Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 24 No. 1 - Beloved Mother Mary - January 4, 1981



The Relevancy of Your Own Christhood in This Age
by Beloved Mother Mary
given at Camelot, December 14, 1980


Hearts of infinite longing, I come for the consolation of Israel and Judah. I come for the consolation of the Woman and her seed, the blessed children of the light upon earth.

Let the tribes of the earth that mourn now rejoice. For a new day is born!  It is the new beginning of a cosmic cycle and of the consecration of the place where the Lord is incarnate anew. Bethlehem–the place prepared, the place for the coming of the star and for the coming of those who were to play a role as instruments of light piercing the gloom, tearing the veil, and revealing God face-to-face.

God symbolized and actualized in the newborn child is truly the greatest hope of the world to mother, to father, to God above and angels, shepherds abiding, and all those who are waiting for the consolation of Israel, <1> for the lifting up of the remnant, for the return to the glory of the Ancient of Days. Thus he came to us. Thus we chose and were chosen to be bearers of the Christ Child.

A new era has turned. A new light has determined that God should appear and reappear in this decade.

I come then to touch the hearts of those who keep the flame of Life burning, waiting for the coming of the Lord. I come to touch hearts and to heal them of their hardness–turning a deaf ear to the commandments of God, to the Word of my son Jesus.

Let those whose ears have been willfully deafened now receive the light, now receive the piercing light and the sound that penetrates–the impenetrable sound truly that penetrates now, now for the victory of the soundless sound that is already the Word resounding from within. And those who have stopped their ears at the preaching of Saint Stephen, <2> let them also know that this sound of Almighty God, this sound of the Son descending as filigree light, will not be stopped by willfulness, by ignorance, by any force or form whatsoever. For the Lord’s day is nigh. The inundation of light from his star is appearing even now.

Let these hearts, then, that have been troubled, let these hearts that have not been the full flowering of divinity in many a century, be turned once again to God at this holy season when the Advent of the Saviour is uppermost in world thought and therefore can be multiplied by your own fervent intercession.

Have you thought of yourself as an intercessor with me before the throne of grace on behalf of the children of the light who know not the way to go?  Have you thought of yourself as bearing the prayers of the little children with their angels, with the Lord Jesus Christ?  Have you thought of yourselves standing as I stand–a mediatrix twixt the God Self and unascended mankind?

Blessed hearts, take this mantle, for it is already appearing in the sky. Take this mantle of Elijah descending!  Take then the opportunity to defend those who are without defense, to defend the poor and those who are the widowed. Let the light of God that never fails be upon you. For millions shall cry out to thee–to thy star, to thy light–in desperation, ere the year turns.

Therefore let us watch and pray. Let us keep the vigil of the continents. Let us keep the vigil of the Manchild. Let us remain close to the holy stable. Let us remain close to the crèche. Let us realize that this oneness and this gathering of initiates of the Brotherhood–out of the East, out of the West, from above and below, angels and elementals–is for the reinforcement of the Christos, for the birth of that Christos.

My beloved, let Bethlehem and the Nativity now be enshrined in your heart. If you desire a replica of this Nativity–brought forth upon this altar by your own gracious love offerings at the request of Saint Germain <3>–should also now be erected within your own heart at your own altar, you need only give the sign of assent to my angels who come to establish a sacred miniature light, a focus and forcefield of these personages of the Godhead–seven in attendance at the birth of the Saviour, representatives of three worlds and of the fourth.

Thus the Saviour comes for the integration of the worlds above and below. And those who attend his blessing are those who will follow the path of the seven rays to their own Christhood.

How sacred, most sacred is the coming now of the holy angels, who in their ministration so hallow thy heart and thy heart’s chalice. The salutation of these angels from your own heart to their own is also most necessary. Therefore let us say:

Hail, angels of the Christ Mass!

Hail, angels of the Christ Mass!

Thus they come. Thus they salute the Word. Thus they adore the Christ within you.

Beloved hearts, it is relevance as well as reverence that we must dwell upon: the relevancy of your own Christhood in this age, your Self-esteem, esteeming the Light of God within your own temple. This is the great gift that you bring to friends and family wherever you go in this hour–the Self-esteem.


Lo, the Word cometh!
Lo, the Word is where I AM!
O God, make me worthy.
I AM worthy.
Make me worthy.
I AM worthy.

Thus the Omega light enfolds a planet. And Omega’s angels attend this rebirth of Christ the King.

Let the shining of your star, beloved hearts, produce an equivalency of relevancy in the hearts of those who are near you who feel the auric emanation of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and of the holy angels and the saints robed in white who also gathered at the birth of Lord Jesus–who gather at thine own birth.

Let there be a transmittal of holy freedom!  Let the proclamation of your own lips be heard throughout the land: 

This is the day for the appearing of the Lord where I AM!

I will shine forth as the sun.

For my own mighty I AM Presence is come down unto me

To keep the vigil of the Christ Mass.

Not your errors, beloved ones, but your victories, not your diseases but your healings, not the records of death but Life raised up will renew in you the course of your own native path of holy innocence.

Trusted ones of the light, we have entrusted the teachings of the Brotherhood not to mortal man but to the Son of man in you all!  Ours is a sacred trust; and through it and by your love our Brotherhood makes its thrust into the new year.

And where shall the star of your own Christhood appear?  Shall it be over this or that manifestation of injustice–flaming sun center correcting, coercing life to obey its inner blueprint?  Shall the star come to rest over the place in Washington, D.C., where God-government is intended to be?  Shall it come to rest over areas of famine and plague and torment and strife and war?  Shall it come to rest over the place of holiday celebrations caught up in outer manifestation as well as in the inner ritual of the heart that also comes to those who commune wherever they are–in the silent night of nirvana, in the appearing of the Light come down out of nirvana once again to be the inhabiter of the earth?

Lo, He spans the octaves!  Lo, His expanded awareness of the Cosmic Christs includes ye all!  Lo, the dimensions of the mind of God in Christ Jesus–points of light in the starry firmament of God’s being–becomes now congruent with your own star of light. And all of you, as the body of God, form a Milky Way in the earth–starry clusters of sacred fire, the fire infolding itself, consuming distress and disease and dishonor.

For the representatives of this people in private commerce and in government, in the banking houses–blessed hearts, many of these have become the betrayers of the people while others stand firm, wedded to the Rock of the inner Light. But the spoilers are many. And the soldiers of Herod await the opportunity, not God-bestowed, to slay that Manchild.

Sometimes it is necessary to heed the warning of the angel of the Lord to flee into Egypt, <4> the white fire core of the Mother, into a haven of safety, while the fallen ones pass by in hot pursuit of the Light which they cannot kill or capture. Yet they would try and they would assail the blessed body temples of my children. Sometimes it is necessary to go within, as it is in this season, to keep the flame of Life on earth. And then again it becomes necessary to go out, to cry out unto the people the name of God, to acquaint them with that “unknown God” as ye are followers of the dear apostle Paul. <5> So the signs and the seasons of the cycles of the delivery of God’s Word are at hand.

Let this hour then be for the intense vigil within the white fire core of the heart of the Nativity, of my own heart where I welcome you, and of the messenger’s heart where you are bidden to enter to commune also with the Guru Padma Sambhava. Let the fruit of this season of the Christ Mass be your own integration in the five secret rays and their initiations. For you will see with the coming of the archangels such an intensity of light, such high-flying spirals of acceleration from the Central Sun, that you will want to leap and catch the fiery rings in the very air as they swing you closer to the star of your own mighty I AM Presence and the Central Sun of being.

Truly, the Class of the Archangels is long awaited!  And I AM their spokesman even as I ensconce the Mother flame, as above and below. We have pondered together just when there would be, then, a firm enough foundation abuilded in the earth for us to release this great light.

Thus the hour is come. And all is set. And we look forward to your journeying to this Egypt, this forcefield of the Mother, during that period of celebration of the white light of the new year.

We look forward to your following the mighty angel to the haven of light where in the circle fire, the hallowed circle of the light, there shall be that manifestation which also came to us in the hours of our experience in this ancient land where great souls of light had gone before, even been martyred for the victory of the light of the one God.

To Egypt all must return. For it is the base-of-the-spine chakra symbolic. And therefore to the fount of Life, to the base of Life, return for transmutation of all misuses of that ascension flame and to rise step-by-step the spiral staircase unto the victory of the crown of Life in the heart of Gautama Buddha.

Thus this is a year of accelerating initiations beginning with the base-of-the-spine chakra and culminating in the crown. Thus we will deliver to you the understanding of these initiations and that of the eighth ray so that the personages of the Godhead, seven in number and the eighth, might be a part of your own identification with the holy will of God.

Thus Sanat Kumara unfolds a year of opportunity in the name of beloved Portia and Saint Germain. And I come, most blessed hearts, with comfort, with greetings of light and the sealing of this quarter of Summit University and of all souls who have partaken of our communion cup.

I seal you in holy truth. I seal you in the rebuke of all ignorance and error and misuse of the light. I seal you in my love. I seal you in my chastening ray. I seal you in the body and blood of the Lord. I seal you in his sacred sword. I seal you, blessed hearts, for a most notable victory and the acceleration of light, light, light!

With God all things are possible. We rejoice to see Keepers of the Flame everywhere making possible the earnest desire of God to appear and reappear in hearts the world o’er.

In the name of my beloved son, Amen.


Nativity scene on the altar at Camelot.  Thanks to the generous love offerings of Keepers of the Flame, this Nativity was secured in response to the dispensation of Saint Germain:  “In searching for that manger, even the ark of safety where the Nativity should be immaculately guarded, we have selected this very altar of the Holy Grail for the display of the Nativity that shall become a cosmic focus of the birth of Christ to this planetary body....We are therefore beholding now the etheric lowering into manifestation of this Nativity, and the etheric blueprint is set, and now you can feel the light emanations of the hearts of the participants beginning to radiate from this very forcefield....Through this focus, beloved hearts, we will establish anew a momentum of the Holy Family, the opportunity of sons and daughters to bring forth the Christed ones–opportunity for that magnificent cooperation of angels, ascended masters and men, elemental life, without which there could not have been the Piscean dispensation. I encourage you to fast and pray that you might also have the vision of the Virgin and the Manchild, the very one whom I held in my arms and adored as the Saviour of the World. Thus by the duplication of the image and the replica of our life, worlds upon worlds can once again be established in this octave.”  (November 22, 1980. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23 no. 48, p. 333.) This Nativity scene was placed on the altar precisely where Saint Germain stood when delivering the dictation. The hardwood figures are approximately 25” in height, hand-carved and hand-painted in Italy. This focus of the Nativity will remain on the altar until the right to life of every child of God is guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America–the right to live to realize the personal Christ potential. We encourage you to keep your own Nativity scene in a special place in your home or on your altar until this victory for the Lord is accomplished.


1. Luke 2:25.

2. Acts 7:54-60.

3. Saint Germain, “The Watchman of the Night,” November 22, 1980, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23 no. 48, pp. 332-33.

4. Matt. 2:13, 14.

5. Acts 17:23.