Elohim and Their Retreats: Peace and Aloha


PEACE AND ALOHA–Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood, the true ministration of the Christ, and the desire to be in the service of God and man through the mastery of the Christ consciousness. Peace and Aloha focus both the gold and the purple flames as the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of peace.

The admonishments of the Elohim of Peace have been invaluable to the students of the light. It was Peace who introduced the use of the Great Sun Disc–a shield of dazzling white fire that may be placed over the solar-plexus chakra to deflect the discord of others and thus protect the peace of the feeling world.

The message of the Washington, D.C. address of the Elohim of Peace given on January 3, 1965, was that “all roads lead to the great central hub of your own mighty I AM God Presence....As a child in the lap of its mother,...you are forever and forever and forever the fullness of your own mighty I AM God Presence in action.”  Peace likened man’s relationship to God to that of “a child on bended knee, kneeling at eventide...to commune in simplicity with the sweet Father’s love above and to feel the calm knowing peace of a child that is unaffrightened and unafraid.”

The Elohim explained that whereas men often preserve “sentimental gifts” from the past, “the molding of the divine character” through transmutation is “the greatest artifact for peace that mankind could ever find in all of their previous history.”  Therefore, Peace declared:  “Surrender your own little puny, pitiful wills!”

The Elohim spoke “with great power and majesty,” disillusioning those who have thought of Peace as “fragile” or “tender” and somehow “incapable of bringing to bear the great power of cosmic pressures.”

Peace then explained that within the threefold flame “you have the master key that leads to contact with every ascended being and cosmic being, every archangel, every angel, the seven mighty Elohim and our divine complements. You have the key to heaven itself locked right within your own heart’s treasures.”  And therefore “you ought to receive peace from God by divine decree, by your own demand, and by your own demand you ought to give peace unto others” just as Jesus did by using salutations in honor of the name of Peace, such as “Peace be unto you...,” “Fear not, little flock...,” and “Be of good cheer....”

Peace emphasized that “you are a part of this magnificent cosmic drama that comes from the very hub of your being and expands out into the exterior world.”  Just as an injury registers upon every part of the physical body, so distress to any part of life produces “a subtle form of discomfort to the entire cosmos.”  In fact, “every life that is taken from the screen of life by the acts of murder which are practiced in the name of warfare brings distress remindful of the crucifixion upon Golgotha.”  Even our best leaders are “unable to cognize the solution to the world’s problems of peace and war,” Peace observed, and indeed “there is nothing solved...by releasing a tirade of energy upon anyone.”  Peace therefore encouraged the use of “the disc over the solar plexus, the Great Sun Disc, with all of its radiant protection and power.”  For “when peace has gone,...everything has gone and there is nothing left.”

The Elohim pointed out that “when you master yourselves until, as the Master Jesus, you could go to sleep and let others rock the boat for all they were worth and you would know that the sea is God’s sea, that the boat is God’s boat, that your body is God’s temple, that your mind is the dwelling place of God, that your soul is the soul of God, that the wind is his to command, that the wave obeys his voice–you could rest in that great cosmic tranquility that refuses to be affrighted and refuses to be disturbed, regardless of outer conditions....This is the condition your souls require.”

According to the Elohim, “the imperfect individuals upon this planet are far outnumbered by the perfect creations in heaven which abide all around this planet,...a great deal more happiness occurs, precious ones, upon this planet than unhappiness,” and “mankind have recognized their cosmic responsibility...to make a great nation out of a few people.”  Furthermore, “mankind are finding peace in the midst of turmoil,...mankind are coming to a state of consonance over a state of dissonance,...mankind are attaining cheeriness of spirit over the morbidity of past ages.”  Nevertheless, Peace looked forward to the day “when mankind are able to bring forth, under the direction of God, those wondrous vessels which shall utilize cosmic rays to move through the great interstellar reaches of space according to divine decree...and find great happiness where peace everywhere abides in the cosmos, universe, and world without end.”  Yet “how little mankind know!”  the Elohim declared. “I call to your attention that it is a great travesty upon nature itself and upon nature’s God that mankind have not long ago utilized the blessings they have and afforded themselves the power of Peace in this generation and in past generations.”

The Elohim then called to “the blue-flame angels...waiting in abeyance” and to “the white-fire beings...that have volunteered to serve to form a tremendous amphitheater of light over the city of Washington....Let this nation under God be a nation of peacemakers! Let this people accept the peace of God and the peace of Christ into their souls, and let them also be ready for any eventuality to protect the holy cause of freedom....Angels of blue flame, release now your bolts of blue lightning for and on behalf of world peace!”

In a dictation entitled “Peace, Be Still!” given on April 17, 1966, the Elohim Peace, “basking in the freedom of the all-knowing mind of God,” spoke of “the peace derived from the eternal knowing that God holds the pattern for freedom, for victory, and for every divine quality for every manifestation of himself.”  Although universal law is impersonal, it “holds for each person the security of their own God-happiness.”  Thus the price of peace is obedience.

Mankind are often disappointed when they turn to outer conditions seeking to find tranquility and, because of outer circumstances, they feel that God is not there. “This, precious ones, is a fallacy,” says the Elohim. For the power and peace of God is omnipresent “yet requires the soul discrimination of the individual to make that full measure of attunement that will bring about a quieting of the storms derived from the human ego in its expression and will replace those storms by the all-commanding Presence of God.” Peace explained that “when the Master Jesus said ‘Peace be still!’ it was an invocation calculated to draw forth from the Godhead and from the power of the Elohim the fullness of cosmic peace. Upon him was bestowed the title Prince of Peace, for he consorted to express as ambassadorial the aspects of our office.”

Men’s hearts remain troubled, the Elohim explained, simply because we “do not become quiet for a moment and permit the infinite peace of God to seep through the gross penetration levels of human thought and feeling....When the pores of knowledge are clogged with the turpitude of the world, it is difficult even for infinite peace to come in and occupy the space within being that is now filled almost to the point of saturation with the disturbances of outer conditions.”  In order to open the door to the peace of God, mankind must understand that the “manifest beneficence” of God is surrounding us but not yet interpenetrating the core of being.

When Jesus Christ stood before Pontius Pilate, he faced the threat of Roman power yet “exhibited before men of all ages the wonders of a mind of peace.” The Elohim emphasized that “when outer conditions ride in,...if you will but understand that the power of peace is around you and that the power of peace is omnipresent in life, you will open that door and you will enter into the internal communion of that condition, which is the fullness of cosmic balance.”

Speaking of interpersonal relationships, Peace explained that individuals “content to bask in outer world comfortability and illusion” might never experience the “trying times” that come to those seeking perfection, those tried by the fires of that perfection. “You cannot afford to have outer peace at the price of soul sacrifice,” the Elohim said. We must understand “the similitude of the outer self to the Divine Self”–the identity of God and the identity of Self as one. This understanding is “the key to your feelings of divine peace and power, to the release of accomplishment into your worlds.”  Peace admonished us to “amplify the power of peace through correct understanding of the law and understand that God in his identity holds the full pattern of immeasurable, consecrated cosmic peace, waiting to release that peace into your world with such an intensity as to sweep you into the higher consciousness.”

The Elohim then released into this octave “the greater measure of Cosmic Christ peace as it is experienced in the angelic realms through understanding of the law and through adoration to divine principle as the living essence of Almighty God.”  Peace emphasized that “men must possess with their peace the power of Christ discrimination that seeks...to uphold the law not only in its letter but in its Spirit–which is brotherhood unlimited....The power of God unto salvation is able to quiet the storms within the human psyche and produce the perfection of Almighty God....In that understanding is a key that releases the love needed in this age.”

In a dictation given in Colorado Springs on September 26, 1966, Peace reminded mankind that “there is a power within themselves of infinite love and compassion” that will “help them to sustain that which is presently so fragile upon the planet, namely...the bonds of peace.”  The Elohim emphasized that love as the instrument of world peace “can be of infinite measure when an individual will offer themselves unto God for any specific purpose.”

Peace observed that deep within, even those engaged in making war “and creating inharmonies by deliberation” long for peace. “Nothing is accomplished by the power of inharmony,” the Elohim affirmed, “and all things are accomplished by the power of tranquility, even that quality which I shall call evenness of purpose, evenness of purpose which smooths off the roughened edges from mankind’s aspirations.”  Too often, the aspirations stem from yearnings that are “without the qualification of true understanding which comes about as the power of God infuses the mind and heart.”

The Elohim then explained that the peace envisioned by President Kennedy and the Peace Corps “is an essential ingredient in the waging of peace for and on behalf of the hierarchy of light and for the freedom of men from the shackles of war.”  Although “the hierarchy shall release a mighty tide of peace this day to this planet–in the very hour when the warlords of China are conspiring together as to how they may bring about the end of Western civilization,” Peace warned that “all men upon this planet...have a responsibility to maintain peace themselves.”  In the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the Elohim commanded us to “love one another and so fulfill the law.”

On January 2, 1972, “by karmic grace,” the Elohim of Peace gave us what truly was “a spiritual experience of great depth” in a dictation entitled An Experience in the Pavilion of Peace.

“Will you take my hand in thought and come with me apart from ordinary experience realms into the world of cosmic dreams where we can create an experience of peace in what we shall term the Pavilion of Peace?”–a pavilion of white alabaster created by the devas, the builders of form, and cosmic beings. Through the pavilion walls gleamed “the light of ten thousand spiritual suns.”  There are “three magnificent domes” on each of the pavilion’s four sides–“two below and one above.”  The domes, Peace explained, represent the threefold nature of both man and God. The gates are open, and “six mighty seraphim stand at each gate to lead you upward to the Temple of Peace....The organ of peace is radiating out that cosmic sound which is soundless but which can rise to crescendos of peace; and thus we see the difference between activity and greater activity. For peace is not a vibration of nothing, of an absence of action, but a higher form of the radiation of God to be found, in part, at the eye of a hurricane or a strong wind–the peaceful calm of the center of cosmic action.”

Peace then described a “diamond blue-white radiance surrounding the Pavilion of Peace” that “gleams out as a comet in the sky of consciousness.”  The Elohim explained that “there is a link between happiness and the increase of the vibration of peace....Frozen light or frozen energy–they become fluidic with ease and flow...and form and re-form images and brilliant concepts of the peace of the heart as the peace of the heart is brought unto all.”

As we enter the Temple of Peace, “seven snow-white doves...flutter at the gateway,” carrying in their bills a banner upon which letters of “Old English gold” read PEACE. And “now we see suddenly the thirteenth dome, an inner spire, rising and a beautiful brick mosaic formed within it. And there in gold, stamped within a Maltese cross of perfect balance, are the words PEACE....Seven rays come down from the center of the dome, and these are the rays of the Holy Spirit....Serenity bubbling as a gentle fountain from the heart speaks of the quietude of God’s peace. This is a vital peace, a peace surrounded with feelings of light and air and motion and creativity. For born out of the heart of God comes the awareness of all life as a part of the Holy Spirit....As He said:  ‘Let there be light!’ so now we hear the eternal fiat ‘Let there be peace!’–and it is so.”

The Elohim radiated peace as “a consuming fire” into “hatred, war and destruction, and the influences of the carnal mind,” a peace that is at once “a fire of hope...to all who see the beauty of our temple.”  Peace then offered a gift, “a miniature replica of the Temple of Peace, a symbol of your journey, which we place in a golden acorn. Siva! It is done.”  This focus of the Elohim of Peace was placed “within the ventricle of the heart.” And every child and all who are feeble and near death “may draw upon the focus of Peace...within thy heart.”  The “vibratory action” of this symbol “shall consume the lust for war and human vanity in all who will open their hearts to understand how important a role peace plays in the world community.”

Continuing the dictation, the Elohim pointed out that if we were to pool together “in a great tower of constructivism” the energy consumed in war, in family arguments, in “each struggle of one soul pitted against another soul,” then the toils of men “would create an arbor in which we would plant a tree, the Tree of Life,...and its leaves be for the healing of the nations.”  And “those who plant could be those who would eat the fruit of that tree,” Peace said, “and the culture of God and of the angels and of unknown worlds would once again become a part of the family of nations,...gathering individuals into a sense of excellence....” Although science has enabled mankind today “to rest from many of their heavier labors,” Peace declared that “there are untapped powers in the odic light, in the cosmic forces.”

The Elohim therefore emphasized that the dispensation of the Pavilion of Peace in the heart is “not as a trivial or ephemeral gift of a man but of one who has seen the marvelous spindles of gold in the record rooms of the Grand Tetons, one who has also seen the mighty writings in akasha which tell of ages so long ago.”  Peace explained that “every Elohim when he is given the crown of the Elohim is also compelled by cosmic grace and cosmic law to read these records.”  The gift which the Elohim of Peace bestowed “is a point of contact with universal peace. If you will, it can summon within you at will the great cosmic genie, the figure form, the symbolic angel of your own individualized Presence, who will on the instant bring you into the realm of Peace.”

Once accepted into the heart, this talisman “becomes anchored there forever,” the Elohim promised. “And all you have to do when all around you is turbulent, when you are in distress and when you are in confusion, is to visualize in miniature the Pavilion of Peace and call unto me and unto your individualized God Presence and say:  ‘I need thee every hour, O Elohim of Peace and beloved mighty I AM Presence. Shew forth thy light!’ And with these words ‘Shew forth thy light!’ I will come again and create the vibratory action of my peace.”

On October 11, 1973, Peace and Aloha “walked across the sacred waters of Mu” to the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California, intertwining their energies “to release a mighty tide of peace.” The title of the dictation is Three Rings of Peace and a Two-Edged Sword (see p. 129).

Peace and Aloha explained that “the waves of God’s consciousness move through the sea, forming the undulations of the Spirit that mankind might know how energy comes from the heart of God as they contemplate the sea,” and that “peace is the original power of the Godhead.” The Elohim also explained that “the karma of mankind is projected upon the screen of consciousness...and we of hierarchy can predict with certainty–given certain phases and aspects of human consciousness with its human astrological perversions–what will occur at a certain time and place. And thus before you have called, I have answered....At a certain point in our service we shall release the energy that shall reverse the tide of war, of the plots of war, the energies of war, and the sense of struggle.”

At the same time, however, “given the chemistry of the human consciousness,” Peace and Aloha predicted “that some among mankind will violently resist the energy of peace which it is our office to deliver to the planetary body.”  But “mankind cannot resist the energy of God indefinitely. Thus to the proud wave of humanity’s self-centered consciousness the Deity exclaims:  ‘Thus far and no farther!  Reverse the course of human destiny until man is found in conformity with his divinity!’”

The Elohim “do not hesitate to raise the sword of peace in defense of our peace. That sword is golden–golden liquid light shining in the sun of our Christ consciousness. It is a two-edged sword that defends the consciousness of the Christ....The brilliance of this sword as it reflects the Christ light is so great that all before whom it is held must capitulate to the energies of peace. Thus we rotate the sword in an arc before you. As it passes before each one, it has the action of dissolving energies opposing the light of Christhood.”

Peace and Aloha then described “identities from out the Great Central Sun, angels and cosmic beings who form a circle of peace 1,000 miles around this fiery core of peace which we have drawn with our sword. And as we hold the flaming sword of peace in the center, 144,000 flaming ones of peace hold the sword to deflect all that is antipeace, anti-Christ. And as I speak, another ring forms 1,000 miles beyond the next ring to the center. These also stand holding the sword of peace. And as I AM THAT I AM in the center of the mandala of peace, cosmic beings form the third ring 1,000 miles beyond the last. Golden swords are these–electrodes for the Central Sun of being.

“As we take our leave of you...this focal point of peace–the fiery core that we have drawn–will be placed upon the equator directly in alignment with the Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru. And the entire formation of beings with their swords shall move from east to west to encircle the earth in this formation, in concentric rings of peace. This is a part of the action of the flame of Peace that is the culmination of the 2,000-year reign of the Prince of Peace....

“...Therefore let the proclamation go forth that mankind shall either become one in our love, in our flaming presence of peace, else they shall not pass into the next cycle–the 2,000-year reign of Saint Germain and the flame of freedom.”  Peace and Aloha then raised their hands “for this fiery release of the flame and the core of being.”

Holding the Balance Against Cataclysm is the title of the March 9, 1975, dictation of Peace (see p. 43). With a “rod of sacred fire,” the Elohim circled around the city of Los Angeles, marking “the place where freedom’s flame is released for the victory of life in the souls of all mankind.”  Peace said that “there is a replica of the New Jerusalem that is placed over the City of the Angels where the angels come and go at the four sides of the temple of being and at the twelve gates of the city, passing in and out as electrodes of the energies of God,...reinforcing Father, Mother, oneness of the Christic light.”

Preparing for Eastertide, in “the victory of the risen Christ,” Peace emphasized that “light must be reinforced....Line by line, the matrix of victory must be reinforced.”  Therefore, “week by week, by the power of the spoken Word, hierarchy releases energies necessary for the sustainment of the balance of the planet and the people.”  The Elohim then breathed forth “ribbons of peace,...steadying the Cosmic Egg, steadying the egg of the aura, sealing you in the action of white-fire core, of purple and of gold.”

Then, “as a branding iron, as a great disc of fire,” the Great Central Sun magnet descended upon Los Angeles. “In a radius of fifty miles from the center of the city, marked by the place where the roses bloom, so by the white-fire core of the spiraling of the center, so there is marked the place of the freedom of the soul.”  Peace released “dispensations of light for the purging of this city...of all activities of the night which belie the true image of the Christ in the seat of the soul, for the purification of the egg, the immaculate conception of the Cosmic Egg of the Divine Mother, for the purging of the seed of Alpha and all bearers of the sacred egg and the sacred seed....As the magnet descends, it marks the heart chalice of each one who is committed unto the flame by the action of the name of God, I AM THAT I AM....Let the sealing of the heart in the six-pointed star be for the image of the appearing of the Promised One, the culmination of that seed that is Christ the Lord.”

Continuing the dictation, Peace announced a dispensation of the Lord Christ and the Four and Twenty Elders:  “The pattern of the soul of Jesus as that soul was crying out in the Garden of Gethsemane in prayer, holding the balance for mankind, so the image and the pattern of that soul in the hour of the crucifixion is now sealed as an electronic forcefield in the...seat-of-the-soul chakra as the dwelling place of the Most High God....You are then sealed by an arc of light in the heart of the Elohim of Peace. And all who will take that arc and make of it the Ark of the Covenant will walk the earth with that sacred-fire thread, evermore one with the Elohim, evermore drawing the energies of the Elohim. So this is holding the balance against cataclysm.

“There can be no cataclysm as long as you are one in God,” Peace affirmed. Therefore, “let that image of the Christ impressed, then, upon the handkerchief of Veronica be the focal point for the victory of life within you.”  As Peace released the energies of the Great Central Sun, there was “a rolling of the tides of cosmic light, rolling across the planetary body. And it is the image of the face of the Lord Jesus that is the salvation of mankind. And the Christ Self of each one merges with that image, for there is one Christ and one Lord and one Presence of the Logos in ye all....

“Be not then separated by schism, by division, but be fused in love....Merge, then, with the Christ in all who consider themselves separated from the body of God and stand in the center of that flame and declare the name of God:  I AM THAT I AM!  So as the early Christians were fearless unto the death before the lions in Rome, so I say, fear not to enter and to proclaim your oneness with the Christ of every heart.”

Peace acknowledged “the presence of angels of the Great Central Sun magnet standing on the periphery of the forcefield that radiates from the center of the city fifty miles in all directions,...bowing before the light that is in your heart....In this release of the spoken Word find, then, the oneness of the merging of heaven and earth!...Find the origin of the spiral that shall be the victory of your ascension!...Let the soul rise to the level of the Christ by the action of the image of the Lord!”  This dispensation of light, Peace said, would be for some “a final opportunity to face the light and conquer.”

Proclaiming Christ-victory, Peace anchored “electrodes beneath the Central Sun magnet, holding this city in fire again for a time and a time and half a time so that those who would be the law may prove the law.”  The Elohim spoke directly “to souls living in this area of the fifty-mile radius of this city...:  Be free to proclaim the law, to give forth your energies in invocations and decrees,...and you will see what miracles can yet be wrought for the victory of the love of light in this age.”  Then, “as the angels form and reform the patterns of the figure eight,...they drop from their garments a rose, a tangible rose with a stem, for each one that you may carry now and reach out to receive–as it falls into your hand–a gift of angels.”

The Divine Mother also came forth “with angels, brothers and sisters of the Holy Order of Dominion on high...to gather souls, discarnates who have collected over the city.”  Thus, the souls “whose time has come for fulfillment in other planes in the mansions of the Father...are drawn into the etheric cities and temples of light....So ministering angels of the Elohim stand forth to polarize a city for the triumph of Eastertide.”  Peace explained that “this is the release and the thrust of Alpha. We shall return at the conclusion of this week for the fulfillment of the preparation of this city” to receive “the greatest light that has been anchored here since the time of Lemuria.”

In conclusion, Peace spoke gently:  “I take you, one and all who will come fearlessly, into the chamber of the heart of an Elohim. Come unto me....Now feel yourself flow and tarry here in the chamber where I AM God’s awareness of peace and love, ministration and service....Be God, O God!  Be God, each and every one!”

In Maui, Hawaii, on June 12, 1976, in a dictation entitled “I Came Not to Send Peace, but a Sword” (see p. 77), Peace and Aloha instilled “the fire of Elohim...to shake the lethargic ones, and to let you feel the presence of Peace that is the power, the very power that is the fountain of your life. Let...the fiery core in the islands rumble,” Peace declared, as “the signal of the coming of Mother within you.”

Peace perceived “the delusions of the deluded who entertain that peace which is not peace but already the rigor mortis of death.” They attempt to cover over the “agitating and irritating” memories of their misuses of the sacred fire. “Are you in the death consciousness and do you know it not?”  the Elohim asked. “Awake, in the name of Buddha!”  Peace admonished those who “imagine a God who placates” and “a love that is tolerant of anything,” those who say, “Anything goes.”  The Elohim explained to them that “the law that you have abandoned and ...trampled upon is nevertheless the law inexorable.”  And to those who doubt the Elohim’s word, “poor moth saturated with self-doubts which you project upon an Elohim,” Peace says, “Beware!”  For doubt is the desecration and the agitation of peace. To those who come to be initiated Peace says with Maitreya, the Great Initiator, “The burden of initiation is upon you. You must initiate spirals of God consciousness....And the price of God consciousness attained only through the Elohim, only through the Elohim, is the pennies of your human creation.”

To those who perceive in the words of the Elohim “an imitation of a fiery gospel preacher,” Peace explains that “the fiery gospel preacher is imitating the Elohim of Peace....We do not project fear....We project peace. But peace coalesces in the human consciousness out of the elements of that consciousness....So let the sword of Peace descend, let it cleave asunder the Real from the unreal....Do you rebel against true peace because it is not your concept of peace?  O mortal, do not think the universe is fashioned after your concepts evolved in a few short years of incarnation.”

Aloha then continued the dictation, softening “the sharp, two-edged sword of my divine complement...for the gentle penetration of your life, of energies unknown to you therefore misunderstood. I break the news to you, blessed ones, that ninety-nine percent of your consciousness, your energy, is outside of the flame of Peace. Yet you have thought that you have attained to peace. Be quickened, then ,in our love and be willing to begin anew....Every one of you who has lost that peace for a moment, an hour, or a day has contributed in ways small and great to war, to crime, to murder, to mayhem, to cataclysm, and to the death of these little ones.”  Therefore, “activate for Peace. Demonstrate for Peace. Walk the earth for Peace. Preach the gospel of the kingdom of God for Peace....Where there is rumbling, where there is disturbance, there is the chemicalization that will result in peace.”

So Peace and Aloha came “through the Prince of Peace to overturn the moneychangers in the temple of God.” The “moneychangers are the imitators of the Great Integrator of Life–the Buddha.”  They change and interchange the energy of greed, selfishness, lust. Now the Elohim “overturn their tables and we take those who would become worthy chelas,” seizing them “in the grips of the consciousness of an Elohim,” turning them “upside down and inside out,” shaking them “through and through.”  The Elohim demand action of their chelas because “all of elemental life is crucified by your inaction...and your refusal to clear the body of the Mother, to clear the air, the land, and the sea, the rivers and the waters....You who have demonstrated against war, now demonstrate against pollution and make your cries heard across the land. Make those who govern be ashamed to be called the representatives of the people until they have disregarded the blackmail and the payoffs of the large corporations who continue to pollute and to manage energy that belongs only to the Mother within you.”

Speaking of the so-called energy crisis, the Elohim said:  “Can you imagine a people who will succumb to a crisis that is nonexistent except contrived in the minds of the fallen ones...?  They would steal the light of the Mother.”  Yet even worse than the fallen ones are “the children of God and the sons and daughters of God who know better but do not do better....Shame on your indulgences while the world suffers and God himself as energy is confined to the pockets of hatred and the sockets of selfishness!  If you would have peace you must be peace in the highest, dearest, truest sense of the word.”

Thus Aloha came “to spank the ‘flower children’....Now be the flower that unfolds in the heart....When you have shown yourself worthy of the initiations of the fires of Peace, I will come forth from the sphere of your own place of the sun and I will be unto you Mother of waters of Peace flowing for the fiats of Peace, my beloved, in the science of the spoken Word.”

On Easter Sunday, March 26, 1978, Peace began with an invocation:  “In the name of the Lord Christ, I address Alpha and Omega and I command the twin flames of Peace and Aloha now to go forth to compel the consciousness of earth to rise in the resurrection flame. For only by the new perspective of a new age, the perspective of the hills, the perspective of the mountains, the stars, and unto the heavens will the people of this earth arrive at those deliberations where they find themselves one in the heart of Peace.” Peace explained that “there is no peace because there is not the acceleration of light that is the communication of the flame of Peace.”

Hundreds were gathered together on a meadow at Camelot as Peace declared:  “Let the Holy Grail descend. Let the knights and ladies of the Table Round gather for The Consecration of Camelot Come Again. And let the vibration of this island valley be Peace in the flame of the Lord Christ!  Peace in the flame of the Lord Buddha!  Peace in the flame of Mother!  Let the disciples of Almighty God know that inner peace whereby all that is unlike peace is challenged and it must, therefore, show itself in truth or error to be judged.”

Peace then demanded “the judgment of the imitation of music–the imitation of sound and rhythm that is destructive in nature, that moves against the soul of earth’s evolutions. I AM an Elohim. My word is binding as the emanation of the Word of God upon a cosmos. Therefore let the fallen ones who have come forth from the pit with their distorted sounds and rhythms and with their blasphemy of the Word of God now be judged before the Court of the Sacred Fire.”  Peace explained that “the judgment which Almighty God sends forth through our flame is irrevocable, yet the mills of the gods grind slowly.”

The Elohim behold every erg of energy and they know “the hour and the day of the Lord’s appointing to raise up your soul” just as they “know the hour when the judgment moves, cycle by cycle, from the etheric to the mental plane, from the mental plane to the emotional plane, from the emotional plane to the physical plane....We hold in our hand, as the hand of God, the planets, the galaxies, systems of light and sun centers; and the very hairs of your head are numbered....Strive, then, to move in the sun center of being....Let all proceed in harmony, in rhythm. Forsake the jagged ways, the abrupt motions, the absence of grace and the harshness and the cruelty of the world idly spoken, for all of these are an offense to Elohim.”

As the Elohim come forth for the acceleration of peace, “therefore is war made known....Beloved hearts, the Elohim flush out the darkness and the light is sealed in the hearts of God’s people.”

Dictations by Peace and Aloha:  1-3-65, 4-17-66, 9-26-66, 1-2-72, 10-11-73, 3-9-75, 6-12-76, 3-26-78.

Retreat of the Elohim of the Sixth Ray–Peace and Aloha focus the energies of the solar-plexus chakra of the planet in their retreat located in the etheric plane over the Hawaiian Islands. From the Temple of Peace, the Elohim radiate ribbons of Cosmic Christ peace over the entire earth as a network of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. In addition to purple and gold flames, Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays are focused in this retreat.

The forcefield of the Temple of Peace may be visualized as a purple and gold heart, with a magnetic forcefield of alternating purple and gold concentric heart-shaped rings. The flame in the center of the heart is the flame of Cosmic Christ peace. This forcefield is superimposed over the temple. One enters the etheric temple in the etheric body and immediately the eternal presence of the flame of peace is felt. The entrance hall leads into a round room; ten pillars grace the circular walls, which reflect the pulsations of the secret rays anchored in the center of the room. The altar of the secret rays is sunken in the center of the room. Three steps lead to a circular pathway surrounding the altar in which the secret rays are anchored.

Proceeding on past the altar of the secret rays and down a hallway, we descend a flight of stairs leading to the great hall of Peace. This is actually in the center of the temple, architecturally patterned after the hall which we have just passed through except on a larger scale. There are twelve pillars on the circuit, evenly spaced on the circular walls, which reflect the purple and gold of the Elohim of Peace anchored in the center dais. Descending the three steps and walking around the focus, we come to the thrones of Peace and Aloha. Between the twelve pillars which adorn the sides of the temple are twelve doors leading to twelve circular anterooms, one of which is the room through which we just passed where the secret rays are focused. The flame of peace, being at the fulcrum of the Christ consciousness, is in the center of the temple, the throne of Peace and Aloha at the twelve o’clock line and the secret rays at the six o’clock line.

Initiates on the sixth ray study at the Temple of Peace under the careful guidance of the Elohim who are in charge. Those who are preparing to embody on the sixth ray will spend some time here before reembodying in order to learn how the Elohim focus the flame of peace through the Holy Spirit in nature and the activities of the builders of form. Prior to his embodiment as Saint Francis when he prayed, “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!”  beloved Kuthumi studied under the Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya, in his retreat in the Himalayas; but before taking on a physical body, he was brought to the Temple of Peace where his development of the flame of peace was tested through ordered steps of initiations that are conducted under the auspices of the hierarchy of that retreat.

Outside the great hall of Peace, there are three other buildings (at the nine, twelve, and three o’clock lines). Here the Brotherhood of Peace works diligently, drawing up plans for the implementation of peace throughout the world. Volunteers who study there while their body temples sleep or who are between embodiments come to the retreat to study the plans for peace, and here they take vows before Peace and Aloha to go forth as their representatives in the world of form to carry the flame of peace and to implement the plans of the Brotherhood of Peace.

Those who have journeyed to the Hawaiian Islands can attest to the great peace which they feel not only there, but throughout the region of the Pacific Ocean.