Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 25 No. 49 - Beloved Archangel Raphael - December 5, 1982


The Healing Thought Form:

“The Crystalline Star of Understanding”

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases...



As the falling of the electrical fires of heaven passes through the air, quivering with the divine radiance, I am come to say: Hail to thee, O children of the earth! Hail to thee, thou blessed ones destined to receive the magnificent gifts of heaven! Thou art greatly beloved as the Son Jesus of old and even as the son Adam, epitomizing the first evolutions and lifewaves that went forth from the immortal temple of light and descended into form and void and substance in order to manifest the beauty and the purity of the divine design and the fulfillment of the dream of the ageless mind of God.

I am this day, in exaltation, descending into the forcefield and matrix prepared for the coming of the angelic hosts. As an archangel, I bear the responsibility for many. And so today, as I am come to you to minister to the needs of your own souls, it is my God-determination to let the atmosphere quiver with the healing light of God—the blue radiance, combined with the green radiance, the pure central white-fire radiance—all combined to form a triad of healing significance.

Precious ones, the white fire core is then surrounded in this case by a mighty, tangible blue sheath of light. And the blue sheath denotes the will of God, which is the manifest perfection for all mankind. The mighty sheath of green, vibrating and quivering around all, is the substance of the healing qualification for the earth and for the evolutions thereof.

Remember, precious ones, the command has gone forth that “the Lord shall heal all their diseases and wipe away all tears from human eyes.” <1> The capacity to heal is certainly within the divine province. Did not the Father, in his immaculate concept, first breathe forth into the substance the perfect design, and “fearfully and wonderfully” <2> did he not create that form that you now wear? Then I am certain that the Lord who is in his holy temple is able to keep the gate of that temple inviolate and without destruction.

Precious ones, the mighty tide of cosmic light that flowed forth to beloved Mary is now flowing forth to the Higher Mental Body <3> and Holy Christ Selves of all of you. For I would not come to one and then bypass another.

I therefore stand in the aura of all to minister, in hope that a new star of brilliant understanding descend into your form and etheric being—that this crystalline star of understanding, radiating forth the brightest healing green light, would be a gift of an archangel to your Higher Mental Body and Holy Christ Self, so that in moments of trial and need you might recognize that you are given by God the power to climb Jacob’s ladder, <4> as it were, the mighty lifeline of your Presence, and, rising up within the flame within your own heart, pass up through your own head and exit at the “trap door” located at the very top of your head, passing out and climbing up in octaves of light through this mighty ladder of Life that is your lifeline to your Divine Presence and finding anchored in your Higher Mental Body this brilliant star which is now reposing in the firmament of your being as a focus of healing love.

This bestowal is a gift for your entire lifetime and will remain with you unto the close of this embodiment or your ascension. You will be able, then, as you master the method whereby you may consciously exit from the body and pass up this mighty tide of electronic light into your Higher Mental Body and Holy Christ Self, to tap the great resources of the healing light and draw forth a more than ordinary measure of assistance, which you may then direct into your own physical body and mind, or to another, according as the case may be, and extend the bounties of heaven to others as a boon given to you from the heart of an archangel and in memory of the healing mission of beloved Jesus to the entire planet.

While I am on the subject of his mission, let me say to all of you, with the deepest devotion of my soul and being, that Jesus, in the fullness of his light and sense of mission, would have gladly healed all of the ills of the world so that nowhere upon the planetary body would there exist a single being in discomfort. Yet surely you must realize the significance of the fact that he did not and see in this that there must be practiced a necessary form of discrimination.

One of the great requisites of healing, blessed ones, is for the individual who is to receive the healing to make the necessary call for himself, which compels the answer from the octaves of light. An intense action, then, does come forth when an individual will faithfully make the call for his own healing.

Witness, then, blind Bartimaeus <5> and others who made their calls to Jesus, saying: “O Jesus of Nazareth, heal me!” <6> In answer to their request, the master was able to establish a focus and contact with our octave, and the mighty currents of the green healing light flowed forth to make them whole.

But I call to your attention that the central focus of the green healing ray is the pure white fire core which is able to touch the responsive chord within every lifestream who may be vibrating on a different ray than the green ray. And therefore, all of every ray are entitled to receive the fullness of the pure healing power from the mighty cosmic fount which descends into the forcefield of mankind’s being in order to bring about the perfection which already was and will remain forever inviolate in the octaves of light!

Bear in mind, precious ones, that when matter and substance becomes distorted through disease and the wrong use of energy, that that wrong pattern then outpicturing will endure so long as there is energy to sustain it. But when the energy is cut off by the direct command of the Higher Mental Body speaking to the physical form and saying, “Stop that action!” it comes to pass that there is a dissolving action whereby the wrong thought patterns are dissolved and there is reestablished a contact with the immaculate conception—the original divine design, the glorious, radiant, pure perfection of the archetypal perfection which abides within the Higher Mental Body and the Mighty I AM Presence of all.

Man must understand, then, the fullness of this great light which is told to you this morning from the lips of an archangel and in commemoration of the mighty focus of light that is anchored within your own forcefield and Higher Mental Body. For each of you are given by God this direct contact, and none of you need feel alone or bereft of the grace of God. For all of you have the power, if you will take it, and the scepter of authority and dominion in your own world to say unto your own Mighty I AM Presence:

Beloved God Presence of me, take command of my four lower bodies and of my being and world. Create and sustain in me a perfect picture of the divine design so wonderfully and fearfully created. See that this action of thy divine eye-picture of my being is established in the forcefield of my whole being and maketh me whole both now and forever.

See that this mighty focus is expanded without limit, establishing forever the patterns of the divine design in the temple immaculate which I AM. Conceive in me anew a clean heart and work in me the fullness of a right mind in action which shall remove all distortions in my flesh form and mental body, bringing about and establishing the wondrous purity of God as it descends, bearing the great power of the bells of freedom which shall ring then in my soul, saying:

I spell an end to the death knell of human creation which would give power to disease and the wrong use of substance and Light’s energy! And I call forth and I invoke and I AM the fullness of the infinite Immanuel—God with me and within me, God established there, God in all his purity, God that is the Manchild that taketh dominion here and now in my being and world and is the fullness of my immortal perfection, conferring upon me the eternal vestments of God which shall be without end, in accordance with the jewellike perfect design, the holy symmetry of the ageless perfection of my being.

All this I AM! All this I ever shall be. And all this shall manifest in all and be all. For God alone is in his holy temple, and all of the world and its discordant voices shall keep silent before the perfection of my being until the dominion of God is given to the whole earth.

The earth which I am is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. The earthen vessel which I am shall now become the refined gold of the Holy Spirit. The radiant power of that Spirit shall stream forth from my heart’s light and kindle around me the aura of the Infinite One—until circling me now is the angelic power of light and the magnetization of light and the magnification of light and the extenuation of light and the attenuation of light over the entire planetary body.

And, therefore, there is conferred upon all the power of the archangels and the healing angels, whereby the healing arts of the world shall be embellished with new and added impetus to bring to mankind many cures for diseases which have not formerly manifested and enable the entire planetary body and the nursing profession to receive a specific quality of Mother Mary anchored within the forcefield of their beings so that their hands become the healing hands of the Cosmic Mother, that their hearts become the cherished heart of the Cosmic Mother.

And the forcefield of light which is above is extended to the earth beneath, and the earth shall unite, even the waters thereof—including the emotional body—with the mighty, tangible light that is above.

And it shall come to pass that the sun radiance of God shall make the reflection of the waters one brilliant diamond of infinite archangelic splendor, which is the perfection of God, which I AM establishing here in God’s holy name this moment. And I declare it shall never pass away or fail!

I have anchored this in Mother Mary’s name and sustain it forever by the great power of the Holy Spirit and the fiat of light given to the hand of an archangel from the very heart of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the holy name of Christ, I salute you. In his name I confer upon you his radiance. In his name I say: Let there be peace, and let error and confusion cease to be!

All is light, and all shall remain light. All is God, and all shall remain God. For the LordGod beheld the creation which he had made, and, behold, it was very good! <7>

I thank you and bid you good afternoon.


Fiats of the Lord printed in bold type are to be used by the disciples of Christ as mantras and dynamic decrees in the science of the spoken Word. Keepers of the Flame are encouraged to compose their own affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom.

This dictation by Archangel Raphael was delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet March 28, 1964, during the 1964 Easter class in Washington, D.C. Introductory quotation: Pss. 103:2, 3. Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God has healed,” first appears in Catholic Scripture in the Book of Tobit. Disguised in human form, he acts as a companion and guide to Tobit’s son, Tobias, on his journey to the distant city of Rages, Media, to collect a debt owed to his father. During the adventurous trip, he rescues Tobias from being devoured by a monstrous fish, leads him to a happy marriage with Sara (thus answering her prayer), binds the demon who had killed her last seven husbands, recovers the debt, and heals Tobit from his blindness. It is only at the end of the journey that he reveals his identity: “I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God” (Tob. 12:15). In I Enoch 40:9, Raphael is described as “he who presides over every suffering and every affliction of the sons of men.” In the Zohar I, it is explained that “Raphael is charged to heal the earth, and through him...the earth furnishes an abode for man, whom also he heals of his maladies.” Longfellow refers to him in The Golden Legend as the “Angel of the Sun.” The ascended masters teach that Raphael is the archangel of the fifth (green) ray of truth. He serves with his divine complement, Archeia Mary (Mother Mary; see Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, p. 454, n. 20), to focus the science, healing, truth, and abundance of God. Together they maintain an etheric retreat over Fatima, Portugal.

1. Isa. 25:8; Rev. 7:17; 21:4.

2. “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Pss. 139:14.

3. The Higher Mental Body and Holy Christ Self are synonymous terms for the mediator of each soul’s relationship to the Spirit of the Living God. This mediator is the Real Self and the Teacher, the Beloved One in whom the evolving soul does place his trust.

4. “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Gen. 28:12.

5. Mark 10:46-52.

6. Matt. 8:5-13; 15:21-28; Mark 1:29-34, 40-43; 2:1-12; 5:22-43; 7:31-37; 8:22-26; 9:14-29; Luke 13:10-13; 17:11-19; John 4:46-54; 5:1-15; 11:1-46.

7. Gen. 1:31.