Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 26 No. 48 - Beloved Lanello - November 27, 1983


Reach for the Star of the Guru
You Are the Educator of Yourself


It is the cry of the soul: “Create!” It is “Excelsior!”

Create, O my soul—and create with excellence.

So, in immortal poem, I penned the call of Morya and the striving of my own soul to exceed the mortal matrix, to step beyond the veil, to transcend cycles and therefore to enter the Infinite. <1>

If your reach does not exceed your grasp, if you cannot rise beyond the pull of this life, both pain and comfort, then you may be here for a while—by your own choice, by your own free will.

I have found that on the path of striving, beloved chelas, it is best to throw oneself into the whole project with zest, to enter the coil and look not to the right or left until it is through. This gives momentum to the task and victory over those whose striving is less.

We all run in a race, <2> and it is the race for the prize of the banner of the I AM and the prize of the ascension. The race is not against another, though only one may pass through at a time, but the race is against oneself and the former timing that will not do.

Some have discovered why projects begun have not been fulfilled in life. Some have discovered the mystery of Being. Some know themselves better than when they came. But I say to all: Whatever the past, it is surely behind you, and this is the hour to face the Life and to face the Light—to face it and to charge!

Charge forth, therefore, and mount with a great summoning of thy being, and accept the challenge to build my community. Accept the challenge to build the place where only some can face the dweller and face eternal Life and win.

There are those lifestreams who could not make it on the Path without such a place provided apart from the world—and therefore a protection, a solidifying, a solidarity, if you will, of those so united in strength that the weaknesses of the lesser links are fortified by the strong.

I come in the name of Serapis. I come in the name of Jesus, the Lord. I come in the name of you—every chela of the light and you who have labored this quarter <3> to intensify the light in the heart of the earth.

And I tell you truly, you have! You have indeed increased the light in the earth, and for this I am grateful. And I tell you so that you will know your worth and realize that the mandala of students who have been one in the heart of Mother Mary may be preserved forever as a matrix of strength and mutual reinforcement, if you will it so.

If you will continue to decree for the causes you have espoused, the light will continue to grow in the heart of the rock. And jewels will grow in the earth and crystal flowers will appear, hemming your garments with sparkling light as you are accompanied by angels who accompany you wherever you go.

Blessed ones, the Tree of Life stands tall, and you are reaching for the highest branch.

I remember well Excelsior as a pinpoint of light in the eastern sky. I remember the point of light and the planetary evolution sponsored by my own Guru, beloved El Morya, dressed in white and the emerald displayed only for those who are his own.

This beloved master has consecrated life and evolutions on a planet all his own. The name of the planet, Excelsior—and thus, my reaching for that star in spirit, I set forth in verse a hundred years ago. And so, a self-fulfilling prophecy it was. For to reach for the star of the Guru is truly the reach for the Most High.

Therefore, in the sapphire blue of the aura of El Morya, certain lifewaves are learning the disciplines of the Path exclusively beneath his rod and under the shelter of his causal body. Like Abraham of old, he ministers to his own— a father of fathers, peerless.

We come together to celebrate his name and to recognize his adoration of Christ, his oneness with Serapis; for he was also a mason at the site of the Great Pyramid, and truly his Selfhood [is] contained in my own heart’s devotion to him.

Thus, El Morya surely presents to us all the synthesis of hierarchy and the intimate knowledge of the Path. One so devoted to the will of God must surely know every step of the way of the seven rays and the magnificent beings of light who have fulfilled their purposes in the very midst of life on earth.

As long as I have sat at the feet of El Morya, I have continued to learn more and more of the wisdom of God. He is not a teacher who recycles his old messages—unless, of course, the pupils wax dull and therefore he must repeat to gain the victory he had desired in the first instance.

El Morya, then, as my own flame, with Lanto and Confucius, with the Council of the Royal Teton, celebrates this day as a victory of the golden flame of illumination in those who have graduated in their respective levels of devotion, service, and study.

We celebrate the many avenues that the golden flame of illumination has touched merely by passing through you—as the expression of the Tree of Life— through your being and through the veins and arteries and through the very roots of your own trees. That which has been given and received in these several courses, carried on simultaneously, has already passed to the ties and connections of lifestreams of whom you are a part.

Surely you must know that the Maha Chohan has worked diligently to bring together at Camelot people of so diverse backgrounds, and recently from so many nations. Thus, the recent karma and history of a lifestream, and his contact with his own, means that the mighty stream of the teachings of the Brotherhood and the golden rays of the Buddha of the dawn are reaching more and more lifestreams.

Therefore, we look to education. For we realize that wars may come and go and economic cycles rise and wane, but, beloved hearts, there is always the child that must be God-taught. And if there were not the children amongst us, we would surely know that the seasons would soon cease and life on earth should no longer be.

I have witnessed another planet beyond this system of recent date, and the state and condition of that planet so impressed me that even Elizabeth received a simultaneous impression. This planet, beloved, was in a state of dying far more progressed than that which you find on the earth. The trees no longer gave forth their leaves or fruits. Barrenness was everywhere. One had to look hard to find even anything that was green.

It was almost like a ghost city, except it was an entire planet. What evolutions were left were as white—as bone white—as you can imagine. And the desolation and the nonexistence and the presence of death in life itself was almost more than I could bear.             Thus, El Morya waited these years to show me this particular planetary body because it is such an intense matrix among the solar systems of that which could happen—and as a matrix, almost subject to being contagious and contaminating other spheres. It appears that this is the last vestiges of what would be a physical body of a planet before it even becomes entirely astral in its manifestation.

Thus, one can see that through war, the misuse of nuclear energy, the destruction of life, experimentations, and so forth, a planet and its evolutions may literally die and cease to have any function. At which point, if there is something of redeeming value in the evolutions and they should embody elsewhere, a similar condition is found so that they will not be without the karma of pushing through and reversing the cycle.

And thus, it is necessary to find a planet of a similar condition but not nearly so advanced, so that the lifewaves who did nothing about the condition of their own home star may now make an about-face, contribute something constructive to life, and hopefully save another orb from the ultimate deceleration process.

Planet Earth, then, appears as a paradise after visiting such a devastated star. And thus, surely I have counted my blessings that our chelas are in a haven of light so far beyond that which it might be, had it not been for the avatars and the masters and the Brotherhood and the violet flame and all good that has been brought here in Saint Germain’s heart and also by others in his name.

By comparison, we therefore see that this planet may accelerate into a progressive evolution toward the golden age. And its evolutions of light may actually stop the downward spiraling, if the major conditions which were mentioned in this commencement address <4> of ours could be met and faced, challenged, and if even the light-bearers alone realized the immense power that is in their hands to actually tackle these conditions and win.

One thing you must remember: that the more entrenched and the greater prolongation of negativity, the more it seems to require to overturn it and reverse it. Nevertheless, God can do anything.

And therefore, we must cease to believe that any problem on earth, as large as it may loom, as much of Death and Hell as may be seething within it, cannot be reversed, turned around, challenged, and consumed by the members of this community worldwide, if they but set their hearts and dynamic decrees unflinchingly and unfailingly to the task.

Sometimes, as we have spoken in the Royal Teton Council, we have said, “Is it better to assign various groups specialized projects to handle serious matters that take a relentless and daily program of decrees for a time? Or is it better to assign the entire student body on one point until it, being consumed, affects all other points of darkness and reverses them as well?”

From time to time we have seen that either one of these alternatives has borne good fruit, been necessary, and been to the great advantage of the Divine Director, who does indeed require the spinning of the causal body of the sapphire blue for the release of the divine plan into the earth.

Therefore, of course, these specific issues must be dealt with: war as the international dragon and beast fed by the international bankers, the international capitalists and communists whom you know very well are the fallen ones from beyond; war and then the separate problem of the arms race and the very defense of the free world.

I should say that on an equal par with the burden of the economy is the condition of drugs and rock itself. Rock music disturbs the balance of economic forces and the flow of supply and of money among the people. It conjures up devils and surely wrecks havoc wherever it is allowed to be played and create a forcefield.

These conditions are primary and are fed, of course, by murder of every kind, including abortion. Thus we see the interconnectedness of the black mosaic of the false hierarchy which they create out of their own computers.

I would therefore suggest that a simple insert on these topics, a listing of no more than a dozen major categories, be added in to all decrees, so that the effectiveness will be that the entire student body may have their energies focusing on these conditions each time they give a preamble. <5>

Sometimes to be too detailed and too long discourages hearts from even giving the decree at all. And thus, we would rather have the mere mention of the major conditions than not at all; for by the mere mentioning of the word, legions of light may enter where they are not allowed, except a son of God give the call.

Now, therefore, in the face of the movement of world conditions, how much more important it is to guard the sanctity of some souls of light, some children, some newcomers to the earth. And by this word I use, I give you a hint that there shall be born in this year, and in the early part of the next year, some individuals who have not embodied upon earth but shall be visitors to join in the fight; for they are determined to see it through—and to see it through with you, beloved.

And therefore, when you think of what one individual can do and you think of the community—the best of light and food and education and love and interaction and spiritual teaching—you realize that to save the nations, to send emissaries from our Camelot to go forth nation by nation, it does not require thousands upon thousands, but choice servants of God, well cared for, well loved, from their initiating cycles coming into birth.

I would comfort you then with the understanding that we have been through what seems to be a long period of facing the betrayers and the fallen ones who have made it their business to come into the light and the activity and file through the organization. But, beloved hearts, it has all been to a purpose—a purpose which I may not reveal, but only explain that all things must be governed by karma, by cosmic law, by the exigencies of an age, and the going and the comings of many lifewaves.

We look to and anticipate a tremendous joy as light-bearers who have been waiting and waiting at inner levels to join the ranks of such as yourselves will now be able to enter in. Thus we look to the media in all forms and your ingenuity, as well as such excellence in schools and in education as to draw the very best of the creative thinkers of the world and those who are so much a part of the pillars of civilization, that they might also have a place for their children and lend support to this worldwide movement of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

It is good. It is good to concentrate upon all that has been of Good and Light and Peace. It is good to recapitulate. It is good to realize that though the soul of the messenger may have passed through a dark night, and though this may have been the necessity of the hour, the bright dawn of Helios and Vesta does shed upon the earth a pathway of golden sun and the revelation of angels of the golden pink glow-ray, accompanying souls of light to embody for the very manifestation that the certain judgment is come and a new evolution is almost at the door.

Precious ones, nothing could be more positive than your future. Nothing could be more hopeful than the saving of the children of light on earth. And nothing could be more devastating than the individual’s own turning of his back to the sun source and the light and the open door of the ascended masters’ octave.

I will tell you something that may comfort you, and it may enlighten you. And that is that there is not a single ascended master you will find in heaven who has not had to work very hard, to bear great burdens, injustices, and all manner of situations on earth in order to make that ascension. None of us have been exempt. And so Jesus said, “What they have done to me, they will do to you.” <6>

Have, therefore, for dessert tonight a good sense of commeasurement of yourself vis-a-vis the ascended masters. Focus in your mind’s eye, by the crystal ray, a realistic assessment of the Path. Working hard with joy in your heart, you will realize that this hard work of which I speak is not really hard except to the observer.

Within yourself, you give all you have each day. You strive beyond with the cry “Excelsior!” You transcend cycles. You even enter new bodies recharged by the Light. But, beloved ones, there is always the prize, there is always the joy.

Sometimes it is good to condition oneself to the length of the run. If it is one mile or three miles or ten miles, you take a different approach as to how you will master—whether by endurance or by speed, how you will win the race. Sometimes it is because one does not measure the distance when one begins the journey that one becomes weary before one does truly arrive at the appointed goal. But if one has already told oneself, “This journey is a thousand miles, and I will take it with zest,” he will stick through the thousand miles. But if one is only prepared for five, then one will consider ten far too long.

It is amazing, when you consider it—the different sense of distance that the evolutions upon earth have. Depending on their environment and their means of transportation, some do not consider distance at all and will go anywhere around the world (and many times over) to be where we are. Others will not move themselves twenty-five miles except, perhaps, once in several months.

So, beloved, take from me a few tips on self-mastery, and realize that you have actually been given many in this quarter. But I consider that this sort of commeasurement—this personal oneness with the Master, the messengers, the ascended hierarchy, the sense of community and the sense of the journey having a beginning and an end—will strengthen you mightily in the middle. And of course, it is in the middle when individuals tend to look over the side of the wooden bridge, down into the abyss, and be seized with a great, great fear.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the donkeys are not the least concerned when they look down from these tremendous heights—or the horses, or the mules? But they keep on going, for they know the way. And they have an excellent sense of the commeasurement, and they pace themselves exactly, as they know just how long the journey will take. And they know they have a precious prize upon their backs, and they know their job well. And they will get you there and they will get you back, so long as you yourselves do not become unnerved or enervated.

In the diamond-shining heart of Morya, I show you now a pathway that is illumined—a pathway whereby your heart, fastened to the heart of a child, as though in mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as you hold that child to your chest, will transfer the knowledge and the wisdom and all that is needed for that child’s future. Each one must be a teacher of something, so you ought to begin to consider what it is that you will teach at the Inner Retreat, at Glastonbury, or wherever you are in life.

I once knew a man who had a talent for making every sort and shape of animal and other art form with balloons. So everywhere he went—in public, in private, traveling, and gatherings—he would sit and make these creative objects out of balloons, soon gathering around him all sorts of people to whom he then gave these simple creations, which were quite ingenious. By this little technique, he could talk to anyone he desired to. He would draw people to himself, and he developed a wide circle of acquaintances all over the planet.

It is called a device, and it is not for divisiveness but for unity. Your device might be your excellence in culinary arts. There is something with which you can draw, by the magnet of your heart, souls of light as in no other way.

So, with honey we may attract bees. So, with a special talent of your heart, by the craft of your hands, you might indeed find that wherever you are you may become a center of a sun radiating rays. And by curiosity or love or the sensing of your aura with the Christ raised up in you, you may draw all men unto you. <7>

Some of you may pull out a harmonica and begin to play “Home on the Range.” Some of you may do as one odd fellow was doing in the middle of Los Angeles: entertaining crowds with mime and turning somersaults on the streets and having crowds of people laughing at him.

These attention-getters, when they are done for the Holy Spirit and for Almighty God, can be the means of many sheep coming into the sheepfold. As the chickens come when the grain is cast to the ground, as the cows know the feeding time, so, beloved hearts, you must realize that there is an inner way that the call of your soul to the body of light-bearers may be sent forth.

There is no end to the creativity of the Godhead. And therefore, let not increasing years within your body temple cause you to lose a spontaneity of imagination and the can-do spirit whereby you say, “All things are indeed possible to me because I know that fellow whose name is Lanello!”

Well, because you know me, dear hearts—after all, I do have connections and I can put you in touch with masters and stars and situations where you may come immediately into contact with teachers and with very dedicated hearts that are performing certain activities which would be very much to your own liking and in agreement with your own talents.

This is one of my dreams for the community of Camelot, that we might draw together the best minds of the world who are the spiritual devotees, and in a climate of creativity and invention and mutual stimulus, with angels guarding all around, there might be brought forth solutions to many desperate problems—from the recurrence of cancer to other conditions which have, in fact, dumbfounded many of the best educated and those who sincerely would like to find answers to life’s perplexing questions.

Sometimes it is the simplest formula that can resolve a crisis. And sometimes it is the most obvious elements of the teachings which, if they were heard by biologists or scientists or engineers, would be the missing link in mathematical formulas and problems that they have worked on for years.

I tell you, there are some self-evident truths that you take for granted which, if they were understood in the dimensions of nuclear physics, would even cause a revolution in this area of life. Thus, it is important to publish the Word, that those who need it may have it and that it might electrify and quicken those whose work is absolutely necessary to deliver this age into the golden age.

I trust you will realize that you are on a path of education whether you like it or not. First and foremost, you are the educator of yourself. And as you increase in the golden flame of illumination in your aura, you are automatically educating other lifestreams, for they pick up the wavelength in the radiations of light of your aura.

How much better, then, to organize and therefore to articulate that which you have internalized. For the dharma is upon everyone to pass on to another and another the excellence of the creation.

Thus, each one receiving his own mantle and the Maltese cross that Saint Germain gives, thus each one now having that seal, that promotion which is in order, I promise you that my own teachings and those of the Lord Jesus and Serapis will continue on and on and on.

As a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, which I still am in the ascended state, as a co-witness of the one who is clothed with linen who is in the very center of the River of Life, <8> I, Lanello, therefore bless you with the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. And I send you on your way in all diligence to conquer the Matter sphere and self.

I AM in the heart of the chela always.

Victory to the light-bearer.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Father’s Day, June 19, 1983, at Camelot.

1. In his embodiment as Longfellow (1807-1882), Lanello wrote the poem “Excelsior,” dated September 28, 1841. The intent, described in his own words, was “to display, in a series of pictures, the life of a man of genius, resisting all temptations, laying aside all fears, heedless of all warnings, and pressing right on to accomplish his purpose. His motto is Excelsior—‘higher’....He answers to all, ‘Higher yet!’...Filled with these aspirations, he perishes without having reached the perfection he longed for; and the voice heard in the air is the promise of immortality and progress ever upward.” The poem, which has been set to music (song 518 in The Summit Lighthouse Book of Songs.) by the group Excelsior, was played as the musical meditation preceding this dictation.

2. I Cor. 9:24-27; Heb. 12:1.

3. This address by Lanello was the closing dictation of Summit University Spring Quarter 1983 (March 30-June 19), Levels I, II, and III. Beloved Jesus Christ, who was the presiding master, was assisted by Lanello and Serapis Bey in sponsoring the quarter.

4. In the afternoon preceding this dictation, commencement exercises were held for Montessori International and the Summit University and Pan-American Montessori Society Preschool Teacher Training Course. The Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, president of Montessori International and Summit University, delivered the commencement address on the greatest challenges ever to be faced by the new graduates. Her review of the critical social issues of our time included: poverty, the nuclear threat, economic chaos, political intrigue, planetary war, Soviet and Communist aggression in Poland, Afghanistan, and Central America, the US-USSR military imbalance, chemical warfare, incurable diseases, abortion, drugs, illiteracy, and the decline in American education.

5. Suggested insert, composed by the staff of the messenger in response to Lanello’s request: Take dominion now over war, the international capitalist/communist conspiracy, all manipulation of the economy, the arms race, all opposition to the defense of the free world, crime, murder of every kind, including abortion, all misuses of the media, perversions in education, drugs, rock music, and environmental pollution.

6. John 15:20.

7. John 12:32; James 4:8.

8. Dan. 12:5-7.