Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 27 No. 36 - Beloved Jesus Christ - July 8, 1984

A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator

The Mystery School of Lord Maitreya
Ascension Day Address 1984

Consider the lilies of the field, how they toil not, neither spin. Yet I say unto you again that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. <1>

The Sign of the Cross

I address you, my beloved, as lilies of the field—and that for a cosmic purpose: it is the purpose of your ascension in the Light. For this is the true commemoration of the Word where I AM THAT I AM in your midst. I commemorate the place that is marked by the sign of the cross of white fire, by the sign of every cross of every hero and heroine of all ages—in Flanders Field, on every battleground and beachhead celebrated in this hour as the point of courage of the hearts of those who have stood for truth, for freedom, and for peace. <2>

I celebrate the sign of that cross repeated again and again as the inner matrix of the love of the Father/Mother God, positioned as your own marker in time and space signifying the point when and where heaven and earth shall meet in thy life. For it is preordained—if thou will it so. If thou wilt fulfill the divine plan according to that Will that is become thine own, then the cosmic cycle shall turn and you shall be at the point of Light which I celebrate. <3>

The Record of Your Future Ascension

Therefore, my presence with you in this hour signifies, beloved ones, that I stand beyond your ken or awareness visibly because I stand in the future of your own lifestream. If you had the perfect awareness of your I AM Presence, you could stand in that future today, but you are somehow wed to the present, and in the web of time and space a prisoner of the moment.

But I am not. I stand at the point where God knows that we are one (in actuality) in manifestation in the very flesh form, before the soul does leave that form for higher octaves.

I stand in the moment of your victory of the ascension!

Why do I do this, beloved ones? I will tell you. Because in my Electronic Presence focused here tonight is the record of your future ascension! You can hear the sound of ascension’s flame through my aura—now pulsating around you, now accelerating the light within your being, now freely increasing the light of your heart, bringing into balance the last remaining points of the threefold flame that were out of balance. <4>

Beloved ones, by comparison the roar is almost like the sound of the modern-day rocket—as you can imagine in the inner sound of your being what would be that comparable sound of the acceleration of every atom. If you could listen to the spin of the electron, the nucleus, the worlds within, you would hear that sound that has been heard in the firing of rockets on earth—excepting that it is a spiritual sound, it is a light of Alpha and Omega, and it is truly the welcome sound. For when the Light begins to purr as pure mother-of-pearl within you, beloved hearts of living flame, day by day you know that this sound of the eternal HUM integrated in your being does increase, does uplift, does enfold you.

The Hour of the Acceleration of the
Four Lower Bodies of Mark L. Prophet

I remind you of the hour of the cosmic gift when beloved Lanello stood in Washington, D.C., at the very altar and the LORD God released the dispensation for the beginning of the acceleration of his four lower bodies unto the victory of the ascension. Such an hour it was, for it was the beginning of the ‘lift-off’ of that soul. And so it is necessary that these preparations be given. <5>

I tell you not that that is happening to you now. I tell you that you have a “preview of coming attractions,” as they say. For that attraction of the mighty Great Central Sun Magnet is truly the greatest attraction on earth, and nothing can vie with it for the most powerful experience in your life when you begin to feel the pull like the mighty winds that blow in the valley and almost push you down the street as you walk in the road of life.

As there is the mighty pull and power of the sun rays and the forces of the elements, beloved ones, know that there is a gigantic pulling action of the Great Central Sun Magnet. This is that force that does take over in your life when you yourself surrender to that mighty flow of the River of Life that descends from the highest Himalayas and from the fastnesses of the Rocky Mountains and other mountain ranges of the planetary body.

That Light that flows as a pure stream of God consciousness—when taken by yourself, when you ride its momentum, when you enter it, when you fear it not, when you argue not with the Voice within—when you cease your rationalization and simply decide to be God in manifestation, there comes a moment, as you have been told, when that Light which you have served turns about and serves you.

The Hour of Your Cosmic Birth through Your Threefold Flame

Then it is that you know the tugging of the string of your heart, the very impetus of Gautama Buddha, and you feel the momentum gaining of the pulsation of his threefold flame with your own. And you know that that cosmic birth must come to pass when the Lord of the World himself will no longer sustain and intensify your threefold flame in your behalf, but you will stand in the earth, in those hours preceding your ascension, on the power of your own externalized threefold flame—on the power of your own I AM Presence with which you yourself have become one.

You see, the evolutions of this planetary body have become oh so dependent upon the sustaining power of the threefold flame of Gautama Buddha. <6> In some cases, of course, it has given them a false understanding of their own level of attainment. For they have thought it to be their own threefold flame, when, in fact, it is the crystal cord of Gautama Buddha connecting to and nourishing their own threefold flame that does give life and fortitude and strength and creativity.

But this is the compassion, the selflessness of the Buddha. This is the way of the bodhisattva—unsung and unknown. And therefore, you see, many people do not exercise their hearts, their minds, their physical bodies, their talents. They rest on the oars of the Lord of the World!

Those, then, who are on the path of initiation realize that the way of the bodhisattva is the very way of the preparation for that day when the threefold flame—which by your devotion you magnetize, sustain, and daily empower from your own I AM Presence—is sufficient to hold the flow and the matrix of God consciousness where you stand. Little by little, the reinforcement of Almighty God through your I AM Presence does allow the withdrawal of the support (the lifeline) of the Lord of the World.

These shining ones in the earth who have risen to that level of the self-sustaining grace of the I AM Presence are truly that cosmic proof on earth—are truly unascended masters who bear testimony of the unfed flame and give the glory to God and to Gautama Buddha. And therefore, the office of the Lord of the World and his function in sustaining the threefold flame of every lifestream on earth is justified before the courts of heaven.

For, you see, if this assistance did not result in the God-mastery of some souls, it might be canceled. For if it becomes a prop and one that is a substitute for self-mastery in the whole world, then what does it profit a civilization or a lifewave? I make this very requirement of the balanced and expanded threefold flame, which is in fact your Holy Christ Flame (i.e., Consciousness), a part of your understanding of the requirement of the Lords of Karma that there be at least one ascension from planet Earth yearly to justify the continuation of the sponsorship of earth’s evolutions by the Great White Brotherhood and of the dispensation of the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya.

Dedication of the Inner Retreat as the Mystery School of Maitreya

Beloved ones, having so prefaced my address to you, I come to the reason for being of our oneness in this Heart. For we are sheltered in the heart of Lord Maitreya. And he desires me, as his pupil, to announce to you that he is dedicating this Heart of the Inner Retreat and this entire property as the Mystery School of Maitreya in this age. [tumultuous applause]

And I say it with you:
Hail, Maitreya!
Hail, Maitreya!
Hail, Maitreya!
Hail, Maitreya!

In his name, beloved ones, in his heart flame, so be seated.

I would tell you of our great joy and of the meaning of the securing of this place for the Mystery School. You realize that the Mystery School of Maitreya was called the Garden of Eden. All of the ascended masters’ endeavors and the schools of the Himalayas of the centuries have been to the end that this might occur from the etheric octave unto the physical—that the Mystery School might once again receive the souls of light who have gone forth therefrom, now who are ready to return, to submit, to bend the knee before the Cosmic Christ—my own blessed Father, Guru, Teacher, and Friend.

Beloved hearts, the realization of this God-goal and the willingness of Maitreya to accept this activity and Messenger and students in sacred trust to keep the flame of the Mystery School does therefore gain for planet Earth and her evolutions a dispensation from the hierarchies of the Central Sun. For, you see, when there is about to become physical through dispensation of the Cosmic Christ the renewal of the open door whereby souls—as students of light who apprentice themselves to the Cosmic Christ—may come and go from the planes of earth to the planes of heaven and back again, this is the open door of the coming of the golden age. This is the open door of the pathway of East and West, of the bodhisattvas and the disciples.

This being so, the planetary body, therefore, has gained a new status midst all of the planetary bodies, midst all of the evolutionary homes. For once again it may be said that Maitreya is physically present, not as it was in the first Eden but by the extension of ourselves in form through the Messenger and the Keepers of the Flame. And as you have been told, this mighty phenomenon of the ages does precede the stepping through the veil of the ascended masters—seeing face to face their students and their students beholding them.

The Etheric Consciousness—More Practical, More Down-to-Earth

All of the ascended masters’ dictations over the years have been to that end. And with the inauguration of the mission of Maitreya in this century and then again in this hour, you see that the momentum of all ascended masters’ dictations gone before does increase the momentum of light and the ability of some, and not a few upon earth, to actually maintain an etheric consciousness.

Though they may not be aware of it, their hearts and minds tend to gravitate to the etheric octaves so apparent in the higher altitude and in the mountains and the snowy, fiery energies of the coolness of the mountains. For this fire of coolness is a stimulant of the chakras. It is a stimulant of the mind. It creates an acceleration of fire merely by the change of temperature of the four lower bodies.

And so, the net gain of this activity and those gone before under the sponsorship of the ascended masters is that for certain lightbearers on earth, life has truly become more etheric—and therefore, I say, more practical and more down-to-earth!

As this Messenger has explained to you, it is the matter of initiation in the fire of the earth and the earth of fire—Capricorn as a sign of initiation transmitting to the sign of Cancer <7> this polarity of Alpha and Omega from the crown to the base chakra, from the mountains unto the sea, from the flame of the Father unto the Mother.

Understand therefore, beloved hearts, that this Messenger has also dwelt in that etheric plane. And you see the result in the effort and achievement, accomplishment of the entire organization, because the fire of the etheric plane makes practical and energizes in a tremendous momentum all those who may dip into that higher consciousness.

The etheric consciousness and that octave is a part and parcel of your own Christ Self. By entering therein, by maintaining a fiery forcefield of protection as well as harmony, you can remain secure in that vibration and hold the forces of the archangels gathered around yourself as a mighty cloak of blue flame, so that the onslaught of the world that resents the intrusion of the pillar of the etheric plane can in no way detract from your life or bring upon you untoward conditions.

And so, you see, it is not only to meditate into the etheric octave but it is also to be there by daily God-mastery, transmutation, and the overcoming of the densities of the flesh that is the be-all and end-all of your path! (To be all of God in action and to end all human strife.)

The Publishing of All Ascended-Master Dictations
Given through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet

Now, beloved ones, I have explained that all of the ascended masters’ dictations preceding this hour have been as a spiral staircase leading to the moment of Maitreya’s return. Blessed ones, because this is so and because in every dispensation the individual must mount the stairway of that initiation step by step himself—each and every one—we have charged the Messenger to release all of the dictations ever given by Mark Prophet that you might mount the stairway of his mantle, of his many incarnations in the exemplification of the God flame of Maitreya and myself, that you may enter the coil of the ascension flame with him in every dictation and in the causal body of every ascended master who has ever dictated through him.

Beloved ones, we have therefore begun to prepare and will release momentarily four-cassette albums containing nothing but the continuous dictations of the Messenger Mark—four ninety-minute cassettes beginning in the hour of his ascension and moving backward to the very beginning of his first dictation recorded. <8>

I cannot tell you what this will mean for the earth! You must experience it for yourself. As you play these dictations in your homes and in your automobiles, and as you play them again and again even while you serve or work or sing or take care of your children, you will come to experience the writing of the law of God (as it was spoken in living fire to Mark) on your inward parts—on the mind, the soul, the heart, on every chakra of your being, and finally every cell as these cells are flushed out and cleansed by prayer and fasting.

And you will notice how the mind follows the words and the cadences, until the day will come, beloved hearts, when you find yourself reciting those dictations; for you will know them by heart. And then you will know the meaning, “I will write my law in their inward parts.” <9>

Hearing the Spoken Word of the Ascended Master
through the Vessel Mark Prophet for Your Rebirth

Blessed ones, in this twentieth century, by the technology available to this planet, you can actually hear the Word spoken by the ascended master through the vessel Mark Prophet and therefore hear the spoken word of God’s Messenger as though you stood before Moses when he delivered the Word of the Almighty.

And you must realize that the advantage is this: that though you may have heard Moses in the hour that he spoke, you were then less advanced on the Path, less aware, less charged by the violet flame and the holy light. Your vessels are crystal today. By comparison, they were earthen pots in those hours—and you had much to transmute.

And so it is, beloved ones, that the spoken Word of the Godhead through a living Messenger now ascended may enter the inner ear, and you may rehearse what took place on the ancient continent of Lemuria long before the fall of the fallen angels when the mighty teachers and the Manus <10> sat with you, one by one, and transmitted by an oral tradition in the ear, to the inner ear, the sound of the mantra, the sound of the Law, the sound of the Word. And it did quiver upon the eardrum and vibrate in the bones and register on the blood. And you were therefore fashioned out of the very Word of God spoken by the Manus and the Elohim.

In this day and age, therefore, you discover that in your listening to these dictations you will be fashioned anew, reborn as a new creature by the power of the ascending scale of these dictations. They are the fundamentals. They are the building blocks. And when you have heard all of these as the joyous lilt and rippling of the flame now grown to the size of your own body temple, and all of you has become the flame, and the Word has become all of you, you will know the meaning of the foundation of that power and build upon it and comprehend more fully the complex teaching released by the light of Omega through the Mother since the ascension of your beloved Mark.

Footsteps on the Spiral Staircase

Precious hearts, your own Mother with you here could hardly contain her joy and desire to shout from the housetops this wondrous dispensation for the publishing of all of the dictations given through her beloved Mark—which dictations she heard, each and every one, sitting at his feet and (in the early days) running the tape-recording equipment!

Beloved ones, realize, then, that that listening at his feet was for her own footsteps on that spiral staircase. And therefore, she was formed and re-formed as the living Chela. Having passed through those initiations, she was ready to take the Community forward, built on the power of Alpha and the mighty thrust of the Guru Lanello—now to be concluded by that power of Omega that must mount the full momentum of the return by the ascension current of the evolutions of this planet.

Beloved ones, some have been burdened by the complexity of the teachings given since Lanello’s ascension, and yet he himself has given them as his heart is a part of every ascended master who has spoken. Now then, when you assimilate this ‘body and blood’ of the early releases, you will discover that all that has gone on since February 26, 1973, becomes crystal clear and is waiting for you and for your attainment. And you will truly understand the individual building of your pyramid of Life.

By the very economy of the life of this Messenger, we could, of course, not wait for the entire movement to arrive at the Gate. For this is a mighty movement of the people of God across the desert sands, through the valleys, into the civilizations and cities of the world, thence to return to that Promised Land of the I AM Race [the United States of America] and once again to find the security, as the security of Sinai, which you discover here in the fastnesses of the Inner Retreat.

Thus, when you consider the pilgrimage of tens upon thousands, hundreds of thousands of souls, some arrive in the beginning as a caravan of light and some are in the ending. And this line of the pilgrims signifies that as each one is able to assimilate, he is also able to breathe the rarefied air. He is able to come first from the physical through the levels of the planes of desire. Passing through these, there is a sharpening of the mind and the tutoring of the heart until the call of the etheric octave and the power of fire is such a magnet of mighty dimensions as to be greater than all of the pulls of the senses and the thralldom of this world and its warring and its warfare.

So, beloved ones, when all is said and done, you will find recorded in both the spoken and the written Word all that is necessary for any individual from any root race, from any lifewave sojourning on planet Earth to find his way back up the mountain of God, that holy mountain where once long, long ago some left off from serving Him and went down the mountain <11>down meaning lower in vibration in the astral plane—and lost their way.

You who have regained the vantage of the mountain, the perspective of the purity that you find here, the clarity of heart and mind, neglect not to remember your cherished ones—your brothers and sisters, beloved hearts, who are yet caught and burdened and without knowing.

You will pull them out as we continue to pull you higher. And you will know truly what is the strength of the chain of hierarchy—how each link is forged and won and how those links cannot be broken, except by free will some lifestream quit the Great White Brotherhood; and then the hand of Maitreya undoes the link, removes that link and fastens the chain together again. And therefore, the chain of hierarchy moves on.

A Dispensation of Golden Illumination’s Flame

Beloved ones, this dispensation descends. And it descends in the fashion of a giant vessel, a ship—one that you would liken to Noah’s ark or the clipper ship of Maitreya. And it is all golden illumination’s flame, almost as though it were floating out of heaven, signifying that the teaching is a vessel and the means to cross over to the higher dimensions of Gautama Buddha.

If you could only see into the etheric octave now—and I open your eyes in the imagination, the ‘eye-magic’ of the inner eye—all of the hills and the valleys of the Inner Retreat and all of this property aglow as if in a perpetual golden sunset! Everything is cast in the golden hue, reminding you of that ancient yellow race that derived that coloring from their concentration on the crown chakra.

Thus, Lanto and Confucius and the Brothers of the Golden Robe mightily celebrate the hour when they can participate and assist with me in giving that enlightenment, that education, and that teaching that has the instantaneous power of conversion because it comes from the Holy Spirit, it comes from the Lord of the World. It restores the memory. It shows what is obvious. It clears away the brainwashing instantaneously. And the mind perceives the deception and the carefully plotted subtleties of the conspiracy of darkness. These disappear and literally melt in this golden light. Thus, we anticipate that ministering servants <12> shall become teachers on a grand scale worldwide.

Cherubim and a Flaming Sword Keep the Way of the Tree of Life
(Causal Body of Maitreya) at the Inner Retreat

Accompanying, therefore, the dispensation is also the wondrous presence here this night that is always there [“at the east of the garden of Eden”]. So long as there is a single lifestream on earth with untransmuted karma, so long as there are fallen ones, there will always be the flaming sword that does keep the way of the Tree of Life in the center of the Garden. <13>

Thus, Cherubim with the flaming sword, beloved ones, are positioned not only at the East Gate of Eden but at various points throughout this property. And that sword turns every way, and it does bind and judge those who come with malintent or with lust to take the land or the light or the freedom from our bands. Realize then, beloved ones, that you may invoke the power of Cherubim and the flaming sword at any hour for the judgment and the binding of any and all who assail the cosmic purposes established here for your life.

Fruit of Initiation:
The Power of Eternal Life in Your Heart Flame

Now, you understand that the Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden is the very presence of the tree of the causal body of Maitreya. And for you that Tree of Life is represented in the Messenger, through whose body and temple and heart we transmit the fruit of the Tree of Life, which is the fruit of initiation— the initiatic fruit whereby you earn once again that which was lost, the power of eternal life in your heart flame.

Prior to receiving the initiations of the Tree of Life—the power of the Godhead dwelling bodily in you—there are preliminary initiations on this golden spiral stairway that you will meet and understand as you play and replay the dictations of the ascended masters through Mark. They are all there: the footsteps, the Path, the understanding, the keys. Let them sink into your subconscious.

Unlike any other school or teacher/pupil relationship on earth, when you listen to those dictations, you have solely transmitted to you the presence, the power, and the wisdom of two ascended masters—the Messenger ascended and the ascended master speaking. Thus the circle is complete of Alpha and Omega, and you need not hold back or protect yourself against human creation or human momentums. <14> You have fully and finally the ability to open all of your chakras to the Word and the release and know that no untransmuted momentums of any earthly teacher will be passed to you.

This is a tremendous dispensation, beloved hearts. And I trust that you whom we count the wise students of the World Teachers will realize what great opportunity is upon you to make your ascension in this age.

Thus, with greater light there is greater reinforcement of protection. But likewise, beloved ones, the many trees in the Garden—many more than those listed in your present scriptures <15>—were for all of the purposes of God intended for twin flames on earth and to meet all of their needs. These many trees also represent a forest of devotees of light—each and every chela and pupil of Maitreya bearing the fruit of his own Tree of Life, his own causal body, extending with carefulness and self-mastery that portion of God whereby he might help and support, sustain, illumine, and love another.

So you may also identify yourself and your mission with the flaming sword as you give the calls to all of the seven archangels for the protection of this property which becomes the experiment of the Great White Brotherhood in sacred trust, that once again a group of lifestreams so dedicated can withstand all opposition to the presence of Maitreya in the earth.

Beloved hearts, I tell you that those stories that have gone forth through Benjamin Creme regarding the coming of Maitreya in a certain individual are not true but of the false hierarchy. <16> And they are designed to discredit and preempt the true coming of Maitreya in succession, as has always been in the hierarchical evolution of the ages of planet Earth.

When I was in embodiment, I was the presence of Maitreya. As much of Maitreya as could be delivered to the people, he delivered through me. And it was a mighty work and a mighty delivery that has sustained millions these two thousand years.

In this hour, due to my ascension and the acceleration of lightbearers, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these—shall he do.”

Thus, in the dispensation of the presence of Maitreya as the coming Buddha who has come at the dawn of the Aquarian age, you realize that the greater works expected also means that the Law expects a greater portion of Maitreya and myself to be delivered in this age through this Messenger and through the many disciples worldwide who keep the flame and in some cases are empowered beyond that power which was held by the apostles. This, beloved ones, is due to the turning of worlds and the turning of cycles—thus, not necessarily by achievement but by the wind of the Holy Spirit in your sails, by the momentum of the Great White Brotherhood with you do you deliver the presence of Maitreya to the world.

See, then, that Maitreya truly is more physical today than ever before since the Garden of Eden. For his withdrawal into higher octaves was due to the betrayal of the fallen angels and the acts of the fallen angels against Adam and Eve and others who were a part of that Mystery School.

Thus, the long scenario of the fallen angels and their devilish practices against the pure and the innocent have ensued. And one by one, each must come to the divine conclusion of the Return. Each one is accountable for leaving the Mystery School, and each one is responsible for his own return and his making use of that which is available and accessible as the divine Word.

The Sign of the Pillar of Fire—
Old Faithful—and the Name Paradise Valley

Thus, Maitreya is truly with us. And Maitreya would have this announcement made prior to the coming of Helios, that Helios himself might smile the perpetual smile of the sun, might wink and be joyous in laughter, that when he places his feet on this soil he will be placing his feet on that Mystery School of the Garden of Eden come again, marked by the sign of the pillar of fire, Old Faithful, and the name recalled in the naming of the Paradise Valley.

O beloved hearts, if you could only know the ordinations of God and the preordaining of his will and the divine grid held in the causal body of the Great Divine Director—if you could only realize how there is such a mighty grid of light that would hold you as tenderly as a violet or a forget-me-not is held in the forests! And you have but to mount each level of the grid and fit into the blueprint to discover daily a new horizon of new octaves of light you have not seen or known before.

This is my joy in the hour when the Christian world celebrates my ascension. This is the hour, as you know, when a cloud received me from their sight. <17> And I disappeared from that view and that scene and that episode only to continue my mission, for I have never ceased to serve, both in the physical octave and from the higher planes.

I bless you now, beloved, and I return to octaves of light where I am with Maitreya preparing, O preparing and softening the hearts of many to receive the greater Light and the teaching. It is our prayer, as you have been told, that the earth might be held in balance because many more hearts leap at the opportunity to become the vessel.

The Living Focus of the Holy Grail over the Heart

In the name of the Holy Grail that I AM, I place now in the etheric octave over this Heart the true and living focus of the Holy Grail quested by all knights of Camelot, meditated upon in the immaculate heart by all ladies of the flame. I place it here as a shining light, a brilliant focus that none will miss [seeing] in their finer bodies. And it in itself is the magnet of my body and my blood. It is the magnet of the teaching and the great mystery of the flame in the bowl—Spirit infiring, enlivening, and breathing the breath of Life upon Matter.

So may you be, may you do, may you go forth in my name and in the remembrance of my sweet caress as I place my hand upon your cheek, each one, and you remember how much I have loved thee.

Cherishment...O Morya El, thy precious word, “Well done.” For these so cherish the will of God by thy example that Maitreya may receive them now.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Ascension Thursday, May 31, 1984, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat.

1. Matt. 6:28, 29; Luke 12:27.

2. June 6, 1984, marked the 40th anniversary of D-Day, which commenced the heroic World War II Allied invasion of Europe—also known as Operation Overlord. On June 6, 1944, the combined forces of the Allied armies, commanded by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, launched the first wave of attack upon five Normandy beaches, breaking through the German defenses on the coast of occupied France, in the greatest seaborne invasion in history. This valiant assault against Hitler’s Atlantic Wall opened the way for the defeat of Nazi Germany and the winning of the war. Today, row upon row of graves, marked by white crosses and Stars of David, line the 172-acre U.S. cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, above Omaha Beach, Normandy, where 9,386 American servicemen and women are buried.

3. In a dictation given July 6, 1975, Jesus Christ described a vision which he received in his embodiment as David: “As I knelt in prayer long, long ago, serving the children of Israel, and I wrote down the meditations of my heart as the Psalms which have been preserved, I remember the vision which I saw in the starry heavens—a fiery cross of light which God allowed me to see. And I knew that my soul would be perfected, and I declared with the prophets of old, ‘Yet in my flesh shall I see God!’ That prophecy came to pass in my incarnation in Galilee. And I experienced what you, too, can know as the miracle of the Word incarnate....”

4. See Saint Germain’s teaching on the threefold flame of Life in Climb the Highest Mountain by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, pp. 237-58, Summit University Press, paperback.

5. In his dictation of October 7, 1962, given in Washington, D.C., the Ascended Master Hilarion announced: “The Messenger that stands before you has had a special anointing of the sacred fire preparatory to this address this day which has caused the very physical atoms of his body to change. And within him an action has taken place in preparation for his own ascension. Yet he shall walk among you for a time.”

6. Through a filigree thread of light connecting his heart with the hearts of all God’s children, the Lord of the World Gautama Buddha sustains and nourishes the threefold flame, the divine spark, for all children of God on earth. See “Lord of the World,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 75-76.

7. As charted on the cosmic clock by Mother Mary, Capricorn, positioned on the 12 o’clock line, is an earth sign in the fire quadrant, symbolizing the power of the sacred fire in the heart of the mountains and the initiation of the cycles of the Law by the Father as in Horeb. Cancer is a water sign in the water quadrant symbolizing the power of the Mother in the sea as the passive polarity, receiving the Light of the Great I AM for her children on the 6 o’clock line. This is a demonstration of the law of interchange through the Alpha/Omega T’ai Chi of cosmic forces.

8. Only Mark CDs of this series are available at the Summit lighthouse bookstore.

9. Jer. 31:33; Heb. 10:16.

10. Manus: Sanskrit, “progenitors” or “lawgivers.” The Manus are the sponsors who ensoul the Christic image for a lifewave, or root race. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary root races—individual groups of souls who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan, and mission to fulfill. For teaching on the golden ages of the first three root races, and on the allegorical Fall during the time of the fourth root race on the continent of Lemuria, see Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain, pp. 56-57, 67-69, 411-14, Summit University Press, paperback. The fourth, fifth, and sixth root races (the latter not fully descended into physical incarnation) yet remain in embodiment on earth today; the seventh root race is destined to incarnate on the continent of South America in the Aquarian age. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 15, 1979, “The Work of the Manus,” on 6-cassette album The Quest for the Resurrection (A7922); single cassette B7926.

11. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 32, p. 276, n. 1.

12. El Morya’s program for those who would be “ministering servants” was formally introduced in a dictation by Gautama Buddha on June 30, 1983: “Let, therefore, the disciples of blessed El Morya...enter the path of the ministering servant....By this name I call you who would be ordained ministers in the Church Universal and Triumphant, that you might always remember that the minister is the servant of the Christ in souls mounting unto the Shekinah glory of the Mother of Israel.” For further teaching on the path of the ministering servant, see Lanello, August 7, 1983, “Discipleship and the Path of the Brothers of the Golden Robe,” and Jesus and Kuthumi, December 11, 1983, “The Vow of the Ministering Servant,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, nos. 49 and 58, pp. 580-85, 690-94.

13. Gen. 3:24.

14. you would in the case of an earthly teacher without the mantle of the Great White Brotherhood.

15. Gen. 1:29; 2:9, 16, 17; 3:1, 2, 8.

16. Benjamin Creme, British author-lecturer and self-proclaimed representative of Lord Maitreya, announced on May 14, 1982, in Los Angeles, that the Cosmic Christ had entered the modern world and had been living in a Pakistani community in southeast London since July 19, 1977. According to Creme, the Master would identify himself within two weeks in an international radio and television broadcast in which he would communicate telepathically with all people on earth in their own language.

17. Acts 1:9.