Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 23 No. 4 - Beloved Serapis Bey - January 27, 1980


The Defense of the Matter Cube


Children of My Heart on the Path of the Ascension,

It gives me great joy to announce to you the fulfillment of ascension’s glory in the fourteen-month spiral that I initiated at winter solstice 1978.

I have bid you who are the initiates of my flame in my retreat to walk with the World Mother these fourteen stations of the cross under the disciplines of Lord Maitreya. Now the final month is at hand, and the raising up of the Mother flame within this body of devotees has brought to the surface of consci­ousness light and darkness both in the body of God upon earth and in the body of earth’s evolutions.

Thus the Mother flame brings all to the surface that you may choose this day whom you will serve. <1>  For the light cannot give you your victory until you stand, face, and conquer every jot and tittle of the law of your own being. <2>

Where you have made the law of sin, <3>which is the transgression of the law of God, <4>the law of your life experience, the rising, pulsating Mother flame exposes that law of sin and allows you to repent and to experience that remission of sins which takes place within your very own temple when the law of sin and the consequences of sin—the responsibilities for the transgression of the law of life—are surrendered into the all-consuming white fire, sacred fire, Mother flame.

The Mother flame and the ascension flame are one. This pure white light that issues from the Source is the crystal clear river of water of life. <5>  And the fire flowing through crystal waters is the all-purifying and all-knowing ascension flame.

Guru Ma is the name given and the mantle worn by the teacher who teaches the path of Self-realization through the Mother flame—devotion to purity of consciousness manifest in the Word and Work of the Lord and to the raising up of the Mother light (the Kundalini) in the ascension coil. The path of the Mother leads to soul liberation through the ritual of the ascension taught and demonstrated for thousands of years by the avatars of East and West.

The one called Guru Ma is a devotee of God who is devoted to his manifes­tation of the Mother principle of Life. The Guru Ma teaches his/her chelas the way of the Christ and the Buddha who were both devotees of the Mother flame. Through the path of devotion to Mother and the Mother flame, one embodies more and more of the divine personality of the Mother in her role as counterpart to the Trinity.

As the active personality of the Father, the Mother is called Shakti. She personifies his mind and energy, abundance and truth as the active, energizing love of himself throughout the manifest creation. Without God as Mother, the material universe would still be “without form, and void” and darkness would still be “upon the face of the deep.” <6>

The Mother light which lights up the galaxies is actually the Father’s light in feminine form. Mother is the negative polarity of the Godhead—the ‘other side’ of Father who holds the positive ‘Spirit’ polarity of the Mother manifestation.

Adoration of the Mother establishes the heart tie of the devotee to the God who is nearest and dearest because She is Him in Matter. By establishing that tie, the devotee links himself to the Father through the Mother. In reality it is the Father’s desire that we know him first through the Mother—that we receive her love and creative disciplines, that we are prepared for our relationship with him as the Trinity through her path that leads Home.

The teachings of all true gurus begin with Mother. They are guru because they love Mother. The highest Guru to a planetary evolution, the “God of the Earth,”7 is the Lord of the World because he embraces Mother and is her foremost disciple.

The Mother’s chelas are always her representatives in the leadership of the nations. They rise and fall as they pass or fail their initiations under her careful eye. And everyone who knows Mother knows that her eye is all-seeing, persistent, and penetrating. Through it she delivers the judgment that separates the Real from the unreal—because she first holds the immaculate conception as the perfect matrix for each of God’s children and then lets fall his sacred fire to the utter consuming of all that is unlike him.

Many resent the Mother because of her directness in stripping her children of their illusions—especially when they are attached to their fantasies and ego-involvements. I would hasten your deliverance from all that is unreal and even from the fallen ones who from you would steal the light of the eternal glow ray. Be not concerned. For though they have witnessed the Truth for thousands of years and though they have been given free association with the members of our bands, they, when they have separated themselves out by their own darkness and dark deeds, have been incapable of witnessing to the Truth incarnate in the very person of our messengers and chelas.

We set the course for the overcomers who understand the meaning of the defense of the Matter cube. The six sides of the cube, each claiming the four right angles of God’s personality manifest in Spirit and in Matter, must be guarded by and through the cooperation of the ascended masters and their chelas, the angelic hosts, and all elemental life. Yes, indeed, six sides of the cube call for the guardian action of the sacred fire. And the twelve gates of the City Foursquare8 mark the entrances and the exits of the magnificent geometry of the white cube.

The white cube is for the precipitation ‘on earth as in heaven’ of the stronghold of the Great White Brotherhood. The threefold flame of all hearts united through the initiations of the ascension is the very stronghold of our Brotherhood in form and formlessness. Wherever there is an ascended master, wherever there is a chela of that master engaging his light and engaged on the path of ascension’s disciplines, there is the presence of our Brotherhood intact, lighthearted and joyous by the flow of the figure-eight spiral that connects the reality of all worlds.

“Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” <9>is the prevailing theme of the avatars who come to demonstrate the path of God-mastery. To lower into manifestation by the threefold flame that which is above, that it might become that which is below—this, this is the course to which the ascended masters direct their chelas.

Our purpose, then, for inaugurating the fourteen-month spiral of ascension’s flame and of the initiations of the fourteen stations of the cross has been and remains to establish the Matter cube as the white cube in the heart of every unascended member of the Great White Brotherhood.

At summer solstice 1979, six months after the inauguration of this magnificent opportunity to accelerate the Mother flame, I came again to Camelot to remind you of the responsibility to be mindful as the tests of the fourteen stations would unfold at the change of the sun sign each month.

The first half of the fourteen under the Alpha current and the second half under the Omega current provide you with the opportunity to go over the cycles of sowing and reaping <10>through the masculine and feminine aspects of each of the seven rays. The testings of the fourteen stations therefore become the opportunity for you and your beloved twin flame to transmute an extraordinary momentum of personal and planetary karma.

As you receive this Pearl of Wisdom you will be experiencing the final month, January 20 through February 19, of the intensification of the challenges of which I spoke when I told you that you would meet unheard of and untold initiations. Therefore I came to prepare you, to admonish you not to forget, and to tell you that should you forget you might very well be overtaken in the way of the path of initiation on the Ruby Ray.

I told you then that Lord Sanat Kumara could wait no longer to deliver the intense sacred fire so necessary for the conclusion of cycles of life and death midst earth and her evolutions. You who have experienced and borne with the Mother the recent misinterpretations of a misinformed press of the motives and acts of the messengers and members of our community of the Holy Spirit should place in perspective that anti-Holy Spirit, spirit of condemnation which manifests in those who are threatened by the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden, by the Cherubim and the flaming sword. <11>  These are also threatened by my reality as I stand in the name of Sanat Kumara the sponsor of the open door through Luxor whereby this Great One, the Ancient of Days, has delivered his message of liberation to the souls for whom it has been prepared from the beginning to sit upon his right hand. <12>

The shrinking-man syndrome of which our Father spoke at the New Year’s conference is indeed the syndrome of the synthetic self which senses the reduction of the life-force and the crystal cord as the judgment descends increment by increment. Those who dare then to be the instrument of the Lord’s judgment through the fiery invocations of The Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism and the hierarchies of the Ruby Ray count not the cost but indeed with the messenger are willing to pay the price to establish the stronghold of the Great White Brotherhood in physical manifestation for and on behalf of earth and her evolutions.

We have given to our messengers and chelas the full awareness of the requirements for the defense of the Matter cube, for the reinforcement of the light within the chakras, and for the survival of the remnant of the Woman’s seed who endure with her in the wilderness because they understand the equation of life in an altogether imperfect world where War, Famine, Plague, and Death must be met and conquered face to face physically, mentally, emotionally, and etherically.

The Brotherhood at Luxor will not be intimidated by Serpent and his seed abroad in the land who would make war with the remnant of the Christed ones. <13>  Rather do we accelerate the power of the Word, the spoken and the printed Word—rather do we amplify light in the hearts of all.

Let the chips fall. For the acceleration of the light is the cure-all. That identity which is real becomes more real with the acceleration. That identity which is unreal is spun off, layer upon layer, until all of life returns to Life and that which entertains death and the death consciousness is no more.

Let the piercing light of illumination’s flame from the heart of the World Teachers, the Cosmic Christs, and the brothers of our wisdom-ray retreats show forth the real meaning of the path of the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas and the real purpose of the presence of Jophiel and Christine and their numberless legions who come to teach the children of God the true way of the education of the heart.

As the sun moves into the cosmic cross of illumination’s flame under the hierarchy of Pisces on February 19, so we come to celebrate the conclusion of one set of the fourteen stations and to inaugurate a second. This further intensification of the light of ascension’s flame and of the path of the Mother within you is the dispensation of Sanat Kumara which I joyously announce to you today.

For the ending and the beginning of another acceleration of the light of Lemuria, we come to Camelot with a seminar for Keepers of the Flame on The Education of the Heart. The weekend of February 22 through 26 will be a celebration of the chelas in the glorious ascension flame of the messengers Godfre and Lanello.

Our lectures and dictations on ascended master education, the psychology of the soul, and the problems of education in America will begin Friday evening and conclude on Sunday evening. You who are able to be present for the celebration of Lanello’s ascension day on February 26 will also hear Sanat Kumara’s promised dictation, a progress report on activities within the organization and within the planetary body. You will hear from Lanello, from the Karmic Board, and from me as well.

I also announce to you that with the thrust of illumination’s flame that comes from the second ring of the great causal body of life in this second cycle of the fourteen stations out of the flame of the Great Pyramid, I am authorizing the messenger and staff to publish certain of my dictations which I shall direct to be the companion volume to the Dossier on the Ascension and to be used with the dictations and lectures of our weekend retreat on the path of the ascension held in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, August 1979.

Through that seminar we set the forcefield for the ascension of the Ascended Lady Master Kristine, your own Florence Jeannette Miller. So, too, we set the forcefield for much that is yet to be fulfilled individually in the God-victorious example of our chelas.

The Darjeeling Council commends the Keepers of the Flame for their delivery of the light to the earth through their dynamic decrees at the New Year’s conference and through the teaching centers and study groups as well as the individual hearts of lightbearers everywhere.

This very day El Morya has stood in his council chamber before ascended masters and unascended chelas who regularly attend our planning sessions. His announcement, which I transfer to you, is this:  Due to the rising tide of world karma in the Dark Cycle, the quarterly conferences are no longer sufficient to hold the balance for planetary conditions. And therefore, a two-day seminar will be convoked four times a year to reinforce the light released at the cardinal points of the year.

This weekend seminar, then, is the opportunity for lightbearers to demonstrate at Camelot for the Great White Brotherhood and its messengers, for the integrity of our outer organization, our staff, and our representatives throughout the field. Let the chelas of the Mother gather together to demonstrate in the most effective manner that fulfills all of the law in Spirit and in Matter—through the science of the spoken Word and through becoming the chalice that we might fill with our light and love and consciousness.



I stand staunch with the messengers and chelas who understand the Goal and that goalfittedness which is required for the defense of the Matter cube.


1. Josh. 24:14,15.

2. Matt. 5:18.

3. Rom. 7.

4. I John 3:4.

5. Rev. 22:1,2.

6. Gen. 1:1,2.

7. Rev. 11:4.

8. Rev. 21:9-17.

9. Matt. 6:10.

10.. Gal. 6:7.

11.. Gen. 3:22-24.

12. Matt. 20:23.

13. Rev. 12.