Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 25 No. 29 - Beloved Ray-O-Light - July 18, 1982


Easter Conclave 1982


Concerning Those Things
That Ought to Be Revealed and Are Not



Legions of fearlessness flame: March! Come forth now and stand round these souls of light, round this land, and at every point upon the planetary body where this Chart of the Mighty I AM Presence is hung! For I would focus there and dedicate it again to the Mighty I AM Presence, to the people of Israel—to those who are the seed of Sanat Kumara.

It is the altar in the wilderness, and before even the replica representation in this chart our legions do bow. Therefore, let it be placed, if you would have legions of fearlessness flame bow before that point of the altar of your own being! And forget not to distribute the wallet-sized charts; <1> for wherever they are, there I release that light of fearlessness flame.

Thus, it becomes the focus of the ark of the covenant. <2> For in the diagram, there is contained the seed of the whole law. And the law does proceed from the Mighty I AM Presence. And when the portraits of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ accompany this focus, beloved hearts, you have the image of the Father in Joseph and the Son in Jesus. And the light of the Shekinah glory in the center is the light of the Holy Spirit and the light of the Mother flame descending!

Therefore, it is the altar of the people of God. And let it become that portable altar that moves with them everywhere. For in that light you see the dispensation of the Piscean age and the Aquarian age and of the people of Israel who were sponsored by the LordGod through the prophet Samuel. <3> Therefore, three dispensations of light <4> and many more. For these ascended masters have held the balance for the root races for many, many, many incarnations—far more than you or they would care to number in this hour.

Therefore, I come. And I come in the support of my cohort of light, beloved Archangel Michael, to lend you my fearlessness flame! Now, beloved hearts, Archangel Michael does carry his own, needless to say, and has no need of mine. He bears a mighty sword of fearlessness flame as I do and employs it liberally for the victory of your hearts.

I would come to instruct you, then, in the understanding that in the hour of the conclusion of the Piscean age and in the hour of the judgment of the fallen ones, you have a double reason to call forth fearlessness, which as you know is a white-fire flame, a fiery flame tinged with the emerald green. It is a piercing light and it does consume every doubt and fear; and all of the discarnates and demons it does bind that come forth out of the astral plane to make you doubt your purpose and our Word and the vision you have seen and the divine direction before you!

Therefore, beloved hearts, realize that at the end of the age of Pisces, the last assailant against your own God-mastery is death itself. And Jesus told you the last enemy that should be overcome is death. <5>

Death has two components: doubt and fear. And these are the perversion of the Kundalini and the raising to the point of the third eye of that sacred fire. For there come to rest those mighty tongues of fire, those points of light that are the coiled serpent fixed at the point of the all-seeing eye. Thus, God-mastery in the raising of the Life-force, my beloved, must come to you through the defeat of fear and doubt as the defeat of death; and therefore Life is in its place.

As you saw the Lord Jesus Christ in his passion commit himself to the sequence of events, allowing himself to be betrayed and captured and brought to trial, speaking not in his defense, and walking all the way to Golgotha carrying the cross of world karma, there is one thing that you never saw—and that is doubt or fear in the heart of the Master concerning that mighty mission of Life.

The choice, the preference “Father, if thou be willing, let this cup pass from me”—this statement, beloved ones, is neither doubt nor fear but the Son of God expressing free will. In the light of the expression of free will, therefore, he concluded: “Nevertheless not my will but thine be done.” <6>

Had the blessed Son not given unto the Father that freedom to dictate unto him the will of God, the Father should have remained silent and the Son could have gone his way. It is ever thus in the Guru/chela relationship. And therefore realize that free will remains supreme on your path. The option may be known and the better choice may be revealed, but God is gracious.

Now, blessed hearts, once you say, “Nevertheless not my will but thine be done,” you are committed to that will. At that point, you have the reinforcement of all who are dedicated to the will of God, but you will also have the force of Antichrist sending the arrows of doubt and fear and death to deter you from your mission. Therefore, it is well to give the mantra Not my will but thine be done so that you will have an armor of light, even the armor of Archangel Michael, reinforced by a momentum that is one-pointed. For above all things, I tell you, the will of God is one-pointed and always consistent with cosmic purpose! And therefore, there are no ifs, ands, or buts. And it is in the area of the if, the and, and the but that the fear and doubt enter—is it not so?

And so, you begin to say, “...and what if?” And you begin to reason. And the reasoning mind then departs from the original premise just one step and you think, “Well, I am not so far removed from the premise.” And then you move again and you move again and, you see, soon you are out of the light! Soon you are out of the lens of the camera of the all-seeing eye of God. Soon you are far, far removed from the pinpoint of your God-reality.

Did you ever think that God-reality is a pinpoint of light, the aperture of Self? This is the understanding of the stars in the night. Do they not look like pinpricks in a canopy of heaven? Well, dear hearts, you know very well that if you were there, you would find a vast, spiraling, gaseous, and perhaps, at inner levels, a sacred-fire whirling energy. You would find those conditions of worlds beyond worlds and all types of manifestation, but from the point of the vision it is a pinprick.

It is a matter of commeasurement. It is a matter of under-standing that where the two lines cross for the grid of light, where the cross hairs are, is a point of light, where the nexus of the cross is of Alpha and Omega is a point of light, where Christ is crucified is a point of light, and where you make your ascension is a point of light!

Have I made my point? [“Yes!”]

Therefore, it is not sufficient to go about that point in a roundabout way. And thus, the most innocent-seeming—and there is no such thing as innocent fears and doubts—but the most innocent-seeming fear or doubt or human questioning is calculated to remove you from beneath the shadow of your own Mighty I AM Presence.

Thus, you have a need for fearlessness flame!—and my services are offered unto you. And I would like each of you to have a cassette recording of the dictation which I gave a number of years ago in Southern California when my legions assembled for a mighty initiation of light. <7> This is a dictation that you ought to know by heart and use when you leave your body at night. For some, it may even become a lullaby.

For, you see, Archangel Michael has called you to a certain assignment and to a certain attainment. <8> To take one step up the ladder of Archangel Michael’s initiation, beloved one, you will be required, believe me, to conquer doubts and fears that you never would have known could lurk within the recesses of your garment!

And doubt and fear leads, as you know very well, to indecision. For if you have doubts about a certain action, you surely cannot arrive at the right conclusion! And, as you know, indecision is the beginning of the perversion of the Mother flame in the base-of-the-spine chakra and, therefore, the beginning of the wedge to tear from you that flaming sword of the Divine Mother and of beloved El Morya.

See here then, if you would mount the ladder of light in your armor and truly understand oneness with Archangel Michael, you would do well to develop a momentum on fearlessness flame and an identification with my legions of light, which are always yours to command into the very core of the condition called death!

Death is not real! We have no doubt about it!

Life is real—universal and triumphant!

I am here so that none of the weaknesses in your emotional or mental bodies might now be touched off, by such a mighty dictation, to engage in a certain amount of fear and doubt concerning the future. For this, beloved hearts, is certainly not our intent. And when we come to give solemn and solid advice to our chelas, we also bring the reinforcement, that your hearts may not fail for fear as it has been predicted for the fallen ones in the end time. <9>

Realize that at the end of the age of Pisces, therefore, there is not only the dregs of the cup where the grains at the bottom are fear, but there is the genuine fear of the demons who tremble, of the fallen ones who look shortly to their own judgment, and of many who are not right with God and, therefore, are insecure to the nth. And their anxieties are manifest in all sorts of emotional problems, even while they affirm that they have no fear! And this affirmation is only a telltale device, beloved hearts, that lets you know that they have so much fear that they have to tell you that they have not any of it, for fear has neutralized their own sensitivity to be aware that they do have fear! <10>

Now, beloved hearts, getting right with God begins with being right with the messenger. I have not told her why I am going to say what I am going to say, but I think some of you will know why.

Getting right with God begins with a right relationship with the messenger, as the one whom you acknowledge (if you so acknowledge) represents to you the authority of the Word. I, therefore, ask you to consider that if you have ever lied to the messenger, directly or indirectly or by omitting to reveal certain facts that should fill in the picture of truth about yourself or your life of which she should be aware, then you do not have the right figure-eight flow to her heart. <11>

If you are conscious, therefore, of having told a seeming innocuous lie or failed to reveal certain things that ought to be revealed, I deliver to you a message from the Lords of Karma. The Lords of Karma expect that by midnight tonight you should write down and address a personal and confidential letter to the messenger concerning those things that ought to be revealed and are not. It is not possible for many of you to speak to her personally before that hour. Therefore, the letter being written, and done so in the name of her Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self, will be sufficient.

This is an exercise in fearlessness; for, beloved hearts, withholding the truth is an expression of fear of what may come upon you should the messenger be aware of thus and such.

Now I would ask you to pause for a moment and consider the folly of such a state of consciousness. For, you see, God already knows. And the messenger already knows at inner levels. And if you would hasten your own discipleship and path of initiation, you would welcome whatever discipline is in order, if any be in order, or you should welcome the comfort or the wisdom concerning this manifestation.

In this very year and the last, the messenger has counseled a number of individuals who have lied to her office and her person, concerning the devastating consequences of the lie. And she has explained, as you should also understand, that the lie is the failure, the inability to admit to a flaw within oneself, to an absence of wholeness that needs healing.

The lie is the easy way out, of presenting the false image of oneself. That false image, then, becomes an identity that you weave by successive lies until you create a person out of lies and present that person as though it were you. Therefore, the lie and the composite of lie becomes a mosaic, awful to behold, which stands in the place of your own Christ Self and your own God-reality.

If you have thought to make yourself appear wise or filled with light or attainment or devotion by hiding some things that you think the messenger would look down upon, you are harboring in your garment a focus of doubt and fear which one day will become the Devil’s tool. And if you allow it to remain, the lie will grow as a cancer and itself cancel out the reality of the soul.

Your soul is far too fragile for you to allow yourself indulgence in any prevarication! Any deviation from the truth whatsoever tears from you the unity with your Mighty I AM Presence.

Let us clean house. Morya knew whereof he spoke, and he expects more. <12> Archangel Michael presents to you a need of which you little dream. And I come with my legions for the reinforcement of your victory.

Fearlessness flame is a piercing light and it will purge you of all need to cover any deed whatsoever. I can assure you that there is nothing under the sun that the messenger or the Brotherhood have not seen or heard concerning human creation. Therefore, there is nothing you can tell that has not already been entered into by the mass consciousness. What concerns us most of all is that you will allow yourself to remain tied to lower levels of astral substance by an unwillingness to give up the ghost of those statements that are not the truth.

Blessed hearts, the lie is not native to the sons of God, and therefore the liar from the beginning is the Devil and his seed. <13> If you do not free yourselves from the practice and the habit of being dishonorable in all of your deeds and actions and thoughts, if you do not disabuse yourself of that form of lie which comes under the category of exaggeration, even exaggerating the truth, you will find yourselves drifting from the point of the nexus, which is the only point of protection because it is the point of your Christ-reality.

One day in prayer the messenger was inspired to bring to you the history of any and all experiences in her previous incarnations that were not the images of glory and victory. It was her desire to bring and present to you every picture of past failure or whenever and whatever may have ever come through her lifestream that she considers unpleasing to the Almighty.

And, believe it or not, she set about to prepare every exposure of herself, with a twofold purpose in mind. In the first instance, to reveal that, inasmuch as the stain of sin has been upon her own lifestream and the stain of karma, it would be an encouragement to all that anyone can enter the Path and attain the victory and balance the karma. On the other hand, it would allow you to see all of the garments she has worn and therefore insure that you would not hold her in an idolatrous light.

Before she could begin this unveiling process, she was counseled by El Morya, her Guru, not to embark upon such a project because of the impurity of those who would be her hearers who would not perceive this history in the light intended, but rather use it to excuse themselves (as many have already done by citing certain incidences of previous embodiments) and therefore use it, then, as a point and a lever to unseat the authority of the throne itself.

I can tell you, the disappointment of the messenger was very great. And I can tell you, it is her greatest desire to reveal to you the pitfalls of her own lifestream, all the more to rejoice in the victory.

Thus far, the Great Divine Director has not ordained this course. But I reveal to you the intent of her heart and the motive being pure, that you should arrive at your own victory and that you should have no idols, including the idol of yourself. Thus, it may one day come to pass that this will be permitted to a narrow circle of chelas, that the record might be written for others who may also come after and piece together the long historical stream of the planet Earth.

I say this so that you might understand the willingness of the messenger to omit no thing—in other words, to reveal the totality of her lifestream to the world or to you. Wiser, then, are the ascended masters who are her teachers in the understanding of the ramifications of this. Nevertheless, I reveal to you the intent and the motive so that you can understand that if your Guru so trusts you, as chelas and as friends, as to be willing to reveal anything, trusting in your good hearts to still return friendship in kind, you must realize that she will also deal lovingly with those things that you have sought to withhold, thinking that God is a harsh and unjust judge.

When you think, then, about the office of the messenger, you realize that in embodiment there is not one to whom she can turn as the office of confessor, and therefore she would confess (if that be the word) in the heart and the secret place of every chela. As the Law does not allow it, so she will walk and serve as the point of the counselor to each and every one of you who make firm and secure the contact of the heart of the Brotherhood in her heart. This can never be secure when you live a lie—small or great.

Now I would turn your attention to the decree “Strip Us of All Doubt and Fear.” <14> This surely does invoke the entire momentum of our legions of light and of my dedication to the Elohim of God. You are free to write your own invocations and preambles that have to do with your own personal initiations and those areas of weakness of which I am certain you are aware.

I come, then, for a thirty-day dispensation from this hour, thirty degrees, to give you a rolling momentum of my being, an increasing fiery momentum, so that you may stand in the very center of the fearlessness flame—poised in the center of the circle, standing in the center of your own base chakra, raising up a sacred fire to dissolve, then, any residual substance, any hangers-on of doubt in your own Sonship, doubt in your own ascension, doubt in your own ability in God to overcome and to attain the mark of perfection. <15>

Blessed hearts, I AM Ray-O-Light, and I bear another name that I will reveal to you one of these days. It is a more familiar name that I would give to my own, that you might have a closer contact with my vibration. I cannot give it now, for I desire to see you have a little bit and a lot more attainment on fearlessness flame.

Remember the piercing brilliance of the white fire passing through crystal as the sun at noonday, and then visualize that fire tinged with a piercing emerald green. And when you can visualize your body, your whole body full of light in that presence, you will have a certain sense of the vision and, eventually, the commeasurement with our flame.

May I state again, let none enter into even a twinge of anxiety concerning the future or life on earth. We are here in the solid sense of reinforcement and of wisdom. For the ages are changing and transitions are moving unto transitionings. Thus, with movement itself, there is always a certain danger as to whether or not life will tremble in the cup and the cup itself be lost before the soul is able to drink the elixir of permanency.

Blessed hearts, realize that those of us who carry a mighty power and defense on behalf of you and yours, those of us who are engaged in the intensity of the battle at astral levels do also retire to the heart of the Cosmic Christ and nestle in the heart of Jesus in that garden where you, with us, have been privileged to be. We require, then, the balance, the roseate light, the tender love of the Universal Mother that the Cosmic Christ bears.

You should also remember, then, when you conduct your magnificent decree sessions in which our legions join, that there comes a time for a pause and an entering in to the sweetness and the all-enfolding love of Lady Venus.

Thus, I invite you now to sing with my legions a song that they have sung long before it was released to you. It is your song to Hesperus. May you love it as we love it, for in this system of worlds we count Venus as a base of love to which we return for the refreshing light of spring.

Be sealed now in heart and soul. Be sealed, O light from the heart of Christ! I, Ray-O-Light, called by God for the sealing of this conclave of light-bearers, do now in this moment seal each Keeper of the Flame upon earth keeping the vigil of the resurrection with a mighty outpouring of this retreat together, with the light of the heart of Jesus and all attending angels and servant-sons.

There is now a circle of fire that can be seen around your heart chakra and the secret chamber of your heart. It is like a white-fire belt at the midpoint of the egg. It is a belt of light that coalesces from the offering, yours and the ascended hosts’, of this class.

Until we meet again in the heart of Jesus, which I trust will be very soon, I bid you adieu and I remind you of our thirty-day tryst for the victory of the God flame of the age.

In the name of Sanat Kumara, Amen.


NOTE:  This dictation by Ray-O-Light was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 11, 1982, during the Easter Conclave at Camelot, cassette B8231, following the release by Archangel Michael, “Because You Need Me,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, pp. 281-94, cassette B8230.

1. Full-color, wallet-sized Chart of Your Divine Self (2-1/8” x 3-5/8”), unlaminated and laminated.

2. The ark of the covenant, the most sacred religious symbol of the Israelites, was the chest constructed at God’s behest to shelter the tablets of the Ten Commandments, the covenant between God and Israel given to Moses on Mount Sinai. It was kept heavily veiled in the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle (the portable sanctuary of the Israelites, also called “the tent of the congregation”) and only the high priest could look upon its uncovered surface. Above the ark, which was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold, was a “mercy seat” covered by the outstretched wings of two golden cherubim. God told Moses: “There I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims....I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat” (Exod. 25:22; Lev. 16:2). It is recorded that “as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses” (Exod. 33:9). The children of Israel carried the ark wherever they went in their journeys through the wilderness and at times into battle. It was  cherished as the active presence of Yahweh with his people. Carefully guarded, it was transported by staves thrust through rings on the sides, for to touch it was forbidden. When Uzza, who was escorting the ark, attempted to steady it as the oxen stumbled, he was struck dead “because he put his hand to the ark” (I Chron. 13:10). The ark was once captured by the Philistines but, according to tradition, was miraculously returned after many years and later transferred to Solomon’s temple. Renewed interest in the ark was portrayed in Raiders of the Lost Ark, a film directed by Steven Spielberg which reveals the race memory of the ark and the allure it still holds for both the light-bearers and those who would take by force the holy things of God. The focusing of the attention on the ark and the sacred fire registered there drives men, by their own purity or impurity, to the heights of passion, lust, and murder or to the heights of the truest nobility in Christ. According to the Los Angeles Times (March 15, 1982), Tom Crotser, leader of a recent expedition to uncover the ark of the covenant, claims to have discovered the golden box that is said to contain the original Ten Commandments. But he won’t release his photographs until he can show them to European financier David Rothschild, who, Crotser says, will rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem.

3. Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, was the avatar for the 2,000-year dispensation of the Piscean age. Saint Germain, the hierarch of the Aquarian age, was the Word Incarnate and forerunner of the seventh dispensation in his final embodiment as Francis Bacon. Saint Germain was preparing the path of the seventh age in his embodiments as the Prophet Samuel; Joseph, protector of Mary and Jesus; Merlin ‘the magician’; Roger Bacon; Christopher Columbus; Francis Bacon; le Comte de Saint Germain. After his ascension, Saint Germain was given the dispensation by the Lords of Karma to manifest in a physical body and was known as le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe.

4. Pictorially, the Chart of the Presence with Jesus Christ and Saint Germain hung to the left and the right depict the three dispensations of the two ages and the light of the people Israel through the Mighty I AM Presence.

5. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”  I Cor. 15:26.

6. Luke 22:42.

7. “Fearlessness Flame for Personal and Planetary Initiations in 1976,” given at The Challenge of Initiation, December 28, 1975, Anaheim, California; cassette B7604, $6.50.

8. See Archangel Michael, April 11, 1982, “Because You Need Me.”  Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, pp. 281-94; cassette B8230.

9. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:  for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”  Luke 21:25, 26.

10. On May 22, 1977, President Jimmy Carter delivered the commencement address to Notre Dame’s graduating class, in which he said:  “Being confident of our own future, we are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

11. See Sanat Kumara, “The Opening of the Seventh Seal,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 22, pp. 166, 270, 275, 305-7, 312, 323-46.

12. See El Morya, April 9, 1982, “Changes Are in Order.”  Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, pp. 259-62; cassette B8228.

13. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:  for he is a liar, and the father of it.”  John 8:44.

14. Decree 7.21 in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

15. This thirty-day dispensation begins for you when you first hear or read this dictation.

In response to the hundreds of letters received by Mother concerning the personal compromise of truth and the law of the covenant of Moses and of Jesus Christ, the messenger has given the following lectures which are available on 2-cassette albums:  “Witness unto the Truth,” April 14, 1982 (A8232); “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord,” April 25, 1982 (A8235); “The Eighth Commandment:  Thou Shalt Not Steal,” April 27, 1982 (A8237); “The Seventh Commandment:  Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,” May 16, 1982 (A8239). Keepers of the Flame and communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant are urged to study these scriptural teachings in the light of their current personal initiations. Each album 3 hours listening.