Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 26 No. 2 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 9, 1983


The Golden Spinning Wheel


Thou eternal tranquility of the Most High, Magnificent God, in thy name I AM spreading abroad the vast Light whose unfailing glory is revealed in the face of the Cosmic Christ!

Come, children of mankind, tune thy heart to the infinite melody of thine own soul. As you weave a garment for yourselves which shall be your eternal robe of righteousness, know that thou hast continually the assistance of the Lord of the World.

There is not a lifestream upon this planet that does not receive a measure of my attention. Those of you who desire to emulate the eternal Father will realize that I have succeeded in stilling the many facets of my mind to reflect in great, cosmic peace the all-pervading consciousness which is cognizant and knows all life everywhere as though that life were my own.

When you cultivate a like spirit of attunement with the Great God Self of the universe in the heart of the Great Central Sun, you shall manifest these qualities of the Buddha, these qualities of the Lord of the World.

As I am speaking to you tonight from Shamballa, I project a vast ray of light across the sea. Parts of the world are already celebrating the new year. The joy that comes from the East and goeth to the West, as the sound of a trumpet, is spread abroad in the hearts of the people. In some, it is a raucous melody, questionable indeed as to harmony. And in others, it is the soft, melodic tinkling of temple bells ringing out the new year to the glory of God.

To all of you and to each one upon earth, I bring the greetings of the Great White Brotherhood. The establishment of the Great White Brotherhood is the boon of all mankind. For from its conception and formation unto the present day, it has in the holy name of God continued to band together into one divine union which can never be dissolved, that august spiritual fraternity of the faithful who have arisen from the many parts of the earth to obtain the victory of their ascension.

It has included lifestreams still embodied in mortal form who have dedicated their all to their own God Self and have obtained thereby certain initiatic experiences which have enabled them to have a bestowal of divine power upon them, far in excess of that which is granted to ordinary mortals.

Therefore today, as always, there is a vast difference in measuring the children of men. As you gaze upon mankind in the world of form, you perceive some who are ignorant indeed of physical as well as cosmic law, and there are shades and degrees of illumination so that all men cannot be supposed to have obtained equal knowledge.

So it is also in spiritual development. For all mankind do not have the same spiritual development. Some have waxed hot indeed as pertains to spiritual development, and others are cold and know not the first of the rudiments of spirituality.

Therefore, in this day and age, in the coming year, a certain plan has been decided upon by the great Karmic Board and the cosmic councils and the Darjeeling Council which I am to apprise you of this night.

The plan, in part, is to create in the hearts and minds of all mankind a great return to a divine hunger and a divine thirst, by sending out vast currents and lifewaves of spiritual seeking to cause the world to turn more and more to the things of the Spirit.

For in this age of materiality, when the downfall of the nations could well come about by an enmeshment in a continual materiality, I am calling for the transmutation of material concepts, of egocentric ideas, and a return to the peace and the beauty and the culture of the Spirit.

Beloved ones, throughout the East and even in other parts of the world, the Buddhist monks continue today to turn their prayer wheels on behalf of all mankind. While they turn their prayer wheels, countless priests are saying masses for mankind, and countless individuals in Christian churches throughout the world are praying for mankind.

Others are affirming and declaring for mankind, while yet others—like yourselves, vested with a more than ordinary spiritual perception—are able to use the power of decrees for mankind and thus invoke a greater than ordinary energy.

While all of this is taking place, the hearts of mankind continue to hunger and thirst after righteousness. And the eternal command is: Blessed are they which [do] hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. <1>

Therefore the Brotherhood this day, and throughout the coming year, is dedicated to the filling of the cups of the hungry and thirsty with the water and bread that came down from heaven. <2> And therefore, it is our desire to amplify spiritual qualities and the quality of God-seeking as such among mankind.

And therefore, I expect that if mankind respond as we intend them to do, that there shall be a great revival of religious interest throughout the world. This year should be, indeed, a year when mankind’s hearts shall turn as never before in this age—or for, shall I say, ages en masse—to their own great latent divinity. And they shall begin to study the manifold religions of the world, each according to his own taste.

But out of it all shall come a great wave of spiritual seeking, and we shall supply to everyone upon this planet, according to the desire of their heart, the fulfillment of their spiritual yearning and, to the best of our ability, shall see to it that they are given a more than ordinary assistance.

You can expect, therefore, those who have in the past turned deaf ears to your calls, those who have in the past failed to respond to you when you spoke to them about spiritual matters, to express a more than ordinary interest. For the stirring is from within, and by the power of thousands of ascended masters and cosmic beings, a spiritual revolution is taking place and the combating of those forces of ignorance and malpractice by mankind—so that the Light can have a more than ordinary expansion and the victory that God intends for the world may manifest. [pause]

I have now released a wave of light. [pause]

I am now releasing another wave of light. [pause]

I am now flooding this place with light! [pause]

Great Cosmic Light, come forth and blaze here! Angelic hosts, come forth and blaze thy mighty light rays through these, thy people!

Angels of Saint Germain and El Morya, come forth and blaze the will of God and the power of transmutation, in the holy name of freedom, through this place and out into the world of form, until everyone upon earth feels a great release of the pressure of that substance known as sin and human discord from their worlds!

Erase and erase and erase the memory—cause, effect, and power—of these conditions from their beings, and let them enter the new world with a clean slate, wiped clean this night by the power of the violet flame!


O violet flame! O violet flame! O violet flame!
In the name of God, in the name of God, in the name of God!
O violet flame! O violet flame! O violet flame!
Flood the world! and flood the world! and flood the world!
In the I AM name, in the I AM name, in the I AM name!

Peace and Peace and Peace be spread throughout the earth!
May the Orient express peace,
May the Occident express peace,
May peace come from the East and go to the West,
Come from the North and go to the South,
And circle the world around!
May the swaddling garments of the earth
Be in place to magnify the Lord
In this day and hour and this night.
May the world abide in an aura of God peace!

   As you remain standing, blessed and beloved ones, I would like to call to your attention that a ceremony takes place this night within the Grand Teton and the releasing of a cosmic thoughtform to mankind of earth.

This night, the thoughtform for the world is a golden spinning wheel. The spinning wheel has a thread which comes down from it and has a tiny arrowlike point which points directly at the individual who gazes upon it. This thread is the connecting link with the Life’s energy of each lifestream and signifies to mankind’s accountability for the energy which they draw forth from the golden wheel of Life.

Mankind, therefore, are expected to be made more conscious this year of their use of that precious gift known to them as life. The Brotherhood at the Royal Teton desire that mankind shall know in much greater measure that their life is God and not Magog, <3> their life is light and not shadow, their life is joy and not pain, their life is beauty and not ugliness, their life is glory and not shame, their life is eternal and not transitory, their life is victory and not defeat, their life hums with the hum of the Lord of the World—like a great cosmic magnet, sweeping the world around!

The pulsations, the vibrations, the glory, the radiation, the perfection, the purity, and the joy of God surges untrammeled through the hallowed realms of space. It floods from the center of a man’s heart. It floods from the center of the universe, and it passes out everywhere, bringing waves of joy and more joy and more joy to all life! And it is the eternal perfection of God that knows no end or limitation.

Blessed ones, hear then the hum of this great cosmic wheel. Know that the ascended masters this year are busy, and they are busy as never before. And this is symbolized in the golden spinning wheel, which signifies the ascended masters’ octave and signifies that mankind’s life comes from the ascended masters’ octave and is not generated, contrary to popular opinion, in the octave of earth.

It is generated in the octave of heaven! And it comes forth, pure and clean, as a golden thread connecting mankind with his Great God Source. There is no other source whatsoever of life, there is no other source of light, there is no other source of joy, there is no other source of peace, there is no other source of perfection! This is peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace without end!

And if it is to be without end in an individual lifestream, then that individual must express it. If you fail to express this peace, you have no one to blame, blessed ones, but yourself.

For the peace of God which passeth all understanding <4> is enthroned upon the lotus throne of your own heart. With each heartbeat, the voice of God speaks within you, and when your heart ceases to beat, because the time has come when you shall vacate that particular physical embodiment or form which you now occupy, that Life flame which you are does not die—it passes into the eternal octaves of Light and follows a perfect pattern of Light’s perfection.

And everyone is a manifestation of God, intended to be a prince of peace sitting upon a lotus throne of absolute peace, absolute power, absolute satisfaction, and absolute God-dominion. Why, then, individuals must continue to wrestle with themselves, when all they have to do is acknowledge themselves, is a question for mankind to decide upon.

When they shall determine that they themselves can actually become sick of the idea of mere mortal thoughts and shall decide that they will express divine thoughts and be made whole, then they shall manifest and wear garments of perfection and light, and we shall step through the veil in rooms just like this one—or greater rooms.

And we shall step forth in the full manifestation of our glory, because mankind will not take the energy we release and misqualify it by human concepts and use it to create thoughtforms of ugliness and displeasure. They will create, instead, thoughtforms of beauty and perfection, and this will seal the world in the golden age!

And therefore, this magnificent symbol of the golden spinning wheel is the thoughtform for this year. And I am flooding that thoughtform with all the golden, shimmering, glorious beauty of the eternal God made in the heavens by the power of projected thought from the ascended masters’ octave.

For there are nine spokes to this wheel, and these nine spokes are indeed a symbol of perfection to mankind, symbolizing the three-times-three, the power of the three-times-three, and the power of the sacred fire without limit—the power of the three-times-three! the power of the three-times-three! the power of the three-times-three!

This is victory, victory, victory! victory, victory, victory! victory, victory, victory! over all that mankind have given dominion to—and is Life, Life, Life to all who will accept it and glory, as I do, in the eternal beauty and perfectionment as it expresses in the vast music of the spheres! 


O angels of the sacred fire,
Take thy censers broad and bright—
Flood this earth tonight with Light!
Flood this earth tonight with Light!
Let this place be sanctified
By the sacred incense from heaven’s altars
And let it spread abroad into every church,
Every mosque, every vihara, every sacred place,
Every temple of the Great White Brotherhood,
Every focus of light—
Until the flames of eternal truth and perfection
Are blazing on every altar, flooded into the heart
Of every one of God’s children the world around,
Whether they are conscious of it or not,
To draw them as a magnet
Unto the eternal perfection of God
Made eternal in the heavens!

   I AM Gautama—a Buddha, speaking to you from Shamballa. On wings of cosmic light, I AM come this night to give you a message of courage and hope for the coming world.

The president of this great nation, John Kennedy, has admitted to mankind that he has a great hope for the world. And this hope which has blossomed in his heart was sent to him by a band of angels from Shamballa; and it is a blessing to the people of America and a blessing to the people of the world. For, contrary to some people’s opinion, the forces of Light are interested in mankind.

There is so much love expressed by God for his creation that I cannot honestly see how mankind can conceive of destructive forces. I cannot conceive how they can permit their consciousness to dwell in realms of malice and malpractice. I cannot conceive how individuals dare to defy the very Life that beats their heart—and yet it has happened.

But, blessed and beloved ones, let us call an end to the realms of night. Let us call an end to the forces of destruction. Let us weld a planetary body of light around this planet, until the people of earth know what it means to be one! God is one, one, one, one, one! Be one, then, in spirit, be one in truth, and be no longer a divided group of individuals going in many directions. Focus your energies toward your own God Self, the lodestone of your divinity—and you shall find the peace and perfection you seek.

Ladies and gentlemen, how beautiful, how beautiful are your feet as they walk the pathway home to God! I have observed long processions in the Orient, wandering up the mountainsides—some wearing yellow robes, some wearing tattered robes of the wandering mendicant, some wearing robes in such tatters that they scarcely covered their physical form. And yet within the hearts of all of them there was the great power of love beating their hearts with hope. How beautiful, how beautiful are the feet of those who seek the pathway Home!

I have observed mankind as they stand at the gate that leads from this world into our octave, that separates them from their physical form. I have observed the soaring aspirations of tired spirits. (This may seem as a strange expression to you, but I refer to the spirit within man wearying of finite expressions and “tininess” and “littleness.”) And I have observed the soul longing for that lifestream to be free from mortal form.

I have observed the great wave of hope that those individuals expressed—a hope to be united with those they love who have gone on before. And yet, in truth, the golden thread of Life is passed through every heart and links every heart with its Great God Source.

None of you need feel bereft or alone ever again if you will recognize that great stream of Life-energy which is your own as your God Self. Take each heartbeat then, each wave of life as it comes to you so fresh, so pure, so clean, and say: 

I welcome you, O my Divinity, my shining Self! Give me the mercury diamond-shining Mind of God, and let the quicksilver wings of this mercury shining Mind of God illumine my being! illumine my being! illumine my being!

Hear the steady hum of God as he speaks in the workshop of your own world. Hear this great power, this throbbing power. Feel this energy pouring through you, giving you life, flooding your cells with energy, bringing to your mind illumination, and giving you a hope that mankind cannot take from you—that no one can take from you!

This is the eternal peace of God. I have, through the vast wisdom of God and the love of God, sat upon my lotus throne here at Shamballa and soared beyond the visible and known universe, out into realms of such light and glory as you cannot even dream of or conceive of in your present state. And yet wherever I have gone, wherever I have traveled in the great sea of the unknown to mankind, I have found God, God, God manifesting as love, love, love everywhere!

And so the pervading spirit of love which is everywhere in the universe ought to express everywhere in you—from the very top of your numbered hairs of your head <5> to the soles of your feet! From every lifestream, the golden ray of oneness and unity ought to blaze forth, and there ought not to be discord anywhere upon the earth.

O beloved mankind, accept then this new year the complete freedom from every shackle! Set the earth free today, and then I think the hearts of heaven shall be happy ever after. I know that I shall join the chorus. I think that you would also.

Thank you and good evening.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet January 1, 1962, during the 1962 New Year’s class in Washington, D.C.

1. Matt. 5:6.

2. John 6:35, 51.

3. Ezek. 38:2; 39:6; Rev. 20:8.

4. Phil. 4:7.

5. Luke 12:7.