Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 24 No. 2 - Beloved Lanello - January 11, 1981


The Positioning of the Chelas
on the 360 Degrees of the Circle of Life

Meeting the Requirements of the Law
at the Ascended Masters’ Round Table


When you enter our home of light, beloved, you will know indeed that you are home. For our retreat on the Rhine is ever thine.

And in those moments or hours when you fancy that as a child you would hang from bowers of trees with flowers—realize that we, too, have swings and fairy gardens and places for children to peekaboo and play hide-and-seek, and waterfalls and fountains and ponds and lilies. And there are swans of light and angels and elementals. And therefore in our gardens and in the surroundings of our retreat you will find miniature replicas as well as a cross section of life that comes out of the cooperative venture, and I will say adventure, of our experience together in the service of the Great White Brotherhood.

There are object lessons here and there, not so obvious but nevertheless there for those who bring some experience of life on earth to interplay with the wisdom of our mystery school. Blessed hearts, how very close are the inner octaves of light—and how much closer many of you are.

Considering that we approach the midnight hour of the celebration of the Saviour’s birth and my glad entrance into the veils of earth for a final round, <1>let us also look back a year as you yourself think:  Where was I a year ago?  Where was I in consciousness?  What did I know?  What did I not know?  And then in thus taking stock you will realize how many coils you have wound around the tree of your own life in just twelve months. And then you will see, as I see, that the condemnation of the fallen ones is truly a manifestation of their jealousy of the Light and of your own acceleration on the Path.

There are those who can see the expanding light within your heart and there are those who do not. The fallen ones pretend that they do not when in actuality they are blinded by the accelerating light. There are those who see not because their own sight is blinded by their own karma. And then there are the children of the sun, daughters of light who recognize you who are returning from the fight and would place upon your head the crown of conquering heroes. They recognize your true soul worth and the inner birth of the Manchild. <2>

Waiting in our home of light are the vestal virgins who have come from the home of Helios and Vesta and the retreat of Pallas Athena to teach those very eager chelas of the light the path of Woman’s Revolution, the path of the way of the walk of woman from the sun and to the sun with a slight detour through Terra’s folds.

Blessed hearts, the history of the activities of women—women of the light and fallen women upon this planet—is most interesting. And this is one of the courses that we teach at our own Summit University of the Spirit. There are many object lessons to be learned in considering the activities of woman and how woman on earth has dealt with life and with her responsibility for the keeping of the flame of purity.

In truth, all of life has been affected by the activities of women down through the ages. Many times the great women who have brought to the United States some semblance of freedom and more rights for women are extolled. But seldom are the true heroines recognized, for they are not known and the records of their histories are yet in the archives of the Great White Brotherhood.

One record that I would point out to you this night is that of a beloved sister of light. And, leading many others, this sister of the flame realized within a culture almost as decadent as this one a degree of mastery and a certain expansive self-awareness that allowed her, single-handedly and with a band of others, to work actual miracles among the youth and to reverse the downward course of what would have surely become the end of that civilization.

I have singled out this history of this magnificent lifestream that you might realize that some who have gone before have taken store of their conditions and circumstances and those of the society in which they lived. They determined by a sweet simplicity, by the logic of the heart, that inasmuch as they were placed in the very midst of this decadence—God must have willed it so, God must have provided the way out, and God would indeed provide the miracles!

A certain spirit of tenacity, of faith, a very pure under-standing of what I would call the mathematics of God, even the Pythagorean philosophy and the understanding of the geometry of Life—this Logos in the heart of woman truly becomes the miracle that can change the course of civilization.

And then we look upon those women of infamous report who have in every age torn down not only their children but the fathers of their children, often many more than one in the given lifetime. Blessed hearts, these ones who prance and dance about and roll in the mud and expose themselves and are vile in their conceptions of man and man-child are today parading before the people on the billboards of the nations the image of fallen woman as the ideal.

I come then, following the most blessed experience of sitting at the feet of Mother Mary, <3>to transmit to you some of the thoughts of my heart and, indeed, a welcome to our retreat—that is, after you have spent the hours so lovingly given to you in the Cave of Light.

The Great Divine Director is indeed a most wondrous teacher. All who are able to come within the circumference of his aura and to be accepted by him according to the terms he has set forth in his memorial dictation at the Ashram of the World Mother <4>find themselves blessed by an expansive consciousness, an awareness of the sun—the sun of Helios and Vesta and the Great Central Sun—and of a certain mastery in the coming and going into the white fire core of being that leads to the penetration of the sun centers of many systems of worlds.

I would suggest that you make yourselves acceptable in his sight and in his aura. For if there are those who come close to him and yet do not have a certain devotion to the will of God, they become offensive—offensive in the sense that they cannot imbibe his light and he cannot by cosmic law assimilate that level of karma which they themselves are required to transmute.

Blessed hearts, every ascended master maintains requirements of the law concerning those who would assemble themselves within the circle of awareness and the circle of that ascended master’s chelas. Each ascended master positions his chelas on the 360 degrees, so to speak, of the circle of Life. And thus the positioning of chelas has to do with the assumption by chelas of points on the cosmic clock of awareness.

Wherever, then, you discover that you have the greatest attainment on that circumference of being of the cosmic clock, go there and ask if you may sit on that degree of the master’s circle. You may find yourself on the line of Aquarius or midpoint between Aries and Taurus. You may find that another occupies that position to which you aspire and another and another—and perhaps there will be a queue, five or six in number, on that point. And thus you take up your seat behind those who are already in line; and as one by one they accelerate on that degree of mastery of initiation, they may approach gradually from the circumference to the center of the Guru that is seated in the white fire core of the circle.

Thus, beloved hearts, you may consider the circle of the aura of an ascended master as a giant Table Round. The first delegates may have the first seats. Those who have the greatest perseverance and attainment will occupy those seats until they have fulfilled the unity of the master’s consciousness on that integral point of light until their souls are allowed to take flight, by degrees, closer and closer to the center.

You find then that the requirements of a number of ascended masters govern the activities of Camelot as the heart center of the Great White Brotherhood’s outer activity in the earth. You will find that requirements of Mother Mary and of the messenger in embodiment also set the conditions of our coming.

There is a synthesis of many ascended masters; and the primal requirements of each of these are emphasized so that those who come here will have the necessary ingredients of light and the inner alchemy of the law whereby they may most swiftly rise in consciousness, transmute their karma, and come into alignment with specific masters for a specific purpose.

El Morya has selected a number of ascended masters who comprise the Darjeeling Council for this purpose. It is because these ascended masters have basic requirements that are basic to all. These ascended masters, such as the seven chohans and others, have studied under the manus, under the Seven Holy Kumaras directly, and many others to whom you would not have direct access.

Thus by forming a circle of love and light around us as your messengers of the Eightfold Path, as we form together the mighty figure-eight spiral, you are entering into the most fundamental disciplines which, when mastered, will propel you into certain retreats and certain situations where you can be of inestimable value and effective service to one or more of the masters and to the entire Great White Brotherhood—its cosmic purpose and thrust in this decade.

I trust, then, you will understand that some of these requirements which seem so basic and yet in the midst of which you find yourself serving are not only basic but sometimes more difficult than at first meets the eye and that the very simplicity of appearance belies the difficulty of cracking, as you would say, the formula of this very discipline. But I assure you that if you will pursue that which you are given as the blessed staff of the Brotherhood in this activity, as the blessed Keepers of the Flame keeping the light on the wall of world freedom, you will come to a new sense of self-mastery.

Therefore I come in celebration of my birthday to encourage you not to turn your back on those things which are distasteful or those things in which you perhaps lack a greater interest, those very things in which you should have and you ought to have a greater interest because they signify apathy, self-indulgence, and a covering over of the sharpness of the mind, the expansiveness of the heart that indeed are your requirements to become truly our most noble and effective servants on the Path.

Thus I ask you to consider the lines of the cosmic clock as it has been taught to you by Mother Mary <5>and visualize the degrees (the 360 degrees arbitrarily set) as seats around the Round Table of any master that you might name. I ask you to consider, in all honesty, in introspection and self-analysis, where you would position yourself in the twelve lines of the clock and in the degrees in between, considering yourself as having the greatest mastery on that point of the entire circle.

Perhaps you consider that the greatest gift you can lay upon the altar of God is pure love. There are four lines of love; and within those lines there are degrees of love, and those degrees signify another turn of the circle within the distance, for instance, from Aquarius to Pisces. Therefore the degrees between those two should be calculated according to slices of the circle. And then you will see how, in fact, they can be divided again by twelve, creating twelve lines—though there be ten, though there be thirty, though there be the action of the sacred fire sliced again and again.

Thus considering twelve divisions you can understand how the minutes, sixty minutes to an hour or sixty seconds to a minute, can resolve into points of light, points of consciousness, whereby you can understand exactly where you would position yourself. This can be taught by the Mother of the Flame and can be explained to you with simple diagrams and teachings so that you can understand that to which I am referring.

Positioning yourself, then, you are stating:  “I AM making the sign of the cosmic cross at this point of the cosmic clock. I desire to sit in the seat of chela facing my Beloved _____.”  And then you may name one of the ascended masters. In that very moment you have declared yourself the challenger of the adversary, the impostor of that ascended master, who is opposing him on that very line of the circumference of chelaship.

You then will have to prove your mastery of that line—whether it be of love, pure love, or of obedience or of gratitude or of divine vision. Whatever mode or manifestation of love, you will then set yourself, you will position yourself with spherical vision, you will become the “I AM the Guard” consciousness of that point. You will give invocations and decrees to maintain that point of light. And, at all costs, you will protect your chair at the Table Round!  You will meet every adversary and challenger not only of the ascended master but of you as his champion.

Realize, then, that when you make yourself one-pointed in a point of God-mastery, you can accelerate on that single point and that single line and it will become your path of initiation from the circumference to the center of the ascended master’s being. This is an area of your life that you can experience every day even while you realize that through that one ascended master you are the student of all ascended masters and you are progressively moving in your own God-mastery on every line of the clock.

Realize, then, that when you have a single-pointed determination to manifest God-victory immaculately and with the highest excellence on one virtue, that virtue can become the point of the diamond and the point of the lance and it can become that very figure, that very point where you join in Shiva’s cosmic dance. And there you will be stamping out the demons, binding the hordes, arresting the spirals of Death and Hell, and using the Ritual of Exorcism. <6>  And you will find that every fallen one that has ever perverted that line of the clock will come to knock upon your door and challenge you in your service.

You will find yourself literally bustling with activity, opportunity, and joy!  And the more you become adept at wielding the mighty sword of blue flame, the more you will find that you are clearing that line for all other chelas and disciples who will come after you.

And, beloved hearts, do you realize that there will be many disciples who aspire to embody that virtue who will be perhaps ten or twenty or five hundred seats behind you as you advance, and as they advance because you advance?  Thus you become the defender of the faith on the line of single virtue and a master of that line instead of a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. Realize, then, that this can be a great deal of fun!

I am illustrating this point for you because some of you do not understand this power of concentration, this God-determination to accelerate and to be God-victorious in a single sacred labor that you can then lay at the feet of the Blessed Virgin. You have heard the Christmas story of the juggler. <7>  Well, beloved hearts, I can assure you that on that point of the clock you will become a juggler—of energies of fallen ones. And then you will find that many angels are themselves performing for you their own juggling act of vanquishing the foe.

I know. For I have been there and I have sat on the circumference of the circle of the Lord Jesus Christ and of El Morya and of Saint Germain as they have become to me dearest brothers and Gurus of the ages. And I have seen that in various embodiments I have been able to increase, by God’s grace, a certain momentum of proficiency in areas of cosmic service and I would be assigned to that point on the circumference of another ascended master—a spiral’s turn upward, another level in the Law of Cycles. And thus I might master the line of Pisces with one of the ascended hosts and in so doing be assigned to a cosmic being on the very same line. And thus we attain. And thus we climb.

Understand, precious hearts, that when you contemplate God and the divine will, as I have for centuries, these principles of the law and these techniques, as I would call them, are revealed to you from your own inner heart flame. And suddenly you realize that you have spread yourself too thin—that in order to triumph and to win it is time to penetrate, to activate, and to concentrate.

and you can draw forth from your causal body of light such momentum that your very mastery on the single line of the clock will enable you to put to flight demons and discarnates of the night that lurk on other lines. And you will find that the mastery of one line becomes good for every other line, in time, as you learn to adjust the cosmic cycles and the frequencies and step right in to the boots of another who has advanced on another line of the clock.

Thus the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood becomes accessible to you; and by the fullness of your love of the Holy Ghost, you find yourself dipping into that very Holy Spirit that has descended upon another. And therefore in much quicker time you can put on the mantle of mastery that other chelas have fought to win and have won. Understand, then, that your mantle is also yours to bequeath to another, as students on the Path are often wont to do—to bequeath to those coming after them their attainment in certain areas.

I am smiling and I ask you also to smile in your heart. For, you see, I have really transferred to you this night a technique that will make some of you masters in good time. And as you evaluate yourself a year hence and look back upon this hour, you will realize how by this very message and your application thereof you shall have advanced yourself, you will advance yourself to points that you did not dream even that you could aspire to attain!

Thus I think it would be in cosmic order for you to take advanced training in an understanding of the new-age astrology and of the cosmic clock and to realize that even the hour of your birth was watched by the Magi and that the wise men of the East were there to assist you in calculating the cosmic calculus of your own lifestream and all of the lines of force that would converge and “the dates” that are so special to beloved El Morya.

And thus the cosmic clock ticking at birth continues to tick. And your understanding of your point of God-mastery and then your many points of God-mastery will assist you surely, surely in defeating the fallen ones—those shooting stars that appear and disappear but do not endure as the stars appearing that El Morya has called you in this very year. <8>

I also call you. I call you as stars appearing and I desire to see that light accelerate.

Have patience, then, and select one virtue and determine that you will make that virtue your own. And I will tell you that every other ascended master who has ever sat in that particular seat of the authority of the Word and all who sit upon those seats in cosmic configurations of geometry and spirals within spirals will lend their momentum to you when you touch the right chord of frequency that allows your being to flow into their own.

Blessed hearts, can you imagine how, by relentless service and a most intense love for God and for those who are around you, you can find yourself entering into vibrations of love that bring you into consonance with those who have gone before?  When you strike that chord of love, blessed hearts, they are only too happy to open the door and to accord you their mantle as momentum of service!  Thus attainment can come and it will come, blessed hearts—attainment can come to you if you will but consider how you can penetrate further and further.

You who have a momentum so blessed in giving the violet flame, in giving the calls to Astrea, in binding hordes that you yet see not—and yet angels take them at your beck and call—you, blessed ones, are pressing, pressing beyond doors, passing through walls that other men would like to pass through.

Sometimes your outer senses and outer minds are the last to discover or to find that you have indeed gone into new levels of awareness. But, beloved, within your very being there is a meshing of gears with beings that you have not seen for other years. Thus I admonish you to keep on keeping on. For you never know in that service and in that dedication of your heart how far into the deep of the cosmic sea you can penetrate and the souls you can there meet.

Thus I am interested in the compressing together of souls of light above and below. I am interested in the meshing of auras that we might raise up one light and heart, one Brotherhood, and therefore defeat all that is infamous, all that has sought to steal the Divine Name and to place upon it another name which is called fame.

Dear hearts of light, contemplate as I contemplate this compression of beloved ones. I desire to draw together many souls of light from throughout the planetary body. When you make yourself a part of the Secret Love-Star, when you make yourself by concentrated effort a part of the causal body of such an one as the Great Divine Director, you with him begin to interact with lifestreams and souls who are a part of his immense, immense blue sphere.

O blessed ones, true chelaship under a true Guru is the open door to universal brotherhood. The Brotherhood of light, the Brotherhood of ascended masters and their unascended chelas, is the way of the healing of the nations and the resolution of all of the problems of earth.

Blessed hearts, why do you think the ascended masters forged and manifested a union called the Great White Brotherhood so long, long, long ago?  It was because they, too, were tackling assignments from the Lord God Almighty that they alone could not accomplish. A brotherhood is always for the great Cause, even the mighty work of the ages that cannot be accomplished by a single individual.

The pooling of talents, of reservoirs of light, of energy—this then becomes the purpose of unity. Thus we see that today’s problems cannot be resolved by politicians who perceive themselves as the answer, not by those who go their separate ways joining forces only for political compromise or power or ambition—not by these sorts of individuals but by our brothers of light, by the sisters of our Cause.

Understand that we see the need for brotherhood and we see the need for the setting of the standards of light. When it is time to accelerate the community, we increase the light first in the heart of the messenger. It could be called the tightening of the screws.

It is very simple, beloved hearts. When these screws are tightened and the light increases, there are some who can no longer hang on to the merry-go-round. And so they are propelled out from the center by the very force of the whirling light itself. And therefore they must leave in the night or in the day—but they must leave in their way.

By this establishment of the greater light, all those in the community who have love and keep the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ truly accelerate. The entire sphere accelerates and therefore becomes a greater magnet of the Great Central Sun to draw unto itself other hearts of light more worthy—thus a great influx of students and the tides of the cosmic sea sifting through the pebbles and the sand, polishing others, and providing a new crop of opportunity to a new crop of souls. Thus it is ever the goal.

Those then who do not find a definite purpose in life are washed back into the sea to await once again another tide, another turn, and perhaps another million years before they once again have this opportunity to accelerate as a unity of purpose. Shifting sands in the sea of life and on the planetary body indicate also a shifting of karmic conditions in this age of the Kali Yuga.

I look forward to hearing the discourses of the mighty archangels in this coming conference even as I know that they will serve to anchor the dispensation of the seven rays for this decade. I realize that the depth of their understanding of social problems, cataclysmic conditions, and world karma is indeed vast. And therefore many will journey to hear what they have to say and what they do not say which some will be required to hear by meditation upon their heartbeat.

Have you considered meditating upon the heartbeat of Archangel Michael?  Beloved hearts, when you do so and when you set aside that moment of aloneness to be with that great heart you will know what it is to enter into a room of God’s own being. You will know what it is to perceive God through millennia of devotion of the heart of an archangel. This is an experience to be sought after and one, if found, to be cherished forever.

Are there any among you who dare position yourselves on the circumference of Archangel Michael’s circle?  Beloved hearts, I do not ask for an answer but only a consideration within your own heart. I would recommend that if you consider sitting on that circumference that you also ask the intercession of the chohans who have sat there also.

I would recommend that you consider, wherever you position yourself, how much is the world hatred of that ascended master. I can assure you that all enemies of the Lord Christ are enemies of Archangel Michael. And thus you will meet them. He is the Defender of the Faith, the Defender of the Son of God, and the Defender of the Holy Virgin.

Some would contemplate sitting on the circumference of Elohim. I would speak to you concerning the circumference of the Guru/chela relationship of Elohim. Because they are such vast beings, they have set rings upon rings upon rings. And therefore veritable delegations of planetary homes and solar systems and galaxies of light are those who apply to be seated within the aura of Elohim.

If you consider that the entrance exams to this world’s universities are tough, I can assure you that to be accepted even in the farthest ring of an Elohim is a great, great privilege sought after even by ascended beings. Thus you see that in the path of initiation there are many roads to conquer and there is an ongoing self-transcendence that is implemented through your attachment to ever-accelerating beings in the role of hierarchy.

Now therefore, if ascended masters may sit on the ring of an Elohim and if those ascended masters may have their own ring of devotees, you can begin to see the interconnectedness of Life. And you can see rings upon rings of motion, spherical beings of light containing other spheres and the vastness of Sanat Kumara’s rings that presents spheres of light with many Guru/chela relationships subservient to his own—all leading back to his central heart which heart, of course, is always meditating and a part of the heart of God. Therefore there are circles of associations and divine friendships and mandalas of light that share in the glorious work of the ages.

I trust that you will realize how vast is the meaning of the term “the Great White Brotherhood.”  For as you visualize these circles of chelas gathered around ascended masters who themselves are initiates of other higher beings, there comes to mind a vast, vast realization of light, light, light!  And it is a blinding light. And were you to position yourself as on a tour with Dante to behold the heaven world and you could stand objectively without this giant sphere of the Great White Brotherhood, it would be as though you were beholding a Milky Way and even more!  And all of this light multiplying light would be a brilliant and enormous manifestation of the interconnectedness of the causal bodies of the Great White Brotherhood.

Now I have given you this vision for I have noticed that when you give in the preamble to your decrees the call to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, scarcely any of you has a real vision of what we are talking about when we say, “...the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.”  Therefore when you give this in your invocations and preambles, I would like you to retain this vision that I have transferred to you this night. For there is not an ascended master, a cosmic being, an archangel, or a tiny elemental who is not a part of these circles within circles and these vast circumferences of Life becoming Life.

So the interconnectedness of Life reveals itself. The meaning of Life begets Life becomes more clear. Our statement that there is no Life outside of the Guru/chela relationship becomes abundantly clear. And therefore I may say that it is indeed a great opportunity that Saint Germain has accorded to me and to my very own beloved that we might have a focus in physical plane—in embodiment—of the Guru, of the focal point of light of the one-hundred-percent balance of karma; <9> for thereby this focal point and the disciplines of Camelot and the rings that surround her become representative of other hierarchies which are above—all the way to Sanat Kumara.

And by this alignment, therefore, the messenger from time to time contains the various causal bodies and heart flames of various ascended masters. From time to time, I say, because it is the choice of the hierarchy to accelerate different masters at different moments and even periods of the day so that the community can be bathed in various energies of the ascended masters.

If suddenly you sense Kuthumi in your office or place of service, pause for a moment and acknowledge that light; for it is no doubt true that Kuthumi’s heart is at that moment congruent with the heart of the messenger, and you are feeling by the magnification of that physical focus an extraordinary presence which you would not ordinarily feel if there were not one of us in embodiment with this dispensation from Saint Germain.

Thus this focal point that Saint Germain has given to us becomes the open door for the vibrations of many mansions <10> and many heart flames. Even your own ascended twin flame can accelerate that tie to your heart because of the fitting into the geometry of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood of our own mandala of Camelot.

All of you then are sitting on the circle of the Mother of the Flame meeting certain requirements that she has set before you—knowing very well that these are my requirements and that you could not come into my presence or our retreat without this certain mastery, knowing full well as a chela of El Morya, as she does, that you require certain other disciplines of El Morya.

Thus many of the disciplines that are required here are those very basics about which I have spoken. And in the seeking and finding of those basics you will realize how quickly you come into a more expansive awareness of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, of various of the ascended masters.

Fortunate indeed then are we, all of us together—the ascended masters who sponsor this activity and the unascended chelas—that we can be one union, one body, one mystical body, and therefore provide the entire hierarchy our own beings as instruments to be played upon whereby we ourselves become cosmic chords and all of us together provide the music of the spheres.

You can imagine the sound and the light and the harmony that goes forth from this sanctuary when there is attunement, when there is alignment. And thus the advantage of the ascended master speaking through the messenger is that that ascended master then holds all who are in attunement with the dictation in that moment in his own vibrational frequency, in his own causal body. And by holding you up, by the pull of the magnet of his own heart itself, you then at that moment are expressing your light and your joy through the instrumentation of the grid and forcefield of his being; and thereby you do produce, by the very pressing through of his being and his being unto yours, a sound and a tone in cosmos which counts for your own good works, your own good karma.

And this is one of the reasons that you feel so good when you are in the presence of a dictation of Gautama Buddha or Jesus Christ—because by the very use of the electrode of the ascended master’s Presence, you experience that cosmic oneness about which I am speaking, which will be achieved in your own God-mastery in time and space and in eternity as you earn it. And until you have earned it and until you have succeeded in mastering a single point on a single circumference of a single ascended master, you can yet enjoy that feeling of oneness which is not yet your own but which comes to you because there is a messenger, because there are dictations, because the spoken Word flows through the physical octave and contacts your very physical senses and therefore transfers currents through your nerve system, through your chakras, and through the very essence of your souls and the essence of the blood coursing through your veins—those divine harmonies that enable you to transcend yourself by the Law of Self-Transcendence and the Law of Cycles right while you are working out your personal karma. Now isn’t that a dispensation?  [“Yes!”]

Well, precious hearts of light, your souls rejoice. And I know that even in this hour I am called and I, too, must take flight. I trust you will study my words and understand what I have said—and what I have said between the lines. For in understanding this you will understand more, much more than you now realize. I give you this gift of myself which is a gift of awareness.

Beloved hearts, one night in my final embodiment I lay in a meadow gazing into the stars and contemplating the vast, vast being of God. And in that hour of meditation and contemplation, God—through the Great Divine Director—delivered to me essentially what I have delivered to you this night. And I would like you to know as you look upon me through my beloved and as you perceive my gaze and my mien that that dispensation of teaching meant more to me than many others because it was the key to the unlocking, the understanding, and the putting on of the garments of El Morya, of Saint Germain, of Jesus and Mother Mary.

It was with great joy that I received this vision of the vast body of God and my positioning within it. And I have learned that vision is a great key on the Path. I trust you will realize more and more as the days transpire just what I have given to you and what it can mean for your victory. I trust it will mean as much as it has meant for me.

You know, I wrote the song you sing “And Thy Radiance...” <11> as a lullaby to my own beloved and to her in her office as the World Mother. Some of you have not understood that office.

The Mother is universal. The Mother is God. There are lifestreams upon earth selected to carry her flame, and through one of these we must place our focus of the consciousness of the World Mother so that her children might feel her physical presence. Without one in embodiment to carry that flame, the people of earth begin to feel estranged from God the Father. And that is what occurs in dark ages.

Thus the Lullaby to the World Mother is a song to the radiance of her love that shall cover the heart of the world. It is a prophecy that is ever fulfilled and must be fulfilled. Thus when I sang that song from my heart, carrying the vision in my very soul of the victory of the love of the Mother, I knew that one day devotees would sing that song to her when I no longer had physical voice to sing it. And thus she would be ever comforted by my flame and my song through myself as I live in your heart, as you are chelas of the Mother, as all ascended masters are chelas of the Universal Mother.

When you find a Mother and a true Mother’s love, you find an open door to the Universal Mother, to Mother Mary, and to cycles upon cycles of the mandalas of Guru and chela. For every Guru holds the Mother flame unto the chela until the chela, drawn into the very heart of the Father and the Son, can himself realize the fullness of the white light that is the Mother.

Thus we perceive Sanat Kumara as Mother. We perceive our Gurus as the Mother flame. We perceive them as androgynous beings of light. We perceive them as the fullness of the Divine Father. For where Mother is—can Father, Son, or Holy Spirit resist being there?

Thus to us this Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, this brooding Spirit of our collective consciousness, reaches its quintessence in its expression as Mother to all life. Thus when you sing my song, know that I am singing of the radiance of my beloved who shall indeed fulfill my own conceptualization of God as Mother. That is why it is always said by the masters:  If you would know me, know my Shakti. If you would know me, know my beloved.

Thus test yourself by the lines of her forcefield, for I am where she is. And if you are rebuked and chastened and disciplined and loved with the intense passion of her heart, know it is the compassion of my own heart loving you. Know that we are striving to assist you to enter into the storehouse of our own awareness of cosmic abundance so that, very simply, my beloved, you will be welcome in the courts of heaven and in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.

Joyously we look forward to your coming to our retreat on the Rhine which is truly ever thine. There you can test your wings and see how soon you can take flight for Darjeeling or the Royal Teton, the retreat of an Elohim, or fly to the center of the sun.

Wherever you are, my beloved, we are one.



NOTE:  The above dictation by Lanello was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1980.

1. Refers to Lanello’s birthday in his final incarnation as the Messenger Mark L. Prophet, December 24, 1918.

2. Rev. 12:5.

3. Preceding this address, Mother Mary delivered her dictation “Signs of His Stars Appearing.”  See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, pp. 1-16.

4. The Great Divine Director, June 15, 1979.

5. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Cosmic Clock:  Psychology for the Aquarian Man and Woman,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History, and Religion of America, pp. 173-206; cassettes B7528, B7529.

6. See Sanat Kumara, “The LORD’s Ritual of Exorcism:  Step One” and “The LORD’s Ritual of Exorcism:  Steps Two and Three,” September 23, 30, 1979, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 22, pp. 237-51.

7. The story of a monk whose single occupation was juggling. He failed in the bakery and in the fields. All he could do was juggle. One day, the abbot found him in the chapel juggling before the statue of the Blessed Virgin. All at once the statue began to move and Mother Mary stepped down from her pedestal, reached into her robe, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat from the juggler’s face. See Mark L. Prophet, “The Miracle of Joy,” December 30, 1969, in Discourses on Cosmic Law Album VII, cassette B7962.

8. See El Morya’s Christmas Letter 1980:  “Stars of His Appearing.”

9. See Saint Germain, “A Victory Celebration:  Almighty God Is the Winner!”  November 5, 1980, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, pp. 301-14; cassette B8072.

10.. John 14:2.

11. Mark L. Prophet, “And Thy Radiance...” A Lullaby to the World Mother; cassette B8073.