Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 27 No. 7 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - February 12, 1984


A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
The Christ Consciousness


Friends of eternal Love, from the beginning of all time, from the beginning of the idea of creation in the Mind of God, is an eternal reality woven into the fabric of individual lifestreams. It is too much a part of life to be separated. And no one has the power, neither “height, nor depth, nor any other creature,” <1> to separate mankind from the great power and beauty of divine love which, like a mantle of ascended Christ perfection, rests upon the individual consciousness of each lifestream.

The purity of the new babe may be sullied by wandering in the human consciousness. But when it enters into the consciousness of its own immortal purity once again, it manifests that purity and expression which it did in its original pristine, pure state.

I exalt in you today—even I, Maitreya—the consciousness of the Divine One. Solicitude for purity of consciousness is to adore God within your heart.

Blessed ones from among mankind destined to be immortal, you come today into this place expecting perhaps to hear words of great power. The greatest word of power that has ever been uttered was spoken into your consciousness with the framework of your being when the voice of God in you spoke and said, “Behold, I AM!”

This being, which is the fiber of you, this existence of immortality, did not begin to be yesterday, nor shall it cease to be today, nor shall it cease to be forever. Anchor in yourself, therefore, a sense of the immortal consciousness of God and the immortal consciousness of Love.

When the Master Jesus wandered upon the hillsides of Judaea outpicturing the magnificence of that which we at inner levels poured through his life consciousness, he drew the multitudes to him and he broke the bread of Life. And he passed the Sacred Eucharist of God among mankind. Truly the night of the Passover—as he said to those that were assembled, “Take, eat, this is my body” <2>—they were unaware of the full beauty or the full power or the great meaning underlying those words.

So today, blessed ones, I speak to you as to babes in the Christ consciousness. I tell you, of a truth, there are but few of you that are fully aware of the meaning of the bread of heaven that comes down and manifests as your life. <3> So caught up is the consciousness of mankind by the consciousness of the mundane and the superficialities of life, that it only momentarily glimpses the beauties of the Christ consciousness. And this is pitiful, but remediable.

The all-enfolding, all-encompassing love of God, which I now pour around you with the radiance of my heart, is able to seal in you that mantle of God perfection and so illumine the consciousness that is you, that you shall manifest and outpicture that which we already are.

We beckon just beyond the veil, calling you with the great tones of spiritual inspiration to come into our consciousness and abide. The voices of the world, crying in the wilderness <4>of the world, call also. It is up to you, blessed ones, to make the decision as to whom you shall listen and to whom you shall hearken.            This is a great and a magnificent land conceived by your beloved Saint Germain and endowed with the great spirit of Liberty. Paul, the Venetian master, radiated so much love to America in the past and continues to do so.

 But, blessed ones, America is destined to be an ascended-master nation, a nation flooded with the beauty of God. If this destiny which America was intended to outpicture is to manifest here, it will be because individual lifestreams have put their shoulders to the wheel—not the wheel of selfishness and the wheel of selfish endeavor, not the mechanistic wheel that merely turns in the marts of commerce, but the wheel of divine consciousness that in its turning brings forth a more beautiful civilization, that determines to outpicture in each succeeding generation a more noble visage than the past.

I come to you today in the enfolding mantle of Cosmic Christ light. And I come to you today with the form and consciousness of the Buddha. I am (for purposes of those among you who do not see me) standing just approximately four feet behind our messenger, and I am above in the atmosphere about three feet above his head.

I am speaking to you today with arms of radiant light. I am pouring out my light rays through his consciousness and into your consciousness that you might absorb these light rays and feel the healing love which I am bringing to you, that you may be blessed with the infinite mantle of Christ protection and that you may feel that Love which has never begun to be—which always was—which from the beginning is identified with the creation, for it existed long before the creation was even conceived in the mind and heart of God.

Blessed and beloved ones, hearken now as I speak to you—but hearken, I say, as your Holy Christ Self speaks to you. During those moments when you are not so privileged to sit at our feet and hear directly from us, your own Holy Christ Self is speaking to your heart.

Your Holy Christ Self, guided by the great masterful light rays from your own God Presence, floods through your consciousness that sense of direction that tells you, “This is the way, walk ye in it”; and your teacher, therefore, is not removed into the corner, <5>but is directly hovering over you in consciousness, pouring out and flooding to you daily—if you will listen and if you will hear it—the voice of God, the direction of God, the wisdom of God, the strength of God, and the love of God.

What you shall do with this divine energy, blessed ones, is determined by your own consciousness. What you shall do with it is determined by your acceptance of its pressures of light. It is a benign pressure. It does not come, however, to take away your freedom of will or your freedom of expression. It comes to bring you the great will of God and the freedom to express the fullness of that same God.

I AM the full expression of the radiance of God!

I AM the full expression of the power and glory of God!

I AM the full expression of the kingdom of God!

For now I AM expanding the consciousness of Light here, and I AM increasing the strength of the great stream of Light that comes from the power of my office!

I AM the Buddha, and therefore I enfold you today in the great ‘budding divinity’ that shines over your form, that desires to change your form into those golden light rays which shall make you outpicture that which God intends— not which humans intend, but that which the Father intended from the beginning.

Blessed ones, when the great laws of God are thoroughly understood by you, then the veil of mystery is removed, and the clarity with which you behold the face of your Holy Christ Self will determine how you will behold the face of your God Presence. And when you are able to see the face of your God Presence in its own fullness of glory, you will be that glory.

Ladies and gentlemen, I salute you today as ladies and gentlemen of heaven. You are intended to sit in heavenly places in the ascended Jesus Christ conscious- ness. You are intended to be a part of the vanguard of that movement of light which should sweep the earth and bring to all mankind the freedom to express this Christ, the freedom to express the ascended masters’ way of life, the freedom to express God-beauty all ways at all times.

Open, therefore, your hearts today. Open the doorway to your own budding divinity. Cease to look upon mortal aims, and consider the immortal aims of your existence. These are like a great shepherd. These aims will care for you. These aims will care for your earthly endeavors. These aims will look after you.

I say to you, do you think, blessed ones, that it is necessary for you to take thought for tomorrow as to what you shall do or be? Is it not truly possible for the Father, for the Christ in you, to take that thought for you? For indeed, which of you could change your stature by thought? <6>And yet it has been done. Blessed and beloved ones, it is done by the Father.

When the immaculate image of God, the immaculate thought of God, is flashed forth in living letters of fire, it is a fiat of heaven eternal, and there is no power on earth or heaven or elsewhere that can alter or change the divine consciousness.

Enter, therefore, into this Christ consciousness and know that it is that consciousness which shall be the compulsion of change within you, which shall compel the answer of victory, which shall alter your thought about yourself, and shall give you the freedom to express your immortal God perfection made manifest! made manifest! made manifest!

I say to you today that never in all eternity can you outpicture the Christ consciousness by merely doing it in the human level. It must come from an invocation of your conscious attunement with your God Presence and your Holy Christ Self.

And you must actually open your consciousness until the floodgates and the flood tides of immortal Life have so directed their energies through your conscious thinking form and your being, that you are that which you desire to become—that you are a manifestation of God, that you are aware that you are a manifestation of God, that you desire to be a manifestation of God, that you determine that the fires of immortality shall flame upon the altars of your being, and that those altars shall be as God intended—altars to alter the human consciousness and direct it to its highest exalted state wherein the sacred fire flaming there becomes the consciousness of God in full manifest expression; and you are able to see not only the face of your Presence, but every angelic being, every cosmic being, every ascended master, every deva, and are able to see into the heart of all Matter, are able to control matter and energy and be masters not only of your own world, but also of the world of material form and substance.

I, Maitreya, say to you today that the ascended masters, in the great deliber- ations and the councils of the Great White Brotherhood, have determined that human tyranny has too long held sway over the mass mind. Therefore we have asked for a great petition whereby the student body today shall be given that which is known as the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. From this day henceforward, every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!

I, Maitreya, declare that those who give decrees from this day forward shall be creating a tremendous, impelling, swiftly moving acceleration which shall sweep through the earthly consciousness of mankind and compel this earth free.

It is determined by the Great Cosmic Law that this earth shall not submit to the tyranny of human consciousness—which, in itself, while it is intelligent substance to a degree, is not ascended-master discriminating intelligence. Therefore, it has no power! It has no power! It has no power! And I say that you must cut yourself free from that consciousness by a conscious, joyful entering in to our thought by entering in to the thought of God about you.

You are thought of by God. Each and every lifestream here is a part of God. Each of you has a doorway to enter into God’s consciousness. Each of you can expand the flame of the sacred fire on the altar of your own being. And no other lifestream can do it for you. No ascended master can do it for you. No one can do it for you, in the final analysis, but your own God Presence and Holy Christ Self.

We can and we do give you our love! We can and we do give you our energy! We can and we do give you our strength! And we guide you and we direct you and we deliberate in our councils to bring to the earth and all of its environs the great enfolding love of the infinite Cosmic Christ intelligence and the All-Fat- her/Mother God.

But, blessed and beloved ones, it is up to individuals to determine that they shall be one with God, one with Life, one with beauty, one with the Buddha, one with the Buddha of their own unfolding divinity, one with the mantrams of the Spirit—until they in God-victory are a part of God forevermore.

I thank you. I seal you with the smile of the eternal radiance of heaven.

O blessed and beloved ones of the Freedom class in Washington, thank you for coming. Thank you for hearing my words. I give you God-gratitude in the name of heaven.

Go forth, then, this day to consciously exist as children of the light to expand the light as we do. And then no power in heaven and earth shall cause you to swerve from the Path.

The demons shall tremble when you speak. And light shall go before your Path like a shaft of blazing infinite fire. As Moses walked through the wilderness, you shall pass unscathed through human consciousness, and there shall come near you nothing that can hurt or destroy in all the holy mountain of God-Illumination.<7>

Peace to you from the Summit—Cosmic Christ peace from your own God Presence, your Holy Christ Self, and from the consciousness of the Buddha Eternal within you all.

I thank you. Good afternoon.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

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This dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet July 1, 1961, during the Freedom Class of 1961 in Washington, D.C.

Click here to see other events on this date available through CD on Demand.

1. Rom. 8:38, 39.

2. Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; I Cor. 11:23, 24.

3. John 6:31-35, 41, 47-58.

4. Isa. 40:3; Matt. 3:3.

5. Isa. 30:20, 21.

6. Matt. 6:25-34; Luke 12:22-32.(7) Isa. 11:9; 65:25.