Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 27 No. 50a - Beloved Omri-Tas - October 17, 1984


A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
Saturate the Earth with Violet Flame!
Give the Violet Flame Fifteen Minutes a Day
and It Shall Be Multiplied Ten Times
Send the Messenger to Deliver the Prophecy to the Nations


Angels of the violet flame, legions of the Sun, we are Omri-Tas. And in the heart of the violet planet there is joy this day. There is the release of light and of sacred fire and of freedom for the emerging Light of those in whom the flame of freedom burns ever more brightly on planet earth.

We, as priests and priestesses of the sacred fire, minister on the Seventh Ray to all life. And we have offered our office in support of Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World, for the increase of transmutation, for the elevation of the earth, and in this hour especially for the binding of the forces of opposition to the education of the heart in the hearts of all evolutions of earth.

From our perspective, knowing what the release of the violet flame can do for a single life and an entire planetary lifewave, we realize that it is the education of the heart itself that is wanting and if each lifestream had [this education] from birth, [it] would enable that one to so easily draw down the violet flame from the I AM Presence and then watch the violet flame and the elementals and the violet flame angels perform those tasks which mankind consider drudgery.

Beloved ones, have you thought about the fact that there is a labor crisis on planet earth? Have you thought about the fact that many people are educated far above the jobs they are required to take? Have you considered the fact that many nations are so educated that they must import workers from other nations [to perform the necessary menial tasks]? And in many cases these workers are of an order and an evolution such as those who migrated to Atlantis in the last days; [they are] laggard lifewaves who ultimately tipped the [karmic] balance [against the Lightbearers] and were a major factor in the sinking of that continent.

Do you understand [that] when a single people and a karmic group cannot provide for all of the necessities of life [and do not determine to be self-sufficient and that] when they begin intermingling with those evolutions that have a separate karma and dharma and a [separate] duty, [or reason for being,] to fulfill (such as those lifewaves in the Middle East that have been [and] are being imported by the thousands throughout the continent of Europe)—that this commingling of the races causes a breaking down of [their] perception of the [separate] dharma, or duty, that is to be fulfilled. And [this commingling] is also an interference with each of these groups balancing their [separate] karma.

Beloved ones, on the violet planet, you see, the violet flame itself is the action of the sacred fire for transmutation. And that [service] which is necessary in this hour—as you hear elemental life expressing their ability to transmute [world karma through the elements] <1>—takes place with and by the violet flame.

Now, therefore, the Christ consciousness does accelerate on earth. And even so there is an overeducation of the carnal mind, leaving behind [the education of heart and hand in balance with mental activity] and creating a gap for individual lifestreams [which they must fill in in order that they may] accelerate in their sacred labor and master the work of their hands. This absence of balance is one of the major factors [preventing] the balancing of the economy today.

Now I am sounding the Om, which I have taken for my name. And you may sound it with me for the harmony of elemental life.

Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om

Beloved ones, I direct your attention to this understanding that through the balanced action of the seven rays the evolutions of earth can move forward. The violet flame is the necessary and key ingredient to the problem of labor and to the sanctification of that labor on planet earth.

We see the problems in the economy. We see those who have performed services [that are] no longer in demand [lose their jobs and means of livelihood] because technology [is] advancing beyond [their levels of] attainment, [including the development] of the heart. The heart, therefore, is the seat [of the balanced expression of the Trinity ennobling and therefore “enabling” each lifestream to fulfill his reason for being—”heart, head and hand”]; and [the heart chakra is] the point for the issue of [i.e., the release of] the violet flame.

And the violet flame angels and the elementals who serve with [them] have a great and intense desire in this hour to make known to you how important it is that this violet flame and the understanding thereof be spread abroad in the earth so that once again, by the education of the heart [and] by the sons and daughters of God [being engaged in those] activities that [they] ought to be engaged in, the true [complementary] office of angels and elementals might [therefore] be performed.

We have told you in previous dictations that our homes are cleansed by the violet flame. The purification of the atmosphere, the removal of debris, all necessities of life can be taken care of by the action of the violet flame [invoked by sons and daughters of God and priests and priestesses of the Seventh Ray and implemented by angels and elementals, man’s true and living servants].

We have [on] our home of violet flame, the violet flame planet, one hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire who perform the ceremonies and the rituals of the violet flame [at thousands of altars erected for this purpose]. Can you imagine [having on planet earth] such a body of one hundred and forty-four thousand priests [of the sacred fire] keeping the violet flame burning in absolute God-purity as their singular calling? These priests operate as the priesthood of Melchizedek. Beloved ones, were such a body to be assembled on earth, you would see a great, great difference [in all planetary conditions].

Today [due to karmic conditions on planet earth], the imbalance of forces cannot be contained by the elementals, who do not express themselves with full God-mastery because of the burden of world hatred they must expiate [i.e., transmute] through [the] unleashing [of] the elements. These elementals require a greater support [from the sons and daughters of God, who must invoke] the violet flame and the will of God [in their behalf in order that they may] be of [greater] service to you in the hours and days ahead when the physical planetary conditions will be even more burdensome and more out of balance unless greater numbers [of the children of Light] espouse the sacred ritual of daily decrees to the violet flame. And these decrees must of necessity incorporate those actions of the blue flame, challenging the black magicians that would enslave not only elementals but embodied angels and the children of the Light to thwart the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood.

Due to the absence of the violet flame, we see imbalance in nature. And due to this imbalance in nature not checked by the violet flame, you see the imbalance in the psyche [of the people]. You see mounting conditions of psychological problems, divisions within the self, within the four lower bodies. You see moodiness, moroseness, [and] the “split personality,” as you say. And then you see the body affected; [for inasmuch] as the environment is not balanced by the violet flame through the threefold flame of the heart, there is the resulting imbalance in the chemistry of the body.

Some have wondered, “What is the use of the violet flame in a golden age or a place of perfection?” The violet flame establishes and reestablishes the rhythm of life. It is like the oil in the gears [of modern civilization]. It is a very special quality [of the Holy Spirit] that all have need of daily, [just] as you need the sun and the many frequencies of the stars and the earth currents and the air and the water, and the power of integration with all of these.

We say, therefore, that our assistance to Gautama Buddha, to the mighty Elohim and the Archangels does come because we have understood that the saving grace of all planetary homes and of every lifestream is this missing link [of the seventh ray. The absence of the violet flame] is a missing link in the chain of [earth’s] evolution. And so you can see how evolution, as it were, is out of whack, with the lunging forward of some talents and skills while other parts of the human being remain almost at the primitive state; [for] primitive states of anger and [the] passions [in the unconscious]—of hatred, rivalry, and [base instincts of] self-preservation—[have not been submitted by free will to the transmutative fires of the violet flame].

We perceive that our help to Gautama Buddha must now be extended to beloved Helios and Vesta and to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood serving earth’s evolutions and especially to the chelas. We perceive that in order [for you] to keep the vow you have made to implement the plan of Helios to call forth his judgment [of the pulling of the plug on the seed of the Wicked One] and to serve with the Great Divine Director and the Darjeeling Council to implement those ideas [the Master R <2>] has released to you at inner levels and in order for you to draw down the divine memory of your experience in the heart of the Sun, [a] greater momentum of violet flame must therefore come to you.

We are also aware that the challenge of doing all that must be done in a given day is very great when [only] the few have the vision of heaven itself and [of] a golden age almost manifesting [and see what is to be done to lay the foundation of Aquarius] and see as well the imminence of world destruction. [These] know just how fragile the economies [are and how tenuously they] hang together and [how vulnerable are] the various systems of industry [and commerce] and the exchange of goods [and services]. How precarious life is! This, too, you understand.

And you also know of lifestreams who are called terrorists and those like them who will stop at nothing to get even [with the perceived enemy]. This is, as you have also been told, the psychology of the fallen angels who have deified evil (the energy veil [of maya, glamour, and karma]) and therefore are called devils. And they are not alive [in the Spirit] but [are among] the living dead. And they themselves, who have the morality and psychology of “get even at any price,” place before the children of the Light and the sons and daughters of God (who see and know the meaning of their absolute dedication to Absolute Evil) the extraordinary challenge of finding [and holding] the balance of [the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, and the Love of the Holy Spirit in their] service. This balance, of course, is found in your threefold flame and in the heart [chakra].

You must of necessity become spiritual beings. You say, “Why, we are spiritual beings! Saint Germain has told us.” Yes, [it is so]. But in your actions, in your contemplations, [and] in your outlook you are still materialists. And this is why there is the sense of struggle.

When you espouse the life of holiness and recognize that a planet and a people depend on the nourishment of holiness, you will discover the true priorities [of your calling in God]. And you will also discover a wellspring from on high that allows you to accomplish more in less time and therefore to indeed fulfill your physical responsibilities while remaining, as it were, a “closet priest” of the sacred fire, a “closet priestess” of the violet flame. It is not necessary to walk about in robes of the Ancient of Days, but it is indeed necessary [and possible for you] to keep the flame.

Thus, mindful that there are other circumstances interfering with the accomplishment of that which is at hand [in the dispensations of Aquarius], I still desire to assist you with a dispensation of violet flame. I will discuss this dispensation; [but] I must first point out to you that disorder [in your daily life], a lack of system [and a lack of systematizing your responsibilities, a] lack of [making] lists [and] going over them, [not] checking them [off when you] fulfill them, [or] checking [up on] those for whom you are responsible does result in unnecessary delay in the cosmic timetable of the activity, in your life, and in the path of the ascension.

Order is the first law of the Mother. And the Mother is prepared to give to you from her Immaculate Heart, even the Mother of Jesus, a course of instruction on organization, administration, and [personal] management.

But it all boils down to common sense and to thinking in logical order and to arranging your life systematically. Those who are the achievers have learned to do this, and those who achieve not and become a weight moving in the opposite direction [of our stated purposes] are those who have never quite determined to challenge their own confusion and the rebellion that is behind the confusion. For [confusion] is a rebellion against the order of God and ultimately against God as Mother, who must order the entire Matter cosmos.

Now, beloved ones, an absence of ordering [your] day may be a factor in your not invoking the violet flame, even as time seems to escape those who have not taken the opportunity to master its cycles. And space itself becomes cluttered in the homes of those who have not yet determined to master the laws of space, acknowledging that [the mastery of] space is the mastery of the Buddha [even as the mastery of time is the mastery of the Mother].

Then, beloved ones, what suffers through [your] failure to properly use these ingredients [of the day] and [these] resources of life is the decree momentum. And what will ultimately suffer is the planetary body [and your own victory over the obstacle course it presents to all who live upon it]. I will explain it to you, beloved hearts. For my remarks are not in any way given [to you] to make you feel downhearted or self-critical; but because you desire to give more, I point out those [neglected] areas of life which, if you [would] place [more of] your attention upon them, you [would] be able to give more.

Beloved ones, elemental life is required not only to maintain [the] perfect [balance of] the cycles of the four quadrants in a planetary home but they are also required to bear the karma of a planet and to be the instruments of [its] transmutation [through] their own bodies and by the [unleashing of the] elements themselves when the violet flame is not readily flowing [from the hearts of the planetary evolution at] sufficient [levels] to perform that task.

Some of you know that you personally are doing the work of two or five or ten people. You do it gladly and joyfully, for you recognize the urgency of the hour. Others, however, I am sorry to say, do not fulfill even the requirements of one life for [their] failure to intensify the application of their hearts’ love to the work at hand. And still others, by their absence of resolution of their psychology, cannot think of anything to do, cannot think of what their job should be, their calling, their profession, or where they should direct their attention.

This is amazing to us when we see a planet in such suffering and so many people in need. One has but to turn around and one will see five mouths to feed and this [mess] to clean up and that task to be accomplished. And thus you see [that the inability to recognize the need of the hour and to take care of it] is [an] absence of [true] perception, which [in turn] is an absence of [the true] integration of the chakras [with] the heart flame. And this comes back to the [problem of the] imbalanced threefold flame and the lack of the violet flame. [Practicality is always the sure sign of a balanced threefold flame and a developed heart chakra. And without these there is no momentum to sustain the violet flame.]

The violet flame tunes the seat-of-the-soul chakra. And at that point of the seat-of-the-soul, one knows who I am, where I have come from, where I am going, and what is the work that is assigned to me in this life.

There are O so many lifestreams upon earth who know they have a definite assignment, a divine plan, a mission, and a calling. And they even know what it is. But because it is difficult, it requires effort, application, and they know there is opposition to it or persecution they say, “Well, let someone else do that job. I will take this one,” not realizing that [in so saying] they back down the stepladder of initiation three or four steps [and] take [the] easy way [out; thus they] leave [a] vacancy at the [step they should occupy] where they should be mastering life, with the excuse that “someone else will do it.”

And, in fact, no one else does do it. And there is one more hole in the mighty veil of the Cosmic Virgin, which is the matrix for all life on earth. [Did you know that] a filigree veil of magnificent design worn by the Cosmic Virgin portrays the life pattern for all souls in the Matter cosmos?

Beloved ones, there is a divine plan. And the task that is yours and yours alone is difficult. It must be difficult. It is given to you in order that you may transcend your last life or the activities of a decade ago. You are here in embodiment to pursue the calling of excellence. You must overcome. It is the law of cosmos. This is spiritual evolution. Your soul must increase in magnitude, putting on greater Light and Wisdom.

You will not get this [God Self-Mastery] by performing the task you have done for the past ten embodiments, which is easy, requires no thought, no effort. You can cease to think, cease to create, and almost cease to be [while you continue to] perform that same task [over and over again] and [you] say to yourself: “I’m earning enough money to support my family. Everything’s OK in my life. Here I am. I don’t have to worry about war. I don’t have to worry about planetary conditions. Those are not my problem. I am here safe in my little house and I can do what I will do and I can enjoy myself and have good times with my friends and my children.”

You see, beloved ones, the effort that must be expended to perform the mission is the same effort that must be expended to win the next level of initiation.

You consider in wonder the great Master Saint Germain or El Morya or Kuthumi. If you would do less worshiping [of their persons] and more analyzing of their embodiments and understand what they have gone through [to get where they are today], you would realize how hard they worked to gain every little step on the way, pressing back that world consciousness and that [planetary] darkness and in some cases in [an entire] life[time] making only one statement [for truth and honor and freedom] and [achieving thereby but] one [net gain] for humanity, in other lifetimes only holding the balance for that which had already been gained. And yet it was a great striving, a great sacrifice, a great self-discipline.

These qualities are not [always] considered [to be] virtues nor are they [necessarily] taught in the classrooms of the West, but always: Can you pass your test? Can you memorize these facts? Can you be at the top percentile of your nation and thereby go on? And there is a frantic vibration among parents and children: Will they make it? Will they arrive at that level [of achievement] where they will no longer be [classed as] slaves or mere workers? Will they become the professional people [their parents can be proud of]?

It is a mad race and it begins with children one and two years old. And by the age of five or seven their whole life is cast in a [certain] mold [according to] what they have achieved at that level, when at that very level the entire emphasis ought to be on the education of the heart and the power of the heart!

Think of Jesus or Mother Mary, for you know the story well of their early training in the temple, or of Samuel who was there from his earliest years. Think of these figures who still tower above the whole race of humanity!

Mothers and fathers of the world, if you will cease to be frantic about the intellectual development of your children and emphasize the mastery of the heart, you will see living masters stepping forth from your humble abode. And you will see that you will send forth to the planet lifestreams who can take a stand and hold back, whether war or the elements or the masses moving in the wrong direction to their own destruction.

I speak of this because it is ever so important. I, of course, am very concerned with academic excellence. But I desire that it be [achieved] through the mastery of the heart [and] that the pride of the mental body not be encouraged at such an early age.

Your children will not make it if they rely on the intellect alone. The [mental body] ought to be considered [as an essential] computer, not [as] a sage, not [as] a wise man [of itself]. It should have records [readily] available of history and learning and individual performance accessible to the hidden man of the heart [and] to the soul wed thereto. And the soul [integrated] with that Christ [flame of the heart will] therefore [be able to] make decisions based on [the heart’s] attunement with cosmic cycles, [supported by the knowledge of the intellect, which must be a man’s servant and not his master.

Rather, man should be the master of his mind and his feelings as well as of his storehouse of memory, using all three to attain the goal of life through right decision-making]. And the sons of man may walk the earth as the three wise men, knowing that which is to come. For prophecy is a matter of the heart’s discernment and not [merely one] of psychic or intellectual prediction.

I am the Ruler of the Violet Planet. I am responsible for millions upon millions of lifestreams. I see and I know and I understand in the long, long history of planet earth why Saint Germain has come in the Aquarian age to so emphasize the cycles of ritual and of the freedom of the spirit and of the independence [of the soul] to create.

So deadly have the Ascended Masters considered these [earthly] systems of education [to be] that they saw to it that your own Mark Prophet did not have a higher education lest his vessels be tainted and he not be able to receive in full purity the preponderance of the Word of God, which is preposterous to the intellect! Do you see?

Educational institutions, while preparing mankind for the rat race, narrow the [soul’s] perception of the infinite until that precious opening to the Universal Mind of God is almost closed! And the youth of the world emerge as skeptics, as Communists, as fanatics so steeped in their pride that they will no longer consider the humbleness of their Russian parents, their Chinese parents, their Japanese parents. They look with disdain upon the hearts that gave them life, whose wisdom is far more vast than the science they have supposedly mastered. Well, since the science of this planet is in such a primitive stage, I tell you from our perspective it is no great feat to have mastered that which is known today.

We must truly understand the worth of a lifestream coming into embodiment. We must truly understand [that] it is a clean white page. There is not a single person in this room, including the Messenger, that does not yet bear at the human level some burden, some scar of miseducation or improper upbringing or the attitudes of civilization. Thus, in a certain sense each one is crippled and must overcome the mistraining according to the laws of mortality; and slowly and surely it is overcome by the violet flame.

The goal of this Community is to raise up parents and teachers and to create that system of education whereby that of which we are speaking is implemented. [For] we are limited by [the limitations of] those who come lovingly to serve and yet themselves must overcome certain things. And therefore we tell you it will take a more concerted effort and concentration on the part of parents with teachers to do a job that will be acceptable to us with these lifestreams that we would send you.

There is that sense, “We have our work to do; let the faculty or the staff take care of our children.” You cannot abdicate your responsibility. Parents have so little knowledge regarding the psychology of themselves, so little understanding about how truly to rear lifestreams to become sons of God, movers of men and nations that they must all, one and all, study to show themselves approved for this high and holy calling.

Thus, beloved ones, we see how it is between two ages when those who come from the past centuries of [the] descent of accepted human tradition must be the instruments for those who must launch a new age and begin anew. Therefore if you are the avant-garde, then you must be avant enough. You must be willing to go forward enough, beyond where you have come from and not be satisfied that you have a little bit of knowledge and a little bit more wisdom than those whom you see on a daily basis.

Do not judge your accomplishment or your self-mastery by your neighbor’s or by the evolutions of this planet. It is not a safe measure. They have gone nowhere for millions of years, and you will go nowhere if you continue to gauge your lifestream by their standards. You must seek the standard of the living Word. You must consider what we have been talking about for a quarter of a century and more in previous activities. And you must learn to bring down to the actions of daily life the law that we are teaching.

You must understand that all is not well with your personal interchanges, activities, services, educations, professions, jobs, and skills. And many of you could be doing much more with slight adjustments and a small amount of time set aside to consider how to improve yourself and your ability to give more God consciousness to this planet.

Beloved ones, it goes back to the violet flame. And I tell you, though I am mindful of limitations and perhaps negligence on your part, still I stand with you and I understand and I have compassion for the entire situation. But I do not desire that my compassion should produce in you the excusing of yourself so easily. Some of you are so quick to forgive yourselves [for your misdeeds] that you have not even [taken] the time to consider the burden you may have placed upon life in a [thoughtless] act.

There is time for remorse. There is time to consider. There is time to atone and repent. There is time for penance and transmutation and then absolute God-freedom from the past because you have worked through the problem. And you have determined to take apart and put back together again that tendency in yourself that is like the broken needle on the record player, playing over and over and over again [in] the same [groove] and forgiving yourself over and over and over again.

You see, you must allow God to forgive you in those instances. You must let the grace of forgiveness flow from the fount of the Creative Self, your own beloved Christ Self, rather than be so quick to toss the floral wreath about your [own] neck. Do you understand my meaning, precious hearts? [“Yes.”]

There is a time for self-correction, which has nothing to do with self-condemnation! A mistake begets a joyous desire for excellence, for self-overcoming, for reaching the star, for being like El Morya. It is not a question of guilt. It is not a question of sin. It is not a question of self-flagellation. It is a realization of limitation: “I will conquer! I see this. I will cut through it. I will put it behind me.”

You know that the Great Law has written that if you continue to call upon the law of forgiveness and [to] invoke the violet flame for the same repetitious cycle of mistakes, one day the Keeper of the Scrolls with your own Christ Self will stand before you with the announcement that the legions of the violet flame [and] cosmos itself may no longer deliver to you the violet flame in answer to your call. And what’s more, the full accountability of all previous misuses of the sacred fire will come home as karma on your doorstep. <3>

You cannot thwart the Law. You cannot violate it. Mercy is an immense gift. It is not something that is on a shelf. It is not the next paper towel in the roll that you tear off and use again to mop up after yourself. It is a precious dispensation from God. It is given to his sons and daughters.

Did you know that the fallen ones and the godless are not given the violet flame? Do you know that those individuals who have come to this activity and said, “Decrees do not work,” are right? They do not work for them because they are the godless! And they have denied the living God! They have condemned their brothers and sisters. And the law [of transmutation] ceases to function in their lives because it is a grace and a gift that you must appreciate and [for which you must] show forth your gratitude to all life by giving of it more liberally [to others] and by serving.

This is not a commodity that you pick up at the supermarket and just by the buying of a book and the playing of a tape now suddenly your life is a charmed existence, for the violet flame angels will clean up after you and be your servants. You see, they [only] become your servants when they see that you are the servant of the living God and of all of humanity.

Elementals honor those who honor the Law. And by edict of the Karmic Board elemental life, with such precision as you have viewed, <4> may enter a town, may deliver a tornado that is a vortex of returning karma of the past ten thousand years to the lifestreams of that town; and they may deliver destruction and certain death on nine people out of a town of three or four hundred, specifically, whether child or adult, and no others will be touched. One is taken, another is left. <5> Some in battle stand and the one next [to them] may fall. <6> You have heard all kinds of stories [concerning the behavior of the elementals], amazing tales of conditions of weather. [Therefore know that] elementals are sent as emissaries of the Karmic Board and of the Lord of the World and of Omri-Tas to deliver the karmic accountability of [individual] lifestreams.

See to it, then, that you do not leave yourself vulnerable to your own past karma by allowing yourself to engage in tirades of anger or hatred or emotionalism and [by failing] to seal yourself in the violet flame and the tube of light. For that point of vulnerability may cause you to suffer loss, and we desire it not. We desire not that this should come to pass, [but] we recognize that you have yet things to overcome.

Thus if you should fall into a trap or be beguiled into a trap of your human creation, quickly call upon the law of forgiveness, invoke your tube of light, call to the violet flame to consume the cause, effect, record, and memory and the burden caused to life by your misdemeanor, and then invoke the blue-lightning angels to bind all forces known or unknown, [such as] the demons and anti-Christ momentums out of the pit that are just waiting for you to trip and fall so that you will be found vulnerable in a point of self-condemnation. And then they will ride in and attempt to use your own karma or your own sense of guilt against you and cause those things to come upon your life that are not decreed by Almighty God. But they have been decreed by yourselves because you are the lawmakers in your life.

And if you misuse the Law, you are still establishing a law for yourself. And if you say, “I’m a miserable sinner, I’m guilty, I’m condemned,” you have decreed it; it is a law [you have enacted in your world and you have bound yourself to it]! And you will attract more like it. And when you attract world condemnation you are attracting world destruction, and not alone [up]on yourself but [upon] your entire house. Some individuals who have toyed with the spiritual path but have not taken seriously the sacred fire and the Law have been taken from the screen of life by their own folly, their own deceit practiced toward their I AM Presence.

We must tell you these things so that you will realize that the Great White Brotherhood is real. The office of chela, which you wear as a mantle and [as] an undergarment, is a real and living office, protected by the Brotherhood so long as you function within the laws of harmony.

Thus, when you are out of sorts, entertaining a sense of injustice, get understanding, settle the matter, resolve a difficulty with a friend or a foe, resolve your relationship to God and seal yourself again [in your tube of light] and use the violet flame with immense sincerity and [the] God-determination not to fall in that mud hole again. And be grateful that you know the law whereby you can so easily be delivered from your mistakes. Have integrity toward the violet flame and [toward] the violet flame angels and the Holy Spirit and the [Ascended] Masters who have given their life for aeons that you might finally rise to your God-dominion.

Let this not be cause for an individual of an unsound mind to decide not to invoke the violet flame. This is not my intent or my teaching. This is a backward psychology. You must use the violet flame. You must overcome and you must be responsible citizens of cosmos! [15-second applause]

Now having delivered to you a bit of the understanding of both the simplicity and the complexity of the Law, I will tell you what my dispensation is. It is this, beloved: If in all reverence, with inner attunement, a sense of yourself in your Christ Self as priest or priestess of the sacred fire, if with all your heart and deep within your heart you will take, then, fifteen minutes each day to give profound and loving invocations to the violet flame in my name (and please remember to use my name, for I am the one from whose causal body this dispensation comes), then we will take that offering, measure for measure as it is devoted, as it is profound and sincere, the very weight of its power and light. Therefore, by the quality of it, quality for quality, it shall be multiplied in your life ten times! [37-second standing ovation]

Now, my beloved ones, this is the fruit of my offering unto Almighty God, as I have communed long with our Father. I have looked upon Helios, the magnificent one. I have seen Saint Germain! I know your hearts moving against every type of adversity! I have seen your desire and the desire of cosmos to liberate the planet. I have also seen other generations fail Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters. And I have seen the awful price these Masters have had to pay in the balancing of karma made by the ones they sponsored.

Just look at the rebellion of Napoleon and you will understand how one individual [among] ten thousand more has betrayed Saint Germain and what price Saint Germain has had to pay. <7> And the most painful part of the price, beloved ones, is that [when the one sponsored by a Master fails,] that Master is curtailed and limited in the next offering he would like to make for humanity.

You see, the failure of the chela impugns the judgment of the Master. And the Karmic Board must say to that Master, “You ought to have been more careful. And therefore you are the responsible one. You will pay the price.”

Beloved ones, I know Saint Germain. I know the hearts of his chelas. I know Helios personally as friend, for I have sat many hours over the centuries in the home of Helios and Vesta discussing the problems of this planet and others. I know the hearts of these beings. And I place myself as near to you [as possible] so that you will not be awestruck in the presence of the Ruler of the Violet Planet; but understand that your own God Being, your own I AM Presence and causal body, equates with the Masters of cosmos. And the only distance between us is your self-perception and your absence of diligence to put on the totality of who you already are.

These things are real, but you must not become puffed up in pride either because you know them or because you consider that you have already become that God that you are. You can still lose all! You can still become a castaway. The final decision is not made by you until you make your ascension in the Light.

And while you live in a mutable world and a vulnerable situation and a planet of intense maya, you must be careful; for [the fallen angels, who have no future in God’s kingdom (for they have sworn enmity against God and his Christ)], would like to deceive the very elect. <8> They would like to tear [from that kingdom] the one who is at the door of the home of Cyclopea, ready to be given the highest initiation [under God’s All-Seeing Eye]. Yes, beloved, the farther you go on the Path, the more careful you must be.

Having seen all of this and knowing the consequences, I am placing my causal body as the open door for this dispensation. And our Father has accepted and decreed that it may be so. And, beloved ones, I am supremely and humbly grateful to be accepted by the Father in this my offering. [24-second standing ovation]

The Brotherhood has alluded to the fact that the faithfulness of the Messengers and the chelas has been of redeeming value to Saint Germain over the past twenty-five years. And due to this and due to the advancement of the Great Divine Director <9> also [through] the role played by the chelas, my request was met with favor. And in my heart I have a greater conviction than those who have gone before me have had that this [dispensation] will not be lost or misused.

Consider it, then, beloved hearts, as a cosmic loan from a cosmic bank. And we are cosigners of the note together, I the responsible party and you the one who may have the benefit of this loan, you also [being] ultimately responsible [for how you “spend” that loan of violet flame]. For do not think that Napoleon did not make a grave karma and that all those who have ever failed Saint Germain have also made a karma with that Master; [and they] are [indeed] indebted to him, and [they] also have a serious [karmic] burden to carry.

But you see, we do not consider that. We consider how we ourselves are limited in our next service rather than dwell upon [whether or not] someone has received his meet and just reward. For we do not desire to see individuals punished by their mistakes but only that they might learn by their mistakes. Nevertheless, the Law is inexorable and you understand this; and we cannot interfere with the Law except by grace or dispensation, which must always go through the heart of the Cosmic Christ.

You might say that we also attempt to be wise investors of our Light, and where we see that [that] Light can be multiplied by investing it in an honest and healthy concern, we will do so. We consider you [who are the chelas of El Morya] to be sincere, honest, trustworthy, and devoted.

And the area we are most concerned with is that you remember the admonishment of Jesus to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” <10> Many times unwittingly and unthinkingly you become “harmful as serpents and as naive as doves,” thus leaving yourselves in a situation of suddenly becoming tools for something that is a total surprise to yourself and you are very apologetic. But we cannot cry over spilt milk, nor can you; yet the delay has been caused.

Now, beloved ones, we have determined to make this investment [of the violet flame] in the Mystical Body of God upon earth. We have determined to give it and we give it freely! And we trust that our instruction has been of value to you; [for we have spoken] as one [would] caution a child not to put his finger in a living flame.

I would therefore further explain to you that [with] this violet flame that you give (and of course you are welcome to give more than the fifteen minutes, but the dispensation can only start once you have given the fifteen) you may use the inserts that you use with your decrees [to] the blue-flame Masters, with the Ruby Ray decrees, with the Ritual of Exorcism, and so forth.

We desire that your momentum in the violet flame should reach the very heart of the priest Melchizedek [and] the very heart of the Seventh Ray priesthood who, because of aeons of invocation of the violet flame, actually operate from the center of the flame itself. And the center of the flame is the white fire core of Alpha and Omega! Thus the center of the flame is the fiat of the Godhead. It is the thrust, if you will, of impetus of all the work that is accomplished, then, by the Seventh Ray.

The white fire core of each and every flame is the fohat. And the release of that fire for the creation and the uncreation of matter is accomplished by those who become masters of the sacred fire by practice, by exercising the flame and the decree, and by absolute unselfed love.

Absolute God-Love complemented by Wisdom and the perfect devotion to the Will of God is the key to your adeptship which, I tell you, you can gain by this diligence [in the exercise of the science of the spoken Word], being mindful of all other requirements of the balancing of the threefold flame. And you will find that until you step from the outer periphery of the flame to its white fire core, your own Holy Christ Self does stand in the center and will release in answer to your call as much [of that fohat] as the Law will allow, as much as it is safe for you to have in your aura, given your present attainment.

Though it has been said before, I say it again: If you desire to save the planet, to spread abroad the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, then, beloved, seek new levels of [spiritual] attainment and recognize that the whole man must rise as one.

And thus if you have this level of attainment in all things, but down here there is a little dirty sock in the corner that you haven’t taken care of, until you have done so it holds you back. Therefore take care of those little details in your life [with honor] and see how you are liberated from those details in your life [through the cosmic honor flame] and how the violet flame angels will then take care of them and the elementals will live to serve you.

Now, beloved ones, I seal this portion of my message in the violet flame and I ask you to be seated.

[Messenger: In this interim of Omri-Tas’ dictation I would like to explain to you the particular requirement of this fifteen minutes of violet flame.

The fifteen minutes counts for the actual mantras given, the violet flame decrees. It does not count for the invocations or the inserts because the energy is being multiplied by the momentum you have on the violet flame, and it is being multiplied by your magnetizing the violet flame from the causal body of Omri-Tas. And your magnetization is by your heart, your love, your momentum, and the flow of the Word.

Thus, the violet flame begets the violet flame. The violet flame implements your call, your insert, your invocation. So this is precisely the way in which you should clock each fifteen-minute session.]

Now, beloved ones, I would report to you on certain meetings that have been held by the Darjeeling Council in consideration of this dispensation. For I have also sought the advice of many Ascended Masters serving with you [as well as] the advice of the Lords of Karma concerning those things that are weighing upon planet earth, ready to become physical in the coming weeks and years.

Thus, based upon my communion with my heart and my God and the understanding given to me by my colleagues, this [dispensation] has come to pass as I have explained. Once accomplished, therefore, and accepted by our Father El Morya, the beloved, the illustrious, leaned forward in his chair, his arms folded on the round table. And he said to me, “Well, most noble and beloved Omri-Tas, since you have determined to do this, therefore we, the members of the Darjeeling Council, have also considered what should be our response and what we should take of this opportunity that will be afforded us jointly by yourself and our chelas.”

Then after a long pause El Morya confided to me and the others gathered that the greatest desire of his heart in this hour, based on the greatest need, would be to see his Messenger in embodiment so cloaked by and protected with this violet flame as to deliver to the people of this nation and the world, if possible, such a delivery of the message of the Goddess of Liberty as went forth in her Independence Day address. <11>

And he explained that inasmuch as there is nary an individual having the backing and the power and the protection of the Great White Brotherhood in this nation that is willing to be outspoken, to place one’s life on the line, and to point to the real causes of the ills of society and the economy, it therefore must fall upon the one who can receive our blessing and protection [to deliver this message].

For the candidates are answerable to the moneyed interests, to the power-elite manipulators, to organized crime, and to the international bankers. And when they attempt to challenge that system, whether in Church or State, they are swiftly assassinated. And therefore here we have [in the Messenger] one [who is] apart from the intrigue and the schemes of politicians, who can be, rather, the conscience of a nation.

This, then, having been said, [it] provoked another discussion among the inner circle present. And of course lastly, when we were once again of one mind that this must be tried, both Messengers were called and presented with the plan. Unhesitatingly their answer was, “It must be done. We shall do it if we have the backing of yourselves and of the Keepers of the Flame.”

Thus, beloved hearts, I come as the spokesman for the Darjeeling Council this afternoon to tell you that the avenues have been opened through the means of video and radio for the messages of the flame of freedom that speaks from the heart of the Goddess of Liberty to go forth, to be spoken, and to be heard everywhere where there are sponsors.

There is no greater desire in the heart of the Messenger this day than to continue to focus on, to analyze, to organize [the facts], and to expose the plots [and] the conspiracies in every area of life and also to propose both the God solution and the human solution to the equation. Thus, that others might receive the spark and become the spokesmen of the Goddess of Liberty, we will do our part and the Messenger will do hers. Now it is a proposal before this body, this larger body of the council of this movement, who may determine if they desire to use and sponsor the Messenger for this purpose. [47-second standing ovation]

My heartfelt thanks to you, beloved ones. The Darjeeling Council stands to bow before the Light of God within your hearts, before the co-measurement of your souls and your own perception of Reality juxtaposed by Unreality.

To the perceptive ones we extend our hand and with you [we extend] our love to the Messenger. We shall take you at your word, signed and sealed by the writing of the pen of your hearts this day. And we shall begin, we shall not relent, we shall not turn back until the words are spoken, the message is delivered, and the violet flame momentum that you build becomes that force irresistible, the bursting fire of freedom to action—responsible, honorable, peace-filled action—on the parts of millions everywhere.

Remember that in the great tradition of the land individuals with unique ideas have often caused major parties to alter their platforms when a single idea became backed by the people and a single individual became the voice and conscience of a nation.

Therefore, my beloved, realize that there is a time and a place for the interpretation of Scripture as in “The Everlasting Gospel” hour. There is a time for prophecy delivered in dictations of the Ascended Masters, also now on cable television. There is a time for others to speak as spokesmen for freedom and liberty in the interview/talk show format. <12> But there is also the time for the one who bears the mantle of Saint Germain to speak as a prophetess in the nation and to point to the star of the Mother Liberty as the one who is able to save so great a nation unto so great a salvation. <13>

Once again we turn to you for the ordering, the organization, the hands, the hearts, [and] the great team that can make this effort God-victorious for you, for me and bring the return to this earth of a golden-age civilization by the preeminence of the violet flame, [of] violet flame servants, [of] violet flame masters such as [you] yourselves [are] becoming and manifesting even now. To all of you we say that our end is the saturation of earth in the violet flame for the balancing of karma, for freedom to every nation, and for the liberation of the soul to challenge the tyrant fearlessly.

Beloved ones, with so much love, with so much oneness of heart I seal you now in today’s victory and tomorrow’s fruition of that victory!

In the name of Mother Mary are we not blessed? [“Yes!”]


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Omri-tas was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 7, 1984, during the ten-day conference The Flame of Freedom Speaks held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Omritas’ direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. A torrential rainstorm poured down during the dictation.

2. The Master R, founder of the House of Rakoczy, is another name the Great Divine Director.

3. The violet flame and karmic accountability. On April 22, 1962, the Keeper of the Scrolls said, “I am here to tell you that there is not one jot nor one tittle of energy that passes through any one of your lifestreams which is not recorded on the eternal scrolls....I wish to point out to you, beloved ones, that each time there is a removal and transmutation of karma a temporary record is made of it. If individuals will continually persist in repeating the same offenses against the Great Cosmic Law over and over and over again, there comes a time when their actions are called to the attention of the Lords of Karma. Then a specific activity of the Law is brought to bear upon the lifestream whereby all of their karma becomes accountable for balance. For it is absolutely necessary that mankind shall face their own human miscreations! This action is brought about in order to insure all lifestreams that they will not continually turn toward the left hand path. It is a curbing action, designed to bring them back to the right hand of God and to the right hand of fellowship. It is wholly an action of Divine Love.

4. A thousand shall fall at thy side. Ps. 91:7.

5. On June 8, 1984, the small farming town of Barneveld, Wisconsin (population 580) was literally flattened by a tornado which killed nine people and left 77 hospitalized. Only three buildings in the town were left standing intact. The twister was one of 49 tornados that swept through the Midwest the night of June 7 as part of a storm system.

6. One is taken, another is left. Matt. 24:40, 41; Luke 17:34-36.

7. Saint Germain sought to establish a United States of Europe through Napoleon (1799-1815) who, failing his initiation, abused that Master’s power and met his demise.

8. Deceive the very elect. Matt. 24:24; Mark 13:22.

9. The advancement of the Great Divine Director. In his dictation on July 2, 1976, during the conference Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C., Helios announced a forward step in initiation in cosmic consciousness by the Great Divine Director: “The Master R has come to this platform this evening to receive and be received of earth’s evolutions. And a ceremony of the bestowal upon him of a great sphere of cosmic consciousness by Alpha and Omega does now take place before you.... As the Great Divine Director kneels, Alpha and Omega place upon his head a new crown, a starry crown, a golden crown of light bejeweled of focuses of God-Mastery in the planes of Spirit and Matter.” When he dictated two days later on July 4, the Great Divine Director expressed his gratitude to his chelas for their support, which brought about his advancement: “Because you have faithfully given these calls, spirals of divine direction have entered into your worlds...and, what’s more, spirals of divine direction have accrued to my own cosmic consciuosness. It was because of this, because of the devotion the chelas of Terra, that I so desired to be with you in that moment of glory.”

10. Wise as serpent, and harmless as doves. Matt. 10:16.

11. Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Independence Day Address, July 4, 1984, is available on 2-audio cassette album The Flame of Freedom Speaks, A84136. The Flame of Freedom Speaks, is also published in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, following p. 158, and in Heart: For the Coming Revolution, Winter 1985.

12. Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s cable TV shows air weekly throughout the United States with series on the Lost Teachings of Jesus, the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, the Everlasting Gospel, and a talk show entitled Summit University forum where Mrs. Prophet interviews revolutionaries in every field on the critical issues of our time—from education, health and alternative healing methods to the economy and the defense of freedom. There are also available on videocassette for home use; send for free catalogue by writing Summit University Press, Box 5000, Corwin Springs, MT 59030-5000, or call 406-848-9200. In the fall of 1984 the Messenger took up the mandate given by Helios at The Flame of Freedom Speaks conference that the preaching of the Two Witnesses “shall increase in all ways and means.” See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27 no. 48b, p. 122, n. 6.

13. So great salvation. Heb. 2:3.