Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 25 No. 18 - Beloved Godfre - May 2, 1982


Life Is a Grand Movement


O light of the world, I AM come—here to deliver to my very own the victory of Life, the victory of America, the victory of the I AM within you and love that is as ripened cherries on the bough, there for you to know now how you, too, can triumph by the blossom of spring that becomes the heart of the fruit of the Tree of Life!

O my cherished ones, O my patriots of freedom’s flame, in the ode to the joy of freedom I deliver to you my own celebration of the victory of the hour!  And I congratulate you for your sustaining hearts and fire, fulfilling the Word with me whereby the demons tremble and the earth does rumble, and there steps forth from the tomb of life the risen Youth, the risen Christ—there standing, going before the multitudes with lilies and fields of flowers, bounds of flowers and floral bouquets, bearing them and throwing them in the way for the victory of the saints robed in white!

O indeed, the day of the dawning golden age is just beyond the horizon where the rising sun must come and the rainbow play the symphony of Elohim!  This day we are one, for this day the Lord our God hath begotten thee, Amen.

Blessed ones, will you not now for a moment kneel with me in the presence of the Goddess of Liberty.

With your permission, I place my Electronic Presence over you so that you might pray once again with me as at Valley Forge, <1> that you might know that the fervent and righteous prayer of the Buddha-to-be and of the Bodhisattvas who come in the name of Kuan Yin and of the Mothers-to-be does avail much. <2> Let this fervent prayer of your heart unto the Spirit of Liberty be for the setting free of the captives to all of these plagues that you have so artfully and skillfully named, as well as their legions!


               Lord God Almighty, I therefore confirm the will of these hearts, inspired by the wisdom of the Mother and the hosts of the Lord, inspired by the victory of Jesus Christ.

               Onward!  Onward!  Onward! I say. Victory shall have her day and patience her perfect work!  Mercy shall have her justice, and love shall be endued with truth!

               For I AM in the heart of the lily. And therefore we press on, as there unfolds the mighty spiral of the Lenten fast, preparing for the feast of light of the resurrection flame.

               We therefore say, in the name of Christ:  Abba, Father!  Abba, Father!

               O Father of lights, in whom is no shadow of turning, no darkness at all, lighten the way of earth this day!  And let there be a new proclamation of freedom—freedom from every form of vice, freedom to be in the heart of virtue.


               Our prayer goes forth in the name of the Blessed Virgin, by the authority of your own Threefold Flame of Liberty. Rise now, beloved, and take dominion over the earth.

               I invite you to be seated, as I ask you to indulge me as I would read to you some words from my Farewell Address to the nation.


               Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the destinies of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connection with private and public felicity.

               Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?  And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.

               It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who, that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric? <3>

As you have well seen, there have been virulent attempts to shake the foundation and the fabric of God-government through the shaking of virtue, morality, and religion in the very heart of hearts of the I AM Race.

Therefore, I lend my flame and my heart to the restoration of true religion under God that did come forth from the beginning and will fulfill herself in the ending—that will not be moved by men’s doctrine or their dogma, but will fly beyond these moorings and be fitting as the ark of the covenant blazing in the hearts of all who are of the light.

I come with the vision of America. I come with the vision of the I AM Presence over each soul of God’s heart. I fervently impress this image upon every child of God in this nation and upon earth. And I place my Electronic Presence and the light of my Buddhic attainment around each and every such a one.

Therefore, let it be known that it is the true religion that binds the soul to God and the false religion that binds them to bigotry, human hate and hate creation, and all of the darkness that the actual absence of God does allow.

There is no religion but the religion of Satan in the partaking of drugs!  There is no religion but the religion of Satan in the entertaining of rock music!  There is no morality in World Communism or its counterpart in the capitalist societies of the lustful misuses of the sacred fire of woman, of man, and of beloved child. <4>

These are not the pillars of God, but they are the stronghold of the Satanic hordes. Without their leader, they are in chaos and in a fury! <5> Beloved hearts, it is an hour to be vigilant for the backlash of the remnant of his seed.

Let us willingly come before the altar of God and praise him that the instrument of government is yet intact, that the Constitution is not yet done away with, and that there beats a fervor in the hearts of the pure—without rancor, without desire for vindication—the pure and deepest love that begets the victory of the God flame.

My beloved, you have joyously, fastidiously, and with the flame of constancy beloved by El Morya, assembled this weekend in celebration of Elohim and my own birth in this nation. I am gratified that the way is cleared somewhat and the briers are removed and I may walk in certain places where I have not walked with my legions for a number of years.

We cherish the moment of the opening of the door by the Christed One. As it is written, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” <6> So you knock on one side of the door to enter into the heart of Christ; and on the other side of the same door, he knocks to enter into your heart! <7>

Therefore, heaven has found the trysting place here in the sanctuary of the Holy Grail where the disciple knocks and enters by the door, and the messenger comes and knocks again. And as you open your hearts, lo, the Christ enters in—you bid me welcome and you receive me in the flame of Buddha and Kuan Yin.

Have you not heard, even by the media, there has been announced the increase in the birthrate and that it is fashionable in these times to be with child? <8> Have you seen the turning of worlds by Elohim, by the manifestos of the Mother, by your astute hearts, determined eye, and prayers that even breathe the sigh of Mother Mary?

Do you not know that many things are turning around?  And souls, I am told, are found in the fullness of new joy. Some are skipping into new dimensions. Others are jogging. Some are finding their way up the mountain in the snow, footprint by footprint.

Blessed ones, life is a grand movement!  People feel the need to move their bodies because they feel the light of the violet flame physically. And there is the action in the physical dimension that is the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, point/counterpoint the fallen ones come with their utter perversion of the mastery of the physical body and the attempt to cause depravity and the draining of the light. But you will not allow it. I have seen it!  I proclaim it!  And I understand that the fulfillment of the law is the light of ten thousand suns descending—is the light, O so cherished, that is not only the heart of our chelas but the adornment of their adoration unto love.

Let the song be sung. Let the Elohim be heard!  And let the winging of the bird of light release thought form upon thought form of your own Great God Self.

Elohim of the secret rays, I call thee forth. Elohim of the secret rays, I call thee forth!  Manifest thy presence here. For in this new year, we would conquer by Alpha and Omega.

Most blessed hearts, I direct your attention—swift as an arrow, like the lightning of the mind of God—to key points on the earth and cities, areas of conflict, areas where there is a vacuum of the Spirit where the hordes of Communism would push through and others would aid them and others would finance them.

I give you a world map in your inner eye, as a globe of light. As you trace the lines of flight, so see these lines going forth and pointing to those positions where we would direct the light by your heart, through your very God flame. [13-second pause]

Now, by your leave, I direct the entire momentum of light invoked in this conference into those areas where we would roll back into the very core of its own world, the nadir itself, the thrusting forward of the lifeless spirit of World Communism.

We are in Poland, in Berlin. We are in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. We are in Taiwan and China, on the Mainland. We are in Angola. We are there in the Aleutian chain. We are there in the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. We are under the sea. We are in the Gulf of Mexico. We are in the Yucatán. We are in El Salvador. We are in Finland and the cities of Canada. Thousands upon thousands of lines—needle rays directing filigree light rays and the momentum of Elohim.

Understand that the purpose to which El Morya has called these midterm seminars <9> is truly fulfilled in this weekend together. And the light has come down, and the legions of darkness are bound, and you will find the new freedom that must be challenged for the victory.

Therefore, I demand God freedom!  I call it forth!

Let it deal with all human misrepresentation of freedom, misuse of free will, and the human self-assertiveness to human rights.

Let the divine rights manifest, and let them hold and subdue the human consciousness.

Let the divine light appear, let God-government appear, and let the economies be healed!

I stretch forth the hand of Elohim now for the exposure of corruption in the economy of this nation and every nation upon earth!  I ask you to call fervently to the Elohim Cyclopea and to meet with me and Lanello and my own beloved in the Royal Teton Retreat, that there might be the exposure, then, of the misuse of the light of the abundant supply of the sons and daughters of God.

We push forward. For we have broken through their lines and their ranks, and we are marching onward, onward, onward to victory!

I direct your attention to the victory of the Great God Flame!  See the conflagration of white fire above you and know it is the living God. See the hosts of the Lord gathering. See the trowel and the right angle. See the square and the pyramid. See the lifeline and the balances!

Blessed hearts devoted to the victory, I do announce to you in this hour that a certain victory has been won and sealed. Guard it, then, as Archangel Michael himself has also offered himself to guard this victory. Guard it, beloved ones!  For each and every victory has its challengers, as you have seen in Vietnam <10> and other places where the lines of battle have been drawn, where the forces of light have won, and where the fallen ones have come and snatched from their very teeth the victory flame and the victory torch!

Therefore, to win is to win again and again!  To have your victory is to seal it every day!  To keep your freedom is to be vigilant as watchmen and women of the night.

I draw the circle of fire again around Camelot and the Inner Retreat. We will not retreat but defeat instead the fallen ones!  And I say, by the hosts of the armies of the Lord:


Roll them back!
Roll them back!
Roll them back!

Sanat Kumara is on the move!
And those chelas who
Have delivered unto them
The Word of wisdom
Will feel the new beat
And the new pulsation of life
And music and poetry and song!
And they will understand
There is no wrong
Where true freedom burns
Within the breast.
There is no wrong
Where freedom rings
The light of purest song of purity,
Of light and heart’s motive,
Desire to be
The perfect love
And light’s manifest flower
Of the rosary!
O my hearts of oneness,
Hear my call!
And feel the lightness,
Feel the movement,
Feel the victory flame!
Feel the lightness of your heart!
Feel the call of ascension’s might!
And know that ascending all the way,
Troops and armies of the Lord,
Youth and all who are mature
And ripe in spirits,
Sprites brightly burning,
Do march to the victory tune!
And hear the whistling, hear the call!
Hear the march, the drumbeat all
Of sons and daughters of Liberty,
Moving across the world,
Proclaiming in every land:
Freedom is at hand!  Freedom is at hand!
And the victory is the right hand
Of the Almighty upraised. <11>
Therefore, raise the right hand,
Ye sons of Light,
Sons of Freedom, sons of Liberty,
Victories bright!
Lightest ones, come forth!
Come forth in freedom’s flame
And know the victory of the Lord,
The victory of his game!
I AM here to move and move again
And thrust and ho!
Children of the sun—forward!
Forward now we go
In the victory of the Light,
In the spinning of the Word,
In the weaving of the garment,
In the wool, whitened unto the purest flame
Of God’s own forgiveness—
And forgetfulness of the sin and its stain!

Let the floral fragrance of the living win!  And let the winning be of the light and the joy and the glory!

And let there be the sealing in our heart, by the Eye of God, by protection’s might, of every son of God and all that pertains to the supply and the abundance for which you have called—abundant light, abundant victory, and the sealing of our Inner Retreat in every heart of light!

Forward march, legions of the light!  O let the avant-garde be the ones who proclaim the new covenant and the Everlasting Gospel by the light of far-off worlds!

I AM expanding flame of Central Sun behind the sun within the heart of earth. Lo, I AM come in Jesus’ name—Christ the light of worlds and men and nations!

I AM come by Jesus Christ and in his name, bearing this gift of freedom— freedom’s fire from my heart, dedication to holy purpose.

Now I release and I impart to you the glory of my name, the glory of my flame and my own beloved Saint Germain!

He is the one who is the overcomer!

He is the one who does deliver you!

He is the one that does inspire and sustain our messenger for these releases and these calls and this invincible light that is her gift unto ye all!

By her will, you are shafts of light!  You stand in time and space. You know how to wield the sword. And you are unafraid to stand face-to-face with the challengers of the Mother and her children to roll them back and invoke cosmic justice in God’s name!

What shall I say for you and of you but, Go to!  Go to now the valleys of the earth and continue to proclaim the Word, the knowledge, the understanding, the gift of wisdom!  And impart to them the fervor and the fire that will win!

Tell them then:  You, too, my friend, can win!  You, too, my fellow American, can be the flaming torch of Truth!  You can be the instrument of peace and of the war of Sanat Kumara that moves unto the death of the Fallen One.

You, too, can be the instrument of freedom and the judgment here on earth as in heaven. You can accomplish your goals!  You can bind the Fallen One and the murderer in his wake!  Yes!  You, too, can be the instrument of righteousness in this age!

Proclaim it in all the land!  Proclaim it in every nation!  Proclaim it, sons of Light and Liberty!  And know that I AM with you, thrusting forward with that thrust and the roll and a ho, ho, ho—with a mighty thrust of El Morya, with a commeasurement of the light of his eye!

I AM the starry body!  I AM the fulfillment of the promise!  And I AM the sealing of America’s victory!

I seal it in your heart!  I entrust it to your care!  I give to you the key to that victory!

Now, will you not take it and place it in the door of the heart of the Cosmic Christ?

Turn the key and let all life, all America, all the world who are of the Light—let them in!  Let them win!

Share with them the heart of fire, the blood of Christ, the essence of Alpha and Omega!  Share with them even the water, the bread, and the wine!


My hand is on the Liberty Bell. And one day you will know the healing of the flaw. You will know the healing of the flaw!  You will know the healing of the flaw in America and the I AM Race, worlds without end!

So be it, Almighty God!  I have come, I have delivered thy message, and I bow before the Light within the hearts of my compatriots of freedom!


This dictation by Godfre was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 22, 1982, at Camelot.

1. The ascended master Godfre was embodied as George Washington. It is said that General Washington was once seen kneeling in prayer on a snowy evening during the time his army was encamped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (December 19, 1777-June 19, 1778). During those difficult months, Washington often turned to God, whom he called “the all-powerful guide and great disposer of human events.”  The legend is captured in a painting, The Prayer at Valley Forge (1969) by Arnold Friberg.

2. James 5:16.

3. George Washington’s Farewell Address to the People of the United States, written on September 17, 1796 (never delivered) was published in Claypole’s Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796.

4. Prior to this dictation, the messenger presented teaching on World Communism, rock music, lust, and drugs as the perversions of the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock lines of the cosmic clock. As part of the exposure on the attack on youth, the messenger also presented the documentary “The Youngest Victim,” an overview of the diabolical crime of child molestation. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, p. 168, n. 26.

5. On February 1, 1982, Jesus Christ announced the final judgment of Satan. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, pp. 185-96; cassette B8211.

6. Matt. 7:7; Luke 11:9.

7. Rev. 3:20.

8. “The New Baby Bloom” (cover story, February 22, 1982, Time magazine) noted that pregnancy is back in style. After dropping as low as 14.5 babies per 1,000 in 1975 and 1976, the birthrate climbed to 16.2 in 1980 and is expected to rise to 17.1 this year. 15.2 percent of those births are to women between the ages of 30 and 44.

9. “This very day El Morya has stood in his council chamber before ascended masters and unascended chelas who regularly attend our planning sessions. His announcement, which I transfer to you, is this:  Due to the rising tide of world karma in the Dark Cycle, the quarterly conferences are no longer sufficient to hold the balance for planetary conditions. And therefore, a two-day seminar will be convoked four times a year to reinforce the light released at the cardinal points of the year.”  Serapis Bey, January 27, 1980, A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23), p. 20.

10. On February 28, 1982, the messenger delivered an exposé on Vietnam—a critical examination of the reasons why an American victory was turned into a “no-win” war.

11. Exod. 15:6 (Rev. 15:2-4; Exod. 14:26-15:27 read by the messenger prior to this dictation).