Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 24 No. 69 - Beloved Ray-O-Light and Sanat Kumara - July 12, 1981

“Fear Not!”
The Light of Sanat Kumara Is Come unto You
Holiness unto the Lord I AM THAT I AM
The Mantle of Sanat Kumara upon the Messenger

By the hand of the Flaming One of Israel, I AM come to you in this hour to infuse you with an extraordinary Light!

O people of the I AM Presence, I call to the farthest reaches of the earth that you might assemble yourselves neath the rod of the Word and come into consonance by vibration, by the harmony of the Law with that which is in reality the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood in your midst—myriad forms of angels and elder brothers of Light who walk before you.

For it is the desire of the Almighty to make them One, even above and below. Those who occupy the Light of Alpha and the Light of Omega, unto them is the Word gone forth in this hour: Make them One! Let heaven and earth be One! Let heaven infuse earth and let earth rise up and become a part of the eternality of the living God!

Lo, I AM THAT I AM! I speak out of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. I speak out of the individuality of the God Flame. I speak of the Light of far-off worlds. Ray-O-Light is my name! I come with a sword and legions of Light. I come with Fearlessness Flame as an adjunct to the service of Lord Maitreya, that the Cosmic Christ might appear.

I come for the binding of the wounds of the nations. I come for the binding of their cause, which is always fear, inordinate fear, the wrong kind of fear of the Law and of Almighty God. Nay, they do not fear him, but they fear the workers of iniquity even as they did in days of old.

Today they fear those who have power in church and state, those who hoard gold and oil, those who are the manipulators upon earth of its very life. They fear the fallen ones and this is worship. This is idolatry. This is the attachment of your chariots to those of the gods, even to the false stars who shall fall from the firmament and be cast down. Therefore the very cause of the wound, even the incision of the nations, is the fear of the false god and the doubt of the true and living God.

Therefore I AM come in the name of the Piscean conqueror, the Prince of Peace who said, “Fear not. Fear not, even you, little flock. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you his kingdom,” <1> which is the mighty power of his consciousness pervading all by the point of Light within your heart who is Christ the Lord.

“Fear not!” is the command. And when you give answer by loving obedience, then is the full power of the Holy Spirit come upon you, then is the Light of your God Presence there at your disposal by the dynamic decree. Fear not, but enter into the gates of Jerusalem with thanksgiving that our God is nigh, that the Person of Sanat Kumara is with you. Lo, the days of the weeping prophet are behind us! For, lo, it is the hour of rejoicing in the very coming of the Lord our God into the midst of the congregation.

Even so, yet there is the presence of the one who weeps. It is the Divine Mother, your own blessed Mary, who weeps for her own children until they come into the temple with joy and leave out tribulation, entering in, then, with a tumult of joy rather than an outcry against the living Word.

I am come, then, to remind you of the hour of the judgment of the fallen ones and of their own vibration that they put forth in a horrendous way. It is the vibration of condemnation upon the Body of Light. It is their weeping and their wailing, for their hour is come. And they also weep and wail in outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth and weeping prophesied by the Lord Jesus. <2>

Realize, then, that this weeping and wailing is an imitation of the divine alchemy of the dynamic decree in the very center of the temple. It is the ultimate misuse of the Word. It is the misuse of the Light of mourning where Life replaces Death, and joy returns to hopeful hearts. Understand therefore that this weeping of the fallen ones is [put] back upon the Lightbearers, wherefore then are ye sad or caught up in sadness.

Be not bowed down, for the Light of Sanat Kumara is come unto you! The Light of the holy temple is come unto you! There is a very Light in your midst, but unless ye agree with the Word whilst thou art in the way with it, that Word will not perform its perfect Work in you. The Work of God is the Word and the Word of God is the Work.

Let there be the manifestation of Light! Let there be the rolling back of that spirit of nondefinition wherein there is not the exacting of the Light of your I AM Presence in whatever you do or say or think or feel or hear! Let there be the call to come unto the sacred fire of that temple! Let there be fasting where it is necessary. Let there be prayer. Let there be the desire for the purging fire. Let there be the realization that it is the hour of infamy, of treachery and of deceit, of lying and murderings among the nations.

It is the hour, therefore, for the coming together in the white light of the living Word of Sanat Kumara. It is the hour for the coming together in the very heart of hearts. It is the hour for the consideration of what are the sins of the nations of my people and therefore, how may they be healed by the Light of my wholeness. How may the Truth be revealed? How may the message be spoken? How shall it go forth in my name? And how shall you be prepared to deliver it with a living fire and with a Light that will evoke the response that is necessary from the children of the Light?

Blessed ones, I AM come with Fearlessness Flame! For truly, fearlessness must be the sign upon the brow, where it is written, Holiness unto the Lord! <3> If ye be a people who are his holiness, then, I say, manifest the wholeness of that Holy Spirit of the I AM Presence and go forth! And let thy word be for that healing. Let thy word be the lost balm of Gilead <4> that is felt and seen no more when there comes the rasping and the coughing and the choking of the harsh chemicals and the harsh acids that come upon the people when there is the misuse of the Light of the Maha Chohan and the misuse of the very atom and the molecule of life itself to the very hurt of my people.

Let Fearlessness Flame go forth! And let there be the binding of the seed of the wicked. Let the Light of the sacred fire and the mighty sword of living flame pierce, then, the Serpent, pierce, then, the Fallen One, pierce, then, the Liar in the midst of his Lie! Let there be the exposure once again and let it sweep through the nations, through the governments, through the false prophets and pastors! Let it be so! For the Word of Sanat Kumara goeth forth. Let the Light of the Word spring forth! Let the Light of the emissary of God spring forth! Let the mighty action of the sacred fire spring forth!

I AM the Word of the Lord and I call this people to a recompense. I call you to the inner blueprint. I call you to the white fire! I call you away from self-indulgence and self-satisfaction. Think not that because you are the hearers of the Word that therefore you are intrinsically blest as though that were all. Let, therefore, this people become the Word and let them approach unto the very Holy of Holies of their I AM Presence. Let that Light descend and let this people expect more of the soul that is the daughter of Zion, more than of others! <5>

Let there be an expectancy of gladness, of joy, of self-perfectionment, and of discipline and a placing of the very knife of perfection and of perception and of self-discipline to the work at hand. For, beloved ones, the preparation of the Inner Retreat and the publishing of the Word and the very excitement of the angelic hosts is to summon you to a purer, more perfect manifestation of your own Godhead.

Let us vow this, then—this single vow—that we shall work the work of God this day better than in our yesterday. We shall not be satisfied with the performance of yesterday but we shall wield the sword of Ray-O-Light, the mighty Fearlessness Flame. We shall march with the legions of Light! We shall pierce the dragon that is even in our midst out of the astral plane as the recompense of this people. We shall demand the raising up of Light by the resurrection flame! We shall demand the raising up of the sons of God! We shall demand the fulfillment of the commandments of God, even the establishment of the Inner Retreat.

I send forth that Light and I say, let the fallen ones weep! Let them wail! Do not enter into sympathy with those who are cast out from the very midst of the temple by the Spirit of the Lord. Do not enter into those attractions that affirm that God is in them when God is not. And therefore, trust in the Word and trust in the Path. For I have said it before you. This is the word and the admonishment of Sanat Kumara in this hour.

Agree not, then, with thy neighbor but agree with the Mighty I AM Presence and the Universal Christ; and let thy neighbor agree with him. And let us leave off from human agreement, for it cannot be trusted. Let the niceties of the human consciousness be left aside. Let the fallen ones in their temptations of fine raiments and all of the riches of life be set aside, for even some among this people are yet under the temptation of these vibrations.

Come, then, together and let us build the Light in the Lighthouse. Let us fire the flame of the heart! Let the sign of the heart be the sign of the conqueror as well as [of] the communicant of the Inner Retreat that may pass under the rod and be found worthy. Let each one look to his own house and his own temple. Let each one strive with Jeremiah to be acceptable in the sight of God with a worthy offering and a worthy preachment of the Lord.

Let us not, then, set the standard after the world or their gods or their humanism or the interactions at the human level. Let the standard be set by the inner vibration of the heart. And let those who set up the vibration of strife and turmoil, dissonance, discord, and disregard for the Light of harmony and work within the Holy City therefore be let out of the Holy City. And let her defenses be the defenses of God-Harmony. This is the Word of Sanat Kumara!

Let the testing of souls within the Community, within the Teaching Centers be according to the harmony of the heart and not to outer words and niceties. Let not the outer smiles and fanfares be the judgment but let it be the inner vibration of the soul. Let the souls be tested! Let all of life be quickened! And let those who are the divine magnet of God as the focus of the Christ, let those who are the chief cornerstone and the capstone of the pyramid, both be required to let the Light of Alpha and Omega shine!

Let the requirements be made known. Let the levels be set. And let those who come forth for the atonement on the day of the feast of atonement <6 bring forth a worthy offering, acceptable unto God. And let it not be mere mechanization-man offerings, let it not be mere form and mere ritual. But let men’s hearts be placed upon the altar. Let them be tried, let their thoughts be known, let there be a purging, and let worthy hearts form a union that can stand and still stand in the hour when the cataclysm of judgment be upon the earth for the failure to worship the I AM THAT I AM! Let us rejoice in God and in him alone and not in the work of our hands. Let us be obedient to all of the words of the prophet in this hour.

I come with you, then, by the very Fearlessness Flame. For our Messenger has stood in the temple for the exposure and for the judgment of the heathen, who have no God and are no God, for the judgment of the Nephilim and the Watchers, for the judgment of their books of black magic and of witchcraft.

Beloved ones, fear not! And let not the fear of the fallen ones come as the returning tide upon your doorstep so that you be the ones who tremble, when they are the ones who tremble after all. <7> The mirror of your soul is not to mirror their goings and comings. The mirror of your soul is to mirror Almighty God and him alone.

Therefore I bid you rise in the temple in this hour. [Congregation rises.] Stand upon your feet for the judgment. For I will show you the great mystery of placing the right foot upon all the work of the fallen ones, even as you raise your right hand in the judgment. And I bid you take this work of the nefarious ones, even this book that is called the Necronomicon. <8> Take it, then, and let it be cast down! Let it be cast under foot as you recite with me and with Almighty God even that call of the judgment before your God in this hour! [The Messenger, fully enveloped in the Electronic Presence of Ray-O-Light, casts down the book.]

I summon you, O sons of God, to be as the angel! Therefore the [right] foot upon the sea and [the left] upon the land <9> is for the judgment of the entire content of the astral plane and of the earth. By that right foot of Almighty God and of the Sons of God [(even of your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self) upon the works of the powers of Darkness] so you establish authority and dominion.

I come out of Fearlessness Flame; for I say to you, who else but the sons of God upon earth will judge the black magicians and the Satans in the earth? Who else will judge the seed of the Wicked [One]? Who else except those who carry Fearlessness Flame?

I come to the visitation of the saints. I come to you with the Light of my ray. I infuse you with that Light! I place the sword of Fearlessness Flame in your hand. I place it there that you might hold it and might decree that very word of the Saviour. I give to you, then, legions of Fearlessness Flame, that with fearlessness as of the prophets anointed by the Holy Spirit you may denounce the black magicians of the earth one and all, even with Elijah as he stood against the four hundred and fifty and called forth the sacred fire of God! <10>

Therefore, beloved ones, call it forth now, “In the name [of the I AM THAT I AM”] as legions of the Great Central Sun call it forth with you.


   The Judgment Call
“They Shall Not Pass!”
     by Jesus Christ

In the Name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire
 it shall be:
That all that is directed against the Christ
 within me, within the holy innocents,
 within our beloved Messengers,
 within every son and daughter of God...
Is now turned back
 by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
 by the authority of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
 by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple
 and I declare in the fullness of
 the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
That those who, then, practice the black arts
 against the children of the Light...
Are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
 within me, within Jesus,
 and within every Ascended Master,
Do now receive, then, the full return—
 multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ—
 of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
 since the very incarnation of the Word!

Lo, I AM a Son of God! 
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim.

Hosts of the Lord, I address you. Saints of the Most High God upon earth, it is not enough for the single prophet as the Messenger of the Word to bring the release of the Light. Let there be the confirmation of this Word day upon day! Let the Satans in incarnation be judged! Let their bible be likewise judged! Let it be cast down under foot! And by the cosmic cross of white fire that I AM within you, let that book and this one also be judged by the spoken Word and by the authority of the Godhead vested in Keepers of the Flame!

By the Light of the Maha Chohan, by the legions of the Seven Mighty Archangels and of Fearlessness Flame it shall be done! They shall be judged! Their word shall be brought to naught! Their cursings, their incantations, even these fallen ones, that which they have spoken since the very earliest comings of the Nephilim to the planet earth—all of that shall be brought to judgment and those who persist in [being with] them [in their nefarious vibration]; for they did not repent of their deeds.

Therefore their karma shall be upon their own heads and the yoke of their karma borne by the Lightbearers shall be upon them! And the Lightbearers shall assemble under the banner of the Union, under the banner of Light, under the banner of the Goddess of Liberty and Lord Maitreya! And there shall be the raising up of the banner of the Great White Brotherhood. And there shall be the assembling of the congregations of the righteous.

And yet it shall not come to pass until the judgment has gone forth of the fallen ones, for they yet hold the children of the Light in bondage. Even though the word has gone forth by the Brotherhood, by the Messenger, by the dictations, yet the children of the Light are not yet free. And they shall not be free until they receive the vision of the Spirit of the prophets and the divine plan and the divine direction and the Teaching of the Ascended Masters and the knowledge of their I AM Presence and Christ Self.

Therefore, I say, as the Word of the Lord is arced unto you in this hour, so arc it unto my people worldwide! And let these children of the Sun go forth! And let those who would be shepherds of my people go forth! Let all go forth in the mantle of their own Christ Self. For you can do naught else! There is no other choice than to walk in the garment of Light as your soul goes forth. For it is the protection of the inner Light that you must have in what-ever the avocation of thy life or the vocation of thy service unto Community.

Children of the Sun, I anoint you, I awaken you, I enlighten you! I give you the infusion of Fearlessness Flame. I point, then, to the vibrations of the fallen ones. As they send forth condemnation, roll it back! Take it not to thy heart or to thyself. As they send forth weeping and wailing, roll it back! Take it not to thy heart, but rejoice! Rejoice in Zion! For the marriage of the Lamb is come, for her wife hath made herself ready. <11> And the wife of the Lamb is truly the soul adorned in the white garment of the Deathless Solar Body.

Therefore, O children of the Sun, each one of you and the Community collectively, is the adornment of God upon earth. Robed in white, then, ascend into and unto the mantle of the Lamb and be forged as a mighty union. And out of that union shall come the balm of Gilead, the essence of Light, even the Blood of Christ for the healing of America, for the healing of the I AM Race, for the healing of every nation who will return to the worship of the I AM Presence. Let it so be reflected in the laws of the land, in the judgments of the courts. And let all who are not of the Light be cast down, for Saint Germain would raise up in your midst the true Lightbearers of the Word.

I commend you unto the keeping of the word of prophecy. I commend you unto the teaching of Jeremiah, which is for all. Therefore, if you will assemble this day after the hour of your repast to hear again the word that is spoken by Jeremiah through the Messenger in this hour, then come; for I invite you to partake of this seminar of the World Teachers. I invite you to partake of the essence of Lord Maitreya that you might hear this word and become it. It is a lightning word! It is for the kindling unto the far-off lands of all who are of the I AM Race.

Blessed ones, there is a tremendous acceleration of the Lightbearers on earth through this seminar. Let all who come this day, lo, celebrate the Word! And let the Word go forth far and wide. For [the victory] is unto those who recognize the hour, who see the fallen ones in their hour of weakness, who are not afraid to run with David unto that point of vulnerability which is the misuse of the third eye of these fallen ones.

Fear not, I say. For it is the hour to run with Archangel Michael and to say with him, “Charge! Charge! Charge! And let Victory be proclaimed!” [Congregation affirms with Ray-O-Light:]

Charge! Charge! Charge! And let Victory be proclaimed!

Charge! Charge! Charge! And let Victory be proclaimed!

Charge! Charge! Charge! And let Victory be proclaimed!

Beloved ones, there have been dire threatenings and woes pronounced upon the children of the Light for thousands of years as those who would challenge the Nephilim and their cursings. Lo, I stand before you! I AM the challenger of their entire momentum of infamy, even of their technology, even of every form of psychotronic warfare and all that [they] would bring to pass upon the planet earth. Lo, as you see me stand before you and as you behold the Messenger with the right foot upon their book, I tell you, let it be so among you!

Unto the fearless is the Victory! And when you are fearless all of heaven comes to inhabit your temple and give the dynamic decree of the Word for you. Even so, let us give it together again, for They Shall Not Pass! [Congregation joins Ray-O-Light in giving “The Judgment Call.”]

I seal you. I bless you. I caress you with the flowers of Elysian fields. I remind you of the vision of the Inner Retreat and of the Son of God standing upon the mountain, even the mountain that is for the quickening of your hearts. I remind you of the Royal Teton. I remind you of the joy everlasting of the Sons of God and the angels!

I remind you, then, to come up higher, to divest yourselves of burdens, to let that vibration that is not of the Light go down. And in the very midst of the terror and the terrifying powers of Darkness, affirm the Word, affirm the Light, affirm the Judgment! Beloved hearts, I come. For heaven would see a finer attunement, a rising up, a resurrection, and a nonresponsiveness of your hearts to these downward trends and downward vibrations.

Therefore, let us see measure for measure how we may increase our joy, how we may instantaneously put into the fire this very day and this very week that burden and that oppression. For heaven waits for the sign of glory and the sign of the coming of the ark into your temple, O beloved heart!

Let the increase of Light in the threefold flame which you are be for the Victory, be for the Life, be for the magnet of the Great Central Sun! Let us do better this day than the last! Let us rise higher. Let us wink. Let us hear the prophet Mark. [Messenger clucks tongue twice.] Let us hear him. [Messenger clucks tongue twice.] For in that very sound is the breaking of the terror and the hypnotic spell of these serpents. Let us hear it together. [Messenger and congregation cluck tongues twice.]

Let us dissipate the intensity of their terror, their human hate and hate creation, their fierceness, and their wrath. There is none beside the God of Israel in thy midst. Only the I AM THAT I AM! Only Sanat Kumara! Only one Mystical Body of God, one Christ, one Lord in ye all! There is only one God and he is the Almighty One and he will send his sacred fire!

Children of the Light, let there be no other gods! Worship the one God I AM THAT I AM! And take care that you fear [not,] neither tremble before any other vibration, any other presence, any other person. Let us see it work. Let us see the face of Jeremiah multiplied again and again. Let us see the face of God upon the saints. Let us see the Flame of the Shekinah! Let us see the Flame of the ark reappearing! O blessed ones, you have everything to [live for, to] affirm for! Let us get on with the Victory of the Inner Retreat.

I AM Ray-O-Light! I cast my Light upon the path unto the mountain of thy holiness. And unto this people I say:

“Holiness unto the Lord!”

So I seal you in the forehead. I seal you in the heart. You are for the ensign, Holiness unto the Lord I AM THAT I AM! Together:

[Congregation recites the mantra with the Messenger.]

Holiness unto the Lord I AM THAT I AM!

Holiness unto the Lord I AM THAT I AM!

Holiness unto the Lord I AM THAT I AM!

Let the banner be embroidered, and let it also be embroidered in your heart. Be the tapestry of the Keepers of the Flame! As you affirm it, as God is where you are, as you are that holiness, God will judge the heathen through you and they will no longer stand in their citadels of power.

Watch and pray. Truly be the watchman of the night and the day. <12> I AM THAT I AM. Amen.

Beloved Sanat Kumara

People of God, I salute you in the name of Sanat Kumara! So you have assembled in the temple and in the inner court and I would speak to you. For I AM the Lord thy God in the very Presence that I AM Sanat Kumara! I speak to you as my eye is upon each one of you.

I have summoned you that I might anoint you. And this one thing I would have you understand, that the days of Jeremiah are past and this is the new dispensation of the eighth covenant; and even so, the fiery coil of my causal body has descended! And the very self-transcending of the cycles decrees in this hour that more than Jeremiah come unto you. Even as Elijah and Elisha transcended their own manifestation, so must the Son of God within you be that self-transcending life-force! And even the people in the midst of the temple who heard him speak, as you heard him speak in this hour in this day, could not receive the dispensation nor the promise that you have received.

By the grace of the ‘seventh angel’, <13> Saint Germain, you have the violet flame, you have the knowledge of the inner alchemy, you have the momentum of contact by the Messengers in this hour. And therefore I say, look you for the mantle of Jeremiah! Look you for more! For more than this may come unto you as the authority and the mantle of the Word, for you must truly exceed that which has gone before.

Let your expectancy, then, be of the hour of the visitation of your own God Presence and see whereof I have placed upon my Messenger, yea, more than the mantle of Jeremiah—it is the true mantle of my own! And it is for the atonement of the entire Body of God.

Let those who understand the calling realize, then, that you have the wherewithal to defeat the Adversary without loss of life or limb but to go forth in the name I AM THAT I AM to conquer and to win over every form of sin and the sense of sin! Therefore I have called you. Therefore, come, for I stretch forth my hands and I stretch forth my rod. Even so, the Lord God within you is dominion over the earth in my name.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I say: Take dominion over the earth! Take dominion by the Cosmic Christ and let every serpent and fallen one bow, then, before the living Word that I AM! Let them bend the knee and let there come unto the earth the dominion of the Cosmic Christ by the spoken Word.

All that [stands between you and the Victory] is the moment’s hesitancy when you are confronted by the last gasp of the fierce ones with their fearsomeness. That moment of hesitation must be eliminated with a thrust ho! a thrust ho! a thrust ho! Therefore, let the piercing sword of Fearlessness Flame turn back all that remains of the shells of the fallen ones! Truly they are the gutted-out ones, for their judgment is nigh and they are hollow and there is nothing left inside but dead men’s bones <14> of discarnates and possessing demons that surely do submit to the authority of the Word within you.

I entrust you with a holy Cause and a holy Science and a holy Religion! And I vest you with the whole armour of God <15> and the vestments of a priesthood of righteousness. Be blest, then, for all that I have that is in my power to give unto you is thine own. Neglect not the Judgment. Neglect not the Call. Neglect not the Challenge. For I challenge you and you must challenge the Lightbearer to come into his own! And you must challenge the Fallen One to come under the Law else to receive that final judgment.

I AM Sanat Kumara, always in thy midst. I am happy to speak after the manifestation of my own Son of Light, even Fearlessness Flame and Ray-O-Light. And one day I will reveal to you that Son of God who is Fearlessness Flame incarnate. For Ray-O-Light is another code name that does yet retain the veil of anonymity for one who is truly a brother of great Light known to you of yore.

In the living Word, I seal you. My beloved, you are my own. You are the ones who are the sons and daughters of renown. <16>

In the sacred OM, I AM One.

These dictations by Ray-O-Light and Sanat Kumara were delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 12, 1981, 1:48-2:35 p.m. PDT, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. They were part of the two-week Seminar of the World Teachers: How To Teach the Teachings of the Ascended Masters held July 6-19. Throughout the seminar the Messenger taught from the Book of Jeremiah. Prior to these dictations the Messenger read and gave teachings from Jeremiah 7-10; 26:8-16 on the subject of the prophet’s rebuke of the children of Israel for allowing the fallen ones to corrupt their society and rob them of their divine inheritance. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Ray-O-Light and Sanat Kumara’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32.

2. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. 8:10-12; 13:41, 42, 49, 50; Matt. 22:1-14; 24:48-51; 25:30; Luke 13:28.

3. Holiness unto the Lord. Exod. 28:36-38; 39:30, 31; Isa. 23:18; Jer. 2:3; Zech. 14:20, 21; The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 239-40; The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 335-37.

4. Balm of Gilead. Gen. 37:25; Jer. 8:22; 46:11; The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, p. 280.

5. Expect more of their own souls who know their I AM Presence than of other souls who know not their God

6. Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, is an annual Jewish religious festival marked by prayer and fasting and the expiation of sin to restore one’s relationship with God.

7. Devils tremble. James 2:19.

8. The Necronomicon, the “Book of the Dead,” was written by Abdul Alhazred, an eighth century Arab, and contains incantations to the Nephilim gods.

9. Angel with his right foot upon the sea... Rev. 10:2.

10. Elijah and the prophets of Baal. I Kings 18:17-41.

11. The marriage of the Lamb. Rev. 19:7-9; 21:9.

12. Watchman. Isa. 21:5-12; 52:8; 62:6; Jer. 6:17; 31:6; 51:12; Ezek. 3:17-21; 33:1-20.

13. Seventh angel. Rev. 10:7; 11:15; 16:17.

14. Ye are whited sepulchres full of dead men’s bones. Matt. 23:27; Luke 11:44.

15. The whole armour of God. Eph. 6:11-17.

16. Sons and daughters of renown is a reference to the Nephilim also known as the people of the shem (i.e., rocket) or people of renown (i.e., whose names are famous). See Z. Sitchen, The Twelfth Planet, pp. 148, 171-72. Sanat Kumara states that the sons and daughters of God are the true ones of renown because they have the name of God I AM THAT I AM.