” over the media. Keepers of the Flame must also become emissaries of light, the Elohim said, emphasizing that the disciples of Christ were not tutored or prominent. “It does not require, then, the outer sophistication that you think it requires to change this nation and to change the face of the earth,” Hercules declared. But “you must act, act with dispatch...and, above all, remember that it is the spark of the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit which the Elohim convey to you, leaping heart to heart, that is the key.

“It must be a heart manifestation,” the Elohim said. “For America is the heart and the very secret chamber of the heart of the earth.”  Hercules told us that “I have been with evolutions of systems of worlds in the moment of the victory, and I am conditioned for this very delicate moment when all hangs in the balance of the few and their God determination. Therefore, I lay my life and being on the altar of Terra....I give my life that you might assimilate the will of God, the action of love, the power of wisdom, and all of my momentum for the reversing of the tide of darkness....

“There is little you need to do but to be at the right place at the right time,” Hercules said, “and to have your mouth open for the sacred fire breath and the science of the spoken Word, doing what comes naturally, doing what is right, being outspoken and following the heart call of conscience within you.”

Hercules warned that if we do not take the full responsibility for the fulfillment of our divine plan in this age, “you will return to the very scene that you now witness, and the playing upon the stage of the earth of the tyranny that is plotted against the children of light will take a minimum cycle of ten thousand years. And therefore,...you will be required to return again and again until the open door is there for you to complete the cycle of your divine plan which is unequivocally that of the deliverance of earth and her evolutions.”

Hercules then spoke of “the great revolutionaries of light through the ages” who have had “that one common trait” of love. “There is a moment, there is a cosmic interval that seems as an eternity,” the Elohim said. “It is the moment of the decision to give your all for the cause of the Great White Brotherhood. And in that moment of the decision, you see neither the past nor the future but only the present. And therefore you cannot know that the moment that you surrender, God then will infill you with his being and with his consciousness.

“Therefore, fear not....Take the giant step of an Elohim,...the one giant step whereby you leave mortality for immortality,...you leave the lesser self, all of it, for the Greater Self, and God will give to you that Greater Self in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and in the blessings unnumbered.”  The Elohim pointed out, however, that “surrender is never, never, never for the return, else I tell you the return will not come. But your surrender, as Thomas More has said, is for the very love of Thee–the very love of God himself.”

In conclusion, Hercules held up the crystal chalice and poured out to us that cup overflowing with light. “This is God’s game,” the Elohim declared, “and God plays to win.”

On April 13, 1979, Amazonia returned to tell The Story of the Mystery School of Hercules and Amazonia. “I come...at the hour promised to me by Sanat Kumara long, long ago...to right the ancient wrong and to reestablish the balance of the Woman clothed with the Sun in the heart of the earth.”

Amazonia said that the ancient mystery school was located in the “southern portion of the continent of South America.”  Here gathered “those whom we would sponsor on the path of initiation–initiation leading to the conferment of the power of the Elohim of the First Ray.” Amazonia explained that “this initiatic spiral is one that is taken slowly, requiring many centuries and a number of incarnations, because it is that initiatic path designed to accord those who are God-victorious with certain powers...in the use of the mighty feminine ray in balance with the masculine ray. And therefore we summoned out of the retreat of Lord Himalaya, out of the blue lotus, devotees of the will of God in the masculine focus of the Himalayan range; and we summoned also devotees out of the initiatic school of the God and Goddess Meru.

“Thus we began. And over the cycles of our teaching and our initiation we brought a certain number of souls to a level of initiation where they were being initiated in the uses of the throat chakra for the control of cosmic forces within the earth and within elemental life. Then came the point of the Y,” Amazonia said, “...the final point at which the chela must determine to utterly surrender the self in the service of God.”

The Elohim explained that the cataclysms which destroyed Lemuria, Atlantis, and Pompeii occurred “not because of outer manifestations among the people but because of the decisions of individuals who were allowed to enter the classes of the mystery schools, who took just so much light and learning and then said, ‘Ha!  We have enough. We will go forth and manipulate life to our own accord.’” Such was the case at the mystery school of Hercules and Amazonia. “Certain individuals wrested from within that school certain powers, certain energies which had been a part of the teaching to that point,” Amazonia said. “They were assisted by other members of the false hierarchy who comprised the great rebellion under Lucifer. Thus, having gained all that they could acquire within our school, they determined to go out and join the rebellious angels to take control of the earth. These initiates were all women serving on the feminine ray.”

The Elohim pointed out that every “individuality” that has come forth from God’s being “must be accorded the privilege of the Path in order that he may decide and thus determine whether he will continue to be in the body of God worlds without end.”  The Elohim “have even seen the conversion of those who fell with Lucifer....Therefore we dare not turn away but we institute within our path of initiation rigors, systems, testings, challenges designed to eliminate those who weary in service and who become eventually bored with the seeming endless nature of the Path.”

When “feminine initiates on the path of Hercules and Amazonia...abused the light they had been given,...the mystery school was closed.” It was what Amazonia termed “a horror story” when these women, “literal black magicians incarnate,” went into all of the continents of earth “with such a hatred of God the Father which they directed against representatives of the masculine ray wherever found,...using the perversion of the feminine ray anchored at Lake Titicaca.”  These rebellious ones “almost destroyed the self-identity of man, so great was their viciousness and their atrocities committed.”

These fallen females have reincarnated upon earth for the last time in this end time.” Amazonia said. And “they are still holding within themselves the hatred of the masculine ray as God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. They have spearheaded the movements of abortion, of sterilization, of lesbianism....They have denied their own natural functions as females. They have created a movement to counteract the movement of...all of the lady masters of heaven–that mighty movement of the age ordained by Alpha and Omega for the raising of the feminine ray upon the altars of Lemuria.”  Amazonia explained however that “the return to preeminence of the feminine ray becomes their very judgment. And the law this day does require upon these individuals the blood of all those whom they have murdered since their choosing of the left-handed path.”

The Elohim identified these fallen women as those “who have determined to destroy the family in every nation,” specifically China. “These who hate men also hate women....Their hatred is of the Father/Mother God and the offspring, the incarnate Christ.

“They have backed the movements of tyrannies, of communist and socialistic revolutions...because these systems have been the denial of the path of initiation to the sons and daughters of God, the denial of the flow of abundance, and the denial of the exaltation of woman. They seek the degradation of woman, but they couch that degradation in a language earmarked with such terms as equal rights, equality, liberation, sexual freedom, the right to any use of the body temple.”  Amazonia went on to say that “these fallen ones have joined forces with the priests who tended the altars upon Lemuria who betrayed the Mother flame....Now they amalgamate. Now they throw their weight as political power, as vote, as economic majority....Now they even use tactics of blackmail, chaos, and confusion.”

The Elohim then concluded the story of the mystery school of Hercules and Amazonia. “I stand before you in defense of woman–woman whose rightful place is to hold the light from the base unto the crown chakra, woman who is the crown of man himself....The long years, millenniums have passed. And I am permitted once again to return to the place where I may deliver my own life and my own mysteries to you....

“I make the announcement that with the burning of the cause, effect, record, and memory–that shall be placed as a scroll and taper in the sacred fire–of the entire episode of this infamy, I shall then at that moment once again open the mystery school of the Elohim of the First Ray–open it in South America, dedicated to the Great Divine Director and the bringing forth of the mighty seventh root race....I will then minister to souls who truly desire to be God-trained under Hercules and who will bear with me the stupendous joy of the flame of Mother rising to its fullest potential as the feminine counterpart of Elohim.”  Amazonia explained that “until this record was consumed and all those involved in it brought before the judgment, it would not be permitted for the seventh root race to incarnate nor for certain retreats, such as the retreats of the Goddess of Light and the Queen of Light in South America, to be opened.

“The hour has come. Let those who would undo and rebuild and construct in the balance of East and West come forward, for we are ready for the signaling of the age of new birth.”

On July 2, 1979, Hercules came “to anchor the light of Elohim from the Central Sun for the holding of the balance against those hordes and beasts that seek to devour the Manchild...before it is born.”  Out of the retreat of the Elohim, “I anchor the blue flame of the diamond of the mind of God.”

Hercules explained that “my pillar of fire in northern California in the very heart of the light of Half Dome is an energy that I have established for the preservation of the golden light remnant of Lemuria embodied upon this soil, vibrating within this state.”  The Elohim emphasized that California “represents, in its incarnations of souls and in the frequencies of the light anchored here, the Alpha and the Omega of the original thrust of the embodied root races”–the first, second, and third. That is why “all the world looks to this state for guidance, for hope, for promise, even for the good life. But most of all the souls of earth know that locked in the heart of California is a light and promise of the Mother come again, that if and when the Mother and her seed are to appear it will be here.”

Hercules reinforced the call for Saint Germain’s Mission Amethyst Jewel within the state of California, “for we have not yet begun to accelerate the violet flame....Let us then continue and accelerate. And let reinforcements come from every state and nation, for this is where the battle is to be won.”  At the same time, Hercules acknowledged the “mighty victory won” in the 1979 spring stumping tour. “I stand with a blue-flame consuming fire in the north as Arcturus stands in the south and we have going a mighty figure-eight flow of blue becoming violet, violet becoming blue,” said the Elohim. And this action “is anchored wherever you are....I have enjoyed your stump messages. I have listened to every word you have spoken and even to the words you have not spoken which you are yet to speak in another round of stumping.”

Hercules then spoke of the upcoming Seminar of the World Teachers, called forth by the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood “for a century’s impetus of the flame of the World Teachers....A lightning chain of yellow fire will circle the earth, and those who have vowed their vow to the Christs and the Buddhas, to the wisdom ray will tie into that light for one century from this hour.”  The Elohim emphasized the importance of the attendance of youth at this seminar, for “a heart that is pure, a heart that contains the will of God is the only necessary spark to start a golden age.”

Continuing the dictation, Hercules reminded “disciplined ones” that their invocations “are the very instruments of Elohim and cosmic beings....The seven Elohim and their consorts–fourteen cosmic beings–place their feet impressed in the soil of earth at certain points around the planetary body, and through us there descends a mighty current into the earth. It is for the holding of the balance. It is for the binding of all of the entrenched forces of evil....”

“The victory comes as the result of the whole outplaying of the hand of the dark ones,” Hercules said. Therefore “let them be exposed. You who write, write and expose. You who speak, speak and expose. There is only one defeat in any battle of Armageddon on any world. That defeat comes through noncommunication and nonalignment of the forces of light....

“Now I charge you with my charge of a holy love to go forth from this conference and find those souls of light who are your very heart....Align with them. Communicate to them truth. Expose the deceptions. Love them and love them and love them to life and bring them to me. For I, Hercules, will endow every liberator of the ascended masters with my charge of blue lightning. And I invite you, when you are able, to make your pilgrimage to Half Dome so that you may place your feet where I have placed my own.”

Hercules explained that even an Elohim “may actually reduce his form and conversation to the adaptation of the sons and daughters of a planetary body....I come to you now as friend. I come to you, though having the all-power of heaven and earth, as a fellow servant. For I desire to reduce the distance between lightbearers evolving and the Elohim and cosmic beings....It is the desire of the Elohim and their complements today to enter into a new relationship with the chelas of the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain, and El Morya, Jesus Christ, and the four cosmic forces. Because of the presence of these four forces through the Ancient of Days, now the incarnate Lamb, we may come more close to our beloved ones. For the four cosmic forces are the key transformers of the light of the Infinite unto souls evolving in the finite.”

This opportunity to release greater light is part of the ten-year plan announced by Gautama Buddha on May 3, 1977, and is made possible, Hercules pointed out, by the daily support of the children of God. “Your response to the calls of hierarchy increases our response, and there are giant spheres of light that we hurl to you and that you catch most deftly and hurl back to us....Thus chelas in the planetary body may participate in the cosmic Olympics of the Elohim....We send forth then the only competition there is, which we rather call self-acceleration, whereby in participation of the expansion of the vehicles of being, the exercise of all of the chakras and all of the vehicles, there is self-acceleration side by side by side until...you will look to the right or to the left for a moment and see that you are running now in a race with immortals, with cosmic beings, for you have prepared and conditioned yourselves to contain greater and greater light. This is the race of life.”

Hercules affirmed that “tremendous changes have occurred in the vibration of the earth. And the several earthquakes of this week that have occurred in this area have to do with the adjustment of the planet...to the currents of mankind’s karma, to the currents of individual karma, and the light of Elohim.”

In conclusion, the Elohim spoke of *Jesus Christ and Saint Germain as “the cherubim guarding the Holy of Holies. These personages of the light who are depicted to the right and the left of the chart of the I AM Presence are focuses–wherever they are placed–of safety. For all elemental life bow before these two hierarchs of the age, and they protect all whose vibration is in harmony with these two servants of the Almighty....

“Do not make the mistake of thinking that they are mere pictures on the wall,” Hercules said. “Through them we employ the alchemy of the living Word, and we anchor in your home the forcefield of light that is for the sealing of the house against the coming of the plagues of the Lord upon the seed of the wicked” and the “accelerated return of karma....Do not neglect your daily alignment in each twenty-four-hour cycle with these two emissaries of the Great Central Sun, for through them the four cosmic forces release a circle of fire and the full momentum of the Great Central Sun messengers.”

Hercules then, in sponsoring representatives of the World Teachers, promised that “when they speak in our name, the people will listen....I am determined that the true shepherds shall walk the earth....We are Elohim. We are the true shepherds of lifewaves....We would come into your temples, O chelas, as Sanat Kumara has come into the temple of our messenger. We would come to stay. But if our presence be uncomfortable, we will at least come in the hour of your delivery of our message–our message for the Coming Revolution. We are that revolution incarnate....Speak the Word and Elohim Will Speak through You!”

Dictations by Hercules and Amazonia:  12-16-62, 1-26-64, 7-5-64, 3-31-68, 2-9-69, 7-20-69, 6-28-70, 7-2-71, 7-3-73, 3-16-75, 7-3-76, 10-31-76, 7-1-77, 4-13-79, 7-2-79.

Retreat of the Elohim of the First Ray–The retreat of Hercules and Amazonia is located in the etheric plane in and over Half Dome, a magnificent focus which rises nearly a mile from the floor of Yosemite Valley on the west side of California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range. The etheric retreat is superimposed within the rock. There Hercules and Amazonia focus the energies of the will of God in this focus of the power center, the throat chakra of the planet.

We enter through a large portal graced by two immense white pillars. The entrance hall is shaped as an octagon, each side leading to another room. We are immediately impressed by the fact that this is a busy retreat–blue-flame angels ten feet high, mighty seraphim, cherubim, angel devas, as well as those ministering to all of the seven rays are coming and going, each intent on rendering a specific service for the Brotherhood. This octagon room glows with the intense love of the Elohim and the angels for the will of god. A bright blue permeates the atmosphere and is both inviting and invigorating to those who are privileged to enter here.

Crossing this hall, we descend a flight of stairs to a circular room. In the center is the focus of a large blue-white diamond with the flame of Hercules and Amazonia blazing through it. A circular stairway ascends around the periphery of the room to another round council chamber on the floor above. This room is built on a series of circular platforms, and at one side are the thrones of Hercules and Amazonia. There are accommodations for several hundred guests–members of the Great White Brotherhood–who often meet with the Elohim to discuss ways and means of implementing the power of the will of God in the world of form. Behind the thrones of Hercules and Amazonia is a passageway leading to another room. Those who attend council meetings pass through other doors to the right and to the left of the thrones into another circular chamber which contains the main focus of the flame of the will of God.